Whitby Free Press, 13 Nov 1996, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 13, 1996 byWib eietThe only Newspaper owned and operated by Witb reidets or hitby residents! @IA MEMBER 0F: Canadian Community Ontario Community Newspaper Association Newspaper Association OWhltby Whltby Business Oshawa-DUrhamn Home Chamber of ommerce in Action Builders' Association The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtie g6 well as numerous public and commercial ouiets in Whtby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 28,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $36 + GST - Outside Canada $85 + GST ISSN#0844.agaX Published every Wednesday y 677209 Ontario Imc. 900 Hopkins St. /BOX 206, Whîtby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-11il Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Donald G. Hinton - Sales Manager Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Prnted on newsprint with minimum 20% 4% reoycled content using vegetable based inks. tu* ID Alit written malerl, illustrations and advertlsing eontained herein ls protecled by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purpses without the express permission ot the newspaper is prohibted and is a violation ofi Candan copyright law. Reproduction tor non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine ta the Ciitby Free Press. Real clem'ocracy To the edîtor:- We congratulate the health and social services committee of Durham Regian for bt decislon nt ta participate ln a mandatory warkfare pragram. Athough there may have been Pressure fîom the More inspections needeci To the oditor: Reontiy when 1 took the Liberty Street aff-ramp ln Bowmanvîîle, the truck ahead Of me bost the front end 0f its load. What 1 thaught were three truck tires - 1I later iearned they were throe rals af steel, 9,000 pounds ln ail- mlssed my car1 by four foot, The truck kept1 going so I wrote down the1 trailer Plate aid campany« namo. I thon pulled up beside him and gostureci that he bast someofaihis loaci. Ho stopped ta get out aid check theF damage. 1 thon went aid( phoned 911 aid returned toa the scenie.d 1 urgeci the police afficers ta cali the Mnlstry of Transportation 50 ai Ir Inspection cauki b. carrioc out. tt mhe driver aid the compaiyci wore bath chargea wth carrying an jeinsecure Joad.- Sm Wehgave ta impose much to stiffer fines, mhis would enable th us ta hure mare Inspoctors ta se stop these trucks andi check M themn. ag .I thlnk af Angola Worona k who died a year aid nine ne months ago Mhon hit by a fiying truck lire. i almost Udic, pi and now 1 am mare determined las ta holp the Warona family ln lW their crusade ta get mare chi Inspectors, hIgher fines andi get roE this probiem cieaied up. ar Please, If aiyone sees a Wl truck with Its boac unsafe or al I aver the'roaci, take the lime toanai cal police and demaici the de ministiy Or OPP inspect the DLi truck. of Sandre Tkaezuk 1 Oshawa PRMýncWalgvernt~, regional paliticiais made their own 1docision- basod upon their *camman sens'e." Councillors Put the Interests of Durham's communîties aid the most vuinerable amaongst us flrst. Mandatory warkfare represents a tremendous assaultupan wrking. poople and the poor. R Muld cost a gr"a deal of maney ta ïmplemont - money that would have ta COme from othor -%Se&cs Regional councillors dearly feRt that servics ta senilors, for example, were more Importait thai punishlng the poor. At the recent public forum ln Whitby, thore was no delendor1 aif the mandatory warlare1 Program ta answer thee comments 0f the 40 sociali activlstS, researchers, church t leaders. aid labour actists who ail spake agalnst R. Not fi one of aur local MPPs spoke. i In fact, the anly mpp was ti Rosaria Marchese, the NDP P MPP from Fart York riding ln S Toronto. ti At last Wek's health and fL social services committe., g, ministors from the United, sd PresbYteriai, Anglican aid TI Catholic chuiches ail spake 01 ainst mandatory woarao r~O eld labour aid social sotivists. We ho pe that roglonal fi) ouncil il dlsplay the same sy 'teg nad foresight as has b ho heat'h aidnd=alsices th- xOmmittee. pli We beileve that the wM pvomment shouici b. Worklng stz MWards fulI emPioyment aid bu ltkievoo>ne shulbe able to 1 ecure a decont job. Workfare the aOulci pit poor weffare clients soi kgainst public sector waorkers. cor t Wauld not croate a single au~ *w Job but rathor take jobs. the There was a iengthy aid