WhitbY Free Press, WednesdaY, October 30,1996, Pa e 17 Ne u-man K"Oe-s opponent i fna Whutby boxersbr>ing home 2 provinicial tities Chris Neu.man and Ada Brown of Whitby' ea captured Ontario novi boxing championsbips 0vý the weekend in E Catharines, Neuman unexpected faced a top-rated opponen Simon Cherry, in the fini of the senior heavyweigl division for novices (thoà with less than 10 fights i amateur boxing). 'Cherry, from Toronto' Atlas Boxing Club, was th, heavyweight favourite coming into the eve nt wit] eight knockouts in as manj bouta. But Newman, 25, who hai won seven straight sinc losing bis very firet bout smashed Cherry with a right. hand punch right after the opeming bell and went onte bis most impressive victory yet. Neunandelivered straigiit Cherry barely survived the first round. - In the second round, Cherry took two eight,-counts before Neuman'a powerful right knocked Cherry acrosa the ring and unconscious. Neuman was nazned beet senior boxer of . the tournament for hi. performances that included wins over rival Shawn Marchand of North Bay and Paul topez of Toronto before the devastation of Cherry. Neuman defeated Marchand, who was content te survive the bout by running away or holding on, by unanimous decision. Lopex lasted only 45 seconds. Brown was narned best intermediate (aged 16-18) boxer in the tournament after he won a unanimous decision over a Barrie boxer, Andrew Prince. Brown and Prince were fairly even after two rounds, but Brown tDok control in the third to capture the junior weiterweight (139 pounds) title. A third Motor City Bomng Club member, Alvare Clavijo of Oshawa, won an Ontario titie in the junior middieweight (156) pounds) -division. - ' Neumian, Clavijo and three other Moter City members Wili trY for Ontario open (al ages) championship titles in Windsor at the end of November. Neuman and Brown are aiso scheduled te take part in the Moter City show at the Regent Concert theatre in dlowntewn Oshawa on Slunday, Nov. 10, starting at 2 p.m. Tickets are $8 in ad-vanoe (at Regent, 433-1556) and $10 at the door. Missed opportunities Durham s queezed out ion division basebali finals Durhanm tords, unable tc capitalize on scoring chances, were squeezed out of the Ontario east division finals in college-university basebal ast week. Lords lost 7-5 and 4-3 to the University of Toronto in the. best-of-three finals. Despite the losses, tords playred much better than in their previous encounters with the Blues. In the firstgame, Brad Neport of Whtby bit a triple and double and drove itwo runs for Lords in the 7-5 loss. Lords had nine bits against Mike Loretto, the league's top pitcher, but twice couidn't take ad'van- tage of bases-loaded situa- tions. In the. second gamneTi Puddister, former Whi'tby junior teaxn hurler, aliowed bonly three bits and one earned run in a 4-3 loss. Again, Lords ieft eight 2 W h itb yOct. 20 - Whitby 13 (Stephen Foston 4, RepeAneso) PcernColler 3. Heaty 2, Meadows 2, Kevin rep MAJOR ATOM AA sponsored by Cassys Grîlîhouse hockey KthnrIkoefs ommn MINOR ATOM A Whilby 2 (Kristian Cuntiffe, Kevin Lomax, Sposoedby eaomCansultng shutout - Jared Milar), St. Catharines O; sponorodby LacomWhitby O, Hamilton Wings 3; Whitby i Oct. 27 (exhibition) - Whitby 7 (Novia 2, (Cunlifle), Stratiord 2 Sibtock, Bruinsma, Mitchell, Houghton, MAJOR NOVICE A Jakeer), Ajax 4 wsr b eomCnutg Oct. 25 - Whiby 1 (Siblock), East sosrdb scmCnutn Gwilimbury 4 Ot 7-Wib GofMcrgr a Oct. 23 - Whitby 2 (Sibîock 2), Aurora 4 Oc. 2- hiîy (Goi MareorIa Oct. 19 - Whitby 1 (Bruinsma), East Mict.ar), Essa . 4 s Gilimur Gwitimgbury 6 Oc.2-Wib .Es wîibr Oct. 18 - Whitby 2 (Boyce, Mitchell), Oct. 24 - Whtby 1 (Chris McGrath), East Markham 4' Gwilimbury 9 TournarientMAJOR NOVICE AAA Oct. Il - Whitby 2 .