Page 6, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30,1996 --Jj-------WW- The only Newspaper owned and operated bY Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F- Canadian Community Onai omn Nesae soito ewspaper Association bsEl Whitby Whitby Business Oshawa-Durh-am Home Chamber of Commerce in Action Builders'Association The Whitby Free PresIs dîstnibuted free to 99% of the homes in Whîtby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and4 commercial ouiets in Whtby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUOSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST a Outside Canada $85 +i GST ISSN#0844.398X Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario mc. 900 Hopkins St. /Box 206, Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher -jr A- Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Pninted on newsprint with minimum 20% 4* recycled content using vegetable based inks. ti *Att wrtten materi, Illustrations and adveriising coniained herein is protecîed by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial furposes wîthout the express permission of the newspaper is prohibted and is a violation oCnadian copyrii law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution shoutd bear a creditfiune f0 the Cvuiby Free Press. Cut do wn on waste To the edItor: ftwiIoný be a matter of Urne before our landfilîl sites reecb their maximum capacity. Then where will we'send our waste? Into space?. Belleve Rt or not, these are the possible solutions for our ever-growlng waste problem. The most efficient way 'of deelng wltb this gerbage crisis Is the often criticazed user-pay garbage system. There have been numerous occasions wben 1 bave seen people put out too much' gerbage, that oould have been reused or recycled ln some way. By having a user-pay garbage collection system, residents would b. forced to reuse and recycle more effectively, or they wiil have to pay the price. A possible system of collection could be that each household, of 'one or two persons, wouli recx9ve 52 tags a year for their garbage. Each bag of garbage must bave one tag on it, and the bag iseIf must be of regulation size. For eob e dditionai person living ln the bousehod, lhey, ould recohi an aldidional Nie tags a Year. Any etra tags needeci by the bouseholdcoeuld -be attsned at an additional cost of $2 a tag. This would albow a bousehokito have at least one freebagof garbage a week. Mnadton, Cher efforts to encouragerecjling and cuingown o n waste could fnld res compostera. These composterscoeuld be is-trlbuted -by the regions of Ontarlo, in the same manner of blue boxes. Of course,. there wfil be People who wIll Say, wBut 1 amn alrecIdy beîng taxed for garbage Collection. Vêt you Sbouki not bave 10worry. If you practice the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), you will not have ta pay a cent extra. I» Vyou are stili not convînced1 by this leter, then you shouldI asic YOursel ansvery Important1 question: Are you dlsposlng 1 youir dally refuse effec*ieîy? r Conc.rned studentt Ryan Shackelton - Whltbyc 'Greater' goôd To the edîtor:- Ré: Artie, 'Customers, bonesty prelsed,- Frges Press-, Oct. 16 On occasion we'd retum from. walking thé dog or a short tnp ta find something misssng, -and eppropuiae paymént hîiden undér e plant pot.» irs 1 n [rePleasant realtes 0f Ir good Iotaréac about a Ui litts 1e ln greater Whltby that just basic bonesty (custamers make you feel gooci. seming themselves anci eavng John and Barb Huiley payr~ent during baicery ownera IBrooklin temporary absence). And iris pleasurabîs ta know that fils is a common tbread woven throughout the fabrlc cDog, Whltby. o ' W explaininq ta distant frieds w tind speclal about lvng ln Wbltby we relate rth do: anecdotes that Inclurje theltîe T h dtr bouse on the east aide Of 1hv enavlnerwt Higbway 12 that, for sevmai Ihaébnavkmtrwj years, left pulceci pumpklns on Whitby Commfunity Cars for a thé front îawn alongsicie a number of Years end * was carciboard box for payments. shocicecita recently discover Andi macing your own changel that this service recelves no In Brooklin this lest summer funding from the Town of we experlenceci some of the Wbitby. Commu nfty cars* saine. To offset aur gardsenîng provies -services t a aimost costa we offered e îew plants 700pele in this town - most Oni ur surplus vegetabies on Of wm ares frail andi slderly. 4 t"bl n front of ths boss Many.0f these senIors have To the editor: Although we wsre not ad to attend the days of proto leuncbed by Ontario lai> organizations, teachi federations and concerri idzens, our hearts were w them.'I We are not teachers, uni( members or members of ai speclal interest group. We a indMvduals, concemed abc the policy directions bel, taken by the Ontarî government. As parents, % are especelly concerned aboi cuts being made ln sodia educetionai and envlronmenti Institutions.. ln relati 'on to many others i socley we are-not weaith) But if s fortunate citizens arg paying for our tex "break ,through cuts ta soda programs,- we wlI do wItbout it If seniors -and disebled peopiE must bose some of the rightc tbey have geined ln past years sa that we may, bave more, we clon't want It. If our tex break means thei ands, such as provincial parks wil no longer be protectec from commercial interests, i i not worth Rt. We don't went a Lax break if it meens removing support'from educators and dblwing politiciens, not tralned irofessionals, to make Jecisions. regarding our chools. Raislng our children ln fair and civil province is worth nors than a tex break. The Mike Harris government ias chosen to blame and ;olate those who are less )rtunate and less powerful, in abandon sg livéd andi pelc taxes ln Whftby