Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 16

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Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30,1996 The Depression Self-Help Group meets every Wednesday, 1 to 3 p.m. Cali Oshawa/Whitby COPE at 434-1693. OUTDOORS CLUB The Durham Outdoors Club offers the following activities: Nov. 9, climbing wall at Jo. Rockheads, call Shawndra Guika at 725- 5049; Nov. 9 (Nov. 10, ramn date), finish the Omemee te Bobcaygeon hike, cail Phill Armstrong at 433-0311. DANCE Whitby Legion Branch 112, 117 Byron St. S., will hold a poppy dance on Nov. 9, 8 p.m. Cost is $5 at the door. ISIBLE DISABIYy The Invisible Disability Support Network, for parents of children with attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADD, ADHD), will meet Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7 p.m., at 947 Adelaide St., Oshawa. Speaker wiil be Barry Jackson, chief psychologist for Durham Board of Education. For more information, call Karen at 404-2970. STO Superannuaterj Teachers of Ontario, Durham Region, District 28, wiil hold the annual general meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 5, starting at il a.m., Kfingsview United Church, 505 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshawa. Ail retired teachers of Durham are welcome to attend. For more information and/or tickets, cail Margaret Durkin at 723- 5376. Ail NEW Nails$~40*OO Ail Filis LOSSES GROUP The Losses Group meets every Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m., for those experiencing a loss of relationship, job, health, finance, etc. Cali the Oshawa/Whitby COPE at 434-1693. fi! .~wwI ALZHEIMER Alzheimer Durham will hold a support groupmeeting on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1 p.m., at the Oshawa Centre, suite 205. Ail caregivers are welcome to attend. For more information, cali KMm at 576- 2567. 1 DVESTNM Edward Jones Investments will hold, for women only, free workshops about investments, on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evenings in November. For more information, cali Richard Rhodes at 725-4142. nNon' p riIl communi ygroupa whlch are base In Whltby or have a aubstantlal Whitby MeMbershlp may place their pagea os. OOIl h.d,.o m..t u ' ou~b b: Oshawa Poets' Night will b. held at Fazio's Restaurant and Bar, 33 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, on Monday, Nov. 4, 7 to 9 p.m.- Poets wislung to read and songwriters who wish te perform should cal Steven Laird at 432-2536. (rgh) Prize print BRENDA WILLIAMSON rgt accepts the volunteers Gianna Mornish, Durham Regional Robert Bateman print she 'won in a funclraising Police Constable Pat Milis and director'of draw organized by the Multiple Solerosis Society fundraising David Marshall. The society raised of Durham. Handing her the print are (from left) just over $3,000 through the raiffle. Phto by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press~ Rq Re~ APle Toth Whto eior * Oosnintic Dtstry 340 ..ron..., Wtb. (905)668-544 j Open: MorKay & Thursday 8-8 ~NNING Tues, Wed. & Fn. 8-730 Sat.8-5, Sun. Appt OnIy j 701 BROCK ST. N., #6t WHIBY P e OGS MEETING The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society 'viii meet Tuesday, Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., at the. Arts Resource Centre, 45 Queen St. (behind City Hall), Oshawa. Stuart Boumne of the. Farnily History Centre wiil present 'Beginners Genealogy.' Ail welcome. Caîl 683-2476 or 723-7460 for further information. PROSTATE CANCER. Us Too, a prostate cancer support group, will meet Wednesday, Nov. 6, 7 to 9 p.m., at Oshawa General Hospital, room. 1002. Prostrate cancer is th e most prevalent form of cancer in maies over age 50. For more information, cali KMm English at 576-8711, ext. ONE PAREN FAMILlS The. On. Parent Families Association of Oshawa will meet Tuesday, Nov. 5, 8 p.m., at the Adria Culture Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, for its general meeting. Al single parents, custodial or not, are invited te attend. For more information, cal Monica at 436-5089 or Doug at 728-1011. BOWL-rA-TBON On Sunday, Nov. 3,2 to 6 p.m., the Oshawa & District Humane Society will hold the fret annual Bowl-A- Thon, with proceeds towards the car. of abused animais. The. event takes place at Plaza Bowl (five-pin bowling), 58-B Harwood Ave. S. (Ajax Plaza). Coat is $5 for three games (if pledges>, $7.50 for three games (no pledges). Pledge forma are available at participating pet food stores, veerinarians and the Oshawa & District Humane Society shelter. To prç-register, oealthe society at, '4332-2- ateUn KuXà ) ST. JOHN-, St. John Amnbulanoe first aid day classes will b. held in Whitby Nov. 6 and 7, Nov. 23 and 24. Cail 434- 1042. EPILpSy Dr. Scott Martin will discuss stress management at the Epilepsy Durham Region meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 7:30> p.m., at the. Klnsmen Community Centre, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. For, more