Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996 - " I -- ±;;; --»--= s- -mà Leam Calke Decorating and get a *FREE Wilton Cake &Torte Leveller if you register for level i before Nov 5/96 ® R - MFTOD WILTON CAKE DECORATIG CLASSES i *Llmltedi seatlng -ltdycl bulk barnv* OnIy at Ajax Durham Centre Store jj J THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALIrY 0FDRA NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING AN APPLlCATlOMl TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE 0F THE PROPOSED AMENDMVENT REGIONAL FILE NOS.: OPA 96-13, OPA 96-017 & OPA 96-019 The Regional Municipality of Durham is considering an emendment te the Durham Regional Officiai Plan. The Durham Regional Officiai Plan currently provides that area municipal officiai plans cen only designate a 15-20 year supply of land for development et any one time. The Regional Municipality of Durham is considering an amendmenîte the Durham Regional Officiai Plan te: e> permit area municipalities to designae a 30yearsupplyf Living A[Ua and/or Employment Area land, in their respective officiai plans, andi/or I Soiree for engin eers 'J a, n Il 2 m m m- m---_ m or-- R-- " a m ickets are $50 and include live entertairnent, door prime and rafles. Crimostoppers and Durham Regional Poli ce need the public's help in solving a sexual asslault that occurred in Oshawa on Aug. 31 of this yoar. Around 4:30 p.m., the victini was walking on the Oshawa biko path nom' Valley Drive. A male party who was driving by on lus bicycle grabbod at the. victim, sexually assaulti.ng her. Aftei- assaulting the girl, ho quickly fled the. scene on his bicycle. :The person sought ini this incident is described as male, white, appi-oximately age 17, five foot aine inches, short light brown bah-, dlean shavon, wearing turquoise coloured shorts and a white t-shirt. 1Ciimestoppers will pay a cash reward for any infoi-mation that leads ta an ai-iest i this incident. Callers nover have ta give their name or testify in court. Caîl 436-8477. I THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING * AN APPLICATION~ TO AMEND THE ----- L ï DURHAM REGION~AL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE 0F THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT REGIONAL FILE NO.: OPA 96-009 The Regional Municipality of Durham is considering anI amendment to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan to incorporate new policies relating to the Lake Ontario Waterfront. PUBLIC MEETING The Durham Region Planning Committee will hold a public meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to mnake comments, identify issues and provide additional information relative to the proposeci amendment. The Public meeting wilI be held on: Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 1 0:OOam Durham Region Planning Department, Main Boarclroom Whitby MaIl, Fourth Floor, Lang Tower Your Financial Health Derek Dutka DOES YOUR PORTFOLIO HAVE Bata at distinction dinner M Den~k Dudea w an in&pendenflnandalpza~~~~ with Planveat in Osliawa. 'or aPi esoreDs ea COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? A ont it COMmunity Voluniteer Accoe at (Durban COMMENrS OR QUESTIONS? rpr ulnn h eal ftepooe An informationreotodnnth ealofheppsd Accountants (Durh.am Region) is. a service linkin, amendment may be obtained from the Durham Region Region) wîll hold the second flot-for-profit organization An Information report outlining the details of the proposed Amendment Planning Department. If you have any questions or comments in its series of 1996-97 with volunteer profeissiona] may be obtained from the Durham Region Planning Department. If you regarding the proposed amendment, please contact: somnai-s for flot-for-profit accountants who provide fre have any questions or comments regarding the proposed Amendment, JonMcagdsrlanr Tl 95 2873 Wib)Voupe and associations, '100 business and accounting please contact: Tel: (905) 686-1651 ( I oronto) Ways to Raise Resources',1 on advice. Michael Cook, Senior Planner. Tel: (905) 728-7731 (Whtby)' Fax: (905) 436-6612 Wednesday, Nov. 6, 7 p.m., ata Tel: (905) 686-1651 (Toronto) Investors Group Financial c Fax: (905) 436-6612 If you wish to make a written submission or if you. wish to i-Sevices, unit 218, 1614 MKn i notified of subsequent meetings or the adoption of the Dui4*is St. E., Wbitb-y. fl If you wish to make a written submission or if you wlsh to be notified of rooed amenidment, please write to the Comrmissioner of The sommi- will cover g- subsequent meetings or the adoption of the proposed Amendment, please Eîannýing Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 6A3. Please include- write tomte Commissioner of Planning, Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, L N ypur address, telephone number and the Regionat file number ways to i-aise resources C -ir OfU 6A3. Please Include your address, telephone number and the Regional in your submission. drigan oconomic time of' file number in your submisslon. ducrngd gvenm APPEAL assistance and reducod h p e APULIf a person or.public body that files a notice of appeal of a Topias wil includo direct Ronald, E. McKenzio of if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in decision in respect of the proposed officiai plan amendement to mail fundraisers, recruiting Whitby has> beon elected respect of a pmoposed officiai plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at udasing volunteors, chair of