Da rotracted debate on this Wh mue.' Rg Ional counciliors steed O edebate. Sevoral wh) haiged thoir mincis ln Eur, 3sponse ta Public concerns In id the full research on reo orifare. IH In short , R hasnot Warked why ywhero olse and doos not the 1 serve thoir support în con., irharn. This was- ai exampie dociý rosi demoxcracyin action. com Durham Reglon Coarnon Hi for Social Justice, the BY Paul Pagnuelo An amiy of tax collectais; ha been given ts marchlnq orders. The assaut ai taxpayers will be massive. Municipal Atfairs U~nister A Leach wants ta reforny Ontario's praperty tax system uslng actual value assessmenl (AVA) and 1996. propenty values. He wants Rit n lime foi the 1998 municipal tax bis. In aider ta make this turkey fly, the provincial assessment division has onvlnced Leach that the job can be done Wlthout the Haruis govemment being stung ln the pracess. Despite assuraices that R can be delvered anlime, an cost, and vWth a high dogreeofa Integrity using; its own rosourcos aid contract staff, the private soctor was aiso lnvlted ta bld an ail or part of the project.. lVs the biggest reassessment, project ever ln North America, costlng almost $61 milain for apeners. Provlnce-vàde reassessment invalvos the valuation 0f mare* than 3.8 million praperties., 5.5 million structures aid 5.6 million assessable units, ail within a timellne of 18 manths. With millions an the table up for grabs, ane muid expect Private soctor flrms ta, b. ripplng over themselves for a Piece af the action. Surprisel Sources roveal that because fie pracess lis sol Jndamentally flawed aid ;Uaranteod ta fail, the private ;ector is shunning the projeci. ti rhey don't want ta put their bwn hard-earnoii reputations î m the lune. As the whale exerciseof~ xdng Ontarlos p rôperty tax ystemn continues ta emilve, k mcmes increasingiy apparent a at the agenda aid the whale P roOGss for assessment refarm s ere hijacked from the vety IN art by the tax collectai di irealJcracy. How else does one explainar efaci that there neyer was a th 0aus examilnalian or wo nslderatlan 0f alemative -13 sessment systemns, either by as a GoldenTask Frce o bypa ir Crambie's *Who Does Po iat' adivIsory panel. How eise does one explain gu iy the- findings 0f Libby pe riham's GIA revlew panel, -sni respect ta assessment 1 'm, were lgnored. soi 10w Oise does one explaIn 'coi y the views oftaxpay.rs - .pro Peaple Who wiil pay for the pat Seqluenrces of thèse atü isians - have been disi 'pletely dismi sd. gf <, et.edoi M~parisbeli that knocking? govemment, elected an the basis of a 'Common Sens.' fiscal platform, has chasen ta go wlth the highest-cost, most labour-intensive solution, ane which vwIlihit Implementation gridlock aid self-destruct, just as Ontario readies itself for the next provincial eloction. ft's clear that the assessment buîeaucracy has one prime objectve - ta secure its own continuous employment. Civil servants are well amare af the palitical risks invoived With AVA, but have silenced the alarm bouls at Queen's Park., Theylve canvlncecj the Harris gavernment ta unplug the of tthOntalo Ta payer mhe Harris government, Ulke athers before iR, has been captured by the power of the bureaucracy. No wander public opInIon polis refiect an lreasng lack af faih ln paliticians and big government. Rushlng ln a flawed, falled proporty tax system that hIres mare tax collectors and angers taxpayer makes no political or cammon sense. Taklng the lime ta research, deveiap ad implement a made-ln.Ontajo altemative that taxpayers wl support does. Paul Pagnuelo là a member To the editor: Re: LoUter, 'Net parnographic,' Free Press, Nov. 6., Deflnion taken tram Colliers Dictionary: Pornography n. materi ai, as pictures or writings, intended toa amuse sexual désires or exdtemenL PlaYboy magazine cantains explicit phatographs ai nude Nomen. This alane constitutes worography. There are aiso etters aid articles Written wlth ýh sale purpose ai describlng i soxual sot or oncounter. This 9also parngraphy. The vaman's (Playmate's) consent os not diminish thîs fact. mhe ietouching ai the photos ýnly Intensifies the abjectifying f these women aid further rapagates the Barbie tereotype that 15 so rampant ln omography-. This physical eception aid the descriptive ccounts ai sexuai preference id encounters only promaotes ie misconceptian that al omen shoul lookIlike the lJnnlos.' they ail Want sex, ln maiy ways, Wvith as many rtners, aid as olten