Pégeý4, Whlitby Fee Press, WednéSday, Octobér à 301996 Teachers' uniona boss halls Toronto0protest IBYMP&bIkKowesdal.kj ft iafD. là asL weeken-d's -Toronto protest against the Ontario government has sent a message that cannot be wgnor says the union head oi Duirham ]Region's hlgh sehool teachers.' Althouçh Premier Mike Harris insists that his goverment will not back off from its cost-cutting "ELqp4lu.l e u jrue3 bélieves that the Progres- sýve Conservative govern- M~ent will.feel the impact at a later date. "Publicly they say they're g oing te stay the course and that's te be expected,» said JermeDy, president of District 17 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers federation.- 'Last week the Toronto Sun was critical and res- ponded with glee that the cty. w88 fot shut down, she said. "'But today (Monday) over 60 per cent of the people in a poil say the Harris cuts are going too far, too fast. eIts (protest) created debate aLnd brought the issues te the forefron-t and I think that's been success- fui. Jermey said her union chartered 19'buses te take Durham teachers te Satur- day'sé rally at Queen's Park whiie many, more. found thefr own mode of transpor- tation. Although organiz ed labour has not yet deter- mined i ts next plan of action in an ongoing cain- paign ag9ainst the govern- ment's policies, Jermey said teachers are keeping their own watch on a nuniber of ameas. A report b;, Windsor iawyer Leon Paroina on teacher-school board bar- gaining is expected te be released this week, Jermey said. While the municipal. *govrnmùent' restructuring charged committee headed by David Crombie will aiso b. mak- ing recommendationsi inth near future, sh. added. Among the scenarios being considered by the for- mer Toronto mayor and federal cabinet mmister is an amalgamnation of ochool boards acrose the province. "There could b. radical changes to the grocess' of electing trustees, said Jer- me~ fear that <a large regional structure would Se 50 ig it couidn't be accoun- table. T 0o'Young Brooklin. brot ers have been charged nconnection with a break- d,,9pree overnight Thurs- liesay about, $1,200 dan a was done at Ha auan Pizza, 6 Roebuck. St., 'after culprits gotin by rem6ving a cardboard moer ove - a window, stele a omail amount of money and heipe themselves te, food. 'hey smashed the refri- gr it trew dinks and piz*a sauce on the wall, 4425ThlksonRd.N., Whltby 655-4130 THE ROYAL NodnsNodns~ -Antonette C. Bryant'. BraIich1Il2 .WThitby Raised 'n 1995 Campaign $189949.00i CAMPAIGN EXPENSES Uf I>duîLresan school contests, etc. $7,406.00 1 ret Aid to Veterans- Charitabley Foundation Bursary IFund' $12,9570.00 SATLRN.afiyhrtocrnbyAdouspil Bank Balance as of Sepembe 3,196 e 4300painting process makes, ' dings hard to corne by, too. But because accidents aren't ail that liard for you to corne by, we put ail that stuff, on top. of a reinforced steel safety cage. For a free (not to mfention dent-free) dernonstration, check out Motorcity Satum. Hope to see you soon., IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM i' 1997 SA TURN SL 1997 SA TURN SUI 1997 SA TURN 512 PROCLAMVATION $14403' $15,403 $17,213 'Remembrance Week" The I 997Saigr,, SLSLIiid 512. ?%'ii1iifacfgriie,-.-çSuggesited Retutil Pîice.v iiw-lude retai1lerp>repairtiton and trahil.Çlpo(ioi. Take notice that the week of November 3rd to I11 th, 1 996 Price extIides kLr. icemLe and additional optionsç. Fi,,ncù,1 larrwigeinews cwi be failored to pere-niai ,eeds. is hereby proclaimed as 'Remembrance Week' in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are encouraged to support MTRIYSTR SZ the valuable community work of the 1520 DUNDAS STREET EAST Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby (Ont. No. 112) Branch. WHITB,954-20 Dated At Whitby, Ontario t/lis 3t day o October, 1996 T.J. Edwards, Mayor - y.. -~Townof Whitby ~ . . and sprayed. the fire extinguisher around the ohoS, says Inspecter ÇGreg They smnashed Windows ta, get, ite a prtble at Meaidowcrest Pubic nSchool - causing about $250 damaffl but not taIging anythig and tried unsuccessfully te break inte, the post ofce but did pry open numerous mail siots, notes Reid. Another $1,200 damaLYe was caused at Brookhn Library, he says, where the open a door. Much of the damnage was don. with a pry bar stelen from a truck mû the area, says Reid. An -investigation by Con- stable Ian Corby led te the arreet of the two brothers, aged 14 -and 15.- They)re care with break, enter and theft, break ana enter with intent, mischief under and possession of stolen property under $5,000. They can't be nanxed 1996 ONTARIO. JUNIOR CITIZEN 0F THE YEAR AWARDS, Deadllne - Oct. 31st, 1996 o Brooklin si i