Whitby Free Press, 6 Nov 1996, p. 9

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Wltby'Free Prees, Wedhâsdàý, NoVbèh, I 95 g èS MPP advocates iinosed solution ioto1aksfi B y 35k. Kowalsjd A legislate settiement may be inevitable if nego- tiations with Ontario doc- tors fail to produce an agrement Duram Centre NIPmPlaherty warns. Whxle hopeful that an agreement can b. reacbed àttebargaining table, Flaherty has no qualms about supporting lgislative action sh ould the latest round of taîka between the Mimistry of Health and Ontario Medical- Associa-, tion (OMA) prove futile. Negotiations resumed Tuesday after"Ontario ph- sicians overwhelmingy rejected a deal reacbed bet- ween the ministry and OMA on Oct. 19. «We have 20 000 doctors inOntario,.,tkey- should corne up with a solution themseélves,* rather than' having one imposed,' said FI hegtyfol owing the resuits of lat week's vote. «But if they don't, I fully By Mark R.esor Thieves didn't leave a Port Whitby woman empty- handed when theyr stele er late-eighties' model car recentlY - they parked an identical model' in its place. .Only one problem, though -- the replacement turned out te have been stelen-earlier from Oshawa. The. first indication the. Port Whitby woman bad that siomethmgni was up was when police phion.d te say tbey bad arrested a suspect it hber bank card. Her mother went to check her car te seS if anything else was missing and discovered that wh at she thought was her daughter's car had been support the governinent im- posing a solution," h. said. 0f t he 17,294 blIlots cast during a five-day refer- endum of physicians, medi- cal studenits and interns, 13,074 (76 pe:ent) wereè opposed te therterms of last month's tentative agree- ment. As, has Ibeen the case since negotiations beg, the major atumbig bIk is the goverminent's desir. te prevent medical gra- duates and docters afr.ady woringinnorthern and rural regions from est- blishing a practice in over- servied areas such as Toronto. The governmnt would simply refuse te issue those doctors an. OHIP billing number, ther.by cutting them ou;t of the system. However, Flahetycon- tends that his government, the first te «face up" te the issue of undersrviced areas, is flot tetally te blame for the impasse. broken into. "I went downstairs te go look at it and (realized) it wasn't my car. They l.ft the. identical model in my park- ing spaoe," she says. "It was the sanie colour, the same year, everything. The only difference was that the one that was left here was an -autematic and mine was a standard.» The next morning they got a caîl from another olice officer saying they had found ber car in an Oshawa creek. «It hadbhit atre,pipped upside down ,and land.d on its- roof... it' was a total wtreck.» Durhamn Regional Police, Car stolen but replace with an identical car wbo'v, arrested one sus t and are looking for another, told her the culprits stole four or five other cars but bers was the only one they wreckd. The car was bou&ht just three months ago wth part Of >a.$12,000 award she received from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board after a sexual assault three er fl "I. was vioIated -,efore and now once again," she says .The car was insured but she's worried about finding a replacement as good as the orignal vehicle for what the insurance,.com- REGIONAL MUNICIPALrrY 0F DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENTf INVITATI ON FOR PUBLIC COMMENT AND CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR ADDITIONAL POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT CAPACITY TO SERVICE WHITBY, OSHAWA AND CLARINGTON (COURTICE) URBAN AREAS Population growth and panned cevelopment ln the Oshawa and Courtice urban areas has resulted in'the need to plan for additonal water polution control piant capacity ln these communities. Flow records for the Harmony CreeIc Water Pollution Control Plant which services the eastem portion of the Oshawa and Courtice urban areas lndicate that the facillty is nearing its design capacity. The Region of Durham is therefore conducting a Class EnvironmentaJ Assessment to Identify a method of provldIng