Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1996, p. 27

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 23,1996 , Page 27 The Turkey Trot! Those of you who haven't eM tbis annual event really should consider coming out~ for the fun. A fully grown and flnely feathered Tom Turkey lights down upon our front gates to the delight- of thé whole student body, assembled there in anticipation. Naturally we give chase and, because this is an annual event, -we record the resuits. Who would have thought he could outrun our juniors and then our seniors before disappearing into the wild blue yonder? First clasm times for the juniors were recorded by Kia James, Katrina Treloar and Vanessa Wilseon. In the ~: senior race, Asha James, Brenda Desmoulin and Heather Davison flnished flrst, seeond and third respectively. Maybe next year we'll catch the turkey. After spending a restful and warm Thanksgiving with our friends and families, Grade il students fcda PSAT (preliminary scholastic aptitude test) flrst thing Tuesday morning. Tho test had both English and math compoenta and is administered in a rigidy timed format that, when scored, will provide a basis for beneficial academica strategies. S This also coincided withC the visit of the hepatitis B nusninoculation team, soi casssuffered a littie ir disruption while this was done. The next dose will be in mid-November. Yummy! In sports, our under-14 baaketball team played York House, winni.ng ini overtime 46-40 with Uisa Foresta, Jennifer Hlirg, Siobhan Dunphy and Megan Granville as high scorers. The under-16 tea m defeated Toronto French 36-20, with a fine effort by Kris Luclika, . Thursday, Oct. 17 saw the entire school off to Niagara- on-the-Lake for a stellar Performance of Hobson's Choioe at the Festival Theatre. Bag lunches were Provided and most enjoyed the pleasant weather by eating their lunches in the park. Some decided against the packed lunch and met their fiends ini one of the many fine restaurants for a more elegant meal. Ontario certainly has an abundance of fine theatre and we feel lucky to be able te support efforts as arnbitious as this one. Wednesday night darts LABATrS BLUE LIGHT DIVISION Standings Whitby Trophy House 21 9 21 Claremont Colector 21 9 21 London ite 19 il 19 Fabrlcating Technics 18 12 18 Baker Furniture Finish. 14 16 14 Classy O's 12 18 12 Dubé Hair & Skln 8 22 8 Roys Enterprises 8 22 8 GAMES: Whitby Trophy House 7, Dubé Hair & Skmn 3; Fabrlcatlng Technics Ino. 8, Roys Enterprises 2; Ctassy Os 6, London Lite 4; Claremont Colleclor Cars 6, Baker Fumiture Oinishlng 4 PERSONAL POINTS: Ryan Cormier 88, Mikey Nieuwhot 81, George Hilliard 79, Gary Cummings 68, Tony Van de yen 56, )\l Pindar 54, Todd Barbour 53, Jack Nieuwhot 52, Glenn Ellis 52, John McPherson 51 LABATTS CARLSBERG DIVISION Standings as of Oct. 16 W L P Suzie Seahorse F&C 16 8 16 Desiratta Off ice Ser. 12 12 12 In-Line Store Fixtures il 13 il Dodd &Souter 9 15 9 GAMES: Desiratta Office Services 5, Dodd & Souter 3; Suzie Seahorse Fish & Chips 5, In-Line Store Fixtures 3 PERSONAL POINTS: Dave Reid 43, Jean Appleby 40, Susan Cormier 40, Mike Gough 39, Kim Cummings 30, Cathy Nieuwhot 26, Pallie Paling 25, Joy Nusak 22, Wendy Bucholtz 13, Dave Boyd Jr. 12 'KÇids' meet Wednesdays The Kids for Kids youth ties, and go hiking and cops, for those in Grade 7 'camping. andup, meets on Wednes- Registrat ion is $10 lays, 6 to 9 p.m., at Jack- (parents muet attend Bodes Touch of Class, 104 registration te complete Eonsumers Dr., Whitby. formes). .Apart from weekly meet- !ngs, members go on out- For more information, ings, organize social activi- cali 676-.1198. "W 7 , jy -, eu rre '-resents.. SFACTIVE SWindependent, professional, active, seeklng companion, enjoy outdoors, camping, bowling, dancing, movles, mus be godcomustatr ADN 1563 ROMANTIC EVENINGS SWF, 32, single mother, seeking some- on or camping, tishîn g, romantîc evenings. I enjoy dancing, old movies, ail you have to do is leave a message. ADN 1431 * SWF 33 7,9Mbr. ar leeyscaiing, ~v~: ~4.