PIIOTOGR&âJqJJc CLUB Tii. Whitby Photographic Club wiII mneet on Monday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m., at Henry Street High School, room 111. David Moseley of Day- men Presenters will discuss 'What your best ai ides should wear' and Acces- soiles te make your photo- graphy more enjoyable.» Members will malce suh- missions for the slide and DANCE Tii Whitby Men's Foot- bail League will hold its 25th anniversary dmnner- dance on Friday, Nov. 15, starting at 7 p.m., at thé. Knights of Columbus H ail, MroStret North, down- town WhitbY. Ail current and alumni members of the league (and significant other) are welcome. tickets available at .668-3600, 668- QUILTERs The Durham Trillium, Quilters' Guild will meet Tuesday, Nov. 5,7:30 p.m., at Rundie Park Community Centre, 241 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. Lorraine Strangness, teacher and author of Landoepea, wiIl offer a trunk show and slide presentation. Everyone welcoine. LFor- "ftirthe-r information, oel - 905-die."f 7892 or 728-3340. 6423 rMJonat6- 05eDuha0.&o ChpeParkinson The Dutinh aamReion Chateonnarknon 4 Foundaton of anada, wiilj mniet onMonda, Nov. 4, 7:30 p., aCetrStMrkts Uited CThuperch Witlby CoîbeoradCereiste ets, WhitbymoTeispenaketicl, co23-3r1hrstneD3oy Fo-or noraincm 72-383 CHRISTMAS SHOW The Dunham Potters Guild will present their seventh annual Christmas Pottery Show and Sale on Nov. 9 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and Nov. 10 (11:30 a.m. te, 4 p.m.), at the. Ajax Kinsmen Heritage Centre, 120 Roberson Dr., Picke-ing Village, Ajax. iàve demonstrations, free parkcing and door prizes. A percentage of sales will be donated te the Children'a Wish Foundation. Fr.. admission. FALIL BAZAAR Dunhamn Christian Homes Inc. will hold their fal bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 2, il amn. te 3 p.m., at Providence Place, 100 Glen Hill1 Dr. S., Whitby, with crafts, balte sale, white elephant table, tea room and raffle for handmade qruuît painting and floral CHRISqTK4SBAZAAR mhe Salvation Arxny, Whitby Corps wiil hold a Moms 'n' Tots Christmas' bazaar -and fashiion show on Saturday, Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m. to noon, at the. Salvation Army, 122 Kent St., Whitby. TIcketse cost $3 (includes door prizes and refreshments) and are available at the Whbitby Thrift Store, 311 Brock St. CRAYr SALE The 'Christmas Dazzel' craft sale wiil be held at Palmerston Commuaity School, Nov. 30,9:30 arn. to, 3:30 p.m. Tii. cost is $20 for those wishing teoseil items plus a donation of one c'J' item. To reserve a space, uan e6-60959(lae.aead- numhark CRAFI' SALE & BAZAAR Trafalgar Castie SchoolE craft sale and bazaar will be held Saturday, Nov. 2, 1 to 4 p.m., at 401 Reynolds St., Whitby. International, Christmas and year-round crafts will be available There will be an afternoon tea in the. castie, fashion show, cookies, cakes and pies, also computer gamneE and international foods, Proceeds tea local and internationail charities. CRAJPT & BAKE SALE St. Thomas' Anglican Church (corner of Winchester and Anderson in Brooklin), will hold a craft and bake sale on Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Tables are stili available and a luncheon is available. For , more CRAliT SOW The. third annual Craft& Collectibles Shown will b. held at Sinclair Secnjjary, School on Saturday, Nov.2, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will b. more t2ian 120 vendors for the echool fiindramsing event. Admission is $3 for adulte, $2 for situdents and seniors. PAUL BAZAAjFL Ii. Whitby Seniors' Activityr Centre will host their fall bazaar on CHRLISTUàBAZAMJ Holy FamulY Parish is holding a Country Christmas Bazaaron Saturday, Nov. 16, 9:30 arn. te 2 p.m.-, at 91 Ribblesdal, Dr., .Whitby. Baked god, rat gamnes/raffles, children.*j Corner with faCeoaintiDEL nI EXPRESSION ÇGROUP The. Expression Group meets Tuesdays, 1 to 3 p.m., for those wanting te gain confidence and self-esteem and learn how te express themselves. Includes drama and art techniques. Cal Oshawa/Whitby COPE at 434-1693. NURSES T he Durham Northumberland Chapter of the Registered Nurses ,Association of Ontario will mneet on Wednesday, Nov. 6,- 7 p.m., at the. Ajax, and Pickering Hospital, conference room B. Mary Wheeler, of Donner, Wheeler & Associates, will discuse 'The. Changing Job Market - From Employment to Employability.' Ail registered nurses and diploma nursng students are welcome. Cal Kathy Bruce at 905-623-9313> for furtiier information. CiVITAN An Information meeting about the comiunit projects undertaken by the Whitby Civitan Club will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Guest speaker wlll be Rev. Bob Rumbaîl,- former Canadian Football Leaguer and founder of the bob Rumbail Centre for the Deaf. For more information about the meeting, including time and location, oel Dianne at 4J - ' $20*00 1 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INC.

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