PAGE 28. WEI)NESL)AY, FEBRLJARY 13, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Pres Cail 668-61 wi G fIL p tE il -~ ~ I -.----~-m~ MEAVY uuî~ ttiMILtK nhi~~n b, PLIAIt KtAU AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE _ 976 DODUE CHARGER 2 dr. coupe. r condiiontng, fuliy toadod. Silvor 11th maroon vinyl top. CorlIied. Z750. Cati1 Norma 688-9585. Jan. 16, 80 976 COBRA Il immaculale. $2,300 lvesied on brand now motar 302, BF Ioodrich radiais on western mage, luiiy cuslomized inlorior, bis ta prave. $4,500 fIlrm. Ask for Bob 668- Jan. 9, 80 1974 ASTRE HATCH BACIC 4 apeed. 83,000 miles. $30. Phono M686144. Dec. 26, 79 19116 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE aood condition. Asking $450. CouaIà- er8 Dec. 19.79 1977 THUNDERBIID Numorous ex- Irac inciuding air, oniy 26,000 mile-n. Muai oeil $5.000. Phonoe668-7689. Dec, 12,79 970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbo ransmission. Power windows and buckot sosie. $1.000 or besi aller. Phone 6684481. Dec. 12,79 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 58,20M miles. With 302 engins. V-8. New paint. pa' wer qteering. New shacks. Rebuilt carburetar. Snow lires ln- ctuded. mage ail around. Asking $1600. Phono 668.5328- Ask for Brad. Dec. 5, 79 1967 MG8.GT and 1967 MGB Road. ater plus many new and unused spare parla. Engines, wire wheels, etc. $500 floi. Phono 655-4107 Nov. 28. 79 71 METEOR V-8, auto. PIS, PIB. $400 or beat aller. Cail 668&2354 aller 8 p.m. Nov. 21, 79 ô@ BEAUMdONT 307 automnatic PIS, PiB, good condition. $65. Certilled. Phono 655-4495. No.2,7 71 FARGO CAMPERt VAN equipped with fridgo, slave &wster. 8 cyt. 225. Excellent runnilng& body condition. As la but cen be certif led. $1,500. Phono 655-3006. Nov. 21, 79 968 FIREBIRD - 350 aulomatic PIS, A-1 chape, now paint. $1600 certif ted. 6ffl9o aler 5p.m. Feb. 13, 80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or beat aller. Phono 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 1974 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER STATION WAGON 9 seater, air candtlaniflg, power steerlng, brakes, windows, seats. AM/FM sterea radio, power door Iacks with a traider hitch. Wii sein $1600. Cal Barry 668-455b 6 9 1155 BUICK SPECIAL 4 daor sedan. Good for restoring. $5M Phone 725- Jan. 30,80 77 COUGAR XR7 - wlre disk wbeela, 2 door, mifleage 4,600. Asking $5,200. A-i Condtion. Phone 668-9628. Feb, 6, 80 U LRTS 2-14-- CIEV RIUS ai $5 @&ch, 1-15" rîm la fit otder mode, OldaS $5. 1 set of wheoi algie and spring ta mo&k@ a frsîler $M0 Phono 728-2714 Nov 28.79 radiais 185 SR170-13 Excellent con- dlllan wîfh onty 2.000 mites asor $99 for poir New wOuid coaf $ 150 phone dIl Nov 21,.79 Ford Van or pick uP $5P Phono 668- Nov, 21, 79 2 REG. SNOW TIRES wlh rima. Suze E70 for Chev, $50 for pair; roling exorciser $50, Phono 668-9894. Nov 28.,79 2 MICHELIN snow tires. New 230 X 15X steel betted. $150. Phone 6M1 538. Nov. 21, 79 PAIR 0F SNOWTIRES on rima. Fils Vatkswsgof Boette, Onty usod one Ysr $50. Phono 668-5211. Dec. 12, 79 RECTATINAL VELES 1 MOTOAHOME 26 fI. lass A Superior. Completoly rot lnlshod wth now brosdloom, drapes & voîvet upholstery. Steepe 6. 2 single beds In bock wlth nlghlable. Complote bathroomn wlth bsthtub & ahowor. Has a 4 bumer stove with aven. Double staînlese steel sinits. Largo sîzo kIt- chen table with bench stylo semIs on elther aides. Approtttmateiy 30,000 miles. Aaltlng prico $18000. Includos many extras. Phono 683-3030, Pickering. Dec. 5,79 1975 B3ON AIR trouier. Steopa 8. Fridgo, slave, sink & furnace. 82,300. Cai Gall Anderson 868-4599. Dec. 12,79 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebuit ln Dec. Bilat prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearesi aller or trade for smaii car. Phono 855-4495. Jan. 9, 80 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE17S 2000 ktm. Ported and poished. Fox shocka, air lorks, brand new ciutch, board over once. New piston rings. Asking $1800. Phono anytime aller 4 p.m. 687105. Jan. 2, 1980 LCLLANEOUS le FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT - wtn- dshteid controts & steering, 40 H.P. Johnston twin - with traiter and spare tire. Comptete $50000. Phone 668- 6294 Jan. 23,80 CAPE COD STYLE orange ruile poyester sheers. inctudes 3 vatan- ces, 5 pairs tiers & lie backs. 