Page 24, Whltby Frgeepress, Wednesday, October 23, 1996 CINDY'S ALTERATMO1S -Corn ,FRT» So un fhr 31 n *I D "ý - -a F -ES Lmâ, zppesaiso mens tww r~avalabTues.-Fi. 10-52,., Sat 9-3 133 Byron StN. Pearsoà Lanes43o6s5Oo. YOUR #1 BEWING CENTRE M-l" rais. limakes. 10% om'disôuntCampbJe kineup fom $9.96+ parts. Facbry traknIodtechniciens. For tao bUk-up& deieffy cal LET SUZY HOMEMAKER TAICE ..aalng wordes awayl depengable, ccim rates. Calilsue ae HENKI KARELSEN PaInting & Home Repah'. Oity or ibeor/exteiior. O ver2years eXperlenc. WNo l oo small. Fiee eslimates. 1 80423-Wo23. END YOWIhaîn ni bnae. Calfo nmc"t resulis, lm pries efficient, depenodablesevice mawre, responsible lndivlduaJ. oi Scifctes avalbie. Fiee esimates. 430-338. MAKE YOUR, WEDDING DAY even more menmr eWith the Gift 0f1 usA. c-Soo pefomrm.for oeemony cocitals and reSpla". VaED o POPUL rald,7ug musio. Call Kathy for a kSe consutadmon,416-724-815j. I nestrfteîu suites, sofa beds, 1 111 maIttr E uh n IMCKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-511 TREES FOR FALL PLANrImG. Cut leaf silver maple, 10-15 teet, 115.Whit'ýprce,3-4 feet, $20. lanara. " >eet$10. Cedart. 2-4 feet, $1 p rfotVuko Tree Faim, (905) P655-4198 or eave KITCHEII WICKER TABLE SET -4h back chairs, 4 fi diameter, $550. &H( 95ý-Rel ROICWEU.. 9 tc TABLESAW, $150. Durex dnl pess, $110. Hlyti slmsaw, $80. gSmal l nder, $30. Box lw for small Jeep, $60. KENMORE, 2 years new. Ée/tove, $1000. Dishwasher cat * 66 frèmfr, $50. Pleas c~~~~~aliâ l u t s l asapi. WHfTBY RECORDICD Show& Sale. Sundy, November 10, 11-4. tieydenshore Pavllon. Veéndors waitsd. §elyour CD'à and records herel lnfo. 728-5369. I wish to talk to People who Ve hife or disability insurance. If you have ~~ I Promise flot to discuss My plans. If you do flot have what you need, I promise flot to discuss My plans. If you do flot have what you need, I will, witl your-Perm1ssuon, explain what may help you. Cali me if you wish to participate and benefit from this experiment. G. Vanier Licenced Life & Disabiity Agent (905) 665-0812 Whitby, Included. $85/obâ ?d ms me matchlng coud, and sWlel after 6pm. ATQE&. Y oak sidebad 00O. Oak dresser with mirror, f180. Ash dresser ielth mirror, i120. Wr n g ~tbe. 4 chrs, and hutch, 550.66512é9. CAUFORNIA SHUTrERS. Imoy colour. P.V.C. wlth frame. 75 P wlde by 80 314% high. Brand new. Relaà ppoce, $1.147.50, sale $499-00. Cash & carry. Cal1 428-937. NEW PENIUMI Computers from $1349 lniclucng monitor.Comnputer repaîrs and u prdeCali G.O T. Côm ute Sevic s* (905) COINTRY LAMPS, pne .u2ord, shelves, Curlo, CD, mlcm*iwave stands. Buffets, benches, mnirrors, auilt racks, ckyý 1-905-665-1664wwCdbi~ SNOW PLOW 8 Fr, Polyblarle. Pum&re-built à year oo. Fts 6m full s elck-ups &Baxers from 73-87. $1,500. or best offer. 432-7329, leave message. ELMIIRA WOODSTOVE Glass door wifti brass trim. .Like new. 666-2172. APARTUENT STYLE Admirai washerancle,$0,ih table and 2 matcing &id tblies, $50.-571-4132. STOVE, IFROGE aid c*yer. 725-1937Z At*OIIICNGNEWs LOWER pnlc en mni disk sateliteT.V.- 40 charnelsonly $28 onthiy. 905-65-3¶61out of tow COMPUTER SPECIAL f99. Fast INTEL DX 386, 8mb IIM. cOlor mtOri or $699 wlh modem &4XC Roi 055ý 5 MAN HOT TUB. B&lg.hterv, mog9l.O0. Cali aftr 6 p.m'.8 FIREWOOD, HARDWOOD drled 2 yes, $200bush cord, $1 f 5hai bush cord, dellvered. Woodstove Franklin with sciemU/os $100' deIërecfwNi yarea.Snwoer 8 hp., 25 ri~eletustart lc ne,$750.nesser/9 drawers, dskcntre, $75. 