Page 8. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 30,1996 MrOUS tops among Rooftoppers John Stotts, executive officer of the Oshawa- Durham Home Builders' Association, was selected as provincial 'Rooftopper of the Year' at the annual conference of the Ontario HomobuildeWAm¾sociation in Toronïto. The award was presented to Stotts for his recruitment of new m'embers for the association and service on the provincial memnbership conmittee. Earlier in the year Stotts received the Dave Stupart national award of honour for leadership, dedication and CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT PEARSON LANES 1031/2A MARY ST. WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2R4 (905) 665-1911i MEMBER:Vincent L. John THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE VICE PRESIDENT I.D.A. & C.I.P.F. ANNlOUNCEMENT Jeff Carney, President of TD Evergreen Investment Services, is please'd to welomethree new Investment Advisors, Jeffrey Douglas, Paul Gawne and Marilyn Goodhand to the new Whitby office. Jeffrey, Paul and Marilyn bring with them several years of investment experience. They specialize in a. wide range of financial products - RRSPs, RRIFs, equities, fixed income, mutual funds and an array of other investment products. Jeffirey Dougflas INVESTMENT ADVISOR. Paul A. Gawne INVESTMENT ADVISOR MrLynGoJhn Min Goodhnd INVESMEN For a comiplete review of our investment portfolio, please cati: 665-8016 or 1-800-401-1759 A Division of TD Securéties hic. 404 Dundas Street West Whitby LIN 2M7 TD Securities Ine. is a subsidiaiy of The Toronto-Domninion Bank, Member of CIPF. m Liza opening GUESTS gather in the living room of a spacious model home at t he officiai opning of Liza Homes' 'Country Garden at Lynde Cee'cevelopment on the northwest corner of Brock and Whitbumn streets. Photo by Mark Reesor, WNhy Free Press Soroptimlists hold .or. ientati-on The OshawalWhitby chapter of Soroptimist International ' invites businesswomen Who would like te practice and develop their professional talents, as, well as get involved in coemrnity service, te attend an orientation meeting on Nov. 7, 7 to 8:30 p.m., at the Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexandra St., Oshawa. Soroptimist International ie the world's largest classified service organization for executive, business and professionaj women. Its main purpose is to provide service te the communîty through varlous Projects at the community, national and international levels. Membership promotos Persona] growth, leadershp okilîs and networking with other professional women in Durham Reglon, while providing service te communlty. Soroptetmaîse InofernatitonPivt.CintIvetens The most useful investment workshop you will ever attend! LConducted by George Ilartman, Canada's leading authioitv on MAet A11nri, on niali Llifi* t iV 141- r Califbnia in 1921 and today there are nearly 100,,000 members representing 20 oeuntz1es and territories. The Oshawa/Whitby chapter was founded in 1994. To attend the meeting, or' for more information about Soroptimist International, oeil Sandra Clarke at 668- 2640. Wealth creation seminar Portfolio manager Jonathan Wellum will con- duct a seminar on 'Wealth Creation' on Thursday, Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m.,at Cullen Gardenis. The semninar is being or anzed by Wood Gundy5 Limited seating. Tro reserve your place, #MII:. MARLEE KELLY at 579-7777 FINANCIAL CORPORATION 187KIng treetE.,'Oshawa LIKI) 6 le "F bie ffl 1 lzi 1=1 YOU'Il lea-1-11: - Investor lieliaviotir - 'l'lie 11111J01- fisks lilce(l bY illý'estoi's 'l'lie Ilo,%N loallocate assets and inucli more! Oj'palliciiltii4iiitei4eçttotliose-45yecii-,,çpliisnyitliaiiaboiýeai,ýei-cigepoi-tfolio. 1 1