Whitby Free Press, 27 Nov 1996, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free, Press, Wednesday, November 27,1996 Hotwheels 3rd at ga.mes Whitby men's hockey Standings as of Nov. 22 W-L-T GF-GA P National Trust 11.-0-i1 58-26 23 Bathe & McL. 73-1 50-42 15 Roys Enter. 7-4-0 41-22 14 Qupens 6-4-1 42-43 13 Ser. Master 5-4-3 51-43 13 C.K, Auto 6-5-0 42-38 12 Dodd &S. 5-6-1 50-50 il R.J. Philips 4-6-2 38-53 10 Attersiey Tire 4-7-1 49-54 9 Expelech 4-7-0 44-37 8 Mackies 3-6-2 27-46 8 Brothers 1-1 1-0 30-66 2 Leadlng scorers G A P JIM Smith 18 17 35 Neat arquharson il 18 29 Carl Vickers 13 14 27 Grant Musseiman 13 13 26 Bob Mowaî 12 14 26 MarshaIt Thompson il 15 26 Ross Brownridge 14 il 25 Jon Patte 8 17 25 Dave Seymnour 19 5 24 Steve Byers 10 12 22 Gamnes Brothers 1 (Tom Oldman), Mackies 2 (Peter Neat, Mark Gilligan); Service Master 2 (Neai Parquharson, Gra'nt Musselman), Queens 3 (Bob Mowat 2, Peter Heron); Roys Enterprises 3 (Pal Sheehan, George Burford, Mîke Fitzgerald), Expertech 1 (Jon Patte); Dodd & Souter 2 (Ken Reid, Ross Brownridge), National Trust 5 (Jim Mciroy 3, Steve Byers 2); R.J. Phîltips 5 (Bob Smalley 4, Enzo Rinaldi), Attersiey Tire 1 (Ron Harris); C.K. Auto 2 (JIm Smith 2), Bathe & McLeiian 5 (John Elset 2, Peter Bathe, Murray Robins§, John Bathe) Player of the week Bob Smaltey, R.J. Phillips, 4 goals Durham Hotwheels were third among eight teams competing in the 12tIi annual Disabled Children's Games in Pickering on Saturday. Barry Doiron of Oshawa was named top maie ath- lete at the competition hos- ted by Durham Regional Police. Teams from Stoney Creek, Burlington and Kit- chener were among those who took part. Soccer meeting 'The annual general meeting of the Durham Region Soccer Association Inc. will be held on Sunday, Dec. 8, noon to 4 pamn, at the Ontario Hydro Darlington nuclear power station, information centre. Call 436-8620 for more information. Squirts get only a tie The Whitby squirt select hockey teamn tied one and lost two in meent league play. Dustin Ekeman scored a goal in ail three games to lead Whitby scorers. Matthew Beattie picked up the assist on the lone goal against Jaguars (no score given). Ekelmnan was set up by Bryant Houghton for the lone goal against Pickering (no score given). In a return gzame with Unionville Jets, Whitby opened a 2-0 lead on a successful Beattie penalty shot and an Ekelinan shot off a Kyle Sisson feed.- Jets then applied the pressure, with. Ryan Hendriks stopping many Point blank range shots. Jets scored with 10 seconds left and the goalie pulled to tie the game. B antams unbeaten The Whitby bantam select hockey teami stili un- defeated in the North York league, defeated Leaside in recent back te back games. David Bescoe ' Ky Rut- tan, Chad Kawasak Scott Dennis and Kevin k'aylor scored in a 5-1 win. Taylor added two assiste. Kawasaki had two goals, singles bY Stefan Hass, Corey Groundsell, Scott Cook and Ruttan in a 6-2 wxn., Cali today for a consultation or a free brochure. 340 Byron St. S., Whitby * (905) 668-5444 wWwW nr -U..