PAGE -12, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1980, WFITBY FREPRS TOWN OF WHITBY The Planning Act NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A' BY-LAW BY THE COR- PORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO REGULATE LAND USE PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 0F THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that fthe Council of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw 947-80 on the fourteenth day of January, A.D. 1980 pursuant f0 the provisions of section 35 of the Plan- ning Act. The following Scheduies are attached hereto: 1. Schedule 1, belng a true copy of By-Law 947-80 2. Schedule 2, belng a key map which shows the location of the lands f0 whlch the by-law applies. 3. Schedule 3, being a statement f rom the chief plan- ning off icer of the munlcipalilfy that By-law 947- 80 le ln conformlty with fthe officiai plan of the municlpailty and sfating the purpose and effect of the by-law. 4. Schedule 4, belng a staternent f rom the chief plan- ning off icer offthe Regional Municipality of Durharn stating that By-law 947-80 is in conformit y with the officiai plan of t he region. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, withîn twenty-one days affer t he date of mnailing, personal service or publication 0f this notice, file with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of an objection to the approval of the said By- law or part thereof together with details of aIl or that portion of the By-law f0 which there is objection and detailed reasons t here for. ANY PERSON wishing f0 support fthe application for ap- proval of the by-law may, wlfhln twenty-one days affer the date of the mailing, personal service or publication of this notice file wlth the cierk of fthe Town of WVhltby notice 0f support of ftho application for approval of the sald by-law. If no notice of objection has been f iled with the clerk of the municipalify within the time provided, the by-law thereupon cornes into effect and does not require the ap- proval of the Ont aria Municipal Board. If a notice of objection has been filed wif h the clerk of the municlpaiity within the time provided, the by-law shahi be submltted to the Ontario Municipal Board and the by-law does not corne into effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS IS FEBRUARY 28,1980 THE OBJECTION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE IN ORDER TO BE VALI D. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 6th day of February, A.D., 1980. WVm.H.Wallace, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whifby, Ontario. Schedule i This le a f rue copy of By-law 947-80 passed by the Council 0f the Town of Whltby on the 14f h day of January, 1980. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BYmLAW NO. 947*80 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NO. 1784, AS AMENDED WVHEREAS By-law 98-74 enacted certain arnendrnents fa By- îaw 1784 in accordance wth the provisions of Section 35a of The Planning Acf. R.S.O., 1970, chapter 349, as they exîsted at fthe tirne of the passing of the said By-iaw 98-74. AND WHEREAS the provisions of the said Section 35a were arnended by The Planning Arndment Act, 1979. 1979 S-. Chapter 59, to provide inter alia, a revised technique for irn- piernenfln g the provisions of Section 35a in that any By-iaw irnplernenfing the provisions need not n0w be or form part of a Zoning By-Law enacted under Section 35 of the said Planning Acf; Between You andMe Dy RUTH CHAMBERS There has been great controversy over the years about this topic and it is stili going on although today it has become more fasliionable and respectable to explain supernatural occurrences in termns of clairvoyance and telepathy. Respectable to the point of being undertaken by J.B. Rhine of Duke University for academic and scientific research and s tudy - Many people have a strong resistance to the subject due no doubt to an inigraîned bias because of education, especially hgher le.arning, fear and or ridicule. Fear of the unknown is very real ot many people, hence the fear of death. Ridicule, often used very cleverly by some people at times, is avoided at ail costs by the average person. Some people aquaint this type of thing with the illiterate or highly emotional person. However, this does not always apply. We must r-ealize that somne unprincipalled in- dividuals use this t> gain fame and money, quackery of the worst kind. Hopefully in time there will be a way to stop these people fromn practising fraud. Fortunes have been made and people destroyed because many are so vuinerable to suggestion and so gullible. Our background and education gives us a certain bias; say as in the case of an engineer. Hard, cold, facts are al AND WHEREAS the revised provisions of the said Section 35a have now been irrplernented by By-Iaw No. 892-79; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ENACTED, AND IT IS HERE8Y ENACTED AS A BY-LAVV 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY THE COUINCIL THEREOF AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Section 12(a) of By-Iaw No. 1784 as enacted by By-Iaw No, 98-74 be and the sarne s hereby repealed. BY- LAW READ A F 1IRST, SECON D AN D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED -THIS 14TH DAY 0F JANUARY,A.D., 1980. WVm. H. Wallace Clerk-Admîlist rafor J. C. Gartshore Mayor Schedule 2 The key map showing the location of Iands affected by By- law 947-80 is fot necessary because this by-law is for a change to the text of By-law 1784 and will affect properties throughout the muni cipaliîty. -Schedule 3 STATEMENT 0F CON FORMITY TO THEO FFICIAL PLAN AND PURPOSEAND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 947-80 1, Robert B. Short, the Director of Planning, have reviewed 947-80 of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby and I arn of the opinion that the said By-law is in conformity with the approved Off iciai Plan of the Town of Whitby. The purpose and effecl of By-law 947-80 is f0 remove the development control regulations for commercial and multiple