Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 19é96 A letter to, Grade. 7 parents To the editorw DO You know that your son or daughter will enter Grade 9 in September, 1998 and b. part; of the first clasa of students ta experienco the. Ontario government's new secondary echool programns and pohiczes? . Do you know that he or ah. lexpected ta graduate in June, 2002 after four years of study? Do you know that those students who are now in Grade 8 will enter Grade 9 noxt September under the current (but soon tu b. "old") system and that most of them will graduate in June,' 2002 as well but after five years of study? Do you know that the Ministry of Education and Training's reontly published document, Curriculum for Ontario &econdary Sciwola, states the following:- 'Vuriiig 1996, the Ministr-y of Education and Traimng will release addiional detailed curriculum materiaL iJdraft frmfor grades1-ii The additional deiailec material8 have been written in anticipation of the four. Year high schol prgra m a nd establish new and higher standards for grade 9. " .Uieriybound atudenga (under the new sytom) will take courses in their fourth year which are more challenging than tue current Ontario Academic Courses (OACs)' Have your school's Grade 7 teachers received the. materials announced above in mathematics and languages? , Have they reoeived mintstry mateials in other subjeets to help them adjust the current Grade 7 curriculum in order ta prepare your chuld for the new, more rigorous Grade 9 program? Are they getting ministry advice on how ta erisure that next year's Grade 8 programi is, sufficiently demanding ta Sprepare your Ichild for Grade *Cani anyone tell you what Euniversities or comnlunity colleges wlII requiro of your *son or daughter for- radmission purposes as he or * h. graduates from high schobl ln 2002? Can anyone *tell you that universities and community colleges will not compare the relative Preparedness of the two classes that graduato at the saim;? urlocal MPP provide you with informned answers ta anpy of the queÉtions asked or issues raised above? Do any of those questions have answers yet? Or Must thoso who are responsible for education in Ontario plan and prepare ta, a far greater extent; before implementing this new, progressive secondary sehool prograzn? I am* a concerned Grade 7 parent. Peter Young Pickering THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALrrY 0F DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT Winter Biosolids Management (Formerly referred to as 'Winter Sludge Management") Class Environmentai Assessment 14£ Notice of Competion of Environmental Study Ri The preferred solution to resolve the Regions current biosolids managem ent problemn duuir spreadng weather or unfavourable soil conditions, is the storage of biosolids in six enclosed b tanks at the Corbet Creek Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) located onliB. F. Concession,F 19, now descnibed as 40R-1385, Part 17, in the Town of Whitby. Biosolids is a beneficiai end1 from the wastewater treatrnent process at the Region's WPCPs. The Region has been a biosolids to agricultural lands since 1974 which is an approve d practiýe by the Ministry Environment and Energy. The Region's biosolids wiIl be stored in six enclosed biosolids tanks Corbett Creek WPCP fTor subsequent application on agricuhtural lands in the Region. The pi solution to the Regions biosolids management problemn was amrved at over a period of 3 years t! mhe effort of Public Consultation Working Committees, comprising of members of mhe public,-F Agencies, and the Region. The Region has planned muis project under a Schedule C of the Glass EnWronmentai Assessn Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects (June 1993). The EnvironmentàI Study Report (ESI been completed and by this Notice of Completion is being placed on the pÙ~blic record for revie comment. Subject to comments received as a resuit of this Notice of Compl'etion, and the receipt necessary approvals, mhe Region intends to proceed wvith the design and construction'of mhis proje This ESR wvill be avaîlable for revlew at the following locations: Regional Municipality of Durhamn Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whftby, Ontario Li N 1 C4 Hours: 8:3Oamn to 4:3Opm Telephone: (905) 668-7721 Ministry of, Environment and Energy York-Durham District office 230 Westney Road South, 5th Floor Ajax, Ontario Li S 7J5 Hours: 8:lSam to 4:3Opm Telephone: (905) 427-5600 Ministry of Environment and Energy Environmental Assessment Branch 250 Davisville Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4S 1 H2 Hours: 8:30am to 4:3Opm Telephone: (416) 440-3723 Sirncoe Engineering Group Umited Consulting Engineers and Architect 1815 Ironstone Manor, Suite 10 Pickering, Ontario L1 W 3W Hours: 8:3Oamn to 5:OOpm èelephone: (905) 831-1715 Vhitby Public Ubrary Rossland Brandi O01 Rossland Road East, Unit 9 Nfhitby, Ontario LUN 8Y9 ours: 1 0:0Oam to 9:OOpm Tue. to Thurs. 