additional water pollution control plant capacity for the Whitb , Oshawa and Courtice urban areas that I s consistent with mhe long terni servicing requirements identfIed ln the Durham Region Officiai Plan. This projeot is being pianned ln accordance with the requirements of the Ciass Environmentai. Assessment for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects - Shedule 'C' A Public Information Centre to provide additionai details regarding the projeot and present potential solutions WHl be heki: Thursday, November 7, 1996 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Lake Vista Communiy Centre Lake Vista Par k Emerald Avenue Oshawa, Ontario Staff of the Region of Durham and their consultant, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, wviil be available to answer questions and discuss the project with members of the public. For further information on this project, please contact the*folloWing: Rob Sim .Eng. ProjectManager Totten Sims Hbicki Associates 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario UiN 9J2 (905) 668-9363, ext. 209 OR Thom SioIey, P. En9. Manager, Engineering Planning& Studies ReSion ofDurham Works Department P.U. Býox 623, 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario UiN 6A3 (905) 668-7721, ext. 5289 This notice issued October 23,1996. J. Wifty Regionai Chair M V.A.Siigaiiis, P. Eng. commissioner of Works I "I tbink that young' phy- sicians have a legitimate concern that they are being asked by aider physicians te take over the prohiem of underserviced areas," he said. "I think that the doctors should sit down and talk te eaeh other and work out a sytem for general practi- tioner- and speciaist -ser- vices.» Flaherty, who recently visited several communities in northern Ontario, said placing restrictions on where doctors can practice is necessary if the govern- -ment is te ensure "urver- sal, accessible healthý care ail over Ontario." It is not uncommon te find tewns of "12-to-15000 people» being served -by a- single doctor, Flaherty said, wbereas «south of Bloor Street in Toronto,»ter ar ,0 amily physicians. Tini a problem that has been festering for some time," he said. oÀ 10 am to 1:45am Morning Carnival Styýle Bing. 259t/Game - 3 speciols - 504 eocha 12:15 prntJockpotp Lo ie Wealth, *Rtegulau' Style ing. *$2000 Jackpot in 54 numbers or less Consolation prize $1000 over 54 numbers * $2000 Super Jackpot starts at 50 numbers or less *Consolation is $400 daily *$5500 PrizeB.avd plus super Jaskp.t 5-0 e 4 * filight Cm'nlvuul style Bing. *254/game - 3 specials - 504 each 7 pi to 1045 pm *Eveng Bing. - Reguler Styl *$1000 Bonus Jackpot *$2000 Super Jackpot * afNlhfBig.(huya. te Sun.) Jackpot -'$l 1.00 euach Share The Wealth $4260 P'izeBemrd plus Supe ake *TWO $1000 Jackpots MJW MINI MACHINEBONGO -* 25C (In between regular ga2mes and infermission) ENVIRONMENTALLY CONTROLLED SMOKE-FREE AREA NOW AVAILABLE! s northern and rural aes Flaherty noted. "W. had a clinic in Osh- awa that couldn't get a doctor (general practi- tioner) from ,Toronte ýte corne ber.. It had te get one from Halifax.» WhiIe h. believes the «vast majority of dotors do care about t he health. car. system and want te see it work,» Flaherty said the. mnedical profession must also realize that, the pro- vince'sfmnancial resources are limited. "They have te, accept what Most other p ei already bave. We -have te get our fiscal house in order." Results of last week's vote by Durham Region doctors were not availab e. Neither Dr. Rakesh Bhargava, nor Dr. 'Frank Bravo, president and vice- president respectivly of the Duram Me dical Society, could b. reached for comment. at (905)619-9500 M00 00 (0900, a 956933 STEVE COOPER, *sa es representative sutton-group heritage reaity mnc. Morninji Noon & Night m Jackpot Shareth Weil, bring an oversizeci yardstick when you measure thisone! This very speciai service is flot available in Toronto etc. Oniy in the Whitby/ Brookiin area. You can take a peek at this 100% effective service simpiy by contacting Steve Cooper* - "The guy with the white dog" 4%.Rpul ..Ooowb--à

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