PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS CEC report@,,.. 11,393 lookin g for work The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Eni- ployment Centres in Ajax. Whitby and Oshawa for the month of January totalled 11,393, consisting of 5,873 female and 5,520 maie clien- ts, according to Gary Hillior, spokesman for the centres. Placement in the three of- fices totalled 514 for the month, which compares to a total of 357 placements during December, 1979. The majority of clients were registered in material han- dling and related fields, con- struction trades; product fabricating, assembling and repairing; clerical and related; sales; service, he said. During January, the greatest employment oppor- tunities existed in manufac- turing; transportation, communication and other utiities; retail trades; community, business and personal service. In January, there were 27 agreenients signed under the Canada Manpower In- dustrial Training Prograîn. As a resuit, 34 people will benefit from both training and employment in the Region of Durham. At the end of January, there were 215 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 64 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. Employers are en- couraged to take advantage of the Employment Tax Credit Program which provides tax advantage of up to $3,120 for a 12 month period for each employee hired under this program. For further information, Irene Stoehr may be contac- ted at 579-9402 at the Oshawa C.E.C. office. GH *~Gillette lui RIGHT GUÀARD Brook lin skates f or charity This young lad is skating for cystie fibrosis in the Brooklin Kinsmen Club's skate-a-thon. Over 70 youngster took part in the tbree hour, event at Brooklin's Memorial Arena and came in ail ages from five years Up. Even a political candidate was there taking in the fun and skating with the kids. Below, Doug Dickerson, 32, the Liberal contesting the seat for Ontario in last Monday's election (see pages 1 and 3 to see if he was successful) skated with Jennifer Reeks, 5. The kids all had fun and tired feet after trying to complete their promised 100 laps around the rink. They were also eligible for many prizes including black and white televisions. Prize winners will be announced at a later date. - Free Press'photo by Michael Knell Ib ud wuu1 é 4 Sdubs 25r fo t* PN4'010r" -~CONTESM ,~ NO PURCHASE REQUIREDI ENTRY FORUS AVAILABLE IN I.D.A. DRLIG STORES. BAILEY IDA PHARMACY 362 Brock St. S. WHITBY 668-2100 SHORTS IDA PHARMACY 65 Baldwin St. BROOKLIN 655-331J P y COURTICE ALLuN PHARMACY 117 Brock St. N. WHIT8Y 668-2394 I Dependable Tax Service Agents to proces Incarne Tax Returns - Work f rom your own home - must have dependable vehicle, - some experience or taken course in income tax preparation For Interview In your area cal 1-705-742-1567 N