the Durham Chaptor Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not a pbi etn or does not make written submissions before geneain publicity and of the Cortified 'Genoral make wntten submlssions befo.re the proposed officiaI plan amendment Is the proposed ofcia plan amendment is adopted, the Ontarion -c s e ur s.A S ta s A s ci i n a adopted, the Ontario Municipal- Board may dismiss ail or part of the Municipal Board may dismiss ail or part 0f the appeai. folc5 oore.AcutnsAscaino appal.Due to space limitations, Ontario. there' must bo ýpi-- McKenzie, presidont of registration by -Nov. 1, as no Viron Financial Consulting, registration will be allowed- was vice-chair of the chaptor Gerri-Lynn O'Connor A.L Georgieff, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. at the door. board in 1995-96 and was a Chair, Planning Committee Commissioner of Planning Gerri-Lynn O'Connor ALGogef M.C.l.P., R.P.P çj 4012 or soma- m<mbroflhrduato Char, lan ing Co m itt e o m m ssi ner f P ann ngregistration in orm ation . com m ittee fro ni 1992-93 t<> 9" nte, Volunteer 194 .... ... .... ... .... ..~ ¶' I r 2 - ;- 2,. 2 h PUBLIC MEETING The Durham Region Planning Committee wUI holci a public meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to make commenîs, identify Issues and provide additional information relative to the proposed Amendment. The public meeting will be held on:, Tuesday, November 26, 1996 et 10:00 a.m. Durhiam Region Planning Department, Main Boardroom Whitby MaIl, Fourth Floor, Lang Tower 'Raise Resources' senunar k 01 L The Oshawa YWCA!is lSth annual Womeno«Distinction Awards fundraising dinner will b. held at Lviv Hall St. Georges Uki-ainian Heritage Centre, 38 Jackson Ave., Oshawa, on Thursday, Nov. 7. Cocktail recoption is at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.ni. 1 b é Leam ail the funclamentaîs of cake decoration, icing, colour, borders, stars, even the rose, ln 4 funfiled 2 heur classes. 0 A FREE GIFT WiII be disributed during Iast cîass Level on. course 4 wks $25.00 Monday, Nov. 4 7-9pm Tuesday, Nov. 5 7-9pm Level two 4 wks. $30,00- Thursday, Nov. 7 7-9pm The loal chaptem- of Profossional Engineers and the QueWns Alumni-Durham Brandi will hold a wine and cheoso at Parkwood Estato, Oshawa, on Saturday, Nov. Canadians are taking increaslng control of -their financial futures, especlally when It cornes to retirement planning. Gone are the days when employees could rely entirely on corporations or government ta provide for their retirement income. And with today's longer life expectancies, it becomes even more critical to, plan for the future, simply because theres golng ta, be so much ofit. In the 1920s, when Canada establishied a retirement age of 651, life expectancy was only 61. Not many people were expected ta, survive and collect pensions. Now, however, life expectancy ts 78,, which means the average Canadian will depend on benefits and Investmnent income for 13 years. These new realities point ta, the importance of havlng a healthy heart at the centre of youi- portfolio - something that will grow with you, providing for the long years ahead. Many investors are now favouring a well-managed mutual fund - one that focuses on Canadian equities. That's because equities (or stocks) have consl.tently outperformed the other two asset, classes - bonds and money mar-ket Investinents - over thie last 50Oyears. And by choosing a well-managed flind, investars can spread their risk over a number of equities that are continually momitored by a professional moneýy manager. In the past, many investors were content ta hold low- risk investmnents such as GIOs and Canada 8Évlngs Bonds. The returns, however, were not always enough ta keep pace with inflation and pay the taxes. As a result investors weren't gainig very much at al, whlch meant the heart of their portfolio wasn't as healthy as it could b. Today investors are looking ta equity mutual funds ta, put them in a more favourable. position. These funds, which grow over time, have the potential ta, outpace inflation and still have enough left over ta achieve long- teri-mgoals. There are a number of différent Canadian equity funds from which ta choose: large, mid and amaîl capital funds, ta name a few. Regardless of which tpe you, favour, the most telling indicator of a fund's ultfimate success 18 its "mariage." A good fuzid will have a strong' mutual fund - cmpany paii-ed,;ugp .wi. to,.# nd manager. This combination is cnitical because.a large fuând company has the ability to, conduct and gather researçh- from around the globe, putt 'ing valuable Information' mnto the hande of its managers. And thats when money can be made. That's because a talented manager diga deep, analyzing the data for, dues that other managers may miss. Thon they go well beyond the data ta make informed decisions for the investors who hold units in the fund. In the end, as we begin ta, take increasing charge of oui- own destinies, it behooves us ta, consider the benefits of a well-managed Canadian equity mutual fund. That's bec ause it can provide the healthy heart we'll ail need ta cari us inta th Q long and rewarding years ahoad. 2, 7:30 to il p.m. Thoe will b. live music and a "wandoring faahioi show." ickets are $25. Cal Dolly Pargettor at 666-167, I 1 1 1.1 Sonja Bata, founder and chair of the Bata Shoe Museum and director of Bata Linited, will discuss "Women L a

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