Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1980, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY IMARCH 2-6, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free PressEm ui r EmoimAds wiII-onlv be accepted subiect to the followingCondi'tions. II AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1976 COBRA Il immacuiete. $2,300 Invested on brend new motor 302, BF Goodrich radiaie on "western mage, fuiiy customized interior, bis 10 prove. $4500 firrn. Ast for Bob 88- 0369. Jan. 9.80 1974 OLD8 CUSTOM CRUISERi STATION WAGON 9 acater, air condtioning, power teering, brakea, windows, acato. AMIFM stereo radio, power door locks wtii e tradler hltch. WIII se $1600. Oeil Barry 668-M45 Feb 6, 80 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS. PIB, 9 passengér. 351 Auto. 65,000 miles. Re-buiit motor end tran- smission. $700 or best offer. 688- 7007. Feb. 27, 80 72 TORINO - good mechanicai con- dition - needs body work. $350. 688- 4898. Feb 27, 80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON - $350 or best of fer. Phone 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 2- 1972 FIRENZA, 39,000 mites; 1 runs good, but needs a ciutch ln- staiied; the other sa for parts. 801h for $200. Phone 668-0621. Mar. 19,80 1971 METEOR 2 door herdtop, high miieage, new tires and bttery, bas been cerlified. (papers 10 prove). Asking $500 frm. Phone 68-4754. Mer. 19, 80 1968 FIREBIRD - 350 automatic Pîi, A-i shape, now pint. $1600 certIfIed- 68-8919 after 5 p.m. Feb. 13, 80 196118 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Good running condition. $250 or best offer. Caii anytime 668-0073. Feb. 27,80 1- 68 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wth 2 full barrei carburators, headers, aide pipes. Body customized $5500 f irm; 1 . 66 Oids Torinade $1,200; 1- 69 Cediiiec Sedan Deviiie $500. Cait 723-, 8915. Mar. 26,80 1947 CIIRYSLER NEWPORT. esigine and body in good condtion. Power windows. Snow tires îb- cluded. Interor limmaculate $M0 or beat offer. Cati 66&2263. Feb. 6, 90 CLASSIC CAR - One of a KInd -6 Chevy Il. Excelent condition 1aseua had $1300 worth of mechanicai work done. Phone 888-3164. Witt lake any reasonabie offer. Feb. 27, 80 1165 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan. Good for retoning. $500 Phone 725- 6106. Jan. 30,80 F TOPATS ONE PAIR 0F B.F. GOODRICH BELTED TALO-14 TIRES on Keytone Mags. Oniy 3 montha oid $1 00 cali116683259. Feb 27, 80 116' TERRY HOUSE TRAILER - aleepa six, compietely equipped, ike new. $2850. Cai655-3536. Mer. 19, 80 MOTORCYCLE 1979 PE175 2,000 tlm. Pored and poiished, Fox sho>cks, air forks, brand new cîutch, board over once. New piston rings. Asking $1,500. Phone anytîmne after 4 p.m. 68-7105. Jan. 2,80 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebuiit ln Dec, Bis to prove. Excellent condition. $400 or nearest of fer or trede for smaii car. Phone 655-4495. Jan. 980 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equiPPeo with fridge, alose& water. 6 cyi. 225. Excellent running& body condition. As la but cen b. cenfied. $1.500. Phono 655-3006. Mar. 12,60 FOR SALE 1974 DODGE W/ TON PICK-UP WITH CAB. Certif ted. Asking $1800. Phone 666-1487. Mer. 26, 80 MISCLAEU OVAL SHAPED DININO ROOM TABLE with 4 swiveî chairs, metching buffet and hutch wilh engraved giess siiding doors $300; Viking femiiy freezer, 22 cubic feet, excellent con- dition, itke new $200; 30" Westinghouse stove, harvest goid cotour, self-cleaning, needs minor repair $5; stereo eand speaker stand and record rack (1 unit) $15. Phone 855-3961. Mer. 5, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH EXTENSION and 5 matching chairs $25; 1- 39" bed, red maple with apringa, no mattresa $10. Phone 728-9732. MAar. 12, 80 KITCHEN SUITE yellow wrought iran bevelled glass top, 1 year old, 4 chairs, yellow flowered pattern. Padded backs and seats. Superiar quality. $32. Caii after 8 p.m. 571- 262 Jan. 30,80 RECTANGULAR DININO ROOM SET - veiour uphoistered chairs - smoked glass top and chrome table. Excelent contdition $200; e couch and chair - good qualiiy but needs cleening. Good for rec room or cottage $75- amali round ktchen table and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartment sized humidifier $40. Phono 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 2 SINGLE BEOS with matresses and malching cheat of drawers $235; fridge, Keivinalor, no frosl, 2 door, green, $250; slove, natural gas. Har- twick, green $135; dishwasher, Ad- mirai, automatic, green $135; washer, Kenmore. 