Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1996, p. 25

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 20. 1996, Page_25 PAIN71NG & PAPERING "LET ikgronsielag hedOEBDONBNVYG OE om Gred =i<yDoirkR 9l RyyA dFECE, ANTIQUE MAHOGANy WHITB3Y, lONE IBEo a.aafîi a wwed ae ratesSeniosFlexible cihyScodtin sk 55/nothInlde halan om BNOYtAE, quiEL rrons =O'tseriloefree estimates,'__ _ __ _ _des&_ 0 85 73 I ke in1cr les el î mntsf Geoge 666-1168. Commercial &Residential E a *o ar las al102inutron CiI1 MAI ERT Saturday, Nov. 23rd ONLY 4lm.1 nBokn al65 G 10SFR ail occasions. Weddings, brelda4 setc.An dWae ordesln- tIeait 3daMy notice lsawapeciated. Cal OCCASIONAL CAKES BY GLENYS. 666-0366. HOUSECLEAN- M-. Residential, office and apartmnts. Fe eslknatz. Reasonable rates. Somie Ttrsday and Friay ppoinùtmts available. Cal 728-2, Archer Maid Services. JOE AND MARIO PAINTING3 and homne iknpovemens. Interlor and exlrlo. 2 yers xperlence. 1 0% seniors discount. Free estimates. 905-728-2969. HOME RENVA1CONS& restaratior. Plans, Inspectins s ,carpentry, plumblng, conservation. Gail J ues cfAl Trades. AHRAE #253, 666-0993. PAITMN - kàdor/outdocr, dqywai repaýir, ceramlc ties. Lwrates. Fiee eslimates. We Take Gara b Do it RIitId Cal Shane Ross Home Improvemients, 905-665-8805. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS - Corne 899 us for ail your seiwlng needs. Lealtier zippersalso mený, lailorir' avallabe. Tues.-Frn. 1-5, St931MBrnSt. N. ELECTRI CIAN, LICENCE E2M68. Rlenovations, service upgades, basement wirlng, alarm sYstemas & 24 heur service. For a liée quote oeil Frank at 668-0193. MAKE VOUJR WEDDING DAY em~ more memorable wlt heGlft af MUSIC. Solo performances for ceremy cocktails and reception. Variety aif popular and tradrlonal muslc. Cail Katiiy for a free consultatIo, 416-724-8151. HENK KARELSEN Paling& Home Repalr. QuaiýyWork, itbierojxterlor. Over zu years exPerlence. iqlb osmail. Fiee esbmtes 1-80-43-023., END VOUR tiusecleaning ne~trnares. Cai Patrila for krnmaculate resulte, low prices, efficient, dependable service fmalre, resporible Individual. GRf cerifSctes avalabe. Fiee estimates. 430-3383. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE * nracNhe eS r.Alilmakes. 10% lors'dicGomplote lune-up from $29.95 + parts. Facuy trakmid technlclans. For tee bik-up &delveIy cal LET SUZY HOMEMAKER TAICE Lou clanng worles aWyl depend"aIgiet NMARD à SON PLASTrERINO. new & repairs, stucco oncrete, parging, ciacked loundaâion repalred, paint interiar& exlerior, cornp3etbathrooms and rec moins. 15 years experlenc. lnsured. Fiee eslimates. 905-98&3794. BAVE LMNEY aid Timel tskepng a fiancWa s"tatemen&fbiypng resmes, word roI emnewslelters etc' PI-OTOGRApgjy. -Distinctive = P»aits. St iorln haone. Lharfri ailis Packages from $29. Also: weddinrs from $599, aId photos copied & restored, cororto& prornotional. No GS 1 ge 427-9164. -Complete Winter Maintenance Snow Rmoval Salting &Sanding FREE Estimates! Tel. 905 668-6803 CHRISTMÂS UGH11NG. have Jr ouXIMoCrhrstmas llghtIng ettw rwPropetYServkos SNOW PLOINGICLEARINc3. Donl t el m a drift over snow and Ice th ainlerI Have Crew Property Servk icscear the snow and Ice for Yo.Residential properties from ~m~I~Y~IMCKEEN FURNITURE .............. .... 524Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~onïiï~ I725-5181 Need a car - Credit Problems? Bankrupt -Undischarged? *We have iease take-ove,3-Sics edcns (rpssessions)eicies Lsto own any makeor model cleaning produots, etc. *Cash fortade CALL 905-725-3016 *Caliinow for free quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING Lev1yu h-1 nubr >G aîl Jeif (905) 683-6230 1RI3UE -m4c 9:OOam to 9:OOpm We have approxîmateîy 3,000 items of quality, nearly new JEANS and POLO SHIRTS iiems re 00 (905) 665-8643 Chesterfield suites, sofa beds, mattresses & much more 1985ý JEEP CHEROICEE, -4X4. New brakes, exhaust, parnt. etc. $3,250. Call 430-7723. 