~ ,*..,, warm intlligent, loyal, romanîic, good, sense of humour, enjoy bowlin g,danc- . ... ...l ng, movies, swlmmlng, seeking SWMIV, monogamous, 30-40. AD# 1417r ROMAN1C A1T HEART c SWF 45, blonde hair, blue eyes, fullftg. ured, attractive, caring, thoughtfuî. kind & Sgentie, enjoy camping, old movies, look- fy or someone f0 treat me like a ti TI.~. la y.AD# 1365 ir *î COMPANIONSHIPa -SWVF, would ike to meel a man, 40-49. I «enjoy dining, dancing, walching t.v., walk- ng, need someone for companuonship S who Is outgoing. -Cd AD1577 el FRIENDS FIRST S( -SWF, 52, widow, interested in meeting a et gentleman, enjoy dancing, dining; sports, AI « seeking a companion. Di1ace Your FREE Ad ADN 570 ATTRAC71VE n SWF, 29, blonde hair, blue eyes, very ha 1 attractive, nice bulid, 5'9», 127 Ibs., out. A[ 8-400 3283 xt 1 going, spontaneous, love ouldoors, en)oy camping, movies, moonlit waIks, looking S '8 4 0 m328 Ext 11 for someone who is honest & attractive, taS free telephone cal. 18 or over. Touchione lelephone only. muscular build, 32-45. rct ADN 1573 blu ten & Respond To Ads SWatrciebAIol eatfl 0-4 1 455 E t. i blu: eyes, blonde or red hair, slim build, Ienr roatcamust, friend or lover. afi Thecos 0 Ih 90# s nly$29 pr inue.SURPRISE MEI goc The ostof he 90# s oly 2.29petminte.SWF, 19, 125 tbs., br. hair, green eyes, wli NO TRIGSATTCHE - outgoing, enjoy dancing, dining out, ADJ NOSTINS TTCHD romance, seeklng somneone 20-24, Inde- S e ig SWF, 26,pretly, blonde, professional,pedn hasoe seeklng SWM, who is interested in ouf- ADN 1574 full T TIME< door activities, travel & who is profes- BEAUT1FUL ON THE INSIDE gen )nde hair, b r. eyes, ioa, kind, e4sygoing. SWF, 47, blonde hair, blue eyes, full fig- ror iewho enjoys danc- AD# 1586 rd attractive, caring, Ioving. romantic, ever ,nve aIgaVOLUPTUOUS okn for id genîle, unerstandîng AD# &hvna*SWF, 35, voluptuous brunette, hazel man for one on one relationship. eyes, br. haïr, creative, easygolng, affec- ADN 1460 SW FRIEND tionate, seekîng honest, warm, open-' LONG WALKS enjo, tlonate, devoted, mlnded man who is interesîed in art & SWVF, 26, 59, br. hair, hazel eyes, seek- ADI , theatre, seekingoAD#ov1es8 2,5'9» or taller., Dî68igm I ,2-0,51"o alr no Th42 Whithim, r..... n.,.... - ToF 1-M881 Thîis sa f To List 1-M90( SWIF, 19, 5155, bAo Iooking for someone ing, going 10 the r SPECIAL1 SWF, petite, affect enjoy travelling live special frlend, 57-E n/smolcer, sincere, ht AD# 1596 DINING SWF, 20, enjoy spor lng out, hiklng, seecir not matter. ADN 1589 VERY ATTR, SWF, 30, 512", 108 It veryattractive, selfi forygentleman 45.55% AD# 1600 onest, kind.- OUT Irts, outdoors, din- ng SM, race does ACTIVE fbe., Ion g br. hair, assured, looking who is ftnancialîy some. RELATIONSHIP SWF, 18, 5V6, 115 lbs., ight br. hair, hazeees, seeking maIe, 16-24 who is lntreted in dancing & movies. ADN 1616 .FAMILY UFE SF,29, professional, Chinese, like out- doors, dancing, cooking, famly life, seeking Chinese maIe, 30-42, 516" or taller who enjoy famIly flie. AD# 1564 QUIET EVENINGS SWF, 19, S'5", full figured, brunette, hazel eyes, enjoy outdoors, dlning out, quiet evening at home. AD# 1626 mois ong waiks & camping.