Whitby Free Press, 2 Apr 1980, p. 20

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PAGE 20f. WEDNESI)AY. APRIL 2,1I980, WHITRY FREE PRESS Free w Empor Press Emporium CaII 668-6111 mAd! I - I.. L mted subiect to the followina Condi'tions. V0w i EAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE1 1978 COBRA Il Immecutete. $2,300 inveeled on brend new mtor 302, BF Goodrich radiais an western mage, fuiiy cutamnIzed Interiar, bille ta prove. $4,500 f In. Ask for Bob 688- 0369. Jan.9, 80 1974 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISEli% STATION WAGON 9 seter, air coadtloeng, poweresteesing, brakes, wrindows, seaus. AM/FM steme radio, power door locks wtb a traler h"c. WIIIsali $1600. Cail Barry 668M Feb. 6, 90 73 GRAND TORINO WAGON - PIS, PIB, 9 pessenger. 351 Auto, 65,000 miles. Re-bulit motar and tran- &mission. $700 or beal 0f fer. 688- 7007. Feb. 27, 80 73 VALIANT, 4 door, power steerIng, aient 6; Ilke new - body, malar, power train, tires, brakea, and front end. One driver. Certiled $1400. Phono 688- 8952 evenings and weekends. Mar. 12, 80 72 TORINO - good mechanicai con- dition - neode body work. $350. M.8 4898. Feb 27,80 72 FORD RANCH WAGON ý- $350 or beat 0f fer. Phono 655-8062. Jan. 23,80 2 - 1972 FIRENZA, 39,000 miles; 1 rune good, but needa a ciulch ln. stalied; the othor la for parts. Both for $200. Phono 668-0621. Mar. 19,80 1971 METEOR 2 door hardtop, high miteage, now ires and baltery, has been certlfled. (papers ta prove>. Asklng $500 f irm. Phono 668-4754. Mar. 19, 80 1969 BARRACUDA 318 V-8, good ln- terior, runnlng condition $500. 655- 3411. Apr. 2, 80 1968 FIREBIRD - 350 autamatlc Pic;, A-i shape, new peint. $1600 certif led. 688919afler 5p.m. Feb. 13,80 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Goad running condition. $250 or boa of f er. Cai enytime 668-0073. Feb. 27, 80 1. 68 CORVET CONVERTIBLE wilh 2 fuît berrel cerburalars. hoaders. aide pipes. Body customized $5,500 f rm; 1 . 68 01ds Torinade 81,200; 1. 69 Cedittec Sedan Devitie $500. Cait 723- 8915. Mar. 26.80 1167 CHRY8LER NEWPOR-î'. engine and body ln gaod condition. Power wndows. Snow tires în- cluded. Intez-lor inxniculate $30 or beet offer. Cai 66e-2263. Feb. 6, 80 06 OLDS, 2 door, good mech., rusly $125. 725-063. Apr. 2, 80 CLASSIC CAR - One af a Kind - 85 Chevy Il. Excellent condition has jusl hed S1300 warlh af mechanical work dons. Phono 668-3164. WIII taes any reesonabie affer. Feb. 27, 80 LRECREATION5 VELES 1 U8 BSA 1140- noods wiking $450 as le, f 1lrm. Cali 668-4074. Mar. 19,80 1973 ELAN 250 twin. Rebulit ln Dec. Blle ta prove. Excellent condition. $400 or neareat affor or trade for amail car. Phono 655-4495. Jan. 9,80 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equippoù wlth frldge, slave & welter. 6 cyl. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As le but cen be certlfled. $1500l. Phone 655-3006. Mar. 12,80 1978 STEURY 16 foot deep V fîbregiasa boat, wlth a 115 Johnson matar, 2,000 lb. traiter, canvertible top, plus many extras, asklng $7,000.- mueaitimmediateiy. 683052 after 6 p.m. Mar. 26, 80 EMELLANEOUS KITCHEN SET - table and 4 chairs $50 or best affer; 1 smail bike - 2 wheeler 10", training wheels avaliabie $10 or bast offeor. 668-9947. Apr. 2, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH- 4 CHAIRS ln gaad condition $75 or best 0f fer. 668: 4760. Apr. 2,80 OVAL SHAPED DINING ROOM TABLE with 4 swivoi chairs, matching buffet and hutch wth engraved glass slldlng doors $300; Viking family freezer, 22 cubic feet, excellent con- dition, huke new $200; 30" Westinghouse stave, harvest gold coiour, seif-cieaning, needs minor repair $50; sterea and speaker stand and record rack (1 unit> $15. Phone 655-3981. Mer. 5, 80 KITCHEN TABLE WITH EXTENSION and 5 matchlng chairs $25; 1- 39" bed, red mapie with sprlngs, no mattresa $10. Phone 728-9732. Mar. 12,80 GAF-CHINON aound movie camera, brand new, neyer .jsod wth ait avaliable options. $350 or best of fer. 68-0621. Mar. 19,80 RECTANGULAR DINING ROOM SET.