PAGE 16, WEI)NESI)AY FEBRUARY 1-0. 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Operations coni uee recommends... wic si Ail SaintsHalno hitorie ste It would appear as if one of Whitby's landinarks will be demolished. Ail Saints' Parish Hall on Centre Street was declared unsafe by t.own inspectors last June and the building bas been unused since. At it's last meeting council accepted an operations commlttee recommendation that the hall not be designated an historical site under the provisions of the Ontario Heiitage Act. The original recommen- dation came from the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (L.A.C.A.C.) who inspected the property and in a latex resolution said that the building bad made a "unique contribution to the community" and tbat it poesessed "architectural menit". Councll's (and commit- tee's) decision was based on a request from the parishioners of Ail Saints' who asked that the designation not be made because it would probably be too expensive to restore the site. Bey.. J.A. Roney, rector of the church said that control of the site would slip from the hands of the congregation if it was taken over by the heritage fouri- dation. "If the building is designated, the heritage foundation bas an oppor- tunity to do something with it," Roney said. "If they do, they then have a lien on the building for the amount of work done. " He said that it would coot at least $120,000 to restore the 110 year old building. "'Not counting the foun- dationi the floor or the upper beams." Excluding structure problems, Roney said that the wiring throughout the building is worn and dangerous and the furnace would probably need replacing, "Most probably, it will be demolished," Roney said. "But no action is planned at present."P if the parishioners change their mind, the operations committee left the door open for them when they decided to turn down the L.A.C.A.C. application. The resolution that council accepted said that "this decision does not preclude them from asking for designation in the future. " The L.A.C.A.C. recom- mendation asked for the designation under the Heritage Act "1not only for architectural reasons and for the structure's important associations wlth the social and the religious history of Whitby but also as a means barmony and visual con- tinuity of the entire Al Sa int's property. " The property is located at the corner of Dundas and Centre Streets and includes the old hall, Ail Saints' Church and a new parish bail built to replace t.he old faility. Both the church and the original hall were designed by Henry Langley one of On- tarils more prolific and respected l9th century Ar- chitects. Langley also deslgned the Royal Hotel, Brooklln's St. Thomas Anglican Church and Ryerson Hall at Trafalger Castle Caste School. Report from Queen'9s Park p J. Dy GEORGE ASHE, MPP (PC-DURHAM WEST) Experience program to operate this simuner Fori~he eigbth consecutive year, the Government of Ontario will be operating the Experience Program during the summer of 1980. A portion of this program is sponsored by the Ontario Youth Secretariat and offers the province's young men and women 10,450 summer jobs within the government ministries and associated agencies. This part of the Experience program supplements the regular replacement hiring carried out by the Provincial Ministries, their agencies and commissions. Since its inception, the Experience program bas enjoyed continued success. It affords young people the opportuty to work during the summer months. Not only does it provide needed support staff for the Province, but of greater impor- tance it gives young people jobs which help them acquire valuable skills, knowledge and experience which is so essen- tial in securing future employment. It is designed to com- plemnent the academie and career interests of young people. By providing such career related employment experience, it offers a better background on which a young person can base important career decisions. As well, in many cases, it also of- fers an additional reward to young people through knowing they are helping to meet the needs of Ontario's communities. There are a wide variety of -interesting positions available, and the Youth Secretariat expeets to receive many more ap- plications than the number of jobs open. I would, therefore, like to extend one word of advice: because the competition for summer jobs is always tight, I would strongly recommend that you look for other employment opportunities in addition to apply to the Experience '80 program. The Youth Secretariat has distributed Experience '80 guidebooks and application forms for the provincial jobs to al college and university placement offices, ahl high schools and ail Canada Ernployment and Immigration offices in Ontario. As well, a limited supply is available at my Constituency Of- fice in Ajax. If you would like to apply for the Province's Ex- perience Program, obtain a guidebook from one of these places as quickly as possible. Read the book carefully, particularly the program descrip- tion. Be sure you bave the necessary knowledge, skills and in- terest for the position you would like to obtain. Some require enrolment in special courses of study. Wherever possible, ap- ply to programs operating within dally travelling distance from your home. No Experience position pays travel ailowan- ces, roomn or board. If you are in umiversity or community college, the deadline for application is April 1, 1980. The deadline for ail other ap- plicants is April l6th, 1980. Ail Experience '80 positions pay the minimum Provincial wage. The Government of Ontario believes our young people should be encouraged to put their education, special skills and talents to productive use. We are confident the private sector will join in providing the opportunity for young people to make a worthwhile contribution to the community. I urge alI of the young people ini Durham West hoping to secure suinmer employment, to obtain the guidebook and ap- plication form from the placement office at their college or university, the counsellor at their high school, Canada Man- power or my Constituency Office at 37 Station Plaza in Ajax, just as quickly as possible. *'NOW APPEARING *APPEARJING *NEXT * Nightf:l'White 1 Gingee Jim' Stage Door - Whithy Hotel 207 Dundas St. W. Whitbhy