1965 GMC (BUS) CAMPER. High speed meai end. Newly overharléd diesel. Fridge, shower stave, fumace, fui y renovaled. Àeady Io go 6-32 TOP DOLLAR SCRAP CARS. trucks, etc. Fiee plckup. Alsa apiliances, alumlrum doors, Mr, arbeuesscrap metal. 57124a« Cali anytime, 1984 PONTIAC FIERO SE4 cylindier, 4 s ,pw, tilt, sunroaf, rewF, r ew palnt ilte la certif>'. Asking $1250. Gai 432-9186. SNOWMAOBILE. 1982 Yarnah Erticer, 300 tir clirder, 3000 km. Excellent nilion, e&hi dier wheels. $1395, cover Inluded. Original owrer. 905-576-7879. 3 CITATION skldoo's. Single cylinder, où Injeclr. God condition. AsMng$1,200 oe or bt aller. 9569-2002. 60 HP- . MF. TRACTORi. 4 cylirder 1diesa, 2 whed drive, hYdraullc front end loader. GodWoMg rder. Asldng$80001 W5420o2. BUYER FOR ANTIQUE ITEMS or comrplete estates. We pay cash for .'..' andfuitreold aida ses,ý Duftûiures Cidess,tr e ingmachines, trunlcs dressera, wastistan vaitesaid colloctibles.Ga Antique Discoveis, 683-8243. I WILL BUY YouR unwantedi Items & contente. CatI 728-8485 leave a mpssage. nt lveeats. $400r an-dm~ PSR 210 keyboard, nw $550 - sale $300. WW -$75. 65 edbag, $50. MENS DESIGNER clothlng. Over 300 qualilly âdcles la choose frorm wtti more arrivlng dally.We sel PoHu o ss Hy Roser, Gap PoE ilige Gnt, Levis, id much iMMr. P csstart: Suits $59, Syrt ackets, $35, shirts, $8, ries $ s,1..+. Sourd bo good la be trueý Core b Rugged Repays in Whitby. Durhams largest upscale rm-sale cdothu, exckisiely for men, laen's Mi i jan t tuedswe've eh 11Newitm) r also available ai woelprices. Gal laday for slaehours aid drections. .404-2063. Note: *We haebuyers waitir for your designer clotiig. 1a Steve for more information. MOVINGI 3 CEILNO FANS, $5 each. Large papn $20. Variely of childre<vs doti,. ,la -Ladies' 12 speed bMe ~S 1980 Trans Arn, $4,800. Aany re items. 432-1283. LUM BER, 1 & 2r THICK, RED oaic, cherry, hickory black 10c=t, drssed cedar2XBd1 &2" red pire. Cul-off saw,; $800 or reasonabl best offer. 905-619-2003. CAPTAINS BED, $50, dresser wtti mirrai $40, bedspreads, highchalr, ëefectnLodillsawtable. Enid tale card table sute, chesl aof drawers. 668-3975. CRAFrSUM LAWN tracta. 1 ~old. 15.5 4p. commercial malor. 42dec k ff Rie new.AsWk 1 0 io UPSCALJE REALE. Wlde seleton 0f Ladies & childiens wear. 20% off selecled Items. We have buyers for sizes 14 b 20, lares designer fashions panteuite &holiay wear. Dms f oss et the Wardrobe Ex hne. 856 Brack St. N., 666-9225. STEEL BUILDINGS - Facbr Salel Save ttiasands. Me,3 3M.60 48X79, 70X150. Sam nie n af a kird. Fast elveyerection. Wlndfled Sns Lad. 905-649-3722. lnet Ol gwrefished. EWWOOD I.ATHE 48 Inchi Elektra Beckwrn bed, West Germany. New chisels 15 inchi Handies, Chefleld Eng(andj. v traps, racoon & squirrel,- new a sd. Mkrat traps, No. i1lbng ýý. ùýý-Piano, n, iôry_- cabinet grand. 905-668-5069. FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY stave, dryer & humidifier. Ail in A-i FIREWOOD. Excellent, dePendable, trusled qualfty. Extra lon Uime fuly seasoned. Cul spLH onesî measurement. Fee Kozy Heatoz Firewood. 90-53-2246. PREGI0q. PORCELAIN DOLLS. Caryg Hamlilln, Georgekwr, and=ate colaciables. Mail order or e bm La wayavailable. FOR SALE - A-i1flrewocd, SHRED READY Keviar srowboiard. MinI condition. Asklng $175. Call 655-4734. EVE EXAMS* arranged. FaN specia; buy 1 pair af eyear aI 1 9 gt second par or contacts f i re p i i a s , B r n S WELL SEASONED firewoad for sale. Dyh mW , kidlrg haUf faceS , ace ords wMcords. Pic up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. MOVINGI CHILIYS 6é.pi=c bedroorn set, $300. Pinrba_ machine, $475. Room dividers, $50. Mînkcoaitsize 10-12, rarel womn, $375. Large piclures. 2 Zebra Ainches witii cage and stand, $40. 