Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1996, p. 21

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Decemberl 1, 1996 , Page 21 MEfIARD à SMN PLASTERSNc3- j uew & repairs, stucc, concrete, parglng, cracked foundations >rePlrdpaintn- pteior & rea roons IeW ahomand UN rO 0 yemexperienoe. lnsured. Fiee esdrmates. 905-985-3794. OLYMPIO PAINTING - rJrinIpainting & walpaper. rnrW/ixior. No job too mai. 3 workcal George at 725-7870O. Free estnates. HOUECLEANGO. Reslentlal, office anid apartmts. Fee estimatas. Rewdonabe rates. Sanie ThUrSday and Frld appomibSns avallbl. CalS 7 52, Archer Mad Serves. HOMlE RENOVATIOCNS & restoration. Plans, Inspetos t xa carpentry, plumbing, 668-0993. HOI HOI HOI AN Ikda Chrlsbmas gift rfamly or friends. Have their [awucutîln 1997 summer seasoni Bock uiow and reoelve a free faiS clen p.L an D Mowing, ( CHRISTMAS UGFltG. have yr okoeChristmas Slghtin flm ~Dy uremPropey Sri for as m18e as $25. For atfree estinate oeIl 432-3823. SW PLOWINGCLERNG D1n get Suit a drift over snow and4 leS flwkir Have ewpnL> ert For a c a 1 I AUO$flitJCçs IFRI HO muet ertf. -Asi1@UWo 11 432-9186 1984 AUDI 5M0. LOADED, ood body. good I gne. Certifedi Jue. Asclng $1,500. Cal 723-5852 afler-5 p.m. 1983 CHEVErrE. 4 SPEED. Good body. Good engîne. cerdiIed lI Ockobe. $1,350 or best offer. 728-9026. 1985 DOOE ploku. Excelent conddton. Eta. $2000 oertlfled o best offer. 728-9026. TOP DOLLAR SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. Fee -plckup. Also apilances, alumiuium doors, g e barue, scrap rietai. jcu Cal aiy&wne RDL HIGHBACIC CAP FOR short-box fuil size GM truck. 1988 and mw. $ . Excelent shape. MOVINGI FOR SALE. 1989 emGL Air, tilt, cru*lsOsb. Rner. $2000.'"'Als 98 same work flj~~j ABT«IILES _________ FOft SALI Durham College. CUT VOUR OWN OPEN DAILY 9AM-8PM $22 tax inci. BOWMANVILLE ANY SIZE Waveily Rd. Exit i FRESH CUT off 401., North 12 miles ofl FREE adU Durham 57- TREE $15 adu OPEN DAILY 9AM-5PM BALING tax imol. WATSON TREE FARMs (905) 263»8858 ê TORPOE T]REE FA]RM 5515 Garrard Rd., 5#1 Conoc. é 655-44M TUEO TREE FABR CUT VOUR OWN OR PRE-CUT Scotch Pine $18.00 ;140 Grandview St. N., :)Shawa. FoIlow signs at 'imcoe St. N.& lowden Rd. Jst north of 'lumbus) )pen 7 days week am to dusk IChestenîfeld suites sofa beclç, 111 ma trese ,c ~I IMoKE EN FURNITURE 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa 725-511 FIREWOOD. Excellent dépendabletrused quality.Exr lonny soesoned. Cut& souHonest maurmut.Free delvery. Kozy Heat Arewood. 9056-7532246. TORO SNOBLOWERS sales aid repir. $100 off sanie models. Wlde Sales, 655-8010. FREE ONE UTRE RUG shampao wihM rug dmanlg machine renl. 1off aiS otherrentai rates. Snotwbbwe lune-u spal $2995. Whkby Rouit-Al, 666-1049. NIKON FE2 3511M CAMERA, S815 Nio $peedght flash, wide angle Sens, 50mm Sons, 80- 200mnm macro zoom w/ 2x multiplier Sens (ail with sofi covers), Seather carry bay. $600. or best offer. Please cl 666- 9626 after Spm or leave message. FRIDGELWH.nIME works great $100. iankln trejgacejtove, $100. Yard light 1000 watt, dawn to dusk, $20. 