Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 20

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Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996 'Mu, weat &Gears' beginsf for Ienry cass By AMY Bhuad.land "Takastdntoordynoa ,Spil ui is itenational campaign. Studnts involved i Mud,dSwat an A Gerznan phrase meaning "Play time la Gears have aiready begun the project and the very best time," it is aiso the motto for 'They are very excited and flnd the project a fictitious toy companyýboing run by a ta be veiy interesting" says Johnston. Grade 9 math/science integrated clans at The studenta, throughout the duration of Henry Street High School. Mobiity Toys the program, are going ta be faced with a Incorporated. continuai set of problems. Mobility Toys is the piot projoct of the One such problem is designing a World in Motion Il - Mud, Sweat and marketing plan for which each student Gears pragram. muet have contact with 100 individuals, First announced earlier this year, the who will each be asked to respond ta 100 three-month engineering design program questions that will help detormine what involves a total of 2,000 students, rnostly toy ta build, its size, shape and coiowr. from the U.S. -as Henry has the only The toy, however, has to meot certain Canadian students involved. requirementa: it must be abie ta caver a The program was created, by the tremr dsace in thre«scnsfo international Society of Autamotive a standing start; climb a l5-degree ifop. Engineering, with some funding from with a threo-metro distance, and continue General Motors. and surpasi a S-degro. clope. "TiUse project is going ta be an exciting The toys must aIab. pleasing ta the. oye learning experience for ail the students," and the design must encourage continued says Gary McCullough, general director of use. heaith, safety and environmentai activities When their projects are complote, each for GM. team must provide a proposai.» One aim, of the program is ta mako It wiIi consist, of an oral presentation stdnsaware of the siguilficanco of with a computer alide show, descrbing the staying in school by helping them to "link design and is development. . ducation and the world of work." Resuits from consBumer research and The program wiil also "Stimulate, eariy performance tests will aise be included. Sin a child's education, an interest in The students must aise provide a science, math and business," says Hen.ry prototype of their design, a product teacher Debbie Johnston. brochure anu-d a page for a new tay This will be accomplished throùgh catalogue. tesmwork an~d the use of math, science "It is verY important that these students and technology concepts that will heip work together and take advantage of al them to soive a unique design probiem; the valuable resources available ta t e consti.ùcting a proposai and a prototype for says Johnstan. a gear-driven toy that should appeal ta "OnlY thon wiil they be able ta meet and the b boys and girls between ages 10 sud surpasa ail the. requir 'ements l THESE HENRY STREET High dby te ociety of Automotive 14. When the projet is completed, there wiil Sohool students are the first in nineers and sponsored by General Henry was chosen to participsue because be a presentation at the. Durham Boar of Canada robler-soMte ng a, dee- Photo by PMrk Reenom, WhI!by Free Press they had been the pilot ichool for several Education headqusrters building in mont prblemsoWng cass devlo-other progrsms such as an Internet project Whitby. The air at Austin wae charged with excitement thie past week with spirit. building activitiesg put together for us by our etudent couneil. The fun culminates tonight with the annual Hlailoween dance sud its theme, 77S~ Ultimaté 808. Uniforme wilJ be traded in for scany costumes and retro attire. With tickets going for only $5, the dance promises to be a raging success. Spirit Day, held last Thursday, was greeted with much enthusiasm and appreciation by students. The hard work of ail those who made it possible really paid off. The day began with a delicilous bagel breakfast and there were makeup artists on hand'ta decorate tih. faces of Austin students. During lunches, students could tiy their skifls at Super Nintendo on the giant screen in the caf, while our favourite tunes wafted .,througih the air. Last period, with the purchase of a Spirit Day pase, students gained accese te a motivational pop rally Did 1 say pop raily?. 1 mean, spirit -assembly. W.