PvIIBY PARKS& RECREATION DEPARTMENT -mlqý1 125TH ANNIVERSARY j1855-1980 - - - F ITN ESS --SOCCER SCHOOL 1 DANCE & BATON Whitby Municipal Building April Sth to April l6th, 1980 9- 12:00O a.m. 1-ý5:00 p.m. Soccer School Includes basic f undamentals of the game of soccer. Anderson Collegiate Gym - Saturdays from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. commencing Saturday April 19. Five weeks indoor and 5 weeks outdoors. In co-operation wlth Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club Boys and girls of elementary school age. Fee - $10.00 Flower Gardeni'ng A chance to earn the art of f lower garoening as well as picklng up some landscapIng tips. - Commences Saturday, May 3rd, 9:00 a.m. - $30 for 10 weeks. Course conducted by qualified plantaman. Practical work Includes soil preparation and planting at the Town's garden plot site. Materials andi chemicals supplled. Vègetable Gardenfing An opportunlty for new farmers to learn ail aspects of successful vegetable growlng. Some of the Town's garden plots will be reserved for practical work. - Commences May 3rd. -$30 for 10 weeks. Course Includes soli preparation and planting. - Materials and chemîcals supplied. CHI LDREN'S EVENING TENNIS CLASSES - Beginn.& Advanoed Mondays Tesdays Wednesdays ibursdays imes: Numters: Karate (Shotokan Style) Instructor - Ron Muir, 1let degre. Black Boit. WiII be aff lliated wlth Tsuruoka Sohool of Karate whlch ls açCanada Wide Member of N KA, 0OKA and J KA. This course stresses exercise and mental discipline, aiso technique of tournament fighting and Kata taught by a lst degree Black BeIt ln good standing with the main club ln Toronto. StartIng date Saturday, Aprîl 12, 9 a.m. - il a.m. ln Whit- ney Hall (Iroqois Park) Fee ls $25/person with an additlonal $5 charge for 1 year membership ln N.K.A. Ten week duration (subjeot to sufficient registration). Thini-is-In Programme for women will again be held at Iroquols Park on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning April 15. Time - 12:00 to 1:00. 10 weeks Fee $25 Classes include daily exercises and swim. Men's Keep Fit Monday and Wednesday at Iroquols Park beginnlng April TMme - 12:00 to 1:00. 10 weeks Fee $25 Classes nclude dally Beginnfer Advancedl Central Park Iroquois Park CanpiE pabnErstofl & Wiliow Parks Brookli Merial Park Butchisofi, D'Hillier Parks 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. or 7 :30 - 8:15 p.m. Classes begin April 28tb andi are conducteci for 8 weeks. 8 per class $15.00 for- 8 weeks [ex Equipnent: particçp-rIts require their owm racquet Tennis bails are providE Running sboes must be worn at ail tirne-s. Waxr clothes are recannendeci on cool nights. Beginner Instruction7- Basic Fundanentals Forehanci, backhand, volley, serve, the miles and etiquette of the game. Advanced Instruction - extension of the basic funlarentals Bnç*hasis on serve and volley. Positiona.l play. For those mhio have played the game for at least 2 full seasons. ADtLT VNMIIW f4S CI1SSES - Beginner & Advancedl Mondays Tuesdays lWenesdays 'Ibursdays Ttmes: Nwn,ers: Fee: Beguxner Advanced Brooklin Moerial Park Iroquois Park ComrIeD Hutchison, D'Hillier Peel Park, Iroquois Park Palmnerston Park 7:00 - 8:.00 p.m.; 8:00 - 9:.00 P.m.; 9:00 - 10:00 p-m. Classes beg3.n April 28th and are conducteci for 8 week. 8 per class $2500C for 8 weeks Bx exercises and swim. f44 Eastern Dancing instructor- F10 Thom. Belly dancing Is a fun approach to both exercise and to learning the mystique of the Eastern Dances. Centennial Building - Thursday Everings f rom 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Commences April lOth. Fee - $25 Teen & Aduit Jazz Dancing Fun and fltness through dancing. Instructor - Jean Barbour Course commences Thursday, Aprli 10, 7:30 p.m. at Whit- ney Hall, Iroquois Park Complex. .Fee $25 Baton Drills, stru 'tting and parade work. Instructor - Jean Barbour Programme commences Thursday, AprIl 10, 6:30 p.m. Level 1 and Il Duration of course - 10 weeks. Fee $20 Watch for summer sports camps In tennis, basebali and soccer at Iroquois Park. TAKE - A - RAK MORNML TENS - LAiDIES Baby-itting Provideci (fonnerly offered at Peel Cxirts) Place: Iroquo>is Park COnplex Days:monday andi Wednesday or Tuesday and T'lursday Timnes; 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Monday and Wednesday - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Tuesday and 7bursday Fraii week of April 281h to June 5th inclusive - 6 weeks Numbers: 20 raxinun in each group. _______ 1 chilci per participant for the baby-sitting service or lixit of 20 children at any one time. Fee: $35.00 for six weels ___ Includes baby-sitting, children wi]i be inside during cool days. Equipment: Tennis bails are provideci. Runni-ng shoes must be iworn at al tiznes Whites preferably - Wann clothing is reccTmended on cool days. participants require their cavn racquet. Instruction: Includes practice and play. -Bay-sitting provided Tinrc:- Equipneh-t:ý Participants requ3ire their caii racquet. Tennis balls are provi dcci - Jnn ing shoes mnust be worn at ail t imes. Warm clothi.ng is recaimm2ded on cool evenings. Be-ginncr Instruction - Basic Funda!ncenta]s Forctiand, backhand, volley, serve, the rules and etiquette of the rme Advznced InstructiCn - cxte-asiOn Of the basic fundan=tals Fmntýasis on serve and volley. Positiona] play. For those uho have p]ayed the Cae for at lea.st 2 full semo~ns. Wednesday ai termoons - 8 weeks 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the courts 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the pool Cmencing April 3Oth to June i8tb Fee: $45.0o includes 8 weeks of Equ iîxe Tennis bails provided. instruction: Includes practîse and play. play, babysitting and s-wtdm. I 1a TENNIS - -KARATE I GARD EN ING m -- - il 1 ý- ----à REGISTRATION