434-1383. MIOVING SALE. - Slave, frldge/feezer, washer drver, 420 dilarmer maple tbleand chairs, dul beds, mahogairy corner display cabinet, .ma 'an tv. CuPboârd. Phoneo"905-427- M A m n i b r $ 5 9 5 s t o a g e . C o i n l a u n ry . 3 D -7 2 8 . w b m m on 2 o o sb j na1 y a d m o r .à BEDROMir-p kpî bildigarg.$14,000.Ph572 145. I apartm ts. for rent 668-7196........ sl.Ail colouis. 665-1099. I.3 i 1/2 ACRES COMMERCIAL jr ~hwy 2.ust east af Cobourg. DGY Problems? -future Investrnent bohom fo BasfaNTRAL i inane. 905-372-0649, WIUBY. NIa bechambasmt requlred. 668-298. Crodft Ghge. VWITY. BACHELOR epailymi Privale kitchen &- bathi. Suitcrie peso. valaleafter Nmvmber 17. NonsAmoker. Gea ble & ail utih1tie s kicluded. $400kidusive. 655-3012. DOWNTOWN WIUBY. COne and lm bedroom a*rbxwtavaLable. Includes hoat, waterand one 9 eangi aaoe. i1 be&kom, eU",Av ikble oember lst 2 e1om,$675/monthl avallableDeeber 21. a EAST 0S1-AWA. Avallble January 1. 2 bechoom basement apalen Large wndows, modem kitchen. Full bath. Private laurdry rm. Frdg,stove, washer dyer cabe & ailutlities lnduded $750 monthly. 404-9946. DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Newty renovated, spacdous 2 beckoomf basement apartment Separale entrance,' furnished. Gain Iauncky. Avalable aller December 20. $660 ail inclusive. lst/last Gali collecl 418-698-2591. BROOKUIN; 1BACHELOR wih bedsitting roomn & 3 becfroom apartment available now. Bath wih fridge, slave, 4 piece bath. Separaîe enfrance. 655-5539. WHITBY, ONE bedroom apa1mnt Ideal for qwéet worirg persan. Private enfrance, parking, neai GO, 401 arxd bus stop. First monti onty. $595. Phone 665-7763. PORT WHITBY 1 & 2 bedrocm aparlments. Renovaied. Ground levai, prvateeverida, nge and lasm Aa beJea SOUM AJAX Smnalaarby>et unfumWied. Parking. Que matue.wMacdull $43 FURNISHED ROOM for 'rent, $80Meek Shara ahro kien. Worker preferred. WaIk tb ail mrenities. Please Caei 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. .. . .. . .. COUNTRY LIVING 5 MINUTES b downtown. GarrardNWlnctester. 1 or 2 bedrooms avallable. Large execuive home. 5 appliances 2 rMing rooms, 3 bathraoms, Iawidryr la r g g r u n d s . F u m s h e d o r r o t $32 mthly. Availale Inrneclatey. 655-4711. NEAT AND 71DY PERSON b share -e house wfth 2 atiers. Fumlsherom anduse of M faldes. ASmokerywe1/97. i4 DE- CA e o I15 ba o3th Iving, 1nitg& llce.Ail 3 BÈDRÃ"ôôW &N FLOOR. 6 ag"-a/c ymheat ggslc.Noapets. 5+ 60% 728-871 1. I WILL PAY CASH FOR Y«Jtt 13BRICK TRIPLEX 3 UNITS. 2 Mes. Convenient locaion ru $214,800. Ask for Ulia North, IRemnax Summît 668-3800. CONDOMINIUM. 1 bedroom, w, iumij . OO-am. % WwmunoW W AM Fumished including refigeralor. Dead boit locks. Private cable for TV. SHELTIE PUPàS, GKG reglered. Share kitchen, 2 stoves. 2 washrooms. AIsoe mrforth aId, veiY sinil r Parking from $7510 o$95. Gail 905-98& 5164. C î 3 - 4 7 *5 6 2 8 I ARUENT CLEAN QUJIET ROOMS FOR ........ rent. Skare ktchen and bath. HLaundu>', parking and livian w privieoges. Non sinaker. i st DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Ore mature, r -be adults. tjtilities. $W ot Uat---- refererces required. BROOK ST., Whitby. Lae kmaiy, 1 bedro orncndo. BeauM laie View. Steps ba GO station. Laundry roam, 2 bathroom s3 aWkfics &ail utilites included. Nust ffl.$1.100 monthl>'. Avaglbl Januayý 1. Contact Coro, ho e D05-264-6028 wor k 416-48074977. o Central Whilby. Quiet ame.~ private. $90 wee . rta lbavemessage. LARGE FURNISHED roam close la downtnwn Whutycabl kiduddM 100 ew9eClose lb buses. 56-27gbaemessage. OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE in WZ ; M s7sq.fL Neaw Dawrtown. Wod suit meédical or professional reeds. Plent>' of parking, owmi washroom utilitiesiciuded. MORTGAGES- &LOÀANS lst &2nd 'IF Lnes of credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After Hoursa 668-4454. UpperCanada Funding fic. J -~ m- a à 1

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