434-5714. MENS DESIGNER clothing. Over 300o qu*liy artcles to choose from with more arrivng daily.We sel H Boe Harry Rosen, Gap muh nmrimnesstafl: Suits $59,' S oejects, e35, shirts1 $8, lies $ 1 à, 12+++. Sound bo o tob rue> Corne b Rugged Feplays i Whitby. Durham aret ups -l re-sale cloth' exclusivef for men, teen's, Frmjeans tb tuxedos, weve à îhIllNew item's (samples) are 31so availal twholesale Drloes. Caioxa for store hours and lirectins 404-2063. Note: We am e buyers waltin for your Jeffgner clotiuing. MâI S"ev for mmr information. Note: Now Open Sundayls. >ITIUES. LEATHER Inlaid lesk, $250. Washstand, $225. )ressback rocker, $110. Round mdestai table, $125. Record abinet $95. Tobacco stand, $75. lass feet oak parlour table. $235. Vhib mn*rored dresser $175. Pine hest of daes è.Copper -ets $&J5Gsn~wr$ entax camera and Senses, etc., 400. And more. 430-2650. SNOWBLOWERS. 5 HP., & 8 x. Dual stag. $55 & $795. Cal 8-8953.& YE EXAMS arranged. Fal eclal; buy 1 pair of eyewear at 199get second pi rcna >R SALE- 10 X 9 BEAUTIFUL rdi den, ail moil, tralîtional Lniegnw. Bargain puice. $350. 430-6163 lOanî-gprn. ITER'S HERE! MUST SELL le fxfUilélngi coaL Size6. nt condition. $750 or best offer. 9 after 5 p.m. 905-686-5478. UJBLE SNOWMOBILE trailers v In shield. $857. Wlilde Sales, à< COMPUTER. 496DX33A4h 255wit*D 8L4iRAM, witii two sizes of floppydise drives, wlth 14a SVGA colour monitor, enhanced keyboad, ttuee button mouse, and power bar. 655-3102. MODEL RAILROAD Empire, stokconro es , controIIers magazines, ai R.R. equpment & sufies lncluded Wl sae HOUME OF BROUGHAM FINE harvest tabl. Dark stain, 36 X 72 Inches, two 12N end exteinsions, 6 chairs witii upholstee seats. Asklng $550. CalS 655-8942. ROYAL DOULTON doils. Ashton Dr"iç poreclain dols. 1910 uprh Piano, IBeediwood, $1000.Ca 65-600. RCA 52 INCH BIG SOREEN T.V. surrounci sound. Aik g$200 or best offer. CalS 72"-911 or 668-4016. FOR SALE. WASHER, DRYER and electric Stve. Al In A-i1 conditionl Please oeil 725-1937. Il POWER WHEELS ELECTRICE CAR. 2§ps ,seais 1. $175. CalFO 430-958. $'F 30-061 REMINGTON semi - autematc, 3X9 scope. 12 auge auboloaci. 20 au e emEigt H pump. 666-3494. cc COUNTRY LAMPS, plu4e cupboards, shelves, Curlo, CD, - vw mlcrowave stands. Buffets 2 tencil mmwrors, uiftracksa, Pi 1-905-665-1664. 4 M40VINOI FOR SALE LARGE desk. Frnch Provincial W chouch/char. ~vI cntaSap hospftal bed. Wheelchairli ft.- Urlht Keuimore freezer, (great codton. Coffée table. Dressers. wi Uprght pao etc. 430-1080. cof Air fis BOX/SNOWMOBILE tralier.- Custom made. remnovable sides. epale tire,. carrier for Mo Sw Wl taks , new floor. CalS 666-1375 aller 5p.m. a OSHAWA FLEA Mwke<t 727 - Wilécn Rd. S., Christmas bargains01 galore, newAised vendar enquirles 2 b - $20AMeek and up 683-5290 I2 bE refe WANTED: GOOD, USED wood Ava furniture, aa nos, steres t%.434- W adSstore, 116 Brock à S. rent WELL SEASONEI> flrewood frW Wl salle. Dy hardwood, Scindling, hait Laur fc odface couds, bush cords. ILIS Pick up or deliver. (906) 649-3183. IWILL BUY YOUR unwanted Item & contents. Call 728-8485 leam a message. FREE TO GOOD HOME. Female cat CalS 576-9324. .GE ALPINE CROSS BILLY 3at 1.5 yers. $140 firm. ~aarys, maies, $40 females, 30. w arf bunnlès, vadou kin s P15 each. 655-4862, av nessage. .OVINO LADY BREEDER HAS limsa Apso, Schnoaclle (miniature "chnuzer cross poocle) and white-beige pod- puppies. $300 mch. Hm delivery. ;14-548-2248. I c Lc Lh Sc M . .M......... MBM PROPERTymagepj Whltby rtmt buIldingn. locations, 668-70 asonly. 