(Noordman, Novia), spoflsored by MajestIc Muffler Oundas 5; Oct. 12 - Whitby 1 (Houghton), 2 Wib Jsi â,Mr London 4; Oct. 13 - Whilby 3 (Noordman Oct. 22-Wib2(JtnFoMk 2, Velacich), Burington 2 Mizzl), Ajax-Pickering 4 MINOR ATOM AA MINOR NOVICE AA sponsored by Recycle Fifter Corp. Oct. 27 - WVhitby 2 (Cameron Lomax, Oct. 24 - Whitby 2 (Andrew Laramy, Mail Brent Davis), Marlchem 4 Anderson), Ajax 0 Oct. 26 - Whitty 0. Aurora 5 Ot. 22 - Whitby 5> (Nick Coller 2, Andrew Oct. 22 - Whltby 0, Clarlngton 6 Meadlows, Tyer leaIy, Anderson), Aurore runners on base. Blair Hardy of Whitby had two of Lords' 10 bits. Blues, first-place team in the Ontario east division with a record of 16 wins and two basses, moved on to the Canadian Intercolle- giate Basebail Association national championahi ps. Lords had an overail sea- son record of 18 wins and eight bosses, and their 14-6 mark in le'ague play was second te Blues. Perfect season for Orrmston irunner The Anderson CVI seni jby'volleybalb teani tu ndliits bstperforman of the season te win tournament in Ottawa ov4 the. weekend. Anderson didnt'tlose game ini seven matches 1 captr their fifth chan pinh- in tournamein piay tus season. Anderson, th top seed i the. Colonel By tournamen, sparkied An the fins agaînst the number twi seed Chippewa of Nort] ie Whitby team, ranket second in Onitario, won 15 7 15-1 against Chippewa iso ranked in the top fivi in the. province. Anderson coach Gord Wiiliainson says bis teani couldn't have performed much botter, and he now believes bis teani has a shot at the. pow.rfui, num- ber-one-ranked Oakwood of Londony shouid. the two teams meet in the Ontario finals. "Everybody on the, teamn piayed. gréat everybodZ piayed theïr beot game, says Williamson of the Ottawa tournament. Ini the semi-finals, Ander- son downed, .Brokfeld of Ottawa, -the"'fourth-best teamW hiïtle arit « ~yar, 15-4, 15-10,; à tWed.faungý Carley Dart or Ormiston Public School compieted an undefeated, season by oepturing the mite girls' titie at the Ontario cross country championsbjps in Wingha on Saturday. Second was Katie flott of Glen Dhu Public School and third was Kaleigh Jasper of Pringie Creek Public School - a one-two-t}iree, finish common te other races tbis season. Wiibie Macavelia of Meadowcrest Public Schooi i Brooklin was runner-up, in the. tyko boys division and Chantel Smith of Wést Lynde Public School third in tyke girls. Ail are members of the. Brooklin Chsotah team that won thre ofthe elght toam WHITBY BOXER Chris» Neuman, over Ihe weekend. Neumnan will take shown during training. last week, bat- aim at the Ontario open (ail ages) tered the tavourite, Simon Cherry, to championship at the ed of Novem- capture the Ontario senior novice ber. heavyweight (amateur) charnpionship PhWa by IM"k Remoe, hJiy FMePo * MKE.1T5! Anderson in.* top forni as playoffs approach ir the host team,' Colonel By, Ir- 15-10,' 15-5 in the quarter- ,ce finals. a Power hitter Luke sr Bainard and setter Jo. 9Wrigley were named to the tô ail-star teani. Wiliiamson says Terry Arges, who has Sbeen consistent ail season "t but i. often overlooked in inal-star selection, wasaie noutstanding, as was Josh SOvsenek. .1 Anderson wiib act as host - o for a tournanient tbis week- ,hend -as preparations con- tinue for league piayoffs -that begin in two weekà . The LOSSA finals wil be ;hebd at Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby on Nov. 14. Anderson is unbeaten in six games- in ieagueptay. * Whtby figureë skatingy Pickcering, Oct. 18-20 CHRISTINX JANSEN. lstjuvente competii e Iht 5; CANDI GAVELLE, 2nd, Juvenile compettve <Ilighl 4;' ANDREW NICHOLAS. 1et. juvenîle mon' High sehool' sports SENIOR BOYS* FOOTBALL W-L-T GF-GA P Paul Dyer 5-0-1 191-70 11 Uxbricgey 4-O-i 129-41 9 Dunbarton 4-2-O 132-63 8 Pins Ridge 2-2-O 95-96 4 Henry Street 1-4-O 67-96 2 Pickering 1-4-O 42-110 2 O'Neill 0-5-O 1-181 O GAMES: Peut Dwyer 35, Henry Street 16 (Wayne Carew, touchdown and two-part convert; Phil Croutiho, touchdown) SENIOR GIRLS' BASKETBALL W-L GF-GA P EASTERN Fr. L.Austin 5-O 346-113 10 Paut Dwyer 5-O 273-122 10 O'Neill 5-2 311-209 10 Anderson 3-2 232-181 6 Eastdate 3-.1 138-124 6 Bowmanville 3-3 213-223 6 P-ereymna 05 64-328 0 WESTERN -' 1 St. Mary, 4-1 229-201 8 Brock 4-2, 329-267 8 Pins Ridge 3-O - 154-104 6 H-enry Street 3-1 172-156 6 Sinclair 2-3' 224-213 -4 port Peny -2 115126 2 Dents (C. 1-4 1177-196 2 Jxbrldge 0-5 136-273 O SENIOR GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY W--GF-GA 10-0-O 3ë-3 7-2-1 1A" ,6-1-3 12-8 5-1-4 20-3 6-2?-2 21-7 4-5-4 9-15 3-7-O 9-28 3-7-0 7-19 2-7-1 5-19 1-8-~1 6-19 O'Neill Pine Ridige Dunbarton Sinclair Pickerin-g Dents OCu Exeter,, Eastdale- AaX. 15 15 14 14 1