Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesciay, October 23, 1996 %fBROOKLTN}* Brooklin skateboard ramps saved ]Bv Miho KnWmlu" p-. Skiteboar fcondsi Brooklin ill boablein pursue thoir sport until the snow flies. Juown, councui at week agroed flot to - remove five wooden akateboard ramps from Optimist Park until weather conditions no longer allow the ramps to beusied. Liability and safety con- cerne which in itially Cana da, Posi honlours' Creilihton tion staff to demand the ram ps' removal have la gly been reooved, coun- cil head. IBy Mark Réeesr Noted Canadian hia- torisu sud Brooklin rosi« dent Donald Creighton would have been' "qulto un- prosod» that Canada Post ïaauod a atamp honouring hmksaya son Philip. "-e liked honours... (although) 1 tblnk he would have feoît that it ahould have corne soonor!» Creijhton, who lived in Brookin from 1962 until his death in 1979, and four othor Canadian authors (Thomas Chandler Halibur- ton, Folix-Antoine Savard, Gabrielle Roy sud Mar- garet Ljaurenoe) are fea- tured on a set of stamps now bolng sold by the post office. *His wifo, Luella, also a historian, lived in the cou- ple's Princess Street bouse until bier death in March. Creighton won two Governor-Generaî's awards for his most famous work a two-part biograpby of ëir John A. Macdonald, sud waa awardod three of the world's moat restigious scholarsbips, eight honour- m-vdegeesanenumerous His 10 other Canadian bistorical books included The Commercial Empire of the. St. Lawrence, which hie considorod bis boat work. Former Saturday Night magazine editor cal led Creîghton "the most tower- ing figure in the. writing of the lustory of Canada.., a mountain range ail by him- sielf.» "Whatevor h etouched -seoma to shako off its accu- ri mulated dust, stand to its feet, and movo,» wrote his- ttorian P.B. Wait, a former eatudent of Croigbton's, in a tribut. to bim. «History moves. Men live suad die. Creighton is doad;- 1his Macdonald livos.» Phllip romombers bi& father as austere, very re- strained and form'ai, with vory strong views on «vir- tually1everytbing b ut "l'un damentally a sfiy per- son... "He had a terrible temper sud strongly believed the country was going te bell in a bhandbasket, being sold out to the United States." Altbough generally warm with h s amilvsu, d frenda, "bavinu dinner with him could b. exciting,» Philip recals. "You nover knew what chance remark would set off some volcsuic explosion sud donunciation of you, the Axnrcans, welfare .- -whatovor bis favourite aubject happened tobe." Thyougb some in the fani- lyusod te worry about such outbursts, "I $ot te tbe point wboro I said yes, yos, yes... ,Yoa la a very useful wordl The things Creighton dld oextraordinarily well, ho didn't regard as being suy- thing vory important says Phihip. "For oxamplo, I can romembor trying te ttell hlm that he really -should, write down bis idoas about bis- tory sud how ho approa- ched the sub* c...aho looked at me asthough 1 migbt have hadtwo head<. 'Woll doesn't ovorybody know thls,' <ho aaid. 1sor of said 'no' anid that was the end of the conversation. «Watching him write a book was roally 1k. watch- ing a roally good construc- tion company bulld a build- ing -IL was just aIl organ- izod and aIl set out sud al plsuned out. «Ho was one of those peoplo who ovidontly could put it ail in bis bead sud see aIl tho connections... qI watched hlm write bis big biogahy of Sir John wards. Hoe wrote a large cbunk of tbe second volume before he got at tbo firat. "Ho was just su unbeliev- able craftsman.» skateboard facility wlll romain in place, but con- ditions have boon impoeed on the Brooklln Octagon youth club whlch is roapon- siblo for its opération. Couneillor Don Mitchell, whose notice of motion t4 ireconaidor a Sept. 25 doci- sion savod the ramps from bein.'»mvedthreo wooks ago, Pro. council to keep Mitchell said a parka and recreation dopartmont report on the situation sinco the rampe Were in- stallod in oarly September waa easentially for informa- tion purposos. Ho6wevier, contained in the report was staff's view tha A tho ai o n suc4aa0r7en mt lity and siaféty issues, Mit- chell notod. 