Whitby Free Press, 30 Oct 1996, p. 7

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30, 1996, Page 7 I To be continueiL ~~~~~~~1 I I We take you no'w, deep into the caverns of the ancient castle. In the laboratory, cauldrons bubble, gases burp, lightning flashes. Here, Dr. FrankenHarris struggles to eut the heart, fat anid brain fromfIle Monster., "He stili cannot breathe on bis own,» says the assistant, Ermie Eavestrough. <'We stfl must eut more. He's choking ini bis own fàt'» The body on the operating table is large, grotesque, inhuman. Ugly scars trickle across its forehead. Stuinps remain only as reminders of botched operations to add extra, unneeded limbs. Other extra limbs stili survived, healthy, strong - but useless, nay, less than uselese, sapping vitality out of the rest of the hulking body. "We promised,» said Dr. FrankenHarris. "We said we would cut out aIl the extra limbs, heal up aIl the scars, eut out the heart and brain without compromising the health and vigour of The Monster.» "We promised te make bim smaller,» asserted Ernie Eavestrough. "But not so strong or vital as te be a challenge to eitber of us," said Dr. FrankenHarris. "Har, har, bar, bar,» they laugh, ini wiîson. On the slab, The Monster strains against the straps, tries te lift bis head, te speak. 'PI ... ck... et,» the monster says. The voice is weak and raspy. "Remember the Halloweens of the past, when The Monster would escape and stride through the land,» said 'Ernie. He sidivated. Hie loved te salivate. It was his best trick. "He would bide in graveyards and frighten wee children and devour virgins.' "Oh, I remember it well,» said the kind Doctor. 'But the evil men who made this creature are running this laboratory no longer. They made The Monster. Here they added an arm on bis back; here, another arm attached te bis left leg. n Ernie looked up admiringly inte bis boss's eyes. "Can we change bis dietr "0f course. Let's see. His usual diet has been tax- boosted blood, right? Billions of litres of it.» "Thats very expensive. We sbould leave him strong enougb so eventually he would be able te forage for bis own food. Then we don't need to feed him expensive tax blood.' "'But be still must be docile go he will do ail the slave work: sweeping, cleaning windows, serving meals, doing the laundiy, that sort of tbing.» "Looking after us when we're sick, too,» added Ernie. "Teacbing cbildren, lighting lights. Heil still do that. He just won't be so big and ugly, with all those extra, needless limbs. Ugh!» Down the stene steps of the ancient laboratery two umailer figures corne creeping. One is dressed as a female vampire. lie other is dressed as a maie vampire. Both are dressed in black. " Ah! Conrad! Barbara!» says the good Doctor. "My wonderful little neo-children, aIl dressed for H-alloween!' "Yes, Docter Daddy"à says Barbara. "Conrad and I are going out trick or treating.» "Going te suck the blood out of a few journalists, no doubt," says Unclo Ernie. "I may be lucky, and find a few juicy, lazy socialsts, too,» says Conrad. «Oh, 1 love these Black days as the darkness of Wmnter descends upon our vituperation.» "Whatever that meas," says Dr. Frankenllarris. "I can see you've eaten another dictionary. Now you know better, vou know vyou can't diest tem eil-e* " Sandra Lyon is the Mayor's Modal .winner at Anderson Collogiato's commencement exercises. " Joe Nieuwendyk la a candidate for the HobeY Baker Award as the Most valuable playor ln U.S. college hockey. He plays for Corneli University. " Whitby Lions Club has prosented two whoolchairs to Fairview Lodge. " The second oftwo 1912 houses was moved acros Mary Street to ho part of Pearson Lanos. 40 IMuALiUAG from the Thursday, October 26, 1961 edition of the WHIBYWKY NEWS *Former hîgh school principal Arthur Archibald was appointod te, the Court of Rovision. * Chicken le selling for 33 conts a pound at the A and P store. *Dentist Dr. John B. Davies spoke ln favour ofilouidation of wator at the King Street Homo and School Association. *The Viscount Greenwood Chaptor, Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire Winl hold a bridge and tea at the Legion Hall on Nov. 20. 100 YEARS9 AGO from, the Friday, Octobor 30, 1896 odition of the WBFBY O MMONCE 0 The Women's Auxiliary of St. Thomas" Anglican Church, Brook]in laisending a bale of, clothing te the Blackfoot Indian Roserve at Calgary. 0 The applo ovaporating work north of tho town park ls takring in about 800 bushols of apples daîly N 0 The Ontario and Durham Exhibition bas offered a $10 reward for information on vandals who are destroying its proporty on the falrgrounds. 0 A pigeon shooting teurnamont was hold at Whîtby Junction on Oct. U2 ~ na V AlEbd3 À& dlà% WE RE YcU A-T PI BY TI E 1IERE LABOP% M -15TWA$ A IN M~ETRO flA~ MULE TRMN WMRON 'IM CANJAN PACIFC!RAILWAYt NOVEMBU MO On the night of Nov. 2, 1916 a trainload of mules on their way te Montreal for service ln the Fist World War was derailod bocause the switchman turned the Junction swftch the wrong way. The wreck was near Gardon Street where the CPR line crossod the Whitby and Port Perry Railway. Whltby Archive. photo Lab work fror th We 10 dY, ceArS2, 9AGO in f h -ro teWodesdaypOctobRESS 96 dtinofh

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