Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 25

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Whltbv Free Press, Wednesday, October 23, 1996, Page 25 FAIL CLEANUP SERVICE. WHITBY, ONE BEDROM ,S THAA.mail aartment Rakinj u<yls hard b % s aartryent avamlable Nov. îst. CONDO FOR RENT/SA De2rSUTHAJA. Fmished 0O ltîni~~~ beclroom, 6 appflanoes, alinupftmetiev. Parking. uier Cke R fr xu Dkoi o 1dyî 75/ont.rclue 'eamandumworlcln aduit o u*, 131 Offr CaerpTo, We aiso parking for 1 car. Plea S l closet Underground parking, nung Soddlng Servies. For a Free RoSlafl/Garden. $1150 h..motIly. 663 Estirnate CALL ,CREW 1bdron prt tAvalable Nov PROPERTY SERVICES at (905) F4.rl, sovparkng.Osha 728-6889/723-7510. WHITBYs BROCK & Mnig 242345. yêoexr $575. lst & last Ba&hlor aparMent. Clean aid reured. As bachefor aparwtmn quiet. 0 monthl. First monlh LAWN AINTENANCE runn,$4% OyW ex Rbl ctieONE 2-BEDROCU aparirnent, On!)' rqLlired.Non smoker. gras sedlg, oddng.ÀJ ncldf. Calu655454, deys, *$600 per montli, heat and waler Available Ocoer 1. 668-5527. am>up-<s. Roeidvatlonscxpadens 655-8989 evenlngs. included, n.opets. Avaibie rock oadêm n t m- tirm&"m W0 VEAR O0W BACIIELOR S CaiI Gord, 668-1100 after 7 p.m. 1 & 2 EDROO prb . RenovaWe. Prlvate deel, parkng, walk b , GO. Now rentlng. Frst4astRasonable rent + hydro. PRINGLE CREEK. Quiet, can, brlght 1 beêoom basemient. sepa-ate. enftran, ffreplace parking. $650, firstlast. Suit maurn-:»W fnab immediaîel. 68245 WHITBY. BRIGHT 2 bedlroom, basernent apartmnt Lvng rm, clini room, kitchen. Fridgestove, li . Private bakacParkcing. $550, includes utili es & Cabl. Sngeworkin9 persan. Non BROOKIJN; BACHELOR " a ILen Has beclsitting room. Fridge, .séDve, 4 -peeébath. Se aie entrane. Avallable now. 655539. * CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLAÇE "Advertise A cross Ontario or!Across the Country" COMING EVENTS COUNSELLOR RANNG InstiueofCnda offers cor- respondence courses for the Dipoma in Counselling TORONTO FALL BOOK FAIR, Sunday November 3rd, Practise beginning this month. For a brochure phonie ToIt- St. Lawrence, Market,. 92 Front-et East, 10:00 - 5:00.- free 1-800.665-t7044. aiu miaiers mmm across Canada seîîing old and rare books, maps, prints and related items. Admission $500 ,.(416)483-6471. B3USINESSOPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the govemment grants and boans. Cati 1-800-915-3615. ATTENTION INCOME TAX PREPARERS. NOW is the time to open your own Income Tax Preparation business with U & R Tax Depot. With your knowledge and our proven systems and marketing expertise, you will be a formidable force in your Community. For a FuIl Franchise Package, contact: U & R Tax Depot. Telephone: 1-800- 665-5144, Fax: 1-204-284-8954. SURE COPY CENTRES - 75 stores - expanding 10o Ontario, low cost, Iow fees, training, financing. Cal Erid/Harley 416-259-0824, 416-564-9816. NEW TUITION-FREE PROGRAM: Start your.own smail or home-based business. Centennial Colege Centre of Entrepreneurship provides training and training allowance for youth 18-30. Leam from experts, apprentice in chosen business, start up in your community. Stew Herod (416)289.5314. DO YOU HAVE A FLAIR FOR DECORATING? Decorat- ing Den is now expanding. Home based, training, sup- port, advertising, Iow investinent. Franchise and career opportunities available 1-800-263-0242. POT POURRI COFFEE & TEA. Join our over 100 store group in our new combination store. Haîf specialty coffee cafe and haîf housewares and kitchenwares is the basis for the business. Cost is between $130,000'and $160,000. 416-661-9916. Mark Geenen, Michael Mayer- son. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the 'Southwestemn School of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Con- tact: Southwestemn Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N48 7V9 (519)537-2115. AN EXCELLENT WAY 10 save money. Since 1975 stu- dents have been saving money with an INCOME TAX PREPARATION COURSE from U & R TAX SCHOOLS. Study at home in your spare lime. For FREE BROCHURE, caîl: 1-800-665-5144, U & R Tax Schools. BEA EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BEASUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home- study course. Caîl today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. The Writing Sohool, 38 McArthur Avenue, suite 2684, Ã"ftawa,ON, KiL 6R2. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money sellir chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing 10 pay advance. Fast detivery 1-800-383-3589. INVESTMENTS. ARE YOU PAYING OVER*4O% TAXES on your year incomne? Join our partnership program and save thos taxes! Minimum investment $10,000.00 Free details, Prir cipals only. Cali 1-800-804-6662. iMEDICAL 20/20 WITHOIJT GLASSES! Safe, rapid, non-surgical permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot devel oped, doctor approved.' Free information by mail: 406 961-5570, ext. 253; faxý 406-961-5577. http./ www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed. PYTELEPHONE SE.RV. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Spiritual consultation. Reîationship, Career, Life. Onty $2.99/min. 18+ 1-900- 451-3783. YOUR DAILY Horoscope. A nswers 10 Love, Career, Money. Cal 1-900-830-3000 andenter code. Aries-lO, Taurus-iS, Gemini-20, Cancer-25, Leo-30, Virgo-35, Libra-40, Scorpio-45, Sagittarius-so, Capricorn-55, Aquarius-60, Pisces-65. 99 cents per caîl. TT phone required. 18+yrs. For entertainment only. In Touch Media. PERSONALS, WINTER IS TOO LbNG TO BE ALONE. Cal Misty River Introductions and meet somneone special 10 spend cold winter evenings with. Ontarios traditional matchmnaker. 613-257-3531. ADOPTION ADOPTEES/BIRTH PARENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide National Registry and searcli assistance 1 - 800-871-8477. Information fine 1-800-871-8477. E-mail - ffcwnr@georgian.net STEEL BUILDINGS GRAIN STORAGE SPECIALS. S. Series Straightwall Building 25W X 42'L $6877. Dome-Quonset Building 40W X 64'L $9977. Buildings are complete with Endwalts and Big Doors. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653 ext. 514.' ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE... Go Ontario Facto ry Direct. Many Sizes and Styles. Example: 30 x 40 now $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now $9,488.00. 40 x 60 now a Its Afforda ble a Ils Fast *eIt's Easy a One BiII Does Il AIl Northem Ontario $76 a Eastem Ontario $138 Western Ontario $130.a Central Ontario $134 a Ait Ontario $384 *National Packages Avallable * Cail this paper for detai(s!- ling jin iry in. ail, i- WHITBY, CLEAN AND QIETr manfoor bachelor apt., enrai!) locted and close 10 aul amenie; Suitabe for single worlng persan non smokoe. $490 per montli J inclusive Avalab:le TMmditedy. Cal 668-3011 days or 668-68 evenlngs &weekendes WWIBY, CLEAN ANDQUIET on behoom çt, IooeiIn century old biirki. Sultab efor single woMkng pronon smoker. Avallbl 1 BIEDROCU basement apambet. Avalble Noveçnber .$5 mronlhly.,lst & lest required. No PM-ersngle. worklg femaie. TOTALLY .RENOVATED home lias a min flmo 2 beckoom apoernient avallable. Large kischen, &bodroom. Nice bright living aess. Dundas & Cochrane araà Wcitfalisi h op. To view or 668-7284 (Wieavé message). LOCATIOIdI LOCATION! Large muiti-level 2&3 bedroom suites aiable for Immeclateoc~ Great lamily building. k schoe, btrnit, ~gDundas & Cochrane. eI .Harold 6l9-2981Aocal or 668-7284 (leave Message). 8We BROCIC ST. NORTH. 