family dwellings from Zoning By-law 1784. A separate by-law has b>een passed by Council in accordance with the revised Secti crn 35a of The Planning Act. Dated thîs l4th day of Jan uary, A.D., 1980. Robert B. Short Directorol Planning, The Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby Schedule 4 STATEMEN1 0F CONFORMITY TO THE(>FFICIAL PLAN FOR THE REGIONAL IMUNICIPALITY C>F DURHAM I, Dr. MAofeed Michael, the Chief Planning Off icer of The Regional Municipality of Durhamf, have reviewed By-law 947- 80 of the Town of VVItiilby and I amn of the opinion that the said By-law is in con forrnity with the approved Officiai Plan for the Region of Durhamn Planning Area as adopted by Regional Council on JuIy 14, 1976 and approved by the Minister of Housing cn March 17, 1978, as amended. Dated this 23rd dayot> 1Jan uary, 1 980. MA. Michael Commissioner of Planning important, they take precedence over anything else. Just as a surgeon friend told me once that he appralsed his patients with a surgeon's ability. After many years he realized he was flot being honest with himself; he feit he was using "tunnel" vision so he put surgery aside and became a general practitioner with very happy and rather astounding resuits both for himself and his patients. Sometimes if we always use logic and rationale we diminish the other part of our being; the "gut" feeling or intuition which is a direct perception of truths. There does not need'to be a conflict here, one does flot need to eliminate the other; there can be a blend. Not al of us have fully developeci senses. Many children have but this is lost in time by associaiton with older children and aduits. Extra sensory perception, clairaudio and cîkairvoyance are no doubt the resuit of a brain more attuned than others and for many reasons intuition, 1 think often is an inborn trait but others feel it can be acquired. It is a very special gift and must not be used for wrong purposes. To be in tune with another is very preclous, a bond not known to ail. 1 have a friend in Whitby wýho often tells me 0f this feeling she and her husband share and happily treasure. We have found the key to radio waves, unknown and unthought of a hundred years ago and now doors are being opened with studies being carried on ail over the world about our sub- conscious minds. Truths which were accepted many years ago as ordinary every day facts are again being accepted as such today. The subconscious; the "other" part of our brain, highly developed in some and totally lacking in others likely picks Up "waves" from many wave lengths. Some day it will be understood completely and we will wonder why there was such mystery about it ail. So we comne to a few things or occurences, unusual and at variance with our "trained" minds that may leave you wondering and wanting to know more about the super- natural or it may make you angry or better stili make you laugh.1 A very dear friend of mine used to often study in a walled garden with a high hedge which divided the garden in half. There was an opening in the hedge and a path which she was facing as she sat with her books and suddenly she looked up to see a man dressed in sixteenth century garb walking along the path; he pased her, walked to the house and disappeared, as though he had gone through the walls. At a later date her mother had the same experience. Some time later the family were at a social function together when her mother who was slightly ahead of, the father and daughter, paled and stiffled a scream. An oul painting of this man was on the wall before them, dressed as he had been in the garden. Her father, a lawyer hastily did some research to find that this was a well known figure of that time who had died in a duel in the garden, fought over a young woman. At another time, this family were on a hili top over looking a valley and close to an old ruined castie when al of a sudden both she and her mother felt a clammy, coldness on their backs and they both turned their heads to look behind them when they saw an apparition shrouded in mist or fog walking towards the ruins of the castie and disap- pearing through a wall. Neither her brother or her father feit anything and wondered how this could be as it was a hot, sultry July day with flot a breeze felt. Again her father solved the mystery by more research. A monk many years before had been murdered in this castie and had of- ten been seen in this form over the years by many people. Needless to say this did not happen in Canada as we have few ruins here. I have heard such stories from friends in England too and not ail English people but Canadians who live there. We have many houses in Canada too where spirits have been seen, 0f ten children and where doors close and windows open, ahl sorts of things. There may be several in Whitby, one I know of but I can't remember the peoples' name. The "mist" or "fog" is called ectoplasm, a quasi material substance which is capable of assuniing human form. The temperature of a room or the atmosphere out- side is lowered generally when ectoplasm is produced and there is often a characteristic smell and it is cold to the touch. Another Whitby friend has had several experiences of a different sort. A premonition of her son's death which she was thankful for as she almost felt prepared. One evening would be nothing 1 could do. To say it was an incredible experience for both of us is putting it mildiy. The man did not know our names, where we came from or anything about us. For me it was a happy and very rewarding experience. He knew more about me and my life than my best friend or friends. It really leaves you gasping as he talks of everyone around you, the family, and friends even te the point of asking me to take a message to a friend, a young man in Whitby which I did. He asked me if I realized that 1 had the gift of sight beyond that of the average person. I told him yes but it was not something I talked about although I often laughed about being loaded with ESP. He told me to hold on te it, treasure it and realize that it gives yot' %ftrength. FREE PRESS