Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1996, p. 10

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Page 10, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 13, 1996 HEALTU PROMOTION A Whitby session during which residents can made comynents for the Durham Region District Health Council's health promotion Ia wilI be heldat the Witby Seniors' Activity Centre on Tuesday, Nov. 26, 7:30 te 9 p.m. The council seeks comments on what residents consider to be the important living and working conditions and socal support issues in the community.Mie plan, that aims to improve ~eqaiity of life locallywll be sub- mitted to ýthe Ministry of Health. For more informa- tion, caîl 433-4262. WOMENS FELLOWufp Women'sagow Fellowship Winl meet Thursday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m., at Evangel Church, 374 Farewell St., Oshawa. For more informtonP a Shirley at 723-9458. FIBROMYALGL4, The Fibromyalgia Relief Group will meet Wednesday, Nov. 20, 7 p.m.,.at the Total Reflex Health Centre, 10)6 Coiborne St. E., Whitby. For more information, caîl 668- 0234. SPEAKIG SERVES Father Eugene (Red) O'Reilly will discuas 'Being Church in the W9s" Nov. 24 to 27, 7:30 p.m. each night, at St. John the Evangelist Church, 903 Giffard St., Wbitby. For more Information, oeil 668-3676. LEUKEMÀ Leukemia Research Fund Canada, Durham branch, wiil meet oni Monday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m.,, at, 104 Consumers Road, Whitby. Volunteers are needed for an upcoming fundraiser. For more information, caîl 665- 8463. MODEL SHOW The Pin. Ridge Railroaders model train show wiil b. held Saturday, 10 a.m. to. 5 pam. and- Sunday,10a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Father Leo J. Austin Secondary Sehool, Dryden Boulevard, Whitby. Cost is $4 for adulte, $2 for children under 14, free for those under five. AUCTION, CASINO The. Whitby Precision Skating Club will hold thefr sixth annuai sulent auction and casino on Fni- day, Nov. 22," starting ant 6 9.m, at General Sikoreki hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N. (north of Taunton) Oshawa. Admission is $13 and in- cludes dinner catered by the Olive dzarden Res- taurant. For tickets, cali AI Chabassol at 728-3068. IMPACT & INFLUENCE. The Durham Region Association for Volunteer Administration wili present 'Impact and Influence,' Friday, Nov. 22, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. The professional development -day with Sandra Pupatello, and Lorraine Street is designed for managers of volunteer resources, executive directors and board mertibers wJi want to e.prepare emerging trends a, conditions. For information, oeil 668-1424.* BJRTHJNG CIRCLE Birthing Circle, a non- profitý commnunity support group for pregnancy and childbirth issues, will meet Monday, Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m., at the. Knights cf Columbus Hall, 108 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. Topic wili be 'Labour and Birth Process.' Caîl 905-420-0223 for more information. SOROIVflMrT The OshawaAhtby chapter of Soroptirnist International will meet Thursday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m., at the Oshawa Golf Club, 160 Alexandira St., Oshawa. Soroptimnist International i. a -woridwide, non-profit service- organization for executive, business- and professional women. HOBBY SHOW To commemorate the lSOth anniversary cf Whitby District Hligh Scliooi and Henry Street igh Sehool, an arts, crafts and hobby show wiil b. held on Saturday, Nov. 23 and Sunday, Nov. 24 at Henry Street High Sehool, 614 Henry St., Whitby. For more information, caîl 723- 4521 or fax 723-6117. and social Kinette recog>nitionl moreO Aine at KINETTE CLUB of Whitby president director and president. Rolland is Andree Renaud (left)_presents Janet applauded b y (from right) husband. IRolland with the a l ogers memrber Charlie,-children Gavin and Shelley achivemnent award to recognize her and parents Joan and Ron Watson. 