as ssible. While wO are somoti mese ily, 0f nt giving younga DpIe. croditt for having the lI arts ta, figure thîs aut, somea 1-year-ocis exposeci. ta this r It af "ltoratureO .wib. r nfused by the message R ç vides. This ls the danger of Tlagraphy, a storeotypec it Ude, tha may resuft ln ty espect lai womon aid their IN its ln aid, out af the si lroom. Some may endi up rig raped because a bayirlend beleves ail girls really want Rt (alter ail, Miss January sure doos). There may aise bo a, level af dîsrospect or even crue* basoci solely on the fact that a waman may nat meot tho minimum physîcal requlroments set out by these magazines. Had the, wntoî watched A& E's . nlightening Investigative, repart an the pornog raphy industry, ho wouhdave seen ai FBI agent explain that ln almast ail af the cases of sexual crime, the perpetratar had a long reitonship with pain. The "lsox preciatrsn the writOi' describes ln the final paragraph af his loUter startwith porn thon move an ta malostatian, raes anci even murdor. Finaiy, sex has nover been a baci thîng betwAeen two consenting adults; but pornography is net sox. Pomnography ls the trivializationj andi mass sale ai lust. Pain tuins sex Into a sport and, as we al knaw, some players can sot veiy pooily When they do t naît gettheir way. t The writer sesmns ta feel that c RlIs fine for a -young boy j entrng pubertytIo use pami as a a Iearning tool. i muid b. c Interested ta soe Ns reaction ti anéithat cffother rogular pam readers ,If the .raies wore -e reversed aid R was' a yaung sd girl reading PIaygrl*1 N i 1bellevo Nhs attitude woul i b0 ývery dchlorent since the bh MpIcal stereotypo also di Punishes women for acting, ai sexualy. tir Jerry Burlien Catholic schools Vd ifferent To the editor:- Re: LoUter, *Make education systemn efficient," Free Press, Oct. 30. Recent letters to the editr stress the desirability toco away wth the "duplictonq school boards sceMost 0 rthe ourses ln the Cathallo sohools are StJpposedly the same as those In the public 11% varschools.- As a Cathoio relpayr, ndparent who sent his children to a Cathollo sohool board. i beg to differ. The, purpose a1 a Cathlic schaolI's flot to citer a religion ourse on top af other secular subjects, but to pursue the quest for îaih, justice9, persanal and ommunaitans5formation. The jourhey 0f the students. Staff and parents is not a secular one but rather a sacred- Joumey. The Values that underline this joumney are based on a psan d'ai event: Jesus, NsMessage and Redemption. Catholo sohoois are not slmply teaching Institutions where reigion is taught as 1ldng on the cake« of a common Curricuum. The curriculum Is a Cathoilc cammon curriculum because what is tauht ln any subjectIis taught with a different worid view. mhe aithrapogy, theology and histry ai theCatholic church Is not that af a secular. society. Concern for social justIce is not-a parethesis but a focus for aur teachlng and actions. 1Famiý Ife is vlewed ln the oentext 0of a God-centred focus, thereore reveailng each Pern as a»child of God. Abortion Is rejected because Rt is the kllling of a chld 0f God. Sexual ,abstinence -until marriage is presented ln the view of the digntty and sacredness of each persan. A Catholic schoal is not a Ndupi=em af a public Schooî. it is a communîty of believers who want to oe able to loarn and share their falth ln a curriculum that respects aid fosters the religlous valùes of the Catholic church. mhars some 0f What aur schaols are ail about ... aid much more. Tirades go tOo far To the editor: Aitor ioading Ted Greenflelcis louter In the Nov. 6 Issue of The Fiee Pross, i am astaundeci that ho continués ta spow his venam across the Pages of the iocal press. Me describes those who do not share his personai reglius aid political right-Mhing Phibosophyasbe1nubleeding, heart, leitWlng (ding) soclalist communlsts.u Apparently ho gets hNs view~s lrectly from his dally reading ai tho bIble, sa he shoulci know wy naw whîch bibilcal commanclment Is the greatost. And he shauci also know some of the consequences af irganizatons Ieaning too'lai ta :hg right. One extreme example,- Is the mergenceln tlsarea'cf ' K *at There are others. In case Ar. Greenfilc neods ta b. amîndoci. the eWarementioned 4bîlcai directive'15 "ta bye" letoci Itte'evidence 0f thiss ln hy oi.Ns persistent publshéd rades. It's stili porno To the Cd 1 tor é 1 Who's

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