WhitbY Free press, WednesdaY, December 18, 1996, Page 9 1itbY'sAnne0OConnor wins junior citizen 1-a wartd Anne a n nii % fMl>-là ,, -1-1j- mullic %J FLn li 01VLULUy recently received an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. *.ue nune-year-Old organ- ized the Kids for Rids Backyard benefit Concert each summer for the past fewyears. Money raised from the performýances by children went to children's health The Rida Reaching out Foundation of Bellwood Public School was also nomilnatod, in the group cate- gory, for the Ontario award. Grade 6 etudents, In the 1995-96 echool year, Iadivi- dually and as a-clas'e raised funde frornprojecta. About *3,300 was raised in total, and donated to charities. Shoestring to provide a milsical ÀL' alternative Wbizzer wants a etal 'relationshiP. Marvin ji wants to love. HMe wife Tri learne the rules are alwa changing. Mendel, their psycbiatrii just wants Trina.. Jasý hates Cordelia, the kosi caterer, and Dr. Chariot fear sornething bad happening. A musical in the key alternative. Welcomei Faleettoland. Following hie acclainit Durham Shoestrin Perlbrmers debut last seaso with ,Assassins, IN Southwell briags anothe intimate musical te the Art Resource Centre. Falsettos, by William Fini and James Lapine, woi 1992 Tony Awards for bes book and beet original score It traces the story of Marvil (Ryan Harlock) who leavei his wife (Lisa McLean) ani Young son (StephaniE Jeronimo) in 1979 te livE with bis male lover, Whizzer, Hia ex-wife marries hia Peychiatrist (David Cardinal) and Marvin ends up alone. In act two, two years later, Marvin le reuaited wlth Whizzer (ichard Kwong> on the eve of bis son Jasone bar rnitzvab, just as AIDS has begun te spread. Cordelia (Peenny Hayward) and Dr. Charlotte (Michelle Plante) round out the unlikely mix of characters, as an entirely aew cast takes the stage. Falsetto s about forglng a tightly-knlt faznlly In difficult tmes. Tis musical is entlrely eung through, preseating a challenge te, singers, but the etreagth of the characters demande a response as one would te a drama. Act One was origlnally produoed in 1981 as Mardi of the Falsettos. It was aearly 10 years before Act Two, Falsettoland, was produced. Wrter William Flan did not simPly croate a sequel, however, because bxstery provided a next step in Marvln's life rather than merely a continuation. When the early eightles' characters are confronting AIDS, it was an unknowa quantity. Falsettos ruas for three weeks - a departure from DSP's usual echedule -- Jan. 24, 25, 30, 313, Feb. 1,6,7,8, 1997. ickets are $8- available from Walters Music Centres, 349 Ring St. W., or Information Oshawa, outslde Eatons In ,the Oshawa Centre. Christmnas story a prie-wne or author Tom goes solo WHITBY MAYOR Tom Edwards wasa featured' soloist recently at a performance by the Oshawa Youth Orchestra and Oshawa (Salvation Army) Temple Band. Edwards sang O Holy Night. Photo by P.k esrWhIbyFmre rss CBRJSTMAS BREAK Activitiee in which the whole family can partici- pate are scheduled at the Iibrary over the Christmas break. Bookmarks can be r Fried n da, Dec. 27 3:30 .m .; Victoria fans can be made Thurs- day, Jan. 2, 2 to 3:30 .. keepsake* record bookiets for most enjoyed books -can be made on friday, Jan. 3. 