Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1996, p. 3

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;Whitb' Fe Press, Wecne dy oember 13,'1996, Pge3 Doctors refuse to take on B B y M k e Ko w aj l Ontarj doctors could learn toda if they will be disciplinecf or their lob action' protest against the provncial qovernment.the council of th lee of Physiciane and Surgeons of Ontario was schedufled for this morning to determine if punitive measures should be imposed on doctors who refuse to, treat new patients. Health Minister Jim Wil- son asked the doctorsl' govrnngbody to invoke penalties last week after the physicians began thefr jOb action following the Iatest round of bargaining between the province and Ontario Medical Associa- tion (OMA). Negotiators for the government and OMA again failed to reach agree- ment on the crucial issue of mo vinoq doctors into Ontarios under-serviced areas. Durham Meclical Society- president Dr. Rakesh Bhar-i gava was uncertain FPriday how many local doctors Zrill participate in «practice adjustmient» initiafiy, but i he expects the numbers to a grow if Wilson persists in t threatening retaliation.- d «None of the physicians ri want to do an adjustnient of their practice,» said Bhargava, an Oshawa car- 1b diologist, who dislikes the, terni 'job action', r4 "But wheny ou hear the b, minister SayhC wants the si College to begin -revoking ti licences?that's another mat te r, he said. hi Bhargava said doctors p will continue te treat their t)l current patients and those ( requiring eniergency care. HoWever, people without ni a general practitioner or su those needing non-emer- tec Three injured WHITBY FIREFIGHTERS help the driver and life-threatening njrisater the two-vehicle passenger from'this overtumed car on to a collision. Police say both cars were westbound stretcher after an accident Wednesday. after- on Taunton when one made a u-tum in front of noon on Taunton Road west of Coronation. the other. An 82-year-old Whitby man was Three people were taken to hospital, none with chargeci with careless driving in the mishap. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhItWFree Pres Sign bylaw charges againi laid By mke Kowalisk Two local businesses agin acing charges ung Witby's temporary -si bylaw., -Only days after thec ginal carges were wii drawt in court, the mg chants have béen issu new tickets after Town 01 cials made good on thi promiuse te again char businesses that continue use miobile advertisir signa. Owners of Lazy Dai Pools and Spas on ]Buri Street and the Rur a Carpet outlet on Thîcks< Road wll appear in provi] cial court next January-.' Their stores are the on] two in Whitby tat haiý refused te comply with byvlaw that, with ewwexcel* tions, prohibits the use c mobile signs'in the muni.cI paj go. two tickets,» sali IJaveTreagua' who was'noý present whxen bylalv enforcement officers visite( his swimmingfpool busines, last week and issued tlii new sunmeonses te wifE Rita. «We're back i court ori Jan. 13 and we'1l find oui what happens then,» saitd Treagu8, who- still intends tight the charges. Treagus was one of eight business owners who had their charges withdrawn last week after the presid- ing justice of the peace dis- covered that the tickets had not been filled out properly. However, Treagus and the owner of Ru g and Car- net, were the only cnes te be recharged becaLuse they have yet te remove their leToronte-based owner of the carpet stere was not available for comment Mon- day and the two employees working in the store would not identiyhim. "What t he Town wants is- compliance. If the signs are gone we won't be laymg charges,» said Rick Pigeon Of Whitby's bylaw enforce- ment branch. «Nobody likes te give out tickets se we won't bother these guys again,» said l'he charges were laid last summer after the Town bfen enforcing the mobile sign component cf the con- troversiarbylaw. Except for a 30-day period te promnote a new business cpening or reloca. tion, mobile signs are now generaîîy banned- in Whitby. Although the flrst batch cf tickets carried a $75 'penalty, fines cf up te $5,000 can be imposed on repeat offenders. However, Treag*usad other disgruntled mer- chants are pinning their' hopes on a court challenge launched by the Canadian Mobile Sign Asseciâtion.. The. association appealed a' Stoney Creek bylaw which served as the mode] for Whitby'bylaw .and the case is 1 now -before the Ontariio Court cf Appeal. Town administrator Bill Wallace explained that bylaw staff were net pro- perly infornied cf new pro- cedures, despite having recently ccnipleted a bylaw Wallace added that theri were 250 illegal niobili signs at the tume the clamnpdown began and he described it as an ever- whelniing succe"s»* Sorage fadiity may go ahead By Mike Kowalsi Durham Region officiais are hoping part cf a contre- versial sewage sludae sterage facility will be buxît in seuth Whitby as soon as next year. Region works departmnent staff intend te recommend that funding be included in Durham's 1997 budget te permit construction cf two, cf ain eventual- six, sludge hlngtanks at the Cor- bett Creek sewage treat- ment plant. Pending provincial ap pro- val cof a recently compl1eted environniental assessment cf the proposed project. work could begin in laie 1997or early 1998. However, those pI ans could be sicuttled sould Environnient and Energy Minister Nonm Sterling decide that further study is required. Oppenents of the $10 -mllionrora1, have until the end vember te registr their objections. Werks commîssioner Vi] Silgailis cenfirmed that regienal council will be askied te, include a portion of the project in next year'i budget. The enclesed tanks would store treated sewae (sludge) produced by he Corbett Creek. plant and other Region facilities dur- ing the winter months until it can be hauled away and sprayed on faryners' fields as fertilizer. Silgailis did net know the exact rice atag for two tanks ut Saidt is «rea- sonable te assume» that the coat can be calculated on a «pro rata» basis using the $10-million figure. A]theugh he said there. is not an iimedjate need» to, press ahead with the pro- Ject at this tue, regional councillor Marcel" Brunelle said staff «apparently feel it is useful for us te have twai tanks.." Brunelle, aniember cf SDurham's werks commit- ttee,' said staff do not want e te run the risk cf the î Regien being caught with-- o uL somewhere te store the sludge until it can be used. Sludge or «biosolids» -is the endi product produced freni the sewage treatmnent proceas. The Region currently pro- duces ap preximately 100,000 gallons cf sludg Pe da and since 1974 tge bulk ofit has been recycled as fertilizer. In fact, Durhani's soil enrichinent program has ME PAGE 26 .e le ge>Lnc peialist are -could gava adniitted. 'Mhe onl1y thing wepre not doing is takîng new latents," he said, -because he governnient is saying if we Bee theni, 'we won't pay you .» In addition te being un- happy about government plans te force newly gra- eute physicians te locate 'ln remote areas, they're aise angry about a ministry practice. in which ý-the govermient 'claws back' 10 per cent of thefr salaries,. While aspokesPesonfor Wilson cou-Id not be reached for comment on the im- passe, health, critica for the tWO opposition parties were quick te accuse the minis- ter Of rmaking a bad situa- -tio worse. eW believe Wilson has unnecessarily Provoked a Potentiajly disasterous sit uation with the Patientsmsaid Liberal mÉp .and former health mini-ster Elinor (Japlan. n "InesJim, Wilson is removed, nothing will be resolved,» said Caplan, Who re rsents the North York tI ~ hk. 93 (ob action) la repudiation of Wilson and his style andisao ;he doctors showinq their liscontent with their own Athough Caplan said, ýpatient care should neyer ie jeopardized» anid that these issues should -be ýesolved, through good faith 'argaining,» she under- itands the docters' frustra- "We preicted this would tppen with Bill 27 scra- ngthe agreements with he (previcus) NDP ,overnment) » she said. 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