9:OOam to 5:OOpm Fri. to Sat. elephorie: (905) 668-1886 i 7( v H( TE P to: ad Regional MunicipalitY of Durham Regional Clerk's Office 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 Hours: 8:30am to 4:3Opm Telephone: (905) 668-7711 Town of Whitby 1 Planining Department,1L-evel 7 Whitby Municipal Buil ing 575 Rossland Road Mas Whitby, Ontario Li N 'M8 Hours: 8:30arn to 4:3Qpm Telephone: (905) 6685803 Whitby Public Library Main Branch 405 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario Li N iAi Hours: 9:3Oam to 9:OOpm Mon. to Fnî. 9:OOam to 5:OOpm Saturday Telephone: (905) 668-6541 Whitby Public Library Brookiin Branch 8 Vipond Road Brooklin, Ontario LOB 100O Hours: 12:OOpm to 8:OOpm Tue. to Wed. 9:OOam to 5:OOpm Thurs. to Sat Telephone: (905) 655-3191 lease provide your written comm .ents, if any, within 30 days from the date 0f this Notice of Comrplet )Mr. R. Waite, P.Eng., Senior Project Manager, Simcoe Engineering Gýroup Uimited, at the abc ddress (Fax No. (905) 831-0531). If concems regarding thus profect cannot 'be oesotved throuah1 discussion with the Region, persori/party may request.thattme Minister of tie Ministry* 0f the rnvironment and Energy tbump t hus- project to an IndMvduai Environmental Assessmnent 'Bump Up- requesis must be received by 1 Honourable Nowman W. Sterling, P.Eng., LL.B., Minister, Ministry of the Envrvnmnent and Energ9 Floor, 135 St Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontaujo, M4V1 P5, by no later than November 29,1996. copy of nie bump upe re must also be sent to Simcoe Engineering Group Umited, Attnton' R. Waite, P.Eng. at the above address. If there s no ubumnp upo request reciedby oeber: 1996, this project wvilI proceed to nie design and consmtruton Phas as outlined in the ESA. This Notice of Com pleton lssued October 24,1996. I FATHER Leo J. AL ISecndary Sohool studE their heels Iast week wi eport in ,non-D oc i,0olids Part Lot ot product applying 0 f the :s at the referred RMPG through P O A E' Review prepared ta ne, otiate but wore findin 'Mr. Wilson 'lent for intransigent. He's becoming 'R) has a liability to the. govern- ew and ment.» )t f the An gdmitttmed Progrepsive Bet. Conservative sympathizer, Bravo also had harshwos for Durham Region's; fivo Tory MPPs such as Whitby representative Jîm Fia- «Wpeextromely dis- appointed with Mr. FIa- horty, ho's shown no lea- dershipant AIL»sald Bravo. «I th.mk ho should b. representing his consti- tuents and telling Mr. Wil- son that limiting (0H11>) biling numbers will hurt tiie Patients." Flaherty- could not 'b. reached for comment on Tuesday. Althouçgh Bravo said potential job action, such as doctors not taking on new patients, will b. decided this weok, at least on. Whitby general practitioner ia prepared to go that route. Dr. Walter Chang did not 'hesitate in casting a nega- tive vote. < Most of us are not happy with a clawback ta, 2.9 r cent. It's botter, but it's st*11 a clawback," said Chang. "'rd stillli 1k. to see a ceîlîng and lot doctors claw- back on their own by cut: lion, tinq down on the. numbor of Ove patients they se."- Chang, who has about b a <600 «acive patients in his b rPa actice, note h' the ntarle o pultiond 2th rown b 0 00anec L A I11992, but the. ludge>t for&i Mr. doctors'fees has , rpped NQ 2, $200 million over the sèmey period. a'f --tles not just the financial cl Part,» inside.dChang. & Pep pie istin Cathollo includi ýnts kicked up to pron, ïith a pep rally, "Services will suifer becauso doctors will oVer- work and get burned' out. Unhappy doctors also start mnakingmistakes.» Although ho has not boon aCccpting new patients for somo timo, Whitby general practitioner Dr.- Anthony D'Angelo cannot tako part in that particular formâ of job action., However, DYAngolo fully sympathizes with his col- leagos' feelings., "ecan't trust the OMA, and wo cant trust tho minister,"said D'Angelo. «Forcing peopletéogo up north coud potentially split up faznilies. Thero are a fair number of husbands and wives who are doctors.» r>g t he old pie-in-the-face gag, note sohool spirit. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fr.. Preas Durham Centre- riding association, admits that this does cause somo « real conflict" at times, but that ho stili bolievos the govern- ment is on ti. right track. The're doingf what thoy said thoy would do and overali rmn ha' with the job thoy'ro doint. Witby youthý abrenglof hoaoserves Ouitstanding! citizen nom11inations It's3 ahnost time ta, salute Whitby's outstanding citizen ominatimons can now be made for the. annual Peter Perzy Award. The. award, Bponsored by thei Whitby Chamaber of Commerce, will bs presented on NOV. 28. géminations close Frday, Mov. 1. at 4«p.m'. Nommnee5 must, have. entributed ta the p"operity Lnd social development of hhithy for the. last, 5v. rars. Nomination forms. are Lvailable aitthe Whitby iaMber offce, 128 Brook St. A lG-year-old Allan Street youth was kicked and robbed while riding homo fromù work along Anderson8treet early Sun- Pa~oce y.hwas ridin« south, on the. sidewalk and as ho approached Andorson CVI, h. heard someon, running. 1"WMen ha turned ta look around, ho was jtumpod'on bya ai who kniocked him ofhis biko and onto the. round," says Inspecetor Tfie mugger landed, on top" ofthe. youth and a second person .appeare, saýys Reid. Ile pair to tho cycist's wallet which. contained a small ainount of cash, and demanded the. pin number ,for his- bank card. He refused ta tell tiiem, promting them ta kick hlmÎ m. theo face "numerous times,» says Reid, 1bofore they were scared. off by a paasngvehicle. 1 or's

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