Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1980, p. 12

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Gt Aayromi WIN TRIP I WaIt Dlsnsy World CyproesGardons S& World rtaru Hall ofFume à - oVW~'i *nt W5ON.l «l ai Kennedy Spece Centre M )à 2-Tn 11Gatorlancs Zoo (SEE OFFICIAL RULES> Nashville 4 day Chartarwaya bus tour for two Inctudea reaerved seats et the Opry and a visit to Opryiand. New York City 4 day Charterwaya bus tour for two inctudea guided tour of Chinatown. Harem, The Bowery. U.N. Buiiding and Empire State Bidg. Indy '500' 2 day Charlerways bus tour for two May 24 only, lncludes reaered seats and $150 spandIng money. Canadian Tulp Festival (Ottawa) 3 day Charterwaye bus tour for lm includea a boat tour on the Ottav River, a gulded tour of the capital ar $150 spending money. Kentucky Derby 3 day Charterways bus tour for h. May 2 oniy Incudes $100 spendir money. Lake Piacid 3 day Charterways bus tour Incude e boat cruise on MIrror Lake and $1 E spendlng money. * h3rý&gu«t Hwy. 2, Whltby * ~ a~Jt11< ttakuu~e 668-2751 I *Addresss- -Phono___________________ Pld *Gmt Away From IlAlConesat! 9---w 7 the,, mumm umumm m mmmu *~~ S<4fe Z/ eoe-d~ * 108 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-4375I *Noms, Phono__________w'...w.." fNOttNO1d A0»M Io InE ,v Got Away From It Ail Contosti --'-'. ammmmmmmummmu mmu mu qo~mumm mmmmom-mmmm * 116 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-1 266 *Nomse PEL&.4 NOTE &y A00ifgth. ON j Iif ffN4'.>«b$C oo I N *Phono________________________ *Gmt Awoy From fil Ail Contesti "'-'flb I mmm mmmmummu mmm mumm C C& CSOUND I Chris à Bob Cotton * 118 Brock St. S., Whltby 68-3707 *Noms *Addresss Ph ne t______ -Mt____Ir*__f *Gel Away From lit Ail Contostl owfl-u mmmmmmm mmm mmmm mummin mmmm mmmmummummumum * c~ OTTEIIRITE msn's Wear * ~ŽZy121 Brock St. S., Whltby 668&3261 *Nome *Addrs-_________________ IPhono_______e_ ~~'NE4 *Get Awoy From 1$ Ail Contosti ' 0-, ~ 1*-»-Y Mercanitile Depariment Sitorel s*~t~: 321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3468 I *Noms Phone -FrmCtodi -" - *Get Awayoy Il Ail ots eePowb .aVM mmmmmmmmmmumummmmmm uMMMMMMMumMMuMMMuM * M. (SARGE) SOOKNANAN FINA * ~1101 Brock St. S." Whltby 668001 Nome *Address *Phone __ _ _ _ _ _ _ *o QI AWy From ItJI CQontett I omm mmu mmm mmm mmmâmmme Sunflight ~..nNight TRIP FOR TWO TO ~ iciuingairtraspotatonInflgt meals and bar service Mair-conditioned accommodation wlth private bathroom at RamadalIn n Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and luggage transter between airport and hotel. *BOND RESTAURANT & TAVERN 1 * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 Nomse IAddresss .0.4t 1 M.d. N . I Phono_____________ WI~.NtdMWOU" f.4 4 , * o sIAway From Ih AlilContestl 9&"" Nft * - - mu mmmu-m -m -m-m mua - mmmmmmmmUmmmmm» 11 llAthoi St., Whitby 666-1440 *Nomse *Addresss PLEAU .NOTE:ST n i f't wat e *kifN4.'Of NO 010ta *Phono_________________________ Nff * Gel Away From It Ail Contestl oniyh. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *ONCEUPONAT-SHIRT* I 100 Byron St. S., WhItby 668-9161 *Noms Addresss PUASU NOTE:U 0014i' %»t 1 w.0.d". E . Phone_ _ _ _ 10NOO'.Ud '.%.0.4E. th tP,4 * Gel Away From It AlilContesti 0--dy" " a ommm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmi mmmmm m mu mmm mmm mmm p , DODD &SOUTERI Decor Centres * CIL Paint & Fine Waiipapers ln Stock * 107 Byron St. S., Whitby - Ajax Plaza Nome K~EA8ifNOTE v'4 .' IPhono____________ *GsI Awav From It Ail Contestf ommmum mmmmu m mu mmmume ummumm mummm - mu mmmm Th 9T0Hopin at Bums * Fîrepluci! Plus' wénITB 66812 1Woodbu rning Stoves & A ccessoriesi *Nomse *Addresss * Phone -~A0NT à Gel Away From It Ail Contesti ""' mumummmummu mumu mm mummmummu mmm mmmmu GOLF-O-TRON SComputerlzsd Indoor Golf - Pro Shop & Lessonsi i 1450 Hopklis St., Whltby 