-L.WIL" Ro 9 uui our 4th Successful Yeaàr in BRioniinpQ as Whitby's Qnaly Beer and Wine Brew on SPECIAL NEW CUSTOMER OFFER Brew any batch of beer or wine (standard or premium) and receive $ 15.00 off the total price. Free labels and wraps plus a stamp on your brew card - equivalent to a $24.00 value!! (see coupon below) Kent State University tight end O.J. Santiago, a native of Whitby, has been named to the Owens-Corning All-Mid- American conference academic flrst team for the third consecutive year. A graduate of St. Michael's High School, Santiago played in nine of the Golden Flashes' Il games- this season. He caught 26 passes for 339 yard, averaging 37.7 yards pergme , and scored two touchdowns. His best performance of the season was against Miamni (Aug. 31) when he caught five passes for 99 yards, including a season- best 47-yard play. q wpFm,4k-JLLJw Pý Premise ~ue:ptc Brewing for over 4 years, we have established by far the best malt selection and $=2,2 'epJ the highest standard of quality grape juice coflentrates available to you in the Pw =» o f 24 hl marketplace. (flot available at any other- competitor in the area). Our concentrates ~tax« incIudedJ originate in Europe, Chile, Australia, California & wherever quality grapes are grown. We have experimented with severai cheaper competitor's brands of concentrates, but have stayed with "Grand Cru" for almost 4 years. Grand Cru's innovative, advanced insight into wine concentrates speaks for itself in their fine product. Make your own prrmium wines. Ready in approximateîy' 4 weeks. Batch size equivalent to 30 boules of 750 mi. ~ Pinot Chardonnay ~ Chablis - Riesling - Bordeaux - Zinfandel - Chianti plus many more varieties. Now available: Ports, Champagne, Ice *Wine, Sherry, Australian Shiraz, etc. in time for the holidays. We brew for you - no extra charge (you just add the yeast) CALL 666-BREW 1390 Hopkins St., Unit #6 Whitby We accepi competitors coupons* BURNSU) u- ,Brewing1 IHours:I no Mon.-Fd. Cr m 11-9 oeCONSUER Sat. 9-5 rew orIs ilI~w oisi Iy<UJuUmMdINg3 WC tm k mes a5u~ FF OFF yor irt athm enYIlmk SExp. Dec.,21196 Stamp Includd l Exp. Dec. 21J96. Stamp Inelcldd -, Santiago, a business accounting major, maintains a 3.12 grade-point average. He has been awarded MAC/Gatôrade acholar- atlilete of the week twice, as well 'as the Arthur Ash Award (1995) by Black Issues in Higher Education magazine. Santiago, a - third-year letterwinner, is the son of Marion and Winston Santiago. Kent, under the direction of third-year head coachi Jim Corrigall, completed the season 2-9 overail and 1-7 in Powr); Team 11 7 (Jamie Delmastro 3, Sarah Perencz 2, Joshua Kloke. Demi lV hit y Lanlaîgne), Taam #3 0; Team #8 6 (Eric Lohnert 3, Jamie Clark. Marlo Pareas, Iro q oi S Hayly Taylor), Team #1 3 (Sarah Jefrey Iro q u ols 2, Kathleen Glovr); Team #2 8 (David Crabbe 4, Michael Weir 2, Adrienne in d o o r Coughlan, Matt Koskinen), Team #10 Colin Vickers 4, Kerri Anne Dignman, David Conroy, Eryon Milter); Team 4#6 4. S O CC O! (Curtis Emo 2, Michael' Van Bellingham, Melissa Rabjohn), Team #7 3 (Adam JUNIOR Nicola, Ben Sandhaus, Jenniler White) Nov. 20 - Dave Rade 5 (Jim Routos 2, MSUT Shannon Poster, Jam ia M alcolm , Patrick N ov 23 - e r #1 1 ( h i K ng ,T a McKenna), Shaidon Purpies 3 (Mark Shea, #52- Taem411 Che ris King), Team 2, Chrie Coutu): Bil Silvrs 9 (Mike Laurie 45 2 (A enaSchope , rmst na) 3, Pran Princiotta 3. Philtip Law 2, Ad an arMndici2 3 TAm nda4Duop2,eAmna Skitteral), Colin Whiles 3 (Chartes Costa 2,Mancîno2), Tea 6#4 (Sopha