2 to 3 p.m. No regetration ie necessary for any of the three sessions. Wvhiby Inn Restaurant & Sports Bar mil hOW0 osn -ve to reste rve. &MCOey se Whitby Santa Claus parade WINNERS Best band., HMCS YORK< NAVAL RIESERVE BAND; Best service club: KINSMEN CLUB 0F WHITBY; Best service club honourabie mention: OSHAWA SHRINE CLUB; Best commercial entry: PERRY HOUSE CHILD CARE; Bsst commercial honouable mention: REALITY EXEC; Best non-prof il 'organization: NEWFOUNDLAND DOG CLUB;, Best majorette/dance group: OSHAWA KINSMEN CAMAROS; Majorete/dance honourable mention: RIGHTEOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS TWJRLING CORPS (ROTC); Youth apprecialion award: WHITBY ROTARY CLUB FAMILY PACK: Fish & Chips (Haliut only) 5 sh 3 Chips, 250 ml Coleslaw P~~_$19.5+ taxd L..xires:December3l,-199. 965 ods --e Ws I I.Lnd Pa By AMY Bmlunl For someone who was insecure about her writing skills, Ruth Walker has corne a long way. The Whitby" resident recently won firet prize in the Canadjan Living magazine short story contee Her entry wau a coming-of- age story about a young girl who steps away from paet traditions, without realizin it until later ini her lie. M "I neyer imagined that I could win," Walkr Baye, tiespecially because 1 have started so late in life. "I arn 42 years old and the mother of four cbildren. "When I found out that i had won, the four of them had to scrape me off the ceiling." "My poor husband was sleeping at the time. "And me and the cbildren ran upstairs and etarted Jumping Up and down on the bed. "We were all extrernely happy." She only began writing a couple of years ago, after moving from London, Ont. where she worked in the .RUTH WALKER human resource depart- ment St. Joseph's Medical Centre. "When 1 was a teenager I wrote a littie bit, but 1 didn't thiak that- I wae talented enough," says Walker. "I would oaly write in my head, I neyer put it down on paper." The contest was a bit challenging for Walker, a native of Toronto. "Most of wbat I write is on the darker aide, eo writing about Christmas was a little difficuit at firet." "rne Street E'ast (At C; rven) Wilitby 666-303,1 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fri.. Dec. 20th & Sat., Dec. 21st 10,00pm - 2:00am THE FENCESITTERS TUESDAYNIGHT Wing Night and TORONTO MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY NIGHT Lucky draws. Prizes. ENGLISH SOCCER To Be Announced NEW YEAR , S EVE Nobody's Business S30. a ticket includes PRIME RIB DINNER, PARTY FAVOURS, CHAMPAGNE & A GLASS OF WINE. Lucky dravis and raffles. S12. after 9:30pm - Just a p'arty. Does not include Dinner. Limited seating. Book your Christmas'Parties & Fioliday functions riovv! Ithought about what people Ido at Christmas and how things tend to go wrong. 'In my story anythng that could go wrong,. does go wrong" says Walker. "I also looked at some of the Christmnas traditions. "Some are wonderful, while others are rooted in nastiness." Writing bas opened a lot of doors for Walker. Above anytbing, Walker feels that se.ha. gained confidence. "Being recognlzed is a great feeling. "And I arn certainly aware of how preejous it is te, receive recognition. "Writing is a very lonely proces.0 Walker is continuing to write short stories. 71 have 18 on the go, all of wbich are ini varjous stages." She is also in the process of trying to write a novel. 'Mhe key word is trying," eays Walker. "Wriing a novel is much different and more difficult than writing short stories, (Oictorloil 0'use LIVE BANQeýe Fri.. Dec. 19 and Sat., Dec. 20 HIRED GUNS Sunday Night Jam with ANDREW HEATHCOTE Sunday from 6pm 80Z. PRIME RIB DINNER Yorkshit-e Pudditig. baked potato & vegetable S1.0.95 Tuesday Night 20c Wings Wednesday Night FREÉýýPOOL NEW YEAR'S EVE -DINNER & DANCE ANDREW HEATHCOTE Prime Rib Dinner - S60.00 Cail noý:-, to rcser,.,ýe 101 Mary St. VV. at Brock , P(-,-l rs n 11 j-,ý 11 lot', ý)f p:ýfkloq iii fh- t):ýý k 666-0,5w L DAY IAY &y Ail day ail night 1 1 U2 price pool ý[LLaçI!es play FRE 1 TEMSDAY S'HOOTER SýECIà qL WEEKEND IL,61-FIRIDAY & SATURDJqyýA