68-9671I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M M I I I I I I I I *Noms Addrosss nu" IINOTE etsme f *Phono______________ O 'EE.0h4ONN. *Gel Awoy From It Ail Contosti 1 'y - " ammmmmmm mmm mmmmm--mmme mmmummu mummummummu» * ~ ~ ~ XL .LS-OPR DRGmARqT. a * Z PETER DILWORTH DRUGS LIMITED 601 DUNDAS STREET WEST 668.5891 Nomse Addresss P4.ifA8NNOTE Uy ift1.O f'.W4 Phon_________ *Gel Awoy From it Ail Contosti mmmu mmm mmm m mmu mu - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I ' PHOOKNGTD --' 01HDndaOSt.I.,GWLT6-15 Nomse Addrosss *Phone____________ «M000- -va 40 *Got Away Front It Ail Contesti mummmummumu mu-- ff mmmmumuu mmmummumum Ipcaln plac ChldrensWear *pats 103A Dundee St. W., Whitby 688-M671 (At the four corners) INome_____ IAdr ss - ose_ IPhone - ' ' IGel Awsy From t il Contesti '0 uMMMu u-mum mmmumm mM IZ(in Twr) Get-Away-from-lt.ali Contesi Off iciai Ruies-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everytime a compiated entry f orm, or reasaonable faculmita, ta deposlted wlth a par- tlcIpetIng marchant whoee namae appears thora on between Fat>. 20. 1960 and May '1 1 1960. you recalva a chance to wln ana of the prizes In the Gat.Away-Frrný-It-Ai Conteat. Enter as ofan s you Ilke, but entrias muai ba racolved no lter than May 17, 190. 2. Each mont h, during March and Aprit, ane prIzea tri p for two-wlIt b. swarded. The wln- nars may choasa oe0fl5 fthé sdverttaad bus tours which app.ar In grenier datait In the Charterwaya Tours 196 catalogua on pagea 17, 35, 38 and 39. Suggauted valua af aach trip rangea tram $390ta $43. In May, thara wttU h. ana final Grand Priza drawlflg for a aaven*ntght tnïp for two packaga to Orlando, Floride wlth acconodaf Ian ai Days Inn or Ramada Inn as advanttsad ln tha Val. 14, Na. 1 Sunfllght Holiday. MagazIne an paga 9. Suggasted ratait prîca of thitritp ta appraxtmataly $SM 3. Manthly wtnners wilt h.satacted In randon drawings tram amnong entrlaa aubmnttad for that month prîar ta tha drawîng data by or arrangad by M.B.M. Publtshtng whose dacloiona ara f inaU, The Grand Priza druwtng ut the and af 1he cantasi wlt h. tram amnong ail entries racetvad durtng tha antîra conteat. Onty ana prize toart Individuel or fumlly. Wînners msy h. requtrad ta exacuta an affîdavît af atigtblltty and ratasse, and ln att cases wli h requlred ta answar a lIma timi ted ukîli tasttng question. Excapi for the Grand Prîze, prîzes are nat transferable or axchangesble for caah. Ail enirlas bacomne tha property of M.B.M. Publlshlng, and M.B.M. reservea the rtght ta pubtîsh wînnars' photos. nomes and sddresses. 4. The Canteat la open toaiat Ontarlo rasîdents 18 yesrs af ega or aver, except employees and their familles af M.B.M. Publtshîng, and 1he particlpatlng marchants. Taxes, sarvice charges, surcharges, and other expanues nat tncluded ln the basic packagas, are the responaibliity of the Individuel wlnners. In the eventuallty ihat the advertised trips are unabie ta h. purchased by M.8.M. Pubitshlng on bahut aof the wînners, M.B.M. Publlshing reserves the rlght ta of fer ta purchase tripe of approximateîy equat value that are avallubie. Ail trips muai h. taken h.tween Aprît 1 and December 1, 1900, or In marna cases on the Spectfied dates. FI LL OUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI mmmmm mmummmmmum I ~" Calico Gai 11 llBrock St. N., Whtby 66&7611 Nom@ F%.1084 OTE ST .y m Ol .E. * Gmt Awoy Fron t il uContostl N90-ZIINA. O"w- tE a * M.BOM. PHOTO 131 Brock St. N., Whltby M-861 11 *Nomsl Addross Phon--.~- 0AIl Cof," «"the#Wb mu@rd mmm mm m mm mmm mu t 1 »Mmmmuummmmmmmuummm * Disco & Dlning Loungo * 173 Brock St. N., Whltby* * 1iD I(~S668822 Noms@ Addrss Kim M OTE 540404044E Ný I Phono - - -,--- i 40ow4.440 N.4tom *Get Awoy Front il Ail Contostî O441144N0' N * HENRY223 Brock St .N., HENRY IJ Whltby 668-6821 i IL

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