Whitby Free Press, 16 Apr 1980, p. 18

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Wait Dsney World CyproeoGardons Son World W4 Kennedy Spece Centre «4 Gatorlanci Zoo %J i >ri dri% 1%# (SEE OFFICIAL RULES) Nashville 4 day charterwaye bus tour for two includes reserved seats ai the Opry and a vieiltot Opryiand. New York City 4 day, Charterways bus tour for two Includes guided tour of Chlnatown. Harlem, The Bowory, UN. Building and Empire State Bldg. lndy '500' 2 day charterways bus tour for two May 24 oniy. Includes reserved seats and $150 spendlng money. Canadian Tulip Festival (Ottawa) 3 day charterways bue tour for Iwo includos a boat tour on the Ottawa RIver, a gulded tour of the capItal and $150 spendlng money. Kentucky Derby 3 day Charterways bus tour for two May 2 only Includes $100 spending money. Lake Piacld 3 day chanterways bus tour Includes a boat cruise on MIrror Lake and $150 spending money. miu- -mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm zý oaJ' »U«e Hwy. 2, Whltby! Nom@ *Addross____________________ KPtLCEE NOTE ave@elu" 'e Phono__________________ Net tr4 6,4 p,90.110. ed qeet N10N *Gsi Away From It Ail Contosti yth.l RI .m m m m M M-m.mm m m mmII mmmmmmm~m mmm mmmmm * ~ ~ e Jee t~f~7c ~Ç0 * 108 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-4375I *Noms@ IAddrsss___________________ Phonoe Ne"t"mNOeNeN thPmNU Got Awny Prom It Ail Contesti MW 6-4jNE q. NN mmmmmmmmm~mmmmmm Mmmmmm mm MMMMM m10m11"111 I 116 Brock St. S., Whltby 668.1266 INome Pt.EAeINOTE se ettettt N I t e waNdthmtC te *Phono________________________ *Got Away From It Ail Contostl UN b te N mmmmmmmmmmm~mm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm * C&CSOUND * Chris & Bob Cotton * 118 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3707i *Nome KtEA" ENOTEPvte8 tte * Phono - --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ tICtedtNtet i * at Away From Itl Al Contsi guteetdNytfe * mmmm m mmmum mm mmm mma mmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmi LŽ OTTEDIRITE Monts Woar a *Nomse *Addrss___________________ I Phono .eN.e.t e * at Away F!om It Ail Ccotoutl teN MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- mmummmm mmmmm mmm mmm mm 1 Mercantile Depariment Store'l * 41L- 321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668.3468 I *Noms *Address________________ Phonoe_ IL Gsi Away Prom iH Ail Contestl -s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm M.(SARGE)SOOKNANAN I RNAà Sl 01 BroclcSt. 6, Whitby6.W21I *Norno *Addross________________ * Phone - . - - _ _ __ _te Go Pwme From "tAil Contoot. ommm m mmm-mmm mmm mmm me Sunflight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO FýLORI1D A Inciuding air transportation, Infight meals and bar service, air-coniditioned accommodation with private bathroom at Ramada Inn Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and Iuggago transfer between airport and hotel. *BOND RESTAURANT &TAVERN I * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 *Nomse Addross MZOE MNOTE Bet t.tNg teCe Phone ttUd yIf Ite e~t V4eWN bue MdC e ,« Id otee *Got Away From It Ail Contosti gvWW y h'.- ammmm mmm mmmmmmmmmma m * mI w IAI DESIG * 116 Athol St., Whltby 666-1440 *Nome *Addresss *Phono__________ AEOlut «à UtT NM411Cee. *stAway From It Ail Contesti Mo-dyhn IONCEUPONAT-SHIRT * 100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 INome *Addresss Nt I1.ekee.Ndg ett 1tha" Phone_____________ etetowiwim ty"s t etth e fACt *Got Away From It Ail Contosti t-O Ne M * DODD &SOUTERI Decor entre * CIL Paint & Fine Wallpapers In Stock * 107 Byron St. S., Whitby - Ajax Plaza *Nome *Addross PtCASeeNOTE eVSt-"'e't , IPhono z. w# th th.0z tt« IGot Awav From