7 programs, heavy duty, self cieaning fllter, $225; sofa bed, king suze, excellent condition, $175; humidifier $35; stove fan, avocado, neyer used. $-35; car rampe, brand new $22; misc. corner tables $30 es.; color TV, Toshiba, 14", Ike new, $275; misc. original paintinga. $80 es.; hand woven rings, varying aiaes $800 es.; coffee table, $20; Phone 839-3114 evenings & weekends. Jan. 16, 80 DOUBLE BOX & MATTRESS In good PLEASE READ Wvhen the advertised item is said, disposed of, or unavailabie for wha lever reason, the item wi)) be deemed 10 have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE '%DVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated beiow, regardtess if price is stated with "best offer", f the item is NOT SOLO, or dispased of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 wiii appiy. Alil advertiSementS must be pIaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at ieast one month if flot sotd. RATES fif article is soid]: 50o of advertised price up ta $400.00 20o of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120,00 commission due $6.00 (minimum charge is $3.00] Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soid s0 ihat we may delete if (rom the foiiowing issues, Alil ads not f itting the Ernp,rium guidelines wiii be treated andi charged per week as regutar ciassified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai nmes~sage type ads, or ads flot quoting pnice or quantity: Private classified ads may appean in the Emponium section under appropriate headings. ,tin doubt, cal) 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Bnock St.N.,, Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wilitseit for $80; 54" box epringe, good condition, $50. Car 8 tract stereo $4; set of pots end pans $15; 40 chennei mobile CB with aeriai $80; wiîi tae e ny reasonabia offer. Ceii 668-3164. Feb. 27, 80 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE.- Fren- ch Provincial - Inciudes 4 seater chesterfieid, sofa chair, coffee table & 2 end tables, all n excellent con- dition. Asting $650 - less thon 'h the cost. Caii 655-4925 aller 6:00 pm. Jan. 23, 80 KITCHEN TABLE AND ô CHAIRS luat itke new, 48", - with 1 leef 80" -$100; 3 positionet lounge chair, Itke new $85- Phone 723-7240. Mer. 12,80 7* CHESTERFIELD - recentiy uphoistered ln rusi tories. $15000. Phone 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 MODERN Sofa $150; contempurary styla dressing cabinet. $250. Both in good condition. Phone 668-1781. Jan. 9, 80 CAPE COD STYLE orange rutIle polyester sheers. Inciudes 3 vaien- ca3, 5 pairs tiers & lie bacts. 56" wida x 30" long. New $51. Asting $30. Phone 728-8601. Jan. 16, 801 1 PAIR MOSS GREEN DRAPES each panie pprox. 90' x 108" $50; plate giesa mirror 4' x 2'6" $50; 1 wino decenter $10. Phone 86682780. Feb. 27, 80 25"' R.C.A. REMOTE CONTROIL coiour TV. 4 months oid, $800. Phone 688-9296 allter 5:00. Feb. 27, 80 JUNIOR 5 SPEED BIKE (white) $40; cerpet 9 x 12 (patterni) $30; cerpet runner (orange) 25 it. $20; rouler skates $5; Phone 576-3065. Mer. 26.80 DRYER - MAYTAG MINI, apartment size, hervoat goid, excellent con- dition $70; baby strolier, front swivel wheeis, with shopping basket, ad- (ustebie seat bact. vinyt floral print, Fxceiient condition $20. Phone 868- 0137« Mar. 12, 80 RANGE brand new Westinghouse -pth black glass door $350 and mat- ching frost-free refrigerator $275. Franklin fireplace and ail ac- cessories $125. Buggy harnesa $75 csflJack 66-3» Jan. 30,80 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale, Good condition $85 Phone 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 FRIOGE à STOVE, green $400; bedroomn