~ - AD# 1056 FUN TIMES SWF,' 22, attached, 52", 125 lbs. dark hair, seeking F for sonne fun.*Seek somneone Who is discrele. AD# 1465 LONG TERM RELATiONSHIP SWF, 44, 5'6»~, br. haîr, blue eyes, sée-1 ing someone for long terni Who knows what he wants in fle.& enjoys movies, reading, walking & quiet times af home, AD# 1434 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF, eant 40's, 5,r, slim, blonde hair,y blue eyes, seeking gentleman, 50-65 with È a good sense of humour Who ikes diningA out, dancing & mpvies.ADN 1419 PRICE SALE Begis Sudayc. 20 to Saturday, Oct. 26th s' / WHITBY DAIRY QUEENI I YJ1~'~W 1003 Dundas Street East I No coupon required e Not valid with any oCher coupon or offer. HAVE FUN SWF, 5'9", full figured, blonde cudl blue eyes, like f0 g o ouI & have fu stay home & cuddie, seek taller nf 25-38. ADN 1521 MALE FRIEND SWF, 24, 5'7», 118 Ibs., blonde I green eyes, seeklng maie friend &c panion. ADN 1529 PROFESSIONAL FEMALE SWF, 35, professional, single moti 5'4", 120 Ibs., br. hair & eyes, honý caring, romantîc, affectionate, seel prof, maie, 37-42, taIl,dark & fit. AD# 1530 ONE MAN WOMAN SWF, 35, 5'9", enjoy cooking, campi music, movies & hoiistic healing seek one woman man. Single fatgh rs w come. AD# 1594 COMPASSIONATE SWF, iooking for someone who is alîr, tive & en>oys belng active, outdoors, t ing, cycling. I love eating out, tive il atre, traveling. ADN1526 ROMANTIC DINNERS SWF, 30, n/smoker, 5W4" 125 lbs., loi Iark br. hair, hazel eyes, enjoy q evenings, romanîlc dinners, readiyn seeklng maie who is honest, sincere enjoys f a mily gel togethers. AD# 1531 UP FOR ANYTHING SWF. 20, blonde hair, green eyes, lbe ng for someone who likes f0 party iave fun. l'm up for anything. D# 1539 UNATTACHED 'WF, 40's, seeking honest sincere unai ched gcentlemnan who is caringi mnicl'm a mature F, blonde haii lue eyes, attractive, down to earth. )N# 1622 CLASS & STYLE IVF, 37, 5'5". 125 lbs., fhick shoulde îgth aubumn hair, warm, ultra feminine rectionate, seeking man wilh gooc irals, manners & means who enjoy od wine & company with a womnar ho has cîass & style. D# 1389 SPECIAL SOMEONE IF, 44, divorced, 5'5", br. hair & eyes, Iltigured, seeking honest & sincere !ntleman who is caring, lovlng & nantic. 1 enjoy camping, quiet enings wiith special someone. N 1527 LONG WALKS VF, 23,*5'6", 116 lbs., short br. hair, [y sports, long waîks & dining ouf. 1# 1501 PARTY GIRL F, 20, 5'4', 110 Ibs., blonde hair, en eyes, looking for someone who lis erested in having a reîationshlp, ids tirst. ff1472 HOLDING HANDS F 46, protessional, dark br, hair, ?eyes, attractive, full figured, looking' someone who enjoys camping, out- rs, holding hanids & is romanfic & e. ADN 1467 HANDSOME MALE 20, br hair, green eyes, university lnt, looking for someone fa enjoy, shouId be handsome, single or mar- &have goals for the future. 1474 SW prec Inte fdrin AD# Swl blue for s door genti SWF sf ude iou tr ded ê AD# ROMANflC haîr, SWF, 28, 5'6'. Medium length br. curly in or hair, br. eyes, looklng for someone over nale, 29 who is Intelligent, tati, large build, kinci, carlng & ready for long terni rets- tionshlp. 