PAGE 6, WEDNESI) '~A RlL 23. 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS I eaver wil host UWC's show ,Girls bail tryo ut The University Women's Club of Oshawa and District is presenting a special Diii- ner Theatre in the Durham College Dining Lounge to aid in funding its scholarship program. Each year the club provides several scholarships for students in area high schools as welI as Durham Colege. The Dinner Theatre will feature sonie leading per- formers from the Oshawa Little Theatre and the Whit- by Theatre Comipany in a variety prograni which in- cludes catchy musical nuni- bers and amusing satirical skits. jimn Renshaw, well-known for his comic*ability, will be featured in several hilarious monologues, including his specialty of the "mouth trunipet". Kathy Guselle, who just recently won Best Actress award from the Association of Community Theatres (Central Region) will play the piano and vocalize, and Erncee Bert Heaver will sing romantic songs as well as giving a striking impersonation of British singer and actor, An- thony Newly. Jeff Spence will add a country and western flavour to the prograni. There will also be some numbers with audience participation. The Dinner Theatre program begîns with cocktails at 6:30 on Apriil 26th, followed by din- ner at 7:30 p.m. The enter- tainmnent begins at 9 p.-m.- This is one of the few even- ts staged by the University Women's Club which is open to the general public. Those interested in coming to this special Dinner Theatre can mnake reservations by phoning 668-3801 (any time) or 576-9970 (evenings). The cost is $12.50 per person. Tryouts for girls town representative teams will be held at Iroui Park main softball diamn on April 26, and May 3, at 9:00 a.m., weather permitting. Girls in the age groups of 14 and un- der (born in 1965, 66) 12 and under (born in 1967, 68) and 10 and under (born in 1969, 70) will have the opportunity to try out for one of the town representative teanis. Girls* will have to bring their birth certif icates and if selected they will be expec- ted to pay an additional $10 to the registration already paid with the Whitby Girls Athletic Association. Girls will be issued full uniforms which will have to be retur- ned at the end of the season. If you are interested in coaching one of these teams please attend the sessions on Saturday mornings with the girls. înflationFihting Specials mmmw