56" wide x 30" long. New $51. Asking $30. Phono 728-8601. Jan. 16,80 2 SINGLE BEDS with matresses and matching cheat of drawers $235; fridge, Keivinator, no frost, 2 door, green, $250; stove, nalurai gas, Har- lwick, green $135; dishwasher, Ad- mirai, automatic, green $135; washer, Kenmore, 7 programa, heavy duly, sait cleaning tiller, $225; sots bed, kng size, excellent condition. $175; humidifier $35; slave fan, avocado, neyer used. $35; car rampa, brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 es.; colar TV, Toshiba. 14", like new, $275; misc. original paintings. $80 e.; hand woven rings, varytng sizes $800 ea.; coffea table, $20; Phono 839-3114 oveninga & weekends. Jan. 16, 80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Ladie's, ize 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- ce. $45. Phono 668-9876. Jan. 16, 80 MODERN Sofa $150; contemporary style dressing cabinet. $250. Bath in goaci condition. Phono 668-1781. Jan. 9, 80 When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or unavailable for wha lever reason, the item wilt be deemed ta have been sold and a commission wiil be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iltustrated betow, regardless if price is stated with "best offer"l. if the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed af, the ad wil be run far 3 MONTHS 'and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $300 wili appiy. Alit advertisements must be piaced on an exclusive Basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not safd. RATES tif article is sold]: 50à of advertised price Up ta $400.00 20/0 of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoIdl item advertised for $120.00 commission due $6.00 lminimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising only! Please notify us if you lind a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Picase notity the Whitby Free Press immediately wheén item is sold so that we may delete it f rom the faIiowing issues. Alil ads not f itting the Er-npurium guidlelines will be freated ancd charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as; services, help wanted, clathing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads flot quoting price or quantity: Private ctassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under apprapriate headings. if in daubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, W*hitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIOAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 4 $9; Clase de neige. size 7 $9; Atberg (West Germany) suze 1 $9; Grenoble, sizo 2 $9; Sportsman, size 2 $9; girls white skates, sizo 2 $4; Bayas skates. Trulino, size 4. $12; Bobby Huit, size 1 $500. Phono 655-4482. Dec . 19. 79 SKIS, BOOTS à POLES Aduli aize. 175 cm. $5; pair aI junior skis 120 cm. $30. Phono 683-6638. Dec . 19. 79 LIVING ROOM SUITE Consista of Chesterfield, 2 easy chairs. ottoman, coffee table & end table. Cream ighi brown colour. $450. Phono 668-3926. Dec. 12,79 1 NEW back & white marbie bathroom aheil shaped sink. 30" s 19 34". $60; 1 new menas Dynasiar skia & bindinga. $130. Phono 728-0074 af- torS5 p.mý Dec .12, 79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Size 81/2. Nearty new. $35; Ladies wnter boots, Size 71/2. Warn once $10. Phono 576- 2366. Dec .12. 79 WESTINGHIOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 CARPET FOR SALE 4 pieces (orange) shag, different room sizes $200. truck rack for pick-up $100. Cati 668-0163. Dec. 5, 79 ORGAN Eko. 2 years aid Full rhythm section. Excellent condition $1.100. Cait 666-1530 Dec 5. 79 STRONGLY BUILT liai traiter size 10' s 4' wilh pipe railing lt-t' high. Tires 550 x 12". $200. Phono 655-3166. Dec. 5, 79 TECHNICS SB-X1 speakeraý 1 pair. Excellent condition, Oniy 4 moniha aid $275 fîrm; 6 watt guitar amplifier. demi for beginners. Hardiy used $50; H.0. train set. 1 yoar old. 6 pco, train frack, accessorios etc. $40 Cati 668- 5180 alterS5p M Nov, 21. 79 BABY CARRIAGE 2 in 1 $25 Phono 668-9553 Nov 21.