nitrl 2, Tim Mongomry); John Royale 82, Evan obno 2); Team73 (Kariype (Rupreat Sidhu 3. Victor Milot 2, Mitchell Thompeon),AmnaMkdz) Team47 3Cheopr Donn, Ross HamilI, Colleen ScannaI), y Lo gî2,anam e ,Danz) Taam ick Greens ,044W 4s l ogaRndi)P am 8 2, D al Ho ie Nov. 13 - Pick Greens 9 (Jan-Luc Aucoin eus yn , a4r(ah htney 3, Brandon Cedar 3, John Richardson 2, BuyonKrsnPikSahWta) Andraw Longvalot), Melanie Blues 3 AO (Joseph Hanna 2, Michelle Raiston); John AO Royale 5 (Rose Hamili 2, George Nov. 24 - Team 3 2 (Christopher Epam inandos, Victor Milol, scorer nam e Assnick , L s Br n) e n #1 5 n/a), Bill Silvers 4 (Princiolta 2, ShawnLiaBu),Tm41 5 Devarll 2); Sheldon Purples 3 (Richard (Mitchell Lohnert 3. Maghan Dumo 2); Lyon 2, Coutu). Colin Whites 2 (Chartes Team #4 4 (Christophar McGrath 2, Costa 2) Amanda Bookar, Alasdair Boyle), Team Win, loss The Whitby petite AA ringette team had a win and loss' in recent league g(hawa, scored with 12 seconds remaining to defe at Whitby 4. Léaura Camp- bell, Ananda Church and Karen McWijiams scored for Whitby. Despite having only eight skaters Whitby, won 7-3 over *hitby'8 petite .-A teani. McWiliams had four goals Shauna Hainer two. and Lindsey Giordano the other. (viguel John 2, Aaron Wocdtull, Craig Clark), Team #5 5 (Chris Boyce 2; Nicole Cunlitta, Eric Ctancy, Mark); Team #8 5' (Patrick Johnston 3, Brad Wiggers, Scott Santoro), Team 4#9 4 (Peter Cotter, Allen Evelyn, Stephen Etherlngton, Jonathan Sos); Team #410 7 (Jackie Kelly 3, Miguel Pink 2, Mark Peather, Stephan Proekas). Team #6 5 (Christopher Justice 2, Robert Denning, Brian Klne, Greg Simmons) SQUIRT Noav. 23 - Team 4#1 1 (Stefan Arone>, Team 48 2 (Taylor Lord 2); Team 46 2 (Daniel Pogmore 2), Teamn #4 2 (Julien' Oppenheimer, Cralg Linday); Team 4#5 5 (George Mitianoveki 5), Team #2 1 (Sarah Bealtle); Teemn #3 2 (Duelin Credicott, Samatha Jo Gilbert), Team 4#7 0 SHRIMP Nov. 23 - Team 4#2 8 (James Hock 3,- Adrian Denomy 3. Connor Allîson, Jordan Clement-Christie). Teem #21 5 (Tyler- Mrr=Y2, Brltny Chowanf2. Chras Bell);' Tea ,4 7 (Neal Kraus 3, Steven Lord 2, AM«mnn Lough, Cory MdICI),0 Tesm #4'0 BANTAM Nov, 19 - Teem 46 9 (Joeph Stevens 4, Sara Cochbum-Caunca 2, Adrien Coutu, James West-Bentîey, Melisa Harper), Teem #10 1 (Massimo Sabadin); Teemn #7 5 (Andy Metheven 3, Warren Vasagie 2), Teem #9 6 (Keelan Palmer 2, Paul Finlay, Krislen Goddard, Luc Ouelette, Corey Klender); Team #3 4 (Tom Crichton 2, Lucas Sandhaus 2), Team 4#8 6 (Ryan, Ireland 2. Anthony Plastina 2, Sarah Crons, Simon Thow); Team 42 9 (Michael Walsh 4, Rene Dubrevil, Devid Hendrix, Rense Lanteigne, Vanessa Redmond, [an Murdoch), Team #4 12 (Jason Evetyn 6, Adam Lum* 4, Nicole -Drewe, Dylan Vandelingham); Team 41 4 (Stefan Nicota 2, Geoffrey, Osborne, Usa Gouvela), Team 4#5 5 (Blair Edmonde 2, Jenniferyn, Eric Worsley, Kyle Roberts) PEEWEE' Nov. 23 - Team #12 6 (Mike Hall-3. SpanmerHosidns 2; Rob Carde), Teem4 <3 (Michael Shea 2, mathew Gillelte); Team 413 8 (James Ellman 3, MIchael Askew 3, Paul Gructiala, Dental Luncde), .Team #5 3 (Tasha Cougtilsn Z Franchne mi Whiby 6 (Dan Caird 3, Richie Min, Chris MINOR ATOM AAA 1~ TElson, Ryan Matthews), Chingacousy 3; sponsored by Don Cherry'. ALFJtb Whitby 0, Centrai Ontario 5; Whitby 0, Grapevine Restaurant Derop Nov. 24 (exhibition) - Whitby 7 (Zachary rep LEAGUE GAMES: Whitby 5 (Dan Detuca Greer 2. Aaron Balcom, Michael McKenzie, 2, Caird, Sean Bracken, Matthews), North Kenny Henry, Bobby Scott, Steven J) 1.Centrai 2, Whitby 2 (Caird, Deluca), Seedhouse), Ajax-Pickering 4 h o ckiey Peterborough 6: Whitby 1 (Caird), Barrie 5 Nov. 23 - Whitby 3 (McKenzie, Mark San MIDGT A MAOR PEWE AAPedro, Scott), Richmond Hill 3 MIDGT A MAOR PEWE AANov. 