- were treated ta performances by' aur fabulous jaËz band, vocal music claim, dramna students~ and acirs -na ,nw,,.,. upcoming Musical, West Side Story. Thé Wildcat sports teamns were aise the recipients 'of much-deserved recognition. A great time was had by al and the. one thing that really predomninated wasthe fact that Austin students are in no way lacking when it cornes ta ichool sirit. Ou Oct. 30, theére will be a pizza day ta, raise money for students golug on the. March break trip ta, Egypt. The trip includes a stopover lu Greece for a tour of Athens and the suciont Acrapolis., They wil îBeo the Great Pyramids, Saikkara (where the Pharaohs are buried), the Sphinx, hap at the. bazaars, sud oven take a cruise down the Nil.. On Oct. 21, AuStjn's Grade 12 law students impressed judgee with their expertise lu the mack triais. The provailing teama consisted cf Scott Clerk, Ryau O'Cannar, Adian Bugeili, Larry Urtiagra, hiko Ramprasad sud Rab Halford. Austinionsa mission - ta help soudsupplies ta ichools iu Afraca for children who cannot afford ta psy far education. Donations 'of teztboks, storybooki, paper, pencils, notebooks'-and, suchc can be brought ta Me.>, Il LiA In the spirit of Thaksivng, St. Vincent lKltchen is stiil in need of donations as the winter mouths draw near. Austin students are asked ta bring in items such as graund coffée, canned fruit and vegetables, sugar and other nan-perishables, as' I know w. can really help, ta make a difference in aur community. The Austin boys' soccer teams have triumphantly closed out their regular season. Playing against hast McLaugMln, the junior team earned an impressive 5-2 win, compieting their record at nine wins sud no lasses. Tus enabled them ta capture irst in LOSSA East for the third consecutv erTh seniorsen their seasen with a àixV M 's three losses and a tie. Good luck in the playoffe, t The -cross coSuntry teamn competed, at LOSSA on Oct. 24 with great resuits. Rysu McHale earned the silver medal lu hie division sud, as a whale, the. boys brought home the bronze. The team finished fifth overanin l Durham Regian. Aia or any Austin Studeut wishing ta- Participate lu theUniiversity' Of Waterloo math content b. mure ta mign up wzth a math «Cher by, Not8- a.- - 'Jason Collier Henry St. H.S. This year's firit issue of thi. school newspaper, Hawvk Talk, hit the. streets Iast Thursday. Kudas ta Keir Moulton and lus staff for an information..psck.d paper keeping situdents abreast of the inuer worktings of Henry. On Oct. 3, Henry hosted a press conference ta furtiier explain its involvement in the. World in Motion Il projeot. The praject, which consists of creating a toy that would appeal ta any child betweeu ages 10, and 14, muet b. designed based on certain technical specs. Tue proposai for the tay mnust b. presented by Christmas» alang with information packets and a1 Henry'i Halloween dance took place on Oct. 25, with Btudents decked out lu their costume fiuery for, the Iccasion. Halloween )'Grams highlghted 'the meional celebrations which nded with the, annual "itum, contest. So onde )ctober ... m~ begins mid- mrm month. Plans for HRenry'sé annuai attle c f the Bande ompetition are- already lu rgreffl Stay tuued ta tii. inauncemonte for imore uug team r4hilr 0 c cc 0 te a 00 r Besson toa a succS"fn conclusion at LOSSA. Krisjty Simmert and Bryau. Sigsworth finished iu the top 15 in thoir divisions. Henry's senior boys' volleyball team recently participated in astournament in Barrie. The- HawkS, finishing firit lu their pool with s 5-3 record, then advanced ta the firit round cf the playaffs where they won the match againet the home team, Eastview Secondary, two game5 ta one. In the semi-fluais, againat Penatang, Henry lait 3-15, 15-12, 13-15. Team members are Dallas Gresbrecht, Craig Watsou, hMatt Cameron, «aLXs SiDa,Mkedy PA Dy Thfuture Of Andy Lundy, Rues VanWijgarden snd Troy Wllliamson. The Henry; junior girls, baiketbsll team won their pool by defeating MeLaughlin, Central Frontenac sud York Memorial, then lasinl the semi-finals. Tue junior boys' voileyball team recently won a Pickering taurnament. Fimushungfrminl their pool of Austi, Stouffville- sud AuroDra, Hawks went on té, beat Banting Collegiate aud Aurora Heights ta maake it to the finals in which they won Sietor Clare Fitzgerald was guest speaker at the Durham Catholic -ichool board's rofessional activity day held Oct. 21 at Father Lek> J. Austin' Catholic A' nated ispeaker ta "clearly disitinguih the differences b.tween the twa school systemi." HELPING THE OL LjWRITE NOW » C )Ef- f f c p c W O L '. Icox Mandy Lamers Father Leo J. Austin

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