PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Henry s tudents to learn MS Society needs help to raise money In order to reach the 1980 MS Carnation Day target of $15,000 in the Durham Region, the Mulitple Scierosis Society needs volunteers to help in the campaign, said Mr. AI. McKay, the carnation day chairinan. Many volunteers are needed on May 10 to help at shopping centres and in the downtown area. "The national MS Car- nation Day goal for 1980 is $1,000,000, a quarter of a million more than last year," said McKay. "We must do our utmnost to make sure that the Durham Region contributes its share' Proceeds froin the cam- paign will elp support the Society's research and patient services. programs. More than $1 million bas been committed to the researcb prograin for 1980 and gdditional funds are needed for patient services. Anyone wishing to volun- teer for tbe campaign should cail the Durham Regional Chapter at 579-7727. Multiple scierosis is a chronie, crippling disease that most often strikes bet- ween the ages of 20 to 40. about Senior students arn of tbeir teachers from Street High School i vlsiting the Unive". Waterloo on Tbursday 24. The students will the day learning abou puters. Tbey wil atte tures during tbe in and in the afternoon v one of tbe multi-i dollar computers on t campus to find the! solutions to problems. witb sufficient kno, may spend the entii working wlth comI Consultants wil ho av, to assist tbem. Students with no pi computer science exj ce will receive lectu problem solving and GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. Invitesl you to Our CENTURY 21 CARREER NIGHT on April 24, 19 80 66 86221 LUXURY LIVING RIENT IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Eth.r loung. ln Ouar private Court yard or on your own privte bolcony OR rait Inslde your luxury suite with individually con- troll.d air condifloners ond hecters. OUR APARTMENT DWLLING INCUIDE.. Stove, fridge, broadloom.d throughout, private in-house sauiysystem, indloor parking. scr..ned sliding bolcony dors, ýbrigàht apartm.nts, larga livng room, unutually I orga bolconies (l.ngth of your apartm.nt). Swimming pool saunas. .xm-cise rooms, ceramic and photog- raphy room, ibrary, laundry facilities, card and games room, n-hou. cabls TV. computers d some use of the computer uslng a iHenry FORTRAN-like language will ho called TUTOR. Instruction sity of in Fortran and APL y', April languages will be available to those students having spend some computer background. at com- Waterloo bas been of- nd lec- fering these "1computer iorning science days" to bigh school will use students for more than 15 -million years. Last year, 9,500 be UW students from 215 hlgh ir own schools In Ontario visited the ýThose campus. wledge The unlversity feels it is re day impoitant to inforni young ýputers. people about computers sin- railable ce increasingly, society is looklng to the computing revious profession to suIve is Infor- ,perien- mation - processing ires on problenis. actual Waterloo also permits hlgb scbool students who bave completed grade 12 and who have a worklng knowledge of Fortran to enrol in one of its courses (carrylng one-haif credit towards a mathematlcs degree). Students wlshlng to participate in this course must bave tbe consent of tbeir bigh echool mathematics teacher and tbeir principal. PARENT FINDERS Oshawa lawyer, Greg Price, will be the special guest speaker at the April meeting of Parent Finders whicb wil ho held on Mon- day, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. ln Rooni 110 at O'Neil Collegiate, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. (Entrance and parking behind school off Mary Street). Ail interested parties welcome! Cail 728- -6983 for further information. We willentertain you with fact, information, methods tools of the profession and the different phases of the exciting and rewardingfield of REAL ESTA TE! FOR MORE INFORMA TION AND RESER VA TIONS 1 cALL CENTURY 21 GOLD JACKET REALTY I-66 8-6221 683-6221I Mon.-Thursdoy il o.m.-8 p.m. Fridoy il a.m.-6 p.m. Sot. 12.noon-5 p.m. 50 RICHMOND ST. E. 728-4666