21 - Whitby 1 (Jordan Price), ~~~~~~~~sponso y R f e t n o r I a es o sred by M akstell M arkham 5 spon ore by efl cti q Yo r I agePort Perry Steel Ajax toumnament Nov. 23 - Whitby 2 (Tom Ricica, Mike sponsored by Recycle Fîlter Corp. Nov.21 Whlby3 (erekAckord Daiel Wajdylo), Peterborough 2 ~~~~~~~~~~Nov. 21 -Whty3(eeAcorDne Nv.2 Whitby 2 (Ian Parker, Nick Nov. 24 - Whitby 6 (Shane Morillo, Andrew Bescoe, Brion Hendry), Newmarket 2 eky)Ajx6LrmMlGodI Nc Cle, Nov. 22 - Whitby 2 (Tim Fennessey, Paul VruiAa anrmyMeatow ien, Nick ole, E llis ), B a rrie 1; W h itb y 6 (B ra n t F la h e rty , A d e e d w , S e h n F s o ) Mike Majeste, John Coleman, Hendry, Vaughan 0 Ryan McLeod, Paul Ellis). Brampton 1 MAJOR PEEWEE A Nov. 23 (exhibition) - Whiby 1 (Tyler Nov 24 SE M -FI AL: W hiby (P aco ke, sponsored by Pinnacle P herm aceutce H ea y). M arkham 1 ANord4, MieFere:hlnn esCoea, Nov. 20- Whitby 2 (Coller, Foston), Jaycht r ), Mi loai Fnn 3; FINAlehtby, Nov. 24- Whitby 4 (Justin Gles, Ryan Newmarket 4 (a Cleanr, ShMitoen dryA Ferel), 4 Laswick, ScotBrooker, Adam Hurst), New (CemabrouhiefeHn3y eý) Tecumseh 6 MINOR ATOM A Peteborogh 3sponsored by Leacom Consulting Nov. 20 - Whiby 8 (Flaherty 3, Fennessey Cobourg tournament 2, Ellis 2, Hendry, Bobby Schi, shuout - Nov, 23 - Whitby 1 (Sibock), New Evan Kitamura), Claringon 0 Nov. 22 - Whiby 1 (J.P. Galipeault), port. Tecumseh Nov. 18 - Whiby 10 (Scheier 2, Hendry 2, Perry 6 Nov. 22 - Whiby 2 (Boyce, Bruinsma), I'acocke 2, Fennessey, Coleman, Nov. 23 - Whitby 1 (Gaipeaui), Lindsay 5;- Stoufvile 1 McLeod, Schlitl), Markham 1 Whilby 0, Ennismore 2MAONVIEA Nov. 20 (teague) - Whilby 2 (Giles, Mike sponsored by Co-Steel Lasco MAJOR BANTAM AA Stoutley-Henderson), King City 1 sponsored by Marchants Schoot Sport Nov. 19 - Whiby 0, Markham il Nov. 19 - Whitby 3 (Stephen Rodger 2, Michael Miller), Peterborough 2 Nov. 23 - Whîîby 4 (Malt Walton, JeffMNRPEE AMJRNVC C hurch, M arc Lam ers, C am M unro),M N O PE W E AAJ R O V C A Richmond Hill 6 sponsored by Mînor Hockey Auxîîlary sponsored by Leacom Consulting Nov. 21 - Whiby 0, Markham 1 Nov. 16 - Whitby 6 (Gil Vamplew 2, Munro, Nov. 24 - Whilby 4 (Breit McKee 2, Jamie Nov. 24 - Whilby 2 (Tim Forrester, Geoff Da%Àd Ditmaqr, Danny Smail, Malt Portier), Millage 2), Orillia 2 MacGregor), Nobleking 2 Ajax 2 Nov. 22 - Whitby 1 (Malt Annis), Nov. 23 - Whitby 2 (Forrester, MacGregor), Nov. 12 - Whitby 3 (Church, Smalt, Greg Newmarkét 4 Keswick 6 Foxweli), Oshawa 6 Nov. 2 - Whitby 3 (Wallon, Lamers, Smatt), IONVCEA Bowmanville 2 MAJOR ATOM A MInordbANdO oVICE A sLd sponsored by Masterbedroom pnrebyAdo YrkGssL. MAJOR PEEWEE AAA Whilby 6 (Danny Gleeson, Nathan Whilby 1 (Andrew Lebel), East Gwillimbury Staneland, Brent Davis, Scott Gamble, Toumnament 1 Jordan Plaît, John Duhig), Barrie 5 Santiao011 all*Mac teani

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