Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1996, p. 10

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Page 1a, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November 27, 1996 Woman charged after allegred plot to kili stepfather with the money"»says Dur- ham Regionail olice Staff Serg&eant Sandy Ryrie. «T'hey were going ta fundraise The' eion of Durham branch of the Canadin pAA5OsIas i4ÂNU. Lu i;o Jec. 1 at Oshawa General'Hos- ita1 and the Oshawa Cntre (near CIBO). Poin- settias are alsa beingf pre- sold and delivered; c ail 435- 3407. ~b!It Hours: Mon.-Fri.9-,St96 29665-02,479 29Dundas St. E., Whitby L iýWYADUDASST. ACROS PROMPOST FFICE AskanAu * 9, Sound Advice Hearing is one of our most precious senses; It allows us to communicate with family and fiends and keeps us in coniact with the sounds of life that surrounci us 24 hours a (lay. Unfortunately, most of us don't realize how important hearing is until problems begin to affect our everyday lives. l-earing loss is an invisible handicap which can have far- reaching social* and psychological effects. So, if you think you have a hearing problem, do something about it! Sce an Audiologist. One out of every 10 suffers from daily frustration Approximately ten per cent of the world population sutier from daily frustrations and embarrassmenits resulting from a Ioss of hearng. Tlhey miss important conversations, misunderstand questions, and as a resuit, withdraw from social situations. The sad fact is that much of this suffering is needless and stems fromn the abundance of misinformation about hearlng loss to which the public is exposed. If you or somen o know has a hearing loss, see an Audiologis. en o Do 1 have a hearing problem? In most cases, the loss of one's hearing is a very gradua] process which takes place over many years. Because there is no sudden change, rnost people do not become aware of the problem until it is severe enough to cause communication diticulties in their everyday lives. There are, however, some early signs of hearing loss which you can look for. Are simple conversations with family, friends, and business associates becoming more difficult? Since a majority of hearing problems begin in the higher tones, you may first notice the hearing problem when there are many background noises to contend with. In such situations, you might find yourselfsaying "I can hear but I don't understand the words". With increased hearing loss, listening under such conditions becomes more and more difficult until you miay give up and withdraw from those situations. T1here are other "dlues' that suggest a hearing loss may exist. It is very common that your farnily and friends will notice the presence of hearing problems before you do. Ask yourself! how many times you've said "my wife/husbànd complains that I don't listen to herlhim" or "they say I tum the television up too loud". How many tirnes have you rnuttered "people just don't speak clearly anymore... .eveiyone mumbles". T7hese are some of* the early signs of' hearing loss.- 0f course, the only sure way to determnine if a problem exists is to seek the assistance of an Audiologist. An Audiologist specializes in hearing testing and rehabilîtation. What can be donc? A hearing aid can be titted specilically to your kind of* hearing loss and thus hielp you to get more enjoymnent out of fle again by hearing the sounds that make up our daily ives. Today's hearing aids are highly sophisticated, technical devices. With the recent advances in hearing aid technology and the increased knowledge and skills of those professionais prescribing hearing aids, there are very fiew hearing impaired individuais who cannot benefit Erom the use of a hearing aid. Audiologists are licensed in the province of Ontario to prescribe hearing aids. Hearing aids are not what they used to be. Thie introduction of digital technology has made available completely new types with, for example. different listening programrs to enable you to cope with difflèrent listening environments. Remote controls are availble. if you find hanidling of the tiny aids diiflicuilt. Soi-e hearing aids have no volume controls at aIl - they are automatic7 hands-free operation, others are s0 tiny that they are virtually invisible. What can 1 expect from a hearing aid? A hearing aid is not a replacement for normal hearing. If you have that expectation, you will probably be disappointed. However, in most cases, a hearing aid will improve your abiity to hear and discriminate sorinds in various listening situations. Not everyone will receive the same degree of* benetit firom a hearing aid. Ibis depends on the nature and severity of* your hearing loss and, possibly more important, your motivation Io wear a heaing aid. The best way to determine how much help a hearing aid will give you is to sce and Audiologist. And. if you are currently having difficulties with your existing hearing aid device, see an Audiologist and hear the di ffeèrence. FOR MORE INFOR4L4TION9 CONTACT A Y AV àT i .ImzTdw~-.à kAJA-iUMMG f~iAUIULOGY (INj Telephone: (905) 831-8311 1885 Glenanna Rd., Suite 104, Pickening, Ont. LI V 6R6 (Loc-ated in Pickeing Medical Centre)' MJAX AUDIOLOG-Y SERVICES, Telephone: (95) 83-831 -951ayy St. W.. Sit 30_3e A n (M i I'VQ i.- WHITY HEARING CENTRE Telephone: (905) 666-7726 1032 Brock St. S., Suite 4, Whitby, Ont. LI N4L8 charge her a $1000O a day interest and aih. was afraid she was going ta b. killed so she camne to police,» says Ryrie, who addî the woman ~ry 'sae lwm' choques in tryi'ng to corne up with the cash but wasnt ahi. ta cash them. She was arrested last (1) Municipal Building (2) Civic Centre Recreation Complex Callers will be automatically cannected to, a recorded greeting. They will have the choice of speaking ta, an operator or speaking directly. ta the persan they are calling by entering that person's extension number. Callers will also have the option of leaving a voice message for the persan they are calling if that person is absent from the office or the office is closed. Benefits will immediately be realized in terms of improved communications and productivity as well as cost savings. Public feedback is essential ta, the success. of the: change over. Any persan having a comment or suggestion ta, improve the Town's- telephone service is encouraged ta, cali the Clerk's Department at 668-5803, extension 226. Your cal is important ta, us. The Corporation af the Tawn of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2MV8 668-5803 PAMPER SOMEONE SPECTAL ITiltsCllISTLS at Durham's Relaxing Beauty and Skin Care Spa Spa Giff Cerificates Six Private Treatment Rooms Manicures, Pedicures, Facial Treatments, Aronatherapy, Body Treatments, Relaxing Massage, SHOP BYPIIONE For your convenience, The Facial Place offers a "Shop by Phone" service. ORDER YOUR GiIiT CERTWICATE Delivery to your, FREE 0F1 Thefaia Pac The Facial Place 1-800-632-FACE home or office is CHARGE. 216 Brock St., S. (Dawntown Whitby) (905) 668-8128 t, A, j The WhitbY Rotr Club There wiIl b. Ontertain- is inviting local kid to -a ment and free goodies at free skate and swim at fro- the annuel event held by quols Park on Sunday, Dec. the club for a number of 8,2 te 5 p.m. years. 1 - Town Introduces Voice Mail This December, the telephone systems at the following Town buildings wiIl be upgraded ta 1 Glýo 1 lem-wmmm W »ý-% #ý elli, ri BY 'OPTICAL 8. CONTACT LENs am a 1 1 1 - ýý- ýA fý -- - =- é, ý . è kam 1 Monday through Friday. Some Saturday and evening appointments available.- 1 à im- Il

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