I Jason Collier. %1 Henry St. H.S. Student cartoonists PRINGLE CREEK Public Sohool Grade 7 and 8 Weins teaches drawing fundamentals to stu- students try their hand at drawing editorial dents through the Ontario Arts Council 'Artists in çartoons, with the help of cartoonist Carl Weins. Education' program WhIhy Free Press photo by Lynsie Farrugla v Janice Saywell Ancderson C.1V.I. an aftor-Thanksgi*îing food drive. Until Friday, hring in food donations ta help those in need. In other news, Trivia Night '96 is corning Dec. 10, so0 get together your team of four rm back again ta give yoi the sights -and sounda Eo ACVI. The firet and most excitini piece of news is prou Instead of having it at Ld Parc, as in recent years, thii yoar'u prom will be held or, the three-starey luxur3 cruise ship Northern Spirit, If the weather is good, thei we wil!! hosailing around Toronto harbouir. The cost is just $55 per persan and tickets are an sale all this week. The first 50 people who buy their tickets will enter a draw Uo win their second paymenl free. This promises ta ho one of the bout promu yet. The sports department has had a great week, and wo're looking forward ta another great year. The senior boys' soccer team defeated Henry 1-0 mn the Derby Game. Thon the. junior boys won 5-1 over Eeter. Goals were scored by Chris ]Rutherford and Graham McLean. Trigta, baukethali, the j senior girls upset the provincially ranked Austin team, 47-4-4, and the junior and rnidget teame also beat teir Austin rivals. th girls' field hockey, jAnderson finished the season on a winning note. They won a doubleheader againut Sinclair laut week, witm scores of 4-1 and 2-0. Goal- scorers were Kelli T-Bon, Michelle Murcott, Amy Hofor, Shana Van Luven and Ginny Marshall. The boys' rugby teami is planning another tour of Wales. For more details, seo Mr. Mitchell or M&r. Kennelly. Things have not -been going sa well- for some families, in aur community. The past Thanksgiving was a time of hutiger, not feaut, for same. That's why, ail this week, we are participating in intelligent people and go show M&. IKroylk. Eve n if you aren't a brmer, corne out for a fun night. Listen ta announcements for more details. The second edition of Thae Final Word is due Nov. 5 at a newsstand near you. Al articles should have been submitted on Manday. If you haven't done so, please get them ta Amit Seth or myseif ASAP. /11 Alicia CoxLA Father Leo J. Austin Altlmough there was a shortage ofuschool'days last week, due ta Thanksgiving, there was. no shartage of news. In sports action, the senior boys, volleyball team defeated R.S. MeLaughlin 15-10, 15-5. T7here was a buy-out on Oct. 17 for a chance ta ueo oui- senior girls' baukethal team play Anderson. Studeuts bought a ticket for $2 and got out of last period 'Storefront' A 'Storefront,' offering in- formation about services in Durham Region for those Citi*zenship ceremony at Palmerston A Canadian citizenship oeremouy will ho held at Palmerston Avenue Public School, Whitby, ou Mouday, Oct. 28, at 10 a.ni. Thirty new citizens will take the oath of Canadian citizenship and receivo timeir citizeuship certificates from Judge Walter Borosa. ta see aur Wildcats play bail. The athletic association arganized this exciting oveut. The annual Grade 10 history 1920s' Nightclub evemug was held laut Thursday sud was a great success. Ms. Ricciuto, Ms. Emerson, the members of the Hfistory Club, Mrs. Claucy aud the custodlial staff provided patience, euergy and support. for agencies with spal ed will ho held at theDurham Catho- lic school board headquar- tors building in Oshawia on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7 ta 9 p.m. The Storefront, spon- sored by the board's sipecial education advisory commit- tee, will have representa- tives from varmous com- munity egoncies. The Catholic Education Centre is at 650 RoSsland Rd. W. ta, show that scimool can be fun witm Shoe Day - a "shoe- in" ta' raise sEhool spirit. Tomorrow is Spirit Day, with ail kinds of excitiug activities included in which ta participate if students have a pass. You can eujoy breakfast, get your face painted to show your Austin colours, play Super Ninteudo, and take part in the pep rally last period. Sa came on out, Wildcats, and show your pride. The helpful and much apprecmated .guidance counsellors have put tagether a University of Waterloo trip Nov. 27 for any iuterested Grade 12 aud OAC studeuts. You must sigu up aud the cout is $13. There is also a University of British Columbia liaison night on Nov. 5. Check