668-3121. SOFA BED. VERY G000 concliion. $250 or best offer. Cal after 6 p.m., 666-9870. 30" ELECTRIC RANGE. WHITE with black glass front Self GIVE A 01FT 0F custom miaie woocfWok for Chnlsbyma. Baiby cradie, rocldng hors, toolbox, Wx box, tlephon oreizer, step up stool for loddleadman y more. Order early. Cail Ben, 9854639 or YORK 3001 GYM, $350. igng Waterbed, $100. fa t tni, $100. Exercise bike, $30. Ladies 12 sp ,$5 L eeld,_$305 f $5 Desks,$0-3. 432 8 $25 EIGHT FOOT pLaxiter/office divider. Removable waterproof metal trough. Make an offer. 668-6111. WELL SEASONElD firewood for sae rhardwood, lindling, haif fccc ,facecords, bush cords. PickUP or delve. (905) 649-3183. FIREWOOD. Excellent, dependable tsled quallty. Extra bor uet easoned. Cut & âci Hnestmeasurement. -Fre livey. Het Frewood. JUDY'S BRIDAI RENTAI afford" ablidin.g go wns to buy or rent. Larg selectin of sizes and ~s . olntMent oeil uva 16 and up. L!eZS ROMANOMAKEieason. qGaff di rect fm California staAg he flrst week -of Sepem-er. Julce and al eupetfor wlne. Romano Mà rlce& Dal, 650 Taunton Rd. W. Open 7 days week 728-5207. GARAGE SALE, Saturday Witems 56 F am OJ pi R esidenti al Properties from $35*WUmonthly i Business Properties ~mIIf rom 5500 monthly DON'T DELAY 1 WILL BUY- VOUR uwne CALL CREW TODAYI Items a contents.Cali 728-8485 (905),242-3458 (Cellular) leave a messge. FREE REMOVAJ. 0 SCRAP. NEED- YOUR- yard raked, nmeW or appllanoes. Hm~ your eavestroute cleanied gardens garfe barn Or WoRkho deâned oto-Ied lan a- îl L AN ouL *e wll alo pay for D MOWINc LTD. 467833 foraà commercia shop conbracts. 723- free estknate. J.R Prpe *Snowplowing and lawncare, sodding & topsoil delivery. *Private homes & businesses. You name iti! We do itl NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL IF, VOUR $$$ COUNT$$ Property Servwèes Effective next week~ October. 3Oth issue Word Cia ssifiod Rates LADCPN *interlocking stone * retaining wails , wood fencing & decks FREE COMPET/TIVE EST/MA TES Wtten Guarantee Since 8 666-9690 TRE CUTTINO l & TRIMING Fully lnsured Free Estimates 433111404I~ pager 721-7304 Dirt B. Gone ACCURATE CONTRAC71NG - Home Imrprovements ( *Basemnents é Bu5ing Maintenanoe a Klchens& Bathoms The COMPLErE ROOF OVERNAUL $17950 Roof Maiintenance Packag ill dn abor&maels .rePlace almesiq sh=ils P fatenanise stacls tseal fash-gaodn, Pe aeal araunci amoke sa .' seal around aanftryps -e seal araund cskyhghts Pseauroun s e ns ch eat arund chimneaestr ch ecu fra bsce ailsp -'ceck rebloclce eaesîraug refw chc fracad dnsp-auths ch ecu re sflaeshn -'plus coniple roomainspection L"EBROOM 2nd, 3rd, 4th . .. insertions of a. single, ad $,(sanie order, one invoice, one prepayment) Oni /Per week v»ý0%jmmfor first 25 words + 200 each addîitîonai word. ORnly $9.00 1U EXAMPLE: 00 2 weeks=$24.005 2 weeks =$32-00 3 eekmst = $32.oo, b Mo Prepto usb rcefivd b etc.5 CANCELLED. MOn. Sp rtopbIctn.MES NO REFUNDS OR CREDIT. IF AD IS $ 14 . for 25 .words PR1E PA*1Ã<11-1* I*MM. $20.00 for 25--words BILLE*D (OnIy Customers with prior creclit approval Can be billed.), 2Oçt each additionai word. - Prices do flot inClude GSI. -3 m 1, FýýWA-TEERRPRROO 0? FIN G F'NG Wet DampýLeeýaky Basements r ýn &M 1 etc.