- velour uphistered chairs - smoked glass top and chrome table. Excellent condition $200; a cauch and chair - good quaiity but neede cieaning. Gaod for rec raam or cottage $75, smaii round kitchen table and 4 chairs - new condition $75; portable apartment sized humidifier $40. Phono 579-6125. Feb. 27, 80 KITCHEN TABLE AND ô CHAIRS just like new, 48", - wth 1 leaf 80" - $100; 3 positianal lounge chair, Ilko new $85. Phono 7237240. Mar. 12,80 CHILD'S SINGLE BED, box spring and matirosa, mapie head board $30. Phone 668-0545. Apr. 2, 80 2 SINGLE BEDS wiih mttresses and matching chesi of drawors $235; fridge, Keivinator, no frosi, 2 door, U. YARDS D, Oail aller Mai. 19, 80 PLEASE READ When tho advertised item is soid, disposed 0f, or unavailabie for whatAver reason. the item wili ho deemed ta have been soid and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iltustrated beiow, regardtess if price is stated with "best off or". If (ho item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad willI ho run for 3 MONTI4S and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f 83.00 witi appiy. All advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with (ho WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at lbasf one month if not sold. RATES [if article is soîdi: 5% of advertisedi price up to 8400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 « commission due $6.00 1lminimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you find a retailer lisfed as a private advertiser. Please notify tho Whitby Fr ee Press immediateiy whè item is sold sa that wo may detete it f rom the fotiowing issues. Ait ads not fitting the Ernpuriurrx guidetines will ho treated and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre paid basis suCh as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Priva te classified ads may appear in (ho Emporium section under appropriate headings. ,fin daubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whi(by THE DEAOLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CUSTOM BUILT CHESTERFIELD SUITE - excellent condition. New $1400 wIlli 8011 for $800; 54" box apringa, goad condition, $50. Car 8 treck sterea $40; set of pots and pans $15; 40 chennel mobile CB wth aeril $80; willi teke any reesonable offer. Calil 668-3164. Feb. 27, 80 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE.- Fren- ch Provincial - includes 4 easier chesterfleld, sofa chair, coffee table & 2 end tables, aitl n excellent con- dition. Asking $650 - osa thon 1/ the cost. Oeil 655-4925 allter 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23, 80 7' CHESTERFIELD - recentiy upholstered In ruaI tonies. $150.00. Phono 668-9562. Jan. 23,80 MODERN Sols $150; contempt.rary style dressing cabinet. $250. Bath in good condition. Phono 668-1781. Jan. 9.80 1 BEIGE il' x 12' RUG (3 mas. aid> $90; 1 green 9' x il' excellent con- dition $50; 1 beige aval 6' x 9' siightly solusd $50. Phono 668-4795. Mar. 12,80 CAPE COD STYLE orange ruff le polyester sheers. Includos 3 valen- ces, 5 pairs tiers & lie backs. 56" wldo x 30' long. New $51. Asklng $30. Phono 728-8601. Jan. 16,680 1 PAIR MOSS GREEN DRAPES each panel approx. 90" x 106"* $50; plate glass mirror 4' s 26- $50; 1 wlne decanter $10. Phono 668-2780. Feb. 27,80 26" R.C.A. REMOTE CON-TROL colour TV. 4 manlhs otd, $800. Phono M-29 af ter 5:00. Fb 78 JUNIOR 5 SPEED BtKE (white) $40; carpol Ç) x 12 (pattern) $30; carpet runner (orange) 25 ft. $20; rouler skates $5; Phono 576-3065. Mer. 26, 80 DRYER - MAYTAO MINI. apartment sizo, harvost goid. excellent con- dition £70; baby stroloer, front swlvei wheels, with shopping basket, ad- justabie seat beck, vinyl floral prînt. Excellent condition $20. Phonoe6W- 0137, Mer. 12,80 RANGE brand new Westinghouse with black glass door $W5 and mat- ching froat-froe refr-igerator $275, Franklin ir-eplace and ail ac- cossories $125. Buggy harness S75, Cal] Jack 668-3889 n 3.8 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER for sale. Good condition $85 Phono 623-1534. Jan. 30,80 FRIOGE &, STOVE, green $400; bedroom suite, 9 drewer dresser and mirror and 1 dresser with 4 drawers and bed $250; 3 adding machines, 2 worklng $50; Electrolux polisher and rug shampoaer, like new $150; 668- 1105. Mar,80 DRYER, GENERAL ELECTRIC $100. Stove Kenmoro hydra $75. Ait ln ex- cellent condition. Oeil 668-9738. Mer. 12,80 VIKING REFRIGERATOR, white $150. Oeil 668-7012. Mer. 5,80 HAGSTRUM Il SPANISH ELECTRIC GUITAR, case and toud speaker. Like new - $275. Cali 725-3218 enytIme. Feb.20,80 CRAIG T-201 STEREO 4 months aId; F.M., cassette undor dash. Asking $110.00. Ceil 668-6593. Jan. 30,80 1 TOSHIBA TUNER and 2 Toshiba speakers and BSR turntable $160 complote. Phone 725-5753 after 5: 00. Feb. 6,80 THOMAS ORGAN MODEL 1151 - meny oxtras. Excellent condition; newly tuned. $1,095 wlth music. 