PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Election 1980 Questionnaire CONT'D FROM 12 2> Genuine self-sufficiency is attainable without any increase in energy prices, and on the contrary, with stable and falling energy prices; 3)The steeply higher energy prices the people hae been forced to pay these last few years have been imposed for no other purpose than to secure the highest possible profits for the o11 barons; and 4) Genuine self-sufficiency in energy will only be achieved by making the rich pay-by overthrowing the ruie of t.he rich minority and expropriating the rich without any compensation, throwing the U.S. imperialist out of Canada, and ending ail foreign domination. Dickerson No. Alberta's oil is a Canadian resource and should be shared by ail Canadians. For years, Ontario has been making hugh transfer payments, along with Quebec and British Columbia, to the have-flot provinces - one of which was Aberta. Now they have the opportunity to begin sharing their good fortune with Ontario and the rest of our provinces. I believe that the federal government should have control over energy resources and pricing policies. 1 firmly believe in a two-tier pricing policy - one which would be equal to approximately 50 per cent of world price for Canadians - the other which would reflect world pricing to the international corn- Munfity. Fenneil Constitutionally, Alberta gr any other province in Canada is guaranteed by the British North America Act of its rights of complete control over its own resources. Constitutionally, the Federal gover- nment has the power, also under the BNA Act over inter-provincial trade and can use its authority to set the price for any commodity crossing provincial boundaries. Without detracting from any of these rights both the federal and provincial governments have a moral and economic responsibility to consuit each other and work together for the good of al Canadians. Prime Minister Clark has had numerous meetings with the provincial goverumen- ts to discuss energy policy proposals and decisions on this vital issue were incorporated in our Budget. I believe, that as a nation we must strive for selt- suffIciency in energy or face an iireasingly deteriorating energy situation. This is the real energy issue. We must make the national effort to achieve self-sufficiency which will build our econorn and protect us against an inevitable shortage of foreign oil. A Progressive Conservative gover- "Wn ~I get hungyký Colonel, the first thing 1 hàïkI ofis yç finger lickii' good chicken. And that's okay with my Mow. 1.She always buys your french fries ând saIads, too. Momn says Kentucky Fiied Chickê-n is good for me. But I just N it cause if's gc>od chickenThere's nothing like it.Thlank you, Colk Offl 100LOATIONS #4 ONTARIO - SEE YOUR PKONE BOOK FOR Yi OUE NEARSST TOU. nment will achieve self-sufficiency by 1990 by producing more energy, by moving toward a more realistîc price for oil, by encouraging conservation and by encouraging cooperation with the Provinces in the national effort to achieve self-sufficiency. Canadian consumers use more energy per head than those in any other western country. Energy- rich Canada is importing a half -million barrels of oul a day. Cheap Canadian 011 is running out. If the price doesn't rise, there will be no exploration and development and our oil using industries could close down tomorrow. Our party policy is a price level that ensures new development but which is 15 per cent below the Americans. For the past ten years the Liberal government has sold the energy potential of Canada short. No nation has a greater potential for energy security than Canada, baut if we are going to secure our future we have to start today. Posmo Libertarians believe that no level of govenment should be able to demand a price for a particular commodity. The individual producers and owners of the land own the oul and should be able to selI it at the price the free market would pay. The free market offers the only true test of oil's value, in- cluding the cost of producing oil in the future. Government interference will oniy insure future scarcity. Rison Through PetroCan, we have the golden opportunity to keep domestic prices for heating oul and gasoline lower than world prices. This Crown corporation - far fromn being scrapped - should be expanded into ail facets of the oul industry. Exploration as well an marketing. It is the 011 companies that are making the money in oil. Their profits have increased 300 per cent over the last five years. It's time that stop- ped. PetroCan is the tool. Please discuss what you belleve to be the strong and weak points of Finance Minister Jogn Crosble's budget? Carreli Crosbie's budget (and it could just as easily by Trudeau's or Broadbent's) is just the latest effort of the governmnent to shift the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the people more heavily than ever. Axnong other things, the budget provided for stiff tax increases which would- fleece the people of billions upon billions of dollars to be handed over to the oul barons., In a Canada without exploiters, CONT'D ON PG. 16 De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 66U-7797 HO URS: Mon. - Sut. & Evonings . ByApýpointment 0OnIyý ...with a new, styled, shaped hair fashion just truly "you." For a cut that is "ready to go any time, any where," visit our professional stylists today! LA (O(NTESSA BEAL7I '1OUG 1 14) ;retmi S'%tC-I