the guidance office for details. Canada World Youth iu Iooking for utudents aged 17 ta 20 who are interested iu applying for the 1997 y9uth excimange programs. You can 3peud time in Africa, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, or Asia. If developruent, volunteer work, and traveliug ta, distant places untereuts .yau, ueo -theE pidance office for more The echool continues ta b a beehivc- of activity wit teams and clubs in fui swing. Henry's tennis teamn got o ta a great stsrt with thi junior boys winuiing tuv medals, a silver te Chri Michaud. and bronze ta Scot Thompson. The team. wen on te more sucoess a LOSSA. The junior boyi doubles toame bath made i to the quarter-finale Competing were Darrei Miller, Mark Unwin, Man Husson and Ryan Broadbent The girls' senior doublei team, consisting of Shawndre O'Neil and Kim Vanderip, won the consolation final. The midget. girls' basketball team continuec their winming ways by recently capturing the O'Neill tournameni championship. The girls were victorious over O'Neill,, Eastdale and, in the final, Dwyer. The Henry Street Archery Club is now recruiting new members. Listen te the annauncemnents for more information.. The junior boys' volleyball teamn played in their first tournament recently, and placed first in their pool. They lost a tough match te Exeter -in the semis. The maidget boys' volleyball team won the Anderson tournament by defeating Bowmnanville, Anderson and splitting gaines with Dunbarton in cool. play. Henry defeated McLaughlin 15-8, 15-1 in the senlis, and defeated Sinclair 15-7, 15-9 in the championship. The teamn thon won a second tournament, defeating Pickering in tho semis and Pineridge 15-9, 15-10 in the finals. Henry rugby teams will ho the hasts of two boys' rugby teams from Brecon High School in Wales this month. Let's show them alI aur true Hawks spirit and make themn feol welcome in aur school and in aur country. Tii senior girls' basketball team bost their first beague gamo te St. Mary after mounting a comoback from an oight-point doficit te send tho gaine inta overtime. Thejunior girls' basketball teamn put on a tremendous show coming back frorn a 30» 10 haîf-time deficit te defeat St. Mary's 48-47 in overtime. The team also captured the consolation round of the Port Perry teurnament by tlofoating Pinoridgo in the isemis and St. Mary in the final. Jelinda Howe won the outstanding lyo wad be tournament at Guelph th University. Henry finished LIl fourth in their pool and adiv anced to* the playoifs f where they Iout to a strong e toam from Brampton. The ro team won their fourth gamo s in arow InLoSsa league play tt wlth 15-1, 15-9 scores it against St. Mary. kt Henry. yearbooks have s' been on sale for the past t week- and this year's J. igM1ight promises to be nbigger and botter with more n colour and more pages. Don't Lmiss out on this chance to * capture the year in print. * On Oct. 10, Henry was 4, bustling wîth parents for the annual 'meet-the-teachers interviews. Sehool staff were on nhand to greet any and all mnterested parties, and diss interim reports. tHenry SAID (Students Againstý Impaired Driving> had a display with information and data, and helpful students -were eL'Verywhere to, asslst any of the parents who looked lcet or confused. Next stop- midterms. Henryhad a greatresuit- In the '96 Chico Challenge mounitain biking at Durhamn Forest. In the women's category Jen Mountanoy took- top honours in her division, whlbe Henry's monta team consisting of Paul Clark, Dan Ricica, Dan Thorne and Jeif Armstrong had a second-place finish.in the. toam event. Good luck at the upcomlng Hlardwood MIS high achool championahip. Henry is pleased to add' judo to their-list of sports available for interested <participants. 1'hursdays after school, anyone wanting ta learn more about the sport can. meet mn the wrestling room neit to the old gym. No experience is required and everyone is welcome. Listen ta the announâcements for further information. Henry is looking for parties intresed in becoming members of theHenry swim team.- For further information, contact Ms. Brown ini the guidance office. On Nov. 20 and 21, Henry will present its Night of One Act Playa. This entertaining eveming showcases the dramnatic and literary talents of our students and staff and will ho well worth attending. On the weekend of Nov. 22, a craft sale will ho held at the school. More details of times and location will be- ~hantom of the Opera ixcursion, Nov. 13... I . Wýhitby Free Press, Wecinesday, October 23, 1996, Page 21