20 years of service as a member, Phto by M"rkReescr* hy Fiee Préss DANCE The Ladies Auxiliazy, Branch 112, wili hold a dance on Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion, 117 Bryon St. S., Whitby. Cost is $5 at the. door. GBOST'AUTHOR Ron Brown. author cf the Ghost Town series, will b. guest speaker at a meeting cf the Oshawa lstorical Society at the Centennial- Albert United Church, Rosebil Boulevard, Oshawa, on Monday, Nov. 1 8, 8 p.m. Ail welcomne. For more information, oeil 436-7624. DOWN SYNDROME The Durham Down Syndrome Association wiIl meet Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E., for a 'Christmas Shopping' and social nigiit. Babyittingi and refreshments. For morej information, eaU 579-0187. AEROBATHON An aerobathon, the. Sunr- ise Fitness Funfest. will be held at the, A.E. King Fit-. nees Complex ini east Osh- awa on Sunday Nov. 24 te rais. 'funds for Sunrise' recreational and social pro- grams. To obtain pledg. formas, oeil 666-9503. COOKIES Girl Guide cookies are being sold during Novem- ber. Contact ay local Girl Guide te, make a purchas. for what is the. bigget fun- OSTOMY The Oshawa and District Ostomy Association, a mutual aid group for ail persons who have or are about te, have ostomy SurgerY, wiIl meet on Wednesclay, Nov. 20, at Oshiawa General Hospital, room 1002F. For more information, oel Ron hMrton at 571-3670 or Alma iinrmtincaiiMoiaa Model Rilroad Sinohaio.101 2 days, by popular domnandi jF1,.E, Saturday, November l6th, 1O0:OOam to 5:OOpmÀL0 çf Sunday, November l7th, 10:OOam to 3:3Opm AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INC. SPINA BIFEDA The Durham Chapter of the. Spina Bifida . and. Hydrocephalus Association ofOntario will hold the. third annual-i ifties' and sixties' dance on Saturday night, Nov. 16, at the. Lake Vista Ciubhouse, 450 Emerald Ave., Oshawa. Tickets are $15 per couple AuMrat 57-632le; DRIVER COURSE The WhitbY- Seniors' Actvity Centre will offer the '55 Alive' defensive, driving course for seniors at the centre starting Nov. 18. The course runs Mondays and Wednesdays, 1 te 3:30 p.m., AJDS FORUM The Canadian'Federation of University Women, Oshawa and District, will present a forum 'Looking at W.V - AIDS, today and into the twenty-flret century,' on Wednesday, Nov, 13, 8 p.m., at the Durham Board of Education, 400 Taunton ]Rd. E., room 2007, Whitby. Speakers include Debbie Winters, presentition co- ordinator, and Trudie ]Reid, executive director from the AIDS Conirittee of Durham' Hligh school s3tudents, parents, teachers and members of the. public are encouraged to attend. PARENTSW/0 PARTNERS Parents Without Partners chapter #204 will meet Thursday, Nov. 14,8 pan., at St. George's Church, (upstairs), el Centre St. S., Oshawa, for their general meeting. For more information, cail Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723-1699. DISTRESS CENTRE Distress Centre Durham wili hold an information day on Wednesday, Nov. 20, with s3essions at 2 and 7 pm, at the Whitby Public Library, for anyone inter- ested in volunteering for the Helpine. Cail 723-4461 ILOOK OOD, The Look Good ...FPeel Better program developed by thie Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA) Foundation, for women undergoing treatment for cancer,- wiil b. heid at O&haw General Hospital on Tuesiday, Nov. 19, 2 te 4 pa. Volunteers are professional cosmùeticians and wig stylists specially trained te, work with the. particular effects of chemotherapy and radiation on sIn, hair nails, eyebrows and lashes. Ini.a two-hour workshop, women are taught mak.up , and styling techniques te boost theïr appearance and self-estemn. To register, caîl 433-4301, CNIB Ii. annual general iet ing of the Durham egk'n branch of the Canadian National 'Institute 'for the Blind will be held on Thursday, Nov. 14 7 p.m., at Jubile. Pavilio, akef view park, Oshawa. For more information, cali 436- ONE PARENTFABMES Tii. On.» Parent Faniilies Association cf Oshawa will' meet Tuesday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m.V at the. Adria Culture Club, 432 Simco, St. S., Oshiawa, for 'Teach Me How To Lioue,' about separation, divorce and the, losa cf aZ loved one. AUl single parents, custodial or net, are invited te attend. Fer- more Deug at 728- Open Mndy & Thursday 8 Oam-7.Opm AN,0NING Tues, Wed. & Fn 7ý3Oar-6:3Oprn Sat 8:Oarn4 OOpm 701 BROCK ST. N.,#,W TY Mark Calendar! Country Furnishings, Foods & Gifts Canad' CO N R 1 orginal DEOANR for you and VICOArN 1Ieach friend with .cOLLI!ETIBIY$ I lo.With this 'SHOW&S ALEI Free Parking VEI.lpjv Door Prizes ELOM Entertainment ~ H I L O S lcïâýARTS à CRAF'S 1 Friday 1 Om.9-pn I Sat-Sunloam-5Pm MARKHAMi NOYI5 FAI~RGROUNDSi !NO I 501 MCoan oa. 7KMNortfHw.7 j 1

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