Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1980, p. 17

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.4 WFIlTBY FREE PRESS, WEIDNESDAY MARCH 1.6, 1980. PAGE 17 Heart Foundation recommends: Knjow early warnmg signs preceding Leart attackî Childreri are put through endless fire drills at school s0 they will instinctIy know what to, do ln case of fire. Aduits are conditioned to respond to certain sights and sounds-a red flashing light, traffic signais, stop signs, the wail of a siren and the clang of a fire alam. Our bodies also give signais which stimulate cer- George Ashe, M.P.P. for Durham West advised today that both the Town of Whitby and the Town of Ajax have been selected to participate in the Ministry o! Energy's "Heat Save" program. This wilI be a five-ye.ar, $4.9 million energy conser- vation programn to bring the benefits o! both ther- mography and home energy audit to homeowners in sixty major w-ban centres across Ont.ario. Thermography is a process o! ascertaining heat loss by measuring infra-red ernissions from a building. It can be donc f rom the ground or from the air. Aerial ther- mograms are slightly Iess detailed. hut much less ex- tain responses. When we have a headache, we reach, almost without thinking, for the aspirin bottie. A toothache conjures up thoughts of the dentist. An itch provokes a desire to scratch. Other pains and discornforts send messages and trigger responses. Without a signal that something is going wrong pensive, and this is the ap- proach that will be used in the «'Heat Save" prograni. The Heat Save prograni is just part o! the Ministry o! Energy's efforts to achieve a reduction of 15 per cent in demand for energy for home heating by n' per cent of the homes in Ontario by 1985. Mr. Ashe stated that the residents of Ajax and Whit- by will benefit directly through this programn by learning how they can Save money by reducing the heat escaping from their homes. and the community as a whole will benefit through increased awareness o! the need for Energy Conser- vation. our lives would often be in danger. The Canadian Heart FGoundations, now condue- ting the annual Heart Fund drive, have great respect for this "body language", par- ticulanly in relation to Canada's major killers-- heart attack and stroke. The body of ten transmits symptoms which are aptlY Ontario Tax Credits by Allison Reid Information Officer lt's incorne tax filîng tinie and tume t1 daim your On- tario Tax Credits. The pro- gram especially helps senior cîtizens and people -on low to moderate incomes pay their municipal pïoperty taxes or rent. There are three credits based on age, income and famnily circunistances. You mnay be eligible even if you have no taxable incorne. The first is the Property Tax Credit which i ay be claimed by horneowners, renters and roomners. This credit helps to offset the property taxes or rent you paid in 1979. The second is the Sales Tax ('redit, available to peo- ple not claimed as depen- clants on another person's income tax return. This credit offsets provincial Re- tail Sales Tax according to your income and number of dependants. The third, the Pensioner Tax Credit, is a further fi- nancial help to people 65 years and over. Even if you pay no rent or income tax you may be eligible to dlaimn $110. A fourth credit, the loliti- cal Contribution Tax Credit, was introduced to encourage people to take more interest in provincial polities. Unlike the first three credits, this credit is not based on age, income and faniily circum- stances. To be eligible you mnust have provincial tax payable in excess of any of the first three credits to which you are entitled. To dlaim these credits you must file a federal in- corne tax return together with the Ontario Tax Cre dit form included in the income tax kit. The telephone Informa- tion Centre staff at the Min- istry of Revenue speaks 18 languages. Cail one of these nurnbers, free of charge, if you have any questions. " If you live in Metro To- ronto, dial 965-8470. " AlI other Ontario resi- dents, dial 1 -800-268- 7121. cailed 'early warning signs". These symptoms usually prec ede a heart at- tack or stroke, sometinies by weeks or months, often by mere minutes. Knowing thei, -and acting quickly when they occur can mean the difference between life and death. Look at the statistics. More than 21/2 million Canadians suffer from some form 0f heart and blood vessel disease which will cause more than 80,000 Mont greotestinvention was the WHEE... CLASSIFIED AD Caiftkd Alvrtieing - 668-6111 125TH ANNIVERSARY 1855-1980 THE CORPORATION 0F THE. TOWN 0F WHITBY The Planning Act NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO REGULATE LAND USE PURSUANT TO SECTION 35 0F THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law 966-80 on the tenth day of March, 1980, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act. The following Schedules are attached hereto: 1. Schedule 1, being a copy of By-law 966-80. 2. Schedule 2, consisting of the following: i. An explanation of the purpose and effect 0f the by- law. Il. A key map which shows the location of the lands to which the by-law applies (or, which there Is no key map, an explanation as to why a key map ls not In- cluded>. 3. Schedule 3, not required ln the Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. Schedule 4, being a statement 0f the chief planning off icer 0f the Regional Munlclpality of Durham in whIch the land to which the by-law applies Is situate. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one days after the date 0f mailing, personal service or publication of this notice, file wlth the cîerk of the Town of Whitby notice 0f an objection to the approval of the sald By- law or part thereof together with the details of ail or that portion 0f the By-law to which there is objection and detailed reasons thereof. ANY PERSON wlshing to support the application for ap- proval of the by-Iaw may, within twenty-one days after the date 0f the mnailing, personal service or publication of this notice, file with the clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of support of the application for approval of the said by-law. If no notice of objection has been filIed with the clerk of the municipality within the time provided, the by-law thereupon cornes Into effect and does not require the ap- proval of the Ontario Municipal Board. If a notice of objection has been f lied with the clerk of the municlpality wthin the time provided, the by-law shail be subrnitted to the Ontario Municipal Board and the by-law does not corne Into effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS IS APRIL 17, 1980. THE OBJECTION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE IN ORDER TO BE VALI D. DATED at the Town 0f Whitby this twenty-sixth day of March, 1980. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk-AdminIstrator, Town 0f Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. deaths this year in Canada. Somne 50,0«0 Canadians will die from bheart attack and over 16,000 will die as a resuit of stroke. How niany of these poeople would sur- vive if they knew the early warning signs of heart at- tack and stroke and the ac- tion to take inmediately. The synxptomns of heart a t- tack are: prolonged, heavy pressure or squeezing pain in the cerntre of the chest, behind the breastbone; pain may spread to the shoulder, armn, neck or jaw; pain or discornfort is often accomn- panieciby sweating; nausea, vomniting or shortness of breath iriay also occur; symptoms niay subside and then returx. The syrnptorns of stroke are: sudIden, temporary weakiness or numbness of face, arin or leg; temporary loss of speech, or trouble in speaking or understanding speech; teýmporary dirnness or loss of 'vision, particularly in one eye; an episôde of double vision; unexplained dizziness or unsteadiness; change iii. personality, men- tal ability or the pattern of headaches may also occur. It must be stressed that t.hese are only what the naine implies-warning signs or syniptoms. They are not always true signais of heart attack and stroke, but acting on them un- mediately is important. Get to the hospital emergency room at once if your doctor is not immediately available. Cliche or not, it's better to be safe than sorry 1 And, if the symptoms oc- cur in a rnember of your family or in a friend, it's your responsibiity to take action, even over the obje- tions -of that person. The decision to act to too impor- tant to leave to the patient atone. That's one of the reasons the Heart Fund theme this year is "a Healthy Heart is a Famnily Affair". Your Heart Foundation has free information available about heart attack and stroke and other things you can do to safeguard your heart-health. It's yours for the asking. While you're at it, why not donate to the fight against heart attack and stroke by giving to the Heart Fund. Schedule i The following Is a copy of By-law 966-80 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NUMBER966-80 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEN O BY-LAW NUMBER 1784 AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town olf Whitby deerns it advisabte to amend By-lawNum- ber 1784 NOW, T-HEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Ibythe Council thereof as follows:- (1) That Section 11(a) (vii) of By-law 1784 ls hereby amended to read as follows:- Notwvithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of sub- secti on(a) any lot which was on April 27, 1971 heid under dist inct and separate ownership f rom abuttlng lands as shown by a registered conveyance ln the records 0f the RegIstry Office for the Land Tîties Office may be used for the purpose of one single family dwelllng unrelated to farni ing provided: ()that such lot was used for such purpose as of April 27, 1971 , or (1l) that such lot was on April 27, 1971 vacant of ail bulings except such buildings that under the Inter- pretation provisions of Section 2 (a) could be properly cons idered appropriate accessory buildings to the use of Iotas-- a single family detached dwelling and are lntended to be used by the owner for such pu rpose. BY-LA,%,W READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1 OTH DAY 0F MARCH, A.D., 1980. SCH EDULE 2 1. The purpose and ef fect of By-law 966-80 is to II recognize as legal conforrning uses single farnily dwelli ngs located in an agricultural zone on lots of distin- ct anf separate ownershlp on or bef ore April 27, 1971. il) perrmit the construction of a single famnily dweilling on a lot ha-ving distinct and separate ownership on or before April 27,1971 provided that the existing buildings are ac- cessc>rytla the resi dential use. 2. The lcey mnap showing the location 0f lands af fected by Bylaw 966-80 ls not necessary because this by-law is for a chanige to the text of By-law 1784 and wlll affect proper- ties tI«ýroughout the municipallty. Schedule 4 STiATEMENT 0F CON FORMITY TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR T IE REGIOMAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM 1, Moleed Michael, the Chief Planning Officer of The Reglonati MunIcipality of Durhamn, have reviewi--, By-law 966180c»f The Town of Whîtby and I arn of the c:. iion that the sald By-law is in conf ormity with the Of ficiai P!ý an of the Region cof Durham Planning Area as arnended; aý- i the Of- ficiai Plcan of the former Town of Whitby Plan nin Area; as amende-ci. Dated this llt h day of M arc h, 1980. Dr. M. Michael C7ommissioner of Planning Five year conservation program from the Ministry of Energy GEORGE ASHE, MIPP

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