Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1996, p. 13

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p a ti fc ti n ar El ai th pl cla aN or thE ha] is:r -ýofBROOKLIN +v- Society's 75th year By Steve Leahy Victorian Christmas. open Wednesday, Nov. 27 from 3 Sinoe 1921 members of the bouse this week with special to 9 p.m.. to "introduce" the Brooklin Horticultural discounts and free gifts andprec consultant and Society have been helping te prize. Call 655-3474 for more findings from background rnake Brooklmn a beautiful information. studies for the secondary place in which to liye. They plans for the Brockfj2aunton are the ones who MIl those RUMMAGE and from the Thickson/i hanging baskets and planter Taunton areas.1 barrels with fiowers. And There will be a winter Both these areas are bey are the ones responsible. rummage and craft sale on undergoing secondary planc ,or much of the lovely flora StraNv 0fo studies scheduled te beà &re are blessed with around a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Masonie completed by next summer. Fie village. Hall on Cassels Road (across The secondary plans will set Always an active group fromn the United Church). Ail the specificiations about how t ith regular meetings, sorts ofstuff will be available these areas will develop. Fo nembars corne from near such as new and used kids' more information, cal ther nd far and are of aIl ages. clothes and toys, crafts of planning department. veryone is weicome te various kinds andljeweliery. ttend their final meeting of If you'd like te, have a table BROORIIN LIONS t àe year featuring nature of your own at the sale, or Fotographer Donna more information, caîl Paul ThprolnadDsrc cQuay's giorious siides or Yvonine at 655-3223. TioneClbrowlinhlandinnrit t inchronized with some fine onClbwlhldaine n assical music. It's sure to e a ENGITS DANCE meeting on Wednesday, Nov, o visul ad auitoy trat.27, 6:45 p.ni., in the Brooklin The meeting will be held The Brookiin Knights of Road East. etr,1!slsu i Wednesday, Nov. 27 at Columbus fifties and sixties r mr omton, cat.i f ie Brookhin United Church dance goes this Saturday, Neil ato55-406oraJon at Af il. Dessert and coffee wiil Nov. 23. Prizes, food, contests 655-4640. ai served at 7 p.m. and more costs $20 a couple. t Everyone is welcome, there Phone Chris at 432-7541 or DROP-IND no admission charge. Dave at 428-0441 for tickets. The drop-in program at the m BOOK SIGNJNG 9SNGERS IN TOWN Brooklin Community Centre wi on Cassels Road on re Brooklin's Julia Aitken, co- 'The Cbiid at Christmnas" Tuesdays, 1:30 te, 4 p.m., bas W thor of one of the tep 10 will be performed by the startad again for the season. re kbooks in 1996, will be County Town Singers this Seniors are invited te drop de ,ning copies of ber book, Sunday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at o aptbwig in for a game of shuffleboard fu ? Ontario Haruest Brooklin United Cburch. or a r to gring okbook, at the Broolin Admission is $7 for aduits Foinrmtnreadg lage Shoppe temorrow and $4 for thosa 12 rudr the program, cali 668-1424. te ursday) from 5 te 7 p.m., For more information, calil1! 1 on Saturday, Nov. 23 Jean at 655-8577 or the -La m 10 a.m. 1te, noon. Take cburcb office at 655-4141. Ste ve Leazy's colum n a great opportunity te pick a ïppea,, eveiy week a oydca. ih PBI M TNSH ca 6554398 1! al oydcat.ih PBLCMEINSH anl6e5-eache lie 'Brooklin Village The Town of Whitby wili r6558 (fax).-» ýppe is also having their hold a public meeting on Ir6558 I aul coc Big the Coc vil] (Th~ and &r up Juli Sho JDr. Lawrence A. Greenfland - Dental Surgeon iQe Baby teeth will be lost., Why should they be fixed? Ae. "Baby" or "primary" teeth are retained much longer than many people realize. Our primary molars are not lost until we are 12 or 13 years aid! Our baby teeth provide a foundation and guidance for the permanent (aduit> teeth. If a child developes a cavity, it may become painful and lead to an abscess and possible extraction. Corrective treatment may be necessary to prevent more extensive treatment (including braces) in the future. Early tooth development also affects a child's ability ta eat, chew, swallow and form speech pattems. Befare teeth erupt in your child's mouth, massage the gums with your finger or wet washcloth. When -teeth start ta appear, continue wiping them with a toothbrush, washcloth or gauze. Continue helping-your child brush his/her teeth evenwhen they insist on doing it themselves, until you are convinced they are doing an èdequaite job. Ask your dentist about flouride and protective sealants and make sure your child has regular dental care. DR. GREENLAND- DENTAL SURGEON 101 Dundas St. W. Suite 304, Whitby (corner of Brock & Dundas) e 668-3603 Vew Reld n "Lamplight" "Victoe Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November,20, 1996, Page 13 .DCfibftmd drive. near halfway mark By -Amy Blundeiland Mike]Rowalski .A .undraising drive aimed1atn aking Whitby firefightersnore capable of saving lives is nearing the halfway mark. Following receipt of cheques totalling $13,500 at last week's Town council meeting, fire chief Tony VanDolewçerd announcad that more than $42,000 bas been coilected in the department's 'Have a HIeart, Give a Hand' defi- brillation campaign., The department is tyng Lo raise $100,000 for he purchase of five defibrilla- ýors and ancilliary equip- mient and to cover the cost )f training staff. A defibrillator 18 a device sed to induce a heartbaat n a person who bas suf- ered a heart attack. lthough ambulances are qjuipped with defi brilla- >rs no fire de-ateti urham Rgon bas it own nachine. Taking part in last ïeek's announcement were ep resentatives of two rhitby organizations that esponded to the fire epartment's appeal for inds. Three chapters of the rughts of Columbus dona- ,d a combined $7,500, 'ile membars of Branch 2.of the Royal Canadian ~on came through with 6,000 contribution, mak- ing it the largest indîv*idual donation te date. of I expect that by the end ofthe month ru hab able te say we'ra halfwa there,» a del ighted a oeer told coùncil. Vnoeer While a numbar of f-re departments in Ontario have been using defibrilla- tors for some time, VainDo- leweerd told The Frea Press that Whitby will likely ba the first municipaiity in Durham te have its own equipment. A defibriliator could mean the différence bet- ween life and death, said VanDoleweerd, who recai- led the levaI of lifesaving skilis that firefighters possessed when -ha joined the departmnent in 1969. "We've evolved from Pallock Orchards A - - cardiopulmonary (resusci- tation) and the next step is defibrillation,»he said. «We're convinced we can, provide better service te our rasidents. "Firefightars these days ara learmnng teo perateaa piace of me . cl equipme nt usualiy seen 'on ERland rescue shows.» With the exception of minimal operating costs, $100,000o Will pay the entira cost of «training, acquisition and upgrading of equipmn, said VaDleweerd, who expects training programs te egin in January. Meanwhile, firefightars will continue with their fundraisingcampaign UWe kicked off th e drive in July and -we were told it Cider * Fresh Vegetables.a Honey JEVER YDA Y LO0W PR/CES First entrance North of Rossland on rock St. N. (East side)] i J - . I Eyeglasses. Contact Lenses. Magnifiers Fantstî Hoida Gits or ny veaas wmmurv Packs Include:- from *MicroC1air@ fashion cleaning cloth *Eyeglass screwdriver 100'957 e MutiCean> lens cleaner 30m1 Great stocking's'tuffers RosslandJGarden Plaza 665-8515 il m mm 1 THIS,4jv ýýN Fantastic. Holiday Gifts for any Eyeglass Wearer

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