WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 19 FO, PAGE 7 Br(ok1 lin p Bylines PLANT AUCTIONS The Brooklin Horticultural Society wiIl be holding its annual plant and auction and bake sale on Wednesday, April 23, 8 p.rn. at the Brooklin United Church. A draw will also take place offering as first prize an Or- namental Tree, second prize a Flowering Shrub, third prize a Potted Plant. ickets are 3 for $1 or $.50 each and are available frorn any member or Val Hundert at the Emnporium. Please corne out and support your society as this is our major fund raising event of Oie year. Everyone is welcome. SPRING INTO SUMMER There will be a Fashion Demonstration hosted by the Ladies' Guild of Burns Presbyterian Church in Ashburn on Thursday, Mayl1 at 2: 00 p.rn. Fashions shown will br frorn Eaton's in Oie Oshawa Centre. The $2 tickets cover Oie demonstration, dessert and prizes. A few tickets are still available. Babysitting will be provided at the Ashburn Cornmunity Centre. Please call Barb Porter at 655-462. SPRING FAIR NEWS The 1980 Brooklin Spring Fair weekend is not far off. Thur- sday, May 29, Friday May 30, Saturday May 31 and Sunday June 1. Thursday, May 29 - A special treat is planned this year. Win- tario will be televising their draw at the Brooklin Arena. Prior Susan Smith 655-3932 Brown's Foodmaster (before noon Saturday) "Do yo u want to go ito jail?," By DONNA HILDITCH Whitby Jail Primary function of jails and regional detention cen- tres is to serve as ternporary or short-terni holding units for certain categories of persons. It is essential that interac- tion wiOi Oie cornrunity play an increasing part in Oie programs of Oie jails. Cornrunity volunteers can play an important role in providing positive diversion and assistance to ininates. Since volunteers are the cornrunity Oieir skills are practically unlirnited. Each new volunteer offers a dif- ferent background of per- sonal experience, talents, knowledge, concern and above ail a genuine desire to help others. Expand Oie prograins that are already being conducted is our airn. We have such organizations such as A.A. and John Howard Society Oiat have been running very well at Oie jail. We hope to provide and expand Oie following areas - entertaininent, recreation and group activities, assist in educational upgrading to teach life skills and to ex- pand our counselling and referral services. Volwiteers are needed te teach decision-rnaking and life-planning skills to in- mates at Whitby Jail. Interested citizens froni the Oshawa-whitby area will be trained at a Thresholds Training Weekend in a two ail day session on April 26 and 27. The course is taught in eight week cycles. Ininate clients attend a 2 hour group session once a week where they learn the basic concep- ts of decision making. Each client is also assigned toa one-to-one counsellor with whorn he meets one hour a week. there the concepts are appiied to the individuals own life situation. What the program hopes to achieve in teaching decision-making is a change in the way an individual sees himself operating in the world. We hear offenders saying that they have littie control over what happens to thein, they see thernselves as victirns. By teaching an individual to see that life is a series of situations that can be deait with separately and decided about, we enable STEVEN F. PELESHOK, B.A., LL.B. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Appoinimonts Avallable Evenînge and Saturdays TEL. (416) 668-3616 105 DUND0AS ST.W. WHITBV, ONTARIO LlW 2Ml Bail tic ekets Tickets for Oie Whitby Ar- ts Gallery Jamboree barn dance are now available at stores and businesses in Whitby and Brookiin. ickets can be purchasud at: Oie Kitchen Cupboard, Flavours, Oie Manchester Credit Union, Whitby and Brooklin branches. 0f cour- se, they can be purchased at Oie Station Gallery as well. The Gallery Jamboree will be held at Heydenshore Pavîlion, April 25, frorn 8 p.rn. to 1 a.m. Admission is $15 a couple - and a buf fet supper is included. There wil aLso be a cash bar and a valuable door prize. Proceeds froin Oie dance go toward Oie operation of the Station Gallery. hini to cope. The self-image beings to change from loser or victini to one of winner or decider. We are looking for people fromn the cornmunity who are wiliing to give 1 or 2 hours a week of their tume to counsel on a one-to-one or group basis. No previous ex- perience 18 necessary, just the desire to help. CARMEN DISCOUNT BAKING PRODUCTS 320 Marwood Ave., Unit 3, Oshawa 579-2948 HOURS: MON.- SAT. lOa.m. -5p.m. Take Wilson Rd. South of Wentwortm to Marwood We're in thie lndùstrial Mail to the draw will be a one hour prograrn including the officiai openlng of the Fair, entertaininent and the crowning of Miss Brooklin. Due to lirnited trne available Thursday evening, the preliminary judging for the Miss Brooklin Pageant will be held the previous night (not open to the public). Girls who would like to enter niay contact Susan Smith at 655-3932. Saturday May 31 - Get the group together for the Spring Fair Dance. Advance tickets go on sale for the Brooklin Spring Fair Dan- ce sponsored by Group '74 to be held at the Brooklin Mernorial Arena on May 31, 1980 from 8:30 - 1: 00 p.m. The live music is provided by "The Lidos" (courtesy of Manchester Credit Union). There wili be bar priviledges, prizes and lunch. Tickets are $5 per person and rnay be obtained by calling Maureen Martens at 655-3733 or at Short's Pharmacy. BROOKLIN BRANCH LIBRARY Pre-school story hour is held from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. This last session will end on Tuesday, May 27. Children must be three years of age to attend. The Tuesday afternoon prograrn for adults is also held from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. and this week will start early at 12:15 p.m. in order that a film "Who Remembers Marna? " may be shown. The subjeet is the plight of unprepared middle aged wornen who are suddenly left on their own due to divorce or widowhood. Mrs. Linda Maw froni Oie children's department is curren- tly running a series of lunch turnernusic programs for the grade one children at St. Leos and Meadowcrest Schools. The "Lunch Bunch" enjoy songs, stories and gaines set to music, accornpanied by Mrs. Maw on Oie autoharp. ARE uT30% BAKING? ~~ AIG We are tiere for your complote baking reeds. Corne in and see our assortrnft of Baking supplies Raisins, dates,glazed fruit, baking nuts, dried fruit, sp ices, te as, ca n die s. R ive rsid e c he ese. 1 lb Mozzarella Cheese $1 .79 per lb. 21/2 lb. cubes Co lby $1.89 per lb. B rea kfast Prunes .99 lb. Lays Potatoe Chips (200 gm) .79 FineçChopped Walfluts .50 lb. R egu lar Chopped Walnuts 2.99 lba. Almonds, plain blanched 4.25 lb. sliver sliced and ground Y ellowv split peas .29 lb. Rolled Qats .28 lb. Pure Cocao Powder 3.78 lb. Peanuts, blanched & Spanished 1.05 lb. r MceALLISTE(S proudlly presents The Superior Custom Cover Sale Once again McAllister's invites you to brighten your home with fine furniture, at outstanding savings. During April, choose from any beautiful Superior sofa, loveseat or chair, then choose fabries from our very abundant collection. Ail at savings of hundreds of dollars. SMcA LLJSTE«S Where Dsceming People Make An lnvestmnent ln Beauty 70 ROSSLAND RD W OSHAWA 576-6465 Mon., Tues., Wed. 10-6-Thurs., Fn 10-9-Set. 10-5 Don't Mies BESTSHOW IN TOWN! Heritage '80 Showcase History Exhibition Whitby Publie LibrarY Dundas St. W. For the month of April du ring Ilbrary hours v ,0%d,à ing ,qmmw Ils !F build, 91 ic p4u