It Ail Contosti 90 *m mmm -mmmumm m mm mmm m mm mm mmmmm mmmmm mm * The 900 Hopkins at1uns * FrepIuEe Plus wHITBl 668-3192 Woodburfl ng Stoves & Accessories INomsI IAddross * PhonoeetetettettTI Ce kGsi Away From Il AIl Contesti l mmmmmmmmmm m mm mmmmm mmmmmu mummm GOLF-O*TRON SComputorlzod Indoor Golf - Pro Shop & Lossons i 1450-Hopkins St., Whltby 68&.9671 1 IPhone - __ Gsi Awoy Prom e Ail Contosi' 9. b, 'e e mmm mmm mummm mu mu mmm 1% Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contest Off iciai Ruies-No Purchaso NecessarY 1. Everytime a completed entry form, or reasonable facaimile, lu deposiied with a par- ticipating marchant whase nome uppears thora on between Feb. 20,1980 and May'l 1980, you receivo a chance ta win on@ of the prix.. ln the Get.Away-From.It-AiI conteat. Enter as Ofteon as you likm, but entries muet be received no ater than May 17, 1980. 2. Each month, durlng March and April, ane priz.-.trip for two-wIll be awarred. The wlii* ners may choose one of the advertiaed bus tours whlch appearIn greater dotait In the charterways Tours 1980 catalogue on pa'ges 17, 35, 38 and 39. Suggeated Value af ach trip rangea f rom $390 ta $430. In May, thera wiii be one final Grand Pnize drawIng for a aeven.nIght trip for twa package ta Orlando, Fiorida with accommodation at 1DaYa Inn or Ramada Inn as advertised In the Val. 14, No. 1 Sunfiight HoIldaya Magazine on page 9, Suggested retai pice of 1h18 trip la appraximateiy $50 3. Monthly wlnnere will be seiected ln random drawinge from amang entries aubrnItted for that month priar ta the drawIng date by or arranged by M.B.M. Publiihing whose docielona ara final, The Grand PrIze drawing ai the end af the conteat wIii be tram among ail entries recelved durIng the entire canteat. Only one prix. ta an Indivdual or tamiiy. WInners may be requIrad ta execute an affidavit af eiigIbIlIlty and release. and In ail cases wIlli b. requIred ta anawor a lime imited akîli tealing question. Except for the Grand Prize, pnIzes are not tranaferabie or exchangsabie for cash. Alil entries becomfe the praperty af M.B.M. Publishing. and M.B.M.reserves the rIght ta pubiish winnerat photos. namesa nd addresaes. 4. The conteat lesopen ta ail Ontario rasîdanta 18 years ot age or over, eccept empioyeee and thelr familles of M.B.M. Publiihing, snd the participatIng merchanta. Taxes, service charges, surcharges, and ather expenses nat Inciuded In the basic packages, are the responsIblllty ot the Individual wlnnere. In the eventuaiity that the advertieed tripe are unable ta b. purchaeed by M.B.M. Pubishing on behait of the wInners, M.B.M. PubIishlng reserves the nlght ta atten ta purchase trips of appraxImateiy equaivalue that are avaliabie. Ail tripe muet be takeon between Aprîl 1 and December 1, 1980, or In some cases on the SpecIfiled dates. FI LL OUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! I ~<~' Calico Cat I * Your Wooi Store 11 llBÎock St. N., WhtbyS66&7611 Nomse Address Pt.EA* NOTE Savc"tu"tete te t e. Eo ,tte.et f t "O R Got Awsy FoeeoAl onesithe.ee Nqttee M.B.M. PHOTO 131 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-6111 *Noms Addresss Phoe-tW.A8t oTtseetitftte ttMe«t Net4 t eeàteIet" qe t e et I at Aw&y PromîIt Ail Contesti UN SeedNe. 1wteet. NN I ~ Dsco à DlnIng Loungs I ~ .î Eh w m~ UE 173 Brock St. N., Whltby* 688-8822I Nomse IAddrousI IPhono_____________ NeNtil %ae-We«ItNeOMN%0ee *Got Awsy Prom It Ail Contesti 90M q.,. te N * HEN Y~~~ 223 Brock St.N., INoms Addrosss PhonoetECEOTt.t.tlCCt IGsi Away Prom Il AilContest' m--mm I -' O»FPERtS DUG MAURT. 0 ZPETrER DILWORTH DRuGS LiITED 601 DUNDAS 5TREEr VWEST e68.589l INomse

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