1 beftorn 5rrett î private. $ 00 h 1L lst/last- requlred., negotibl. Available Pneiil. For mor Information oeil 623-482. WHITBY 1 2 bedroom LUXURY CONDO FOR RENT. 2 be .om semi-adult hlgh securt building. Walk Io GO. f1700 sq.ffV wlth Iundry roorn, en suise battyom with whidro,,solanuni XiEvS$1300 montti, l n c l e . F r &t l a s t N o e s Avallable Immedîately. 905-23-1101. ths. ë«jd leuCahliiAn ER8 » des M.EOD TtoNJ cylnder, 4 s d ~ b w it COLIIRY LUVWG 5MINUTES t 42916 . . .... ... dOnwIien. GarraWctmi~t flOT EUA T. 1 [. -IIij-g:~~ I or 2 bedrooma aveabe.Large - T oy eoe 97 j' F O R ~ ~ j'executivehom. Sappiaâ J den mrir er elre8., Ihkig room, 3 bathroom, l y 3W eur liagroundis.- Fumiseci or p.oi 9O5-.3-252oafaer,7 p.m. mlY.Aalae nedaey IThree bedrooni aIderSemi rec-ently painted. $775.00 monthly, p lu s utilities, first& lest requireci. Available now. ICalilNomds Cmrwalî suttnrup execudw mae riat c. (98436-0618 ASHBURJI. 3 BEDROOM FARM hoii me onyarlse, $500ooper, monili ~ uIibes. Betty m WHITY. 2 bedfraom oezy bungalow. Fug bwsment driveé fwenoed yard, -nom school & haL9,750 + knm diaely or November lst. 668-833 ate p. m. W HITY. 11IREE beoey bW nhous. Fnidue. bw , washe Mawar Iîduded $so r ..=Ui kgmsaid "-s rqro.a OSHAMWA GOLF Club. 97 CENTRA L AiXarIM St&Gorffuse StO bullt 1926 hok. e yadgk -QoWuhnd Cmhae OSHAWA ~ dltL579-7716. FU mished including refrigerator. PRICED RIGHT. Dead boft locks. Pnvate cable for TV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CShare1 khchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. - C lParking fom $75. to $95...... Cal 434-1457.e 576-2287 I~~A I" FURNISHED RooN for rent, $B'~~Ok&PrOfOfFOd.WaJk& PICTON, 10 ACRES, flUBER, kitin. orke prferrd. a res, timra, 13d9if o eh nenes.Plese eil66636 , $99. lngstomqn i. 6 ares 905-668-2466. . . .. . ........ MORTGAGES *lst &2nd* U Lnes of CdU-'- Fran ' OcCallah"an 571-2880o After Hours e 668-4454 Upper Canada Funcling Inc. LARGE EXECU11VE hoïm bedrocin & full use of most of Mh house. Must be worlcing fuliliUme. Cable & Bell included. $500mo. Cai Debbie 666-0200. WH ITBY QUIET PLACE FOR quiet mature' adult kitchen & latidY facilites, -parking. c"bl, Weephone. Pdivale enfranoe. Neai of nilies, downtown & GO.Flrst WANTE: MATURE responsible femele10 share a 2 bemon fMUrshcbasment 4Sartent. Dulai student weloom. Non-soker.3ao~montli. For LARGE FURNISiED rommcls 10 downtewn Whtb, abl lndUded $8=1iOwe Cose tb buses.666-42»u leave nmessage. ROCU FOR RENT. QUIETr home. Share bath and kitchen. RMture female or maie. Non smoker. Flrstlast. -Cal 666-9620, bave WHITIBY. FEMALE preferred. Share 3 bectrooni hm"s. Share itche, lounge, batoom. (M)66-fflafter 6pm o e mesage. HO<EKEEM ROMS. Large. Central Whitb.Quiet, pariking rivate. $80-eo-s100weky Workng etlmnpreferreci. FlstteL 2 "979,6555719 atter A LARGE BEDSITING ROOM withprxivaie bath. single, workig imafe. Aveablde Novernber n. 6&ee first & lest requWred. No pets. 7648. GENTLEMANO NON smoker. Bedstingmm, own batoom. Uarcjcàe use of kitchen. $450 CONSIMENT .BOUTIQUE Hi% ghtraM fIri-iadpaa rebjrn. Wili assl'st I amblicus /FAX VOUR AD 668-0594ý Neeci a car - Credit Problems? IBankrupt.- Undisc.harged? *We have' lease take-overs (repossessions) eLease to oWri any make or model COMMERCIlL 72 Baldwl Steetl H 2 -- rodn . 3 DAy AUTa-90lVE -GARAGE.( Holst/l Pît - No Gasogine Pmp. Ken 95-985-4029. BriSIC L E .ONE-ACRE Iot. av lolawbleu lders tvnu. Cal adhuth iesng CO1AGE FOR- SALE Halburton. 3 beoooemea cSwes . Great 4D, alc, crulsetilt pi, UR cSu-., new *«- blW km.. orUn_ leu MEROURy TOPAZO LOADEDO 4do auat $19i967 g' &slyom, .CSer 198BikCetuy Estate WaS 1988 NISSA PULSAR AS ls, $1.50. Cal.432-3290.>" 1985 CELEB3RITY. 4 DOOR.< V6, 28 C lidte $i" 0 rtflci 1 1

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