Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1996, p. 1

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Act of 'revenge'eý Ieads to rezonig Page5 Whitby joins the aliance FUI-Fr Page8 Soine doctors withdraw hospital privileges Page 3 ACVI tries for voilcbalititie Page 19 btaii bergoant Sandy yie. «Weapons, partiycuiarly guns, are being used Mi more and more robberies and thore's a potential of serlous injur, ven death, because of the unpredicta- bilityv of these bandits.» *Altheugh robberlos, often incroase around the Christ- mas season, Ryrie is at a. loe te explain the magni-, tude of the rise this year. The public should report anything that appears even a little suspicious to police, says Ryrie, "and let usP make the determhination of net"r is.suspicious or Burglars usually check ont a prospective target before actually robbing it, ho says àsotips before the fact could lead te their cap- $10million less for public board under Crombi pa By M kResrlc Ontario public te Ontarioeu g- o e The Y Durh amepu b 1c soparate boards, says Par- DRA EINcarJi school board éould have feniuksince Public boards DRA RGO harJmWity rateci their "estimated lung age. about $10 million less a have more su pporters an tests lus lung capacfty at The Lung Witty, 58, has the Iungs of, a68 Year to spend if the pro- raise more through pro_ Association's recent Christmnas Seals year-old; Whitby MarTo vinoeadope theCrom i erytaxes. campaign kiokoif in Whitby. Witty and Edwards, 70, has the lungs ofa Who Does What panel's .I on't know that thore's the other Durham Region mayors ail 59-year-old. recommendatiens. savigs here. 1 think this is tested their lungs on a machine that Photo by rwk Reesor, Whilby Fre Presq That's the preliminary sinfcant shift, though, in L estimate of Stephen Pai-r-wihbord' feniuk, the baar< businessg à- and financial services manager. The Panel recommonds the province assume an in- Creased rois iin school fund- img, limiting school boards te up te five pr cent of municipal rosilential pro- perty tax revenues , about $16 million in DÏurham, estimates Parfeniuk. Commercial and indus- trial taxes weuld increase eight te 10 per centï ho says,.throuoda province- we,*stanard rate busi- would be collected by muni- cipalitie and given te, school boards on the basis of student enrolment. The changesaoutta <50-ilintransfer.,from spe ne meney,' lis teld a meeting of trustees and School Community Council members at staning cern- mittee Menday. Separate board director Grant Andrews couldn't be reaehed fer comment Tues- daL0 panel also recom- mends: * Boards outseurce "maýjor business functions" such as the building and maintenance of scheels and i>using te municijialities, local companies or local co- operative service agen cies under contract te the board. *Aligning schoql' board boundaios with; municipal boundaries, which would SEE PAGE 15 II[CSOI on't e closed BMakReesor A Wh~itbY school is no longer a candidate for cIe- sure undor regulations drafted by a Durham public school board ad-hoc cern- mittee. In a staff report earlier this year, it was recommon- ded te trustees that six schools, including R.A. Hut- chison, be closed. Thffe resulting public furor convinced trustees te form a committe. te roviow the. board's achool closuiro policy. lie egultion, tobe cir- culated fôrreview andlsub- ject te chanue before bein1 considered by the or, directs that schools be con: sidered as closure candi- dates if: * Student enrolment is less than 60 per cent of the boàrd-rated capacity fer that school over the last three years and is projected te continue over the next threo years at ý that level (Hutchlison had 177 se dents as cf Sept. 30, 73 per cent of the board's rated capacity); and/or ci The school requires "significant building renewal" te, comply with safety, building and/or environmiental codes andý such costs appear eut of proportion te, the school's replacoment value; and/or 1* Per pupil operating costs are "significantly hig- her" than average; and[ Hol0d-up spree Continuies,... aIent whiatwas the latest in Durham- Regional Police Charitable trio feel frustration over lack of interest in birdhouse fundraiser By Mak Peesr uF:taoepsln doesn't wants te help i help food banks and ot erchaites. S After hearing how the Daily Bread Food Bank, came up short during its Thanksgiving drive this yeathe W ity. resident adgênds,Éb Billinçý1eyý of Pickering and- Grog Wtt of Ajax came Up with an innovative way te, help j by making.and sellinigbid They onlisted the holp f several retired friends and managed te persuade a few cf the many lumber yards the approached te donate end cnt and scrap wood destined for the dump. The houses are designed se that the irregularly -sha- pdpieces of wood can be easily cnt inte small square picswhich, when glued tegether, make a nice look- ing birdho use. With crafts being.se ppular these days, we tought we'd have ne pro- blemn (selling them), " Thompson says, 'but the response from retailers, banks and other businesses waa discouraginF "They wouldn t even give us the time te hear. us eut or simply stated 'it's not what we do,'" says Thomp- son, adding "the store we figured would be the big- ge« help, Home Depot in Witby, wrouldn't even talk te us... theyjust said ne." T.he trio, who cali their u or Sale For Others' - ),,,),proposed, a retail pce Of $6, with $2 each for te food bank, the store or organization selling. them and the men makingthem, te caver the cost of supplies (with any'extra going te the They thon phoned real estate brokors, suggestin they could use the biïrT house kits for advertising, «but they actually insitv a" lone male arzned with a handn robbed a 46-year- old f emale clerk at a Whitby gas station'Sunday evening. Police say the - culprit, described as black, agedl6, slim build,,wearing a light- coloured sweater, black toue and býçgybue jeans, entored thek,îosk atfHlitop Ess,10 Dundas St. E., and's demanded she-empty the tili.- He escaped with a small axnount of cash, police say. Robborios in Whitby have almost doubled this year over st, from 13 last year te 24 so far this year, and are up 44 per cent across Durham Region.ePev "Obvioýlsiywer vr concernod about-it,» says 9

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