WHFTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1980, PAGE 15S Stil no hope for stranded familes, Ruth says. CONT. FROM PAGE 14 could write a book about this whole thing but wiil limit the words to just a few. These people bought their properties in good faith and at that time there was not a conservation area as we have now. Thcy are not raping the system, in fact, just the opposite. They have maintained the road at their own expense and have of- fered to rebuild the washed out bridge. This they should not have to do and if t.hey are forced to they will need money to do it. To be stranded like this is a disgrace. I received catis late at night twice in one week about sick children. When a child is sick the nights are long and frightening at the best of times. To walk for 25 minutes along a beach carrying a sick, fevered child 'while the rain cornes down in torrents, the wind blows and the waves pound up on t.he beach is lilce something out of a horror story. The rains feel twice during one day when the children should and could have been taken to t.he doctor. These people live there by design knowing they wil not have ail the arnenities of city or town living. They ask for none but on the other hand expect help and fast help at a time like this. AIl services have been cut off naturally as no vehicle can have access to this road without a bridge. If anyone becomes very iii or is injured runners wil have to go in. If there is a fire, no help forthcoming here and needless to say, no insurance. This 1 don't think should be a responsibility for the Town of Are you an "As kable" parent? Parents who take the major responsibility for their children's sex education will have to deal wit.h a variety of questions and behavior - some of which may catch them by surprise or corne at inoppor- tune moments. But when the questions corne - at the breakfast table or in the supermarket check- out line - how do you handie the situation? Are you flustered, afraid someone rnay have overheard the question. Passed it off with "Ask your father." or just pretend you did not hear a thing. The Parent-School Association of West Lynde Public School will present a prograni concerning a parent's askability quotient on April 28, 7:30 p.rn. in the school gymnasium on Michael Boulevard. Uloyd White, farnily life prograni consultant with the Durhamn Board of Education wili speak, present a film and lead a discussion on the topic "How Askable a parent are you? " The evening is open to parents of West Lynde students. Whitby. The conservation authority should, with rnuch speed, 1 hilly understand CLOUA s interest and predacarnent in t1ii s rectify this dreadful thing. The residents have offered their situation. This, however, is not the main issue at this tirne. services which I don't t.hink is reaiiy their responsibility. We provide care for iaw breakers, drunks and the like. Wliv There is a moral responsibility here. There is no need for great can't we do the same for decent, law abiding citizens who a: -I expenditure but Lhpre is a need for humane thinking. the victims of a storm and now bureaucracy?