PA<.F. 22, WEI)NESDAY. APRIL 2. 1980. WHITBY FREE PRESS DOLLARi SEflSE Bargain hard to Ilower high costs of mortgage By Warren Ada.mson, CA Ait hougb mortgage rates _________________ are unusually high just now, don't let that deter you from buying a home. the careful shopper can stili get a good deal if he knows how to approach the market. There are several ways to avoid the full sting of high interest rates. New housing developments, for example frequently offer pre-arrang- ed financing at less than Dollar Sense offers general financiai advice by mem- bers of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. the current rate. The home buyer should investigate this possibilitv -- il could TUESDAY Is PERM DAY SCISSORS AIL PERMS ld PRICE " Redken Perm.- .$50 e Zotos Perm ..$45 TUESDAY ... $25 TrUESDAY.. $2250 " Henna Perm.. .$40* Wella Balsam Perm .......$35 TUESDAY ...$~20 TUESDAY. .$l 750 eSchwarzkope Perm ... $30 TUESDAY ... $15 668-1640 601 Dundas St. W. WHITBY TOWN PLAZA HAVE YOU THOUGHTi 1ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? ...und done nothing about it 1 arn available to help you decide CALL ME ANYTIME BLAIR BUCHANAN 668-8865 668-6313 30 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTERI add up 10 real savings. If the 'endor of a resale home is %villing to hold a sîzeable first mortgage, he may a ccept a lower rate of interest. Don't hesitate to negotiate on this point. I addition, resale homes often carry existing first and second mortgages which the buyer may assume. Look for mort- gages ai à discount to the market rate. House prices are often lower in the winter when there is less demand, and thus winter may be the ideal lime to go shopping for that new home. And since today's high interest rates are making it more difficuit to attract buyers, you may find vendors ready and willing to compromise on price. If you can negotiate a favourable price, the saving will help offset the high interest changes on the mortgages. You may also want 10 consider a more flexible mortgage plan. A one-year term or a three-year or five- year open mortgage--all slightly more expensive than the closed, five.year term - will allow you the MORTGAGE SALE TOWNHOUSE 927 BURNS STREET, WEST NO. 29, WHITBY Under and by vîrue oIf fhe Power of Sale contalned ln a certain morigage whlch will be produced at fthelimne of sale, fhere wlll be otfered for sale by: AUCTION ON MON. APRIL 14 AT 10:30 A.M. AT 927 BURNS STREET, WEST, NO. 29, WHITBY The sald property wlll be offered for sole subject ta a reserve bld and con- ditions of sale. TERMS: A deposîf of $4,000.00 b cash or certlfled chaque f0 be pald a the lime of sale and the balanc wllhln fhlrty days Ihereaffer. For furtfier particulars and àppoln Imnent for Inspect ion apply fa: DANBURY SALES (1971> LTD. 1127 FI NCH AVEN UE WEST, DOWNSVIEW (416) 630.5241 opportunîy to refinance your home if interest rates drop to more acceptable levels. Here is a simple guide 10 help you calculate your mortgage costs. Assurning that vour mortgage is amortized over 25 years, your monthly payment will be $11.74 for every $1,000 you borrow at 14 per cent. It will be $11.56 at 13.75 per cent, $11.39 at 13.5 per cent, 811.21 at 13.25 per cent $11.03 at 13 per cent, 810.85 at 12.75 per cent and $10.68 at 12.5 percent. For a $60,000 mortgage, for example, just multiply the figure opposite the in- terest rate by 60 and you'Il gel the monthly paymnent. These figures do not in- clude property tax. Mr. Adamson is with Camipbell Sharp, Chartered Accountaijîs, Toronto. OATMEAL TARTS ic. allilpuipose flour 1 /2 tsî. Sait 1/2 c. shortenîng i c. quick-cookig roiied oats, uncooked 1/4 c. brown siîgar 2 tbsp. ýoid watcr assorted Less Sugar Fruit Spre ad s Stir together flour and Sait. Cut in shortening Lîntil pieces are the size of peas. Stir in oats and sugar, and continue cutting in shorten- ing until mixture is uni- forniiy crumnbly. Add water, mixing lighitly until dry ingredients are moistened. Formi into two balis. Roll on a lighitly floured board to 1/8-1/4" thickness. Cut in rounds to fit tart tins. Bake at 400'F for 8-10 minutes or until edges are golden. Just before serving, spoon assorted E.D. Smith Less Sugar Fruit Spreads into tart sheils. Makes 18 two-inchi tarts. BUILT lN THE 1930'S $94,900. - and stili going strong! Brick 10 room home, ideal for living andior professional office. Caîl MERV PARCHMENT 668-6171 or 579-0569. CARRIES LIKE RENT $322. P.I.T. until August 1, 1983. Asking $36,900 for a 3 bedroorr townhouse. Call GARRETT DOWKER 668-6171 or 579-7384. WHITBY - LARGE SEMI 3 bedroom, semni-detached bungalow set on a good sized lot and Iocated downtown. Asking $52,900. Ask for LEO ZWIERS AT 668-6171 or 668- 6950. THINKING 0F BUILDING? Whitby - older 1 bedroom home set on a large 66 x 132 f t. lot. R4 zoning. Downtown location. Askîng $36,900. Ask for LEO ZWIERS AT 668-8171 or 668- 6950. 10 ACRES NORTH 0F PORT PERRY $49900. - Thinkîng of building next spring or renovating an older two-storey frame home? Call HERB VISSER AT 668-6171 or 668-5718. AN ALTERNATIVE... LEà&SIN(;,