728- 4797. Mer. 5,80 LIGHT ORGAN. Homebuilt ln 2 birch boxes with separate contrat box. Boxes 2' x 4' oach with 14 ilghts. Great for asplrlng or current Disc Jockey. $125. Phono 656-3411. Mar. 12, 80 CONN ORGAN - church & strummor rhythm unit - 2 leslie speakers, owner's manual and complote bogin- ners Instructions. Wainut colour and bench included. PrIce $1500.00. Phono 623-2769. Jan. 23,80 ANTIQUE PIANO inlaid carved red mohogany. CIrca 1896. $1500. Phono 668-8271. Apr. 2,80 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT age 10-14 yoars $25, 10 speod bike $30 P1hono 668-5060. Fea. 20, 80 3 SNOWMOBtLE SUITS - 2 mens medium. navy biuo $24 os., 1 childas sire 12 - mauve $15 - ail lîko new. 3 wahl ruga, 2 sizo 4'xe 6' $25 os, 1 size 2' s 3' $12. 1 girls wintor coal pure wool dark green size 9-12 $20. i1 eloc- tric broom, new $25, Phono 668-6294 Fob. 20.80 3 - 5 GALLON GAS CANS $5 s; 4 plumbers wrenches $25; 1 tarcan car heater $5; 1-8 lrack player $15; 1 record ptayer sterso $25;,3 gelions of body f1lit $5 se; 1 caft es table and end table wtth 2 lampe $10; 668-193. Mar. 5, 80 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET, guegue H.O., 4' a 8', beeutifuity iandscapped, ln- ctuding engines and ratling stock. $175. Phono 655-3961. Mar. 5, 80 3 POSITIONAL LOUNGE CHAIR - tIke new $85. Phono 723-7240. Mar. 12,80 A SOLID PINE BAR -4%' long and 3'101 high - 2 bar etools $300. Smail arbnîte kitchen table and i1 sf, white top and 4 avocado chairs. Ex- cellent condition $50.00 Calil 723-8771 Jan. 30,80 1-CARL WETZLER-REFRACTOR TELESCOPE. Professional madel. i-ydraulic motet stand, sighting scope, 5 assorled tenses. Barlow ion- se moan and sun fliters, sun acreen. Excellent condition. $500.00 com- plele. Phono 668-6294. Jan. 23,80 ITALIAN PERRIAGE PRAM, navy ex. terior with white Inlerlar, includes package rack, mesh net, plastic storege container, matching navy detechabie diaper bag. Aitl n ex- cellent condition. Reell $325, esking $175; Gendron convertible piggybeck strolier, blue lower design, heavy duty suspension, excellent condition, ratai $125, ssking $50. Caeiltefer 6 p.m. 668-1862. Apr. 2, 80 BABY ITEMS - Gardon carniage - lîko new, windup swing; baille war mer, sterilizer, rocklng horse, wesh basin, 2 gtes, ciothes. Package deai. $135. Aiso two toyota tires and rimas A-78-13 white weii. $30. Phone 576-1122 afler 4:30. Mar. 12,80 MATTRESS PERMAFOAM AM- BASSADOR Orthopedlc king size (shop price $380> Condition as new $120. Phono 655-3272. Nvier. 26, 80 HEAVY DUTY 6 MAN RUBBER DINGY with mator mounit $90; portable Air King Humidifiter $20. Phono 668-1227. Mer. 26,80 2 STEEL HIQH BEAM 12" ln height 32' long. In good condition - liko new $725 for 2. Best 0f fer, worth $1450 new. Cali 728-2217 aflter 6 p.m. Mer. 26, 80 STOVE $150;Fridge $200 (bçth avoada); Kenmore washer $150; Kenmore dryor $100; Bell upright piano In good condition $350. 868- 6128. Apr. 2, 80 NITROGEN REGULATOR - high pressure has 2 gauges - as new $75. Phono 668-4521. Jan. 30, 80 Fa cts & Fanc les According to legend, corrn- meal "hush puppies" were so named because they were fed to noisy dogs-to make them quiet down. The pilgrimis were the first colonists to taste popped popcorn-a gift froru the In- dians at the first Tharnksgiving dinner. AUPAT 6-CYLINDER 4-BARREL MANIFOLD. Rame Item flse overheed cern Pontiac and Chevy 6 cylinders $25. Phono 655-3411. Mer. 12, 80 1 AUTOP.AR TIRE JR7O-15, 100 miles $3.B6-7065. Apr. 2, 80 FOR SALE 85 CHEV %s TON PICK-UP 6 cylînder 3 speed standard. New rebulIt mator. Body In fair condition. Cen b. cer- tif led. Aeking $30. Phono 668-2083. Apr. 2, 80 1974 DODGE 1a TON PICK-UP WITH CAB. CertIi ed. Asking $1800. Phonoe68&1487. -Mer. 26, 80 ~. '~. We can't help without your help. ABILifY 'FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 00MEWA LPliane 728-2103 APPROXIMATELY 40 SC white shag carpeting $150, 5M066".127,

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