905-986-0480. IMMACULATE, BRIGHT, 1200 sq. t, tMo becfrooqm e tmein executive homne lui Whltby. Larg qat-fçichnw l wth waik-oùt Ior wftm Pool. must be Smeni AvUWfS Febua 1, 1997. Noni-sm eoe launchy. paSclug aidl pool. OSHAWA. EXCEPiONAM i em quetclean 1 beêom parsmut Siamg at$600 mnonuily al Inclusive. 2 bedkoom aparûtrnu $675.-428-7677. WEST WHSTBY. Selfoontkied, quiet acm be<koorIn basefmt ap1Ment Partly lùrnlshed. PrIvale entranoe. Ne&r Hw . 45 Inclusive. Phone 668-M4 NHITBY SOUTH.1 becfroomn basement apartnient Quiet buiilding. Uvlugmrle nvi ron kîtchen. $500 per mnt. AI Inclusive. Avaliabl nowm Cal Goldie, 905-430-0085. BROOKUN; 3 be<kom apartmt r Fridg steve, utilities Innduded. $730 mthly. Available now. Cal Z5-5539.[ ïJGE 3 BEDROOM IN mint toiditian. Close te downtown Ihitb. Avallable January 1. Cal 116-491-3714. B1EDROOM ibasenSd aarbment .rSng, an.4 r ; em 1 itrane. uspItifisfeï.alt 04-4845 or 665-9618.- t HITY - 1 BEDROO 4 ortuneuits for reit 668-7196. 2 E HITBY 2 bedrom, Self )nne. Non smokers, no pets. V ailabl January 1. $600 manthiy, b st & last requlred. 430-6296. A '13YE. ONE BEDROOM IN 6- x. C4iee, quiet buildig Parkin . 05 kicku"v AvailalbMleJanuary,1. Emiio ki ie,66"-171. MLWA CENTREF edean, lusive., Parking, Iaundry- N arences, flrsf/Iast requlred. 2 Bilable FebrUay 1. 6rad, As t-2%65, leave message. B 411 EDROOM APARTUENT FOR tinenury hoenod hiç i V 1.Sep-ara kitchen, bath. ho -a -mntidy a- YOUR AD! 6683 0594 Parkediuing efr5. to 9 . CalS 434-1457,,, 576-2287. LARGE FURNMSED cool ose tedontwn Wltb, cable buse. 666-4279bavmwnessage. WHITBYs ONE BEDROON ar nut available immedlately S" 51mnh. Includes heat and paringfor 1 car. Please calI BROOKUN, CLEAN, e Use of 5 appliances. Shared kitchen. First & lâst. $400 monthly. 655-8279. FURNISHED ROOMI for rent $80iWeek. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Walk to ail aniyenitie. Please call 666-3617 APTER 6PM. NEAT, TIDY PERSON TO share large house Wlt 2 others. Fumnished room and use of al fadiiesf. Smoker welc-ome. $450 mntil. RosslancVAnderson. 666-3900. ONE BEDROOM Wfti shared accmmaiation, IOve minute walc from the dowuitwui area$32o a month. 312 Chestuiut StE., Whitby, Ont Tel: 905-665-13o4. 3 BEDROM &MN FLOOR. FUI use of beSemeuit MMly novaied. Ckee te GO train. CMa ulig .W0/ ttyplus hdf= Hai water lncluded. fflst & let Avaiali January 1. Cal George, 723-0670. >OWNTOWN WHMTY. 2 e<koe m siooler hous. $500 pq mouith plus utities.T mnon, -- state W.C.i WHITBY, OLDER 2 STOREYg 2 e<kaom, an main mtret L arge ird. Location: 826 Buock SiLN. E FIRSTI ECLUIVE USTING, <01 Oshawa Large, 4 bedraomn, Mh Real Estate. 6-461-0474. IILL PAY CASH FOR VOUR ne. Irnmedile closings ailable. 905-434-8116. Frank Callahan 571-2880 After Hours e 668-4454 Upper Çanada Funding Ino. TAI Mu 1

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