'air, AD# 1410 com- SPECIAL PACKAGE SWF, young 49, br. haîr, green eyes, great personalîty & sense of humour, enjoy camping, arts, fine dinlng, looklng her, for nice looki ng gentleman with great iest, personatîty wh o knows how to treat a king lady. AD# 1481 SWEET & HONEST SWF, 18, 5'4", slim, br. haîr, green eyes, looklng for a man who is sweet, honest& ing, carlng. AD# 1503c ing GOOD T1MES vel- SWF, 39, 5'6", 122 lbs., red haîr, seeking men, 35-45 & looklng for a good time,E catI me. AD# 1505s rac- SINGLE FEMALE f îik- SWF, 27, would like to meet someone,A rie- 19-30 & see where It goes from there. AD# 1506S DINING & DANCINGd SWF, 38, businesswoman, seeklng white E ng9 mae, 40-50 who is nterested in sports, iet dining & dancing.S g, AD# 1508 s & MORALS & VALUESw SWF, 39, enjoy wide varlety of interests AI & aIl that lfe has 10 offer, I have strong Christian morals & values & seeking SI )k<- someonie who shares these values. i & AD# 1550 of POSITIVE OUTLOOK A[ SWF, 35, single mother, seeking emo- tionally & financialty secure gentleman, Sý it- 40.55 who has a positive attitude & out- lbE & took on lite & knows how 10 treat a lady., m r, AD# 1533 tici HAVING FUN AC SWF,' 23, br. hair, br. eyes, good sense of humour, looking for black maIe, enjoy Sm r, music, outdoor activities, dining & havlng eyE Dfun. ADN 1473 seE tocl 25-. SWOUTGOING & LOVING AEl SW,45, 5'5-, 175 Ibs., br. eyes & hair, s seeking outgoing, loving femnale who W likes movies, dining out quiet limes, out tAD# 1592 hun LONG WALKS mo§ SWM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9-, 170 lbs., A Iooklng for lad y who enjoys movies, long walks for osble long terni relatonshlp. on ADN 155Ss o GOOD TIMES A# SWM, 24, tait, darK, slim, good looking,AD interested in skling, fishing, good Urnes, Swh lots f fun. AD # 1584 f rd LOTS 0F FUJN for cAD SWM, 6'3», br. hair, br. eyes;îîikesotAD outdoor actîvities, great sens eof humour, Iooking for nice loolcing girl who îS., is lots of fun. ADN 1585 seeld SOULMATE minl SWM, 33, 5-r, 185 Ibs., active, protes- ADNi sional, in searoh f soulmate. SWM ADN 1588NOHA AE iei NO HAD GMEStîvet SWM, 27, 6'3", 200 Ibs., black haîrr tons green eyes, enjoy pets, looklng fo r A attractive female. AD# 1557 FREE FOR LADIES Il! Ladies may retrieve mes- sages for free once per day by calling 1-888-400-3283 Ext. 11, Option2 FINE DINING SWM, 37, seekingi SWF, 20-35, who wouîd like to go fin e dlning,ive the- atre, 10 the movies. AD# 1565 ArrACHED MALE SWM, 34, attached, athlelic, educated, seekîn g attached, sîim, attractive- femalef or discreet & fun encounters. AD# 1566 DINING & DANCING swM, interested in sports, dining & iancing seekîng F wlth similar Inter- ests.ADN 1571 BIG & BURLY SWM, 37, br. hair, blue eyes, heavy- set, lots cf fun, Iooking for SWF, 18-30 vho tikes movies, theatre, dining or t.v. AD# 1575 WM SHARE WrrHME IWM, ofessional, enjoy dlnlng, danc- gudorsports, Iooklng for some- :ne fa share these wifh me. ýDN 1665 EUROPEAN MALE 3WM, 23, br. hair & eyes, 5'9", 170 bs., seeking lady who is interested In ovies, long walks, for possible rela- lnship. 0# 1538 YOUNG AT HEART NM, 51, 5'87, n/smoker, br. hair, blue yes, enjoy camping, movies, biking, eek someone who enjoys the sanie. D# 1556 SOCCER PLAYER PJM, 27. 220 lbs., soccer player, oking for honest, attractive femnale, 5-35. D# 1163 GOOD DINNER WAITNG NIM, 6', 230 lbs., sht br. hair, br eyes, tgoing, caring, good sense of imour, enjoy camping, dancing, avies, seek outgoing femiale. » 1516 WELL BUILT fM, 29, S'6", 160 Ibs., seekung meone who wants fa go ouf & have Pmd time. W 1522 EVENING ENCOUNTERS IM, 24, 165 lbs., looldng for femnale discrete, evening encounters. f1469 1EXECUIVE MALE M, attractive, Intelligent, 511l", 160 , cean shaven, br hair, gre yes, king attractive, slim ta med. build, ligent, educated, honest female. $1088 ATTACTIVE MALE Mf, 40, executive, seeking attrac- outgoing, slim F. 28-35 for rela- .hip. I love music, quiet limes,& àntic settlings. 1544 ONE WEEK ONLY Customer Service 4 1 6-236-6644M a ggqw

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