ý79 SOLID BIBCH BUNK BEDS 1 Mat- tresa and 1 spring included $100. Cali 668-MO.Jan. 30,80 KITCHEN SUITE Yelow wrought iron bvelled glas top, 1 year old. 4 chairs, yellow flowered potiers. Padded backs and seats. Superlor qualty. $=5. Cail aler a p.m. 571- Jans. 30,80 3'1011 higb - 2 bar stools $30. Small arbrite kitchen table and i leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50.00 Call 7238771 Jan. 30,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 months oid; F.M., cassette under dash. Asking $110.00. Caîl 668-6593. Jan. 30,80 PINO PONG TABLE - A-1 Condition. officiai sizo, ;411 piywood - laids for aoiitary piaying and aiso flds up for easy atorago. AskIng $W.00. Cati 668- 6903 Feb. 13,80 RANGE brand new Westinghouse with black glass door $350 and mat- ching froet-free refrigerator $275. Franklin fireplace and ail ac- cessories $125. Buggy harness $75. Call Jack 668-389 Jan. 30,80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure bas 2 gauges - as new $75. Phone 668-4521. CONN ORGAN - church & strummer rhythm unit - 2 leslie speakers, owner's manuai and compiele begin- ners Instructions. Walnul colour and bench Inctuded. Price $150000. Phone 623-2769. Jan. 23, 80 7' CHESTERFIELD - recentiy uphoistered ln ruaI tonea. $150.00. Phone 688-9562. Jan. 23,80 BABY ITEMS - 1 twin baby carniage. Converta into stroiler with suni roof. Very good condition $50.00; 1 single baby carnîage $15.00; i jolly jumper. Papoose carriers, blue can- vas and aiumlnum frames. Neyer uaed $10.00 es; 1 baby bottie sterilîrer and bottie warrner $10.00 for bath; 1 baby dresaing table, green and white wlth traya $20.00. Phone 688-6M9. Jan. 23,80 2 MAT'CHING FLIP-FLOP COUCHES -open into beds - brown pattern $50 ea. Excellent condition; --36" Dia. wrought ion ice cream table - glass top wîth 2 rnatching chairs, black $75.00. Aseolder bed chesterfield - gond condition $Z.00. 1 heavy-duty car battery for 4 orSô cyl. 12 volt with warranty- used 1 wk. $40.00. Phone 68429. Jan. 23,80 1 TOSHIBA TUNER and 2 Toshiba speakers and BsR turntable $190 conspwee. Phone 7254M53ata 5: 00. Feb. 6,80 il NEW IN TOWN? LET us PUT ouT THE mAT FOR YU NEWHOME ZIG ZAG sewing maclilin with box hoidor. Hardiy used. Like new. $130. Phono 688-3448. Dec. 19,79 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE - Fren- ch Provincial - includes 4 sealor cheslerfieid, sofa chair, coflooe table & 2 end tables, al n excellent con- dition. Asking $65 - ioss thon 'A the cast. Calil855-4925 after 6'00 p.M. Jan. 23, 80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professionai model. Hydrauiic motet stand, sighiing scope, 5 assorted ienses. Barlow Ion- se moon and sun fiters, sun screon. Excellent condition. $50000 com- plote. Phono 688-6294. Jan. 23,80 CHILD'S SWING SET with glides, seasaw alide and twa swings in new condition $50. Antique rocking chair and matching armchair beautifully upholstered in siik brocade, earîy Canadiana $400 or best offer. 668- 6151. Jan. 30,80 CARDIGAN CORGI FOR SALE needa very affectionate home. Maie. 4 years oid, Perfect for older couple. $50. Phono 666-1372. Dec 12,79 40 GALLON ELECTRIC WATER MEATER, laundry tubs and stand, 10 sheets 4' x B' styrofoam 1 " thick. Asking $50. Cali 668-2800 Jan. 30,80 FRIDGE AND STOVE - 2 yoars oid. Whoat coiour $900. Good condition. Phonoe6882025. Fob. 13, 80 amily Favorite 1 bag and freeze apricots be- ause My famîly likes their deli- ate, delightful flavor in pies and uddings, or poached and flamed n ice cream. AprÎcots when de- rosîed and served raw can taste ightly chewy depending on the ariely. If you haven't frozen them before. try a test sample. Freeze a mal amouni and next day defrost nd taste. Prepare apricots for freezing in the same way that you repare peaches, treating îhemn with ascorbic acid. Boih fruits dis- olor due to oxidation. The only difference between the two is that apricots don't require blanching aînd peeling. please write to me at the "GIad' Home Freezing Information Cen Ire, 165 University Avenue, Toron to, Ontario M5H 3B8, enclosing stamped. self-addressed envelope 1*11 be more than happy to answe them. SERTRUKS 78 FORD Vz ton. Like new. 31,000 miles. One ownor since new. With cap. $5,000. Phona 728-2714. N ov. 28, 79 FOR SALE Maie. 1l month otd pure bred Samnoyed. Registered with papers $150. Phone 668-1815. Nov. 28. 79 The NearIy New Shop 131 Brook St. S. Whltby 73 Solina St. Oshawa support your local Lýung Association 723-3151 Facts & Fancîes According to legend, corn- meal ixhtsh puppies" were s0 named because they were [cd to îioisy dogs-to make them quiet down. The pîlgrimis were the first colonists to taste popped popcorn--a gift [romi the In- dians at the first Thanksgiving dinner. EOUTS ETC- UP TO 20% SETTER OAS MILEAGEL Con you afford not to change ta cyn- theticai Colt R. j. sales, Brookiîn 65- 3m9. S I *1975 FORD 16 TON RANGER 150 wlth Icap Custom C"b. Radio, top.. $4000. NPhonoe66-355. SODO OLYMPIC 440 - caver sied - double traite. Exceillnt condition. Berst aller. Phone 88&2279. Emlporiurnl Emporium Ads wilI only be accepted subject f0 the following Conditions. w M -1