'Mhe dopartmont'a view now la the rampaý ought not to be removedhe said. "The aafoty sud liability concerna have abated sudl as w. apeak hor on 't wo'ro in a Positive situation to addresa thia in the capi- tal budget. wThe last thlng thia cour%- cil would wsut la to romovo the rampeand cause a Pro- blom on (Jassols Road bridge again." Loàcatod on the playcourt area of the 9.5-acre park on the corner of Wataion sud Cassela roads, the rampe woro ssu oorwholmeing By Steve Leahy Durham organizations have formed a coalition on Sustainable Transportation to oppose Hlighway 407. Among other things, the group says that a costfbenefit econonjie analysls should b. don. and that the 407 will not bring many jobs here, only turn Durham into a bigger bedroom community than it 18 already. They are also concerned that our aespo i qultwhich is already putting cbildren and people with heart disease into bospitals, will only get worse with the 407. Caîl Libby at 436-2376 for more information about, tbe Coalition for Sustainable Transportation .and its SILENTAUCTION St. Leo sciiool la holding a silent auction over the next two weeks. Items sucii as original paintings, piano or guitar lessons, fruit baskets, plumnbing service, pine shoîf, Chriatmas wreath and much more will b. found in the portable that bouùses'the library. Just drop by the* portable and wri*te down1 your bld. Tii. higiieat bids*rcie Preioulyfor each itemn will beposte d each day. VIewngad bidding dates sud =e aeas follows: Oct. 29 and 30, 12:45 te 3 p.m. and 6:30 te6 8:30 p.m.; Oct. 31, Nov. 1, sud Nov. 4 te 6P 12:45 te, 3 p.m. There will b. final bidding on Nov. 6 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. After that, whoeverlhan ta. hlghest bida takes home their prixe. 1 STii. monles rasemdgo toward the purchase of CANADA POST is commemorabng noted historian Donald G. Creighton and four other Canadian.authors on a Set of stampe released Oct. 10. -Uni Hci Tire d of the Mail Sce 9L? ýLookng for a unique experience? l'oie'il be pleasantly surprised by our large selecïon. ilque fashions with a CountIy/Victorian romantic flavour. 57 Baldwin, St. Brooklin e 655-3474 I >urs: Mon-Wecj 9:30-5:30, Th'urs 7 Fr, 9:30-8:00, Sat 9:30-5:00 brookliný village, ýShoppe, A retreat weekend, sponsored by ta. KÇnlgits of Columus ill be iield at ta. Manresa Renewal Centre li Pickering Nov. 1 te 3. Piione tiie St. Leo rectory1 at 655- CROSSING IGHTS I know a lot Brooklinites use Lakeridge Road (Regional Road 23) and will be pleased te learn that'ta.e Regin isgoing, te instal traffic > lighta at, the intersection ocfLakeridge -and Rossland roads, A« number 'of accidents, with some fatalities and a whole pile of near misses, bave made it one of our most dangerous intersections. Construction - including widening and adding left turn lanes - is 'expected to begin next monta. Iles apparently going to. cost nearly $350,000 to, do ail thIs. LIGERTBILB BLTýZ Tonigbt (Wednesday) keep your porch light on Bo you can get a great'deal, on long- life ligbt bulbe and help support tb. Brooklin and District Lions Cluib. From 6 t 'o 8p.m. tonight (Wednesday), Lions Club members, with help from, the slo-pitch basebaîl team'they sponsor, will go dôor to door this evening selling the. bulbe in Packs of 10 for $10. These are high quality bulbe that are designed te last at least NATiVePLANT A remninder that Martin Galloway of Discover TVms science sud nature show, and a local- greenhouseOPerator >;W it-- spaNabout- natiï.' pst. at the. roolin Horticultural -Society meeti.ng toflight (Wednesday), atarting at 7:30 p.m., at th. United church hall. Everyono la welcome. HALLOWEEN HIAY DAY Halloween Hay Day la set togo this SundaiyOct.27, 1 until 4 pW . at Mè.morial Park on estrnch b thiearena, sp odb Lielast yeartiiere will b. cootume, Pmpi .cavng - and aacownain contesta, plenty of prizes to won- Tiiere will aIse b. Pony rides, 114Y rides and a inflatable velcro elimbingn If th. weather- turns nc!ement, evelything moyveu inZide at the. Brooklinh I/Steve Leahy'-s c0lU»i, ln appfears every Week I Re can lie reachled > 5539 I or6555888(fax). j I j i '0» 'f lit

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