suite, 9 drawer dresser and mirror and 1 dresser with 4 drawers and bed $250; 3 adding machines, 2 working $50; Eiectrotux polisher and rug shampooer, like new $150; 868- 1105. Mar. 5, 80 DRYER, GENERAL ELECTRIC $100. Stove Kenmore hydro $75. Aui n ex- cellent condition. Cali 668-9738. Mar. 12,80 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, white $150. Cali8688-7012. Mar. 5, 80 HAGSTRUM il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR, case and ioud speaker- Lite new - $275. Calit 725-3218 anytime. Feb. 20,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 montha old; FM, cassette under dash. Asking $11000. Cali 668-8593. Jan. 30,80 i TOSIIBDA TUNER and 2 Toahlba speakers and BSR tumntable $180 conplet.e. Phone 725-5753 atter 5: 00. Feb. 6,80 THOMAS ORGAN MODEL 1161 many extras. Excellent condition; newiy tuned. $1,095 with music. 728- 4797. Mar. 5, 80 LIGHT ORGAN. Homebuiit ln 2 bircn boxes with separete centrai box. Boxes 2' x 4' eech with 14 iights. Great for aspiring or current Disc Jockey. $125. Phone 655-3411. Mer. 12, 80 3 SNOWMOBILE SUITS - 2 mens medium. nevy biue $24 ea., 1 chiids suze 12, meuve $15 - ait ike new; 2 stone lions - antique green finish for ln or outdoors $12 ea., 3 waîi ruga, 2 suze 4' x 6'S$25 ea., 1 size 2' x 3' $12; i girls winter coat, pure wooi dent green suze 912 $20; 1 heevy duty car battery for 4 or 6 cyi. 12 voit with warranty - used 1 weak $25; 1 eieclnic broomn, new $25. Phone 668-294. Feb. 20, 80 1 PAIR DYNAFIT SKI BOOTS Lades, size 8. Excellent condition. Worn on- ceý $45 Phone668-9876, Jan. 16,680 HOCKEY EOUIPMENT ae 1014 yeers $25. 10 speed bike $30. Phone 665-5060ý Feb 20,80 NITROGEN REOIJLATOR high pressure bas 2 geuges - es new $75. Phone 68-4521. Jan. 30,80 piumbers wrenchee $25; 1 torcan car heeler $5; 1-8 tract player $15; 1 record player stereo $25; 3 galions of body fui $5 aa; 1 cofftee table and end table with 2 lampa $10; 68-0193. Mer. 5. 80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, guague H.O., 4* x 8', beeutiiuity iandscapped, un- ctuding engines and rolIng stock. $175. Phone 655-3961. Mer. 5, 80 3 POSITIONAL LOUNGE CHAIR - lite new $85. Phone 723-7240. Mer. 12, 80 A SOLID PINE BAR - 41h long and 310" ,high - 2 bar stools $300. SmaUl arbrite kitchen table and 1 leaf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50,00 Oeil 7238771 jnn, 30,80 GAF-CHINON sounid movie camera, brand now, nover used with eil avaliabla options. $350 or besl olfer. 668-0621. Mer. 19,80 PORTABLE PORTRAIT LIOHTING SET<Smnith-Victor) 3 stands and quar- tz reflecton lampa. Fibre case $50; 1 - 39" box spring and mattrees, head- board $45; 1 brown recuining chair $30;, al n gaod condition. 668-2480. SMer. 12, 80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professionai modeu. Hydrauiic matai stand, sighting scope, 5 assorted aenses. Barlow aen- se moon and sun filters, sun acreen. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- plote. Phone 668-294. Jan. 23,80 BABY ITEMS - Gardon carniage - lite new, windup swing; botte warmer, stenilizer, rocking horse, wash basin, 2 gales, claîhos. Package deal. $135. Aiso two loyoa tires and rims A-78-13 white watI. $30. Phane 576-1122 afler 4*30. Mer. 12, 80 MATIRESS PERMAFOAM AM- BASSADOR Orthopedic king size (shop price $380) Condition as new $120. Phono 655-3272. Mer. 26,80 HEAVY DUTY6ô MAN RUBBER DINGY with motor mount $90; portable Air King Humnidifioer $20. Phone 668-1227. Mer. 26, 80 2 STEEL HIOH BEAM 12" in helghl 32' long. In good condition - lite new $725 for 2. Beat aller, worth $1450 new. Cati 728-2217 aifter 6 p.m. Mer. 26,680 be sure to cali Phone!2i - I C' STRIKE OUT LUNO DISEASE Support your local ý,Lung Assocaton 723-3151 We can'pt>'elp without your help. AOILITY FUNO WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULIS. -id J ______________I_____ rr- Hey bo Ys & girls, Carriers are needed for delivery of the WHITBY FREE PRESS Wednesdays only! For information eaUl Whitby Free Press Circulation Department. 668-6111l '. 1 - 9 1 i r/o"ý-

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