far most aOfisîer lives. Services such as those provided by Whitby Cammunity Cars are very Important ta aur seniors as hospital car s aet a minimum. Ws have ta ensure that Meais' .on Wheels, 'transportation, phone belp, téléphone reessurance and visiting exiat ln the future as they are critical ta, the weeI bsingof dur community. WhIt*mv 5 - - *- - - ,- - 5/ ibIs est our iing ed Àith Ion ire tut ýng ut o the esator: excuse.ta cut scbool funding, educated professionels. th al, again next yeare or as. a government la patving the wý al Rée:* Article, School boards sensible a:iv4t during Urnes for a very diminished future f( ameci et possile changes ta w en many( people have o r u gp o l. S es o in educeton,. Fre s Press, Oct. 16 nough dI cufty surviving cOu r Y tha be i ne e s t l without wasteful spending? plmaly unioe n wt a mino e T h é c o m m e n t s o f L y n n A n d P rll p a r e n t s . b 5 o d u c a t i o n . ka Petérsén are about wt là ta d"daVantaged ta be no longer f as real had an Interéat1 ai be éxpscted from a president able ta attend school board <împroving education, st, t. of the Ontario Public School meetings? Mst neer attend. wol0edig trte h le Boards' Association. f tbey bave a concern, they atclcng the electe ýs The statements, a... plans ta cean talc ta the teacher.,and government given a mandatj s abolisi-, chool boards are princpal, the front lins provîder ta improve nieý educatia e countérprocluctlveu and -.. and administrator wha should aystem. Where are hEi wrecking Ontanio's public be able ta give reaponse In an suggestions, If as really h It educafion systsm,n are senious Intelligent fashion, wth some cOmPetent and consIder Bwords from ans who is oeld toaarsof ealt hrseIff as an educaed j provide educetion for cbildren. The statements, . Profeasional? sFor our $13.6'billion par ysar, taxpayers dan't want their These are tepoî à we have the rigt to ex ec eduation taxes paying for the dsryn the eoc lea 1 more from t. pro lc es deb r and 'smels of . c s tra t e fund. T5y laI i nec ss ry t a have a a tax g rab ,n are 'm isle ding inu n t yaerneIf -cT e ntred 1unique course outline prepared telstPrvnildutonWby cdon't they get out of the for every subject in every board fundng is more than $4,00o in Ontario? la a C tholic board per student, not including the Wa>y 50 cPable peopîs car icourse different from e public property taxes"d on mtehee ysem ffcintun municipal I wh or amountsDo Y un board course? la math or o a mu h 'r m re Englsh different df you attend e The system shoulci b. ru separate achool? u Would cutting ou ail the for $5,000 or lesa per student. duplication and . wate b . T he province la at ully alil cosdee s .,txpayera and so the debt laGe s conldeedas .. erly n ur debt. The debt bas Incrased through the Co t o education system's feilure ta o t o e nlor provide eC nical lerning. iR enio os- ou falt ,forallowing Irreaponslble and Incompetent politciens ta run the province. To the edîtor: Thé province now instead oufnd<ntroieg ~ s ~ T e see 0 ihgn l recgnuesby ediectng ong exessveadministrations bave handling ils problem of excgss term cars dallera, the dons as much ta destroy the Canada geeseby cooking importance of community educetion systein as anything tbem and i gMng tbem ta local e a ft b s e rv ic e s . Il la c i tic a fo r e s o d b n a thé owz hneeWlbytd es.Mile sttg afrom a Pe.rbepe the mayor or some renie thosnedbanongroup that ald hi ave other importent local officiai Plese doeniotabandonv internats other than their own could . dévelop a plan for thoe ncisPor w-h ave as a motivation. We pey ber controI 0f the local floclc befare fo r m a n y , m a n y y e e rs. n 9 ' s 1 8 h O r c i d e . t e v r U ,t e d w t w Mr& .GM. Wi Theére la no place for rhetrc section of Wbtby. -. -. Whltby ;; 89 IBY bpting thatsyastemGo d a Whtyadunderminrî thework of - 4n Grdo trying to solve our provincels finencial probléms. Those participating in the days of protest bave demandécj that common sensebe redefined. Balancà ed books, are impotent but if our'children are to Ive in_ a truly healthy province, we must Ulnd fair and creetive ways to, balance financial, environméntal and social well-being. Our chlldren are worth the effort. Wendy Harding Geoffrey, Daw- Make education system efficient Discontent over Tro the editor: Workfare Is now beomlng a major political issue fueled Iby an emerglng groundswell of dlsoentsnt f the Oct. 16 Whltby meeting about the Ontarlo Works program, aMtnded by 200 or so Durham R 1on résidents, 1 an indicaton. Over a period 0f tbms bhoums, a procession.0f People proclalmed. their. opposition to the provincial proposai. Labour leaders were Inspirational, Intellectuals were elOïquent, People who are on public' assistance were emotional, and others just talkd. JI ereconvIncin?. Ail sal th sae hin, eimnate workfare. 1it was lnterestlng thatrinn of the Particpants had anythlng good to say about the *no *work, no weffaren Phllosophy. The five local MPPs.had tbeir chance. They were lnvlted. Janet Ecker, MPP, one of the members of thîs area, was conspicuous by ber absence. But its not surpnising. Obviously sbe did not want to run a political rtsk by belng confronted by -a group 0 f udissidents,u ' vehemently opposing ' the .relgning governments policies. But the message'Is loud and clear. People. from ail walks of R1fe. at Ieast. those wbo had thei say aIt the meeting, no longer want ýwrkfare. But election Urne wl 'o re. If the current politIcal -- climate continues to erode. the confidence of the electorate, the present provincial polical party, Ike ils federal 00unterpart, wIll >become hi'ti. '. adnNu thé eay for p/s in ln he le ýn a a Keep our province healthy «V- ai- - - -89. - -