PAGE 16. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1980, WHITBY FREE PRESS Continued from page 5..a@* Ruth obji eets dreamn of a place, cozy and inviting. Suddenly a dreadful ac- cident while on duty during the cource of her professional work and she lost the sight of an eye. The other eye is in poor shape, sometimes without sight and often flickering which causes great distress. Forced retirement before her ime and I Lhink a lot of physical suffering and mental anguish. However, Now Appearing PACE * W tg or-Wib oe 207n's Stage StoW.-Whityol to government'S she adjusted remarkably well with 1 know great effort on ber places in good part. people have boi But she had her home and asked for nothing fromn anyone. and are askins Now ail of this and it's an ongoing Lhing. The worry is flot have done the: helping and as of these past few weeks ber remnaiming sight them for their' which is poor enough at the best of times is becoming much The only wa3 worse. offered theirs Yes, 1 Lhink these things do matter. One lone woman, one build iL to, proi small house well cared for and dearly loved. She is her own bridge Lo, mid person, flot making demnands on the system but coping witb A well chairi reality and not complaining. order were des Government business has to go on. It's the method of "«going order can ais( on" tbat I object to. 1 objeet very much and so, do other people. none of us havi Empty words. It is the little things, in life that count, even and round agai where the governmnent is, concerned. I think Lo run rougb shod We are so ov over people is terrible. There are many imes when this may so, that if floti be necessary but there are other imes when the necessity is would be bettei not there. some responsil Qther things concern me too. Property is c-ostly these days. walk through1 To burn bouses or chop them down is awful especially wben tboughi govern tbey might be gold seal places. If people are willing to live iL. witbout ail the ammenities of Lown or city living and keep their I hope the rE homes in peaci metho ds 1repair, let's give them credit for this. Many ught way over their beads in the past few years g the government for help. These people could same thing but tbey bave not. We are punisbing way of life. ,y out is for tbem to build their own bridge. They services but this was turned down. Tbey will )per standards but they must do it soon. This 1Minaki Lodge, at least to my mmnd. red meeting can be a thing of wonder. Rules of signed to keep a meeting under control. Rules of ,o suppress debate. 0f len wasted hours which 'e to spare. A merry go round, round and round Ln. ier governed. We are told one thing after another careful we will ail become robots. Maybe life ar if we cut out ail these s0 called extras and took ibilities ourselves. We could still bird wateh and the woods. There is still water to swim in even iments have allowed indiustry to move in beside ,sidents of Eastbourne fare well and enjoy their .e. DO YoU KNOW Mayor proclaims posture week May 1-7 bas been designated as "Proper Posture Week" by Whitby Mayor Jim Gartsbore. In signing an official proclamaion, Gartshore joined member of the Durbam Chiropractie Society, the Ontario Chiropractic Association in tobserving the event. The proclamation points to correct posture and spinal integrity as a key element in attaining and maintaining bealth. Lt stresses posture's role in child growth and development, and un- derlines iLs effect on physical and mental accom- plishment. The proclamation also directs public attention to the benefits of good posture and the need for periodic spinal examinations. In issuing the resolution, Gartshore also commended the doctors of chiropractic for their dedication and ef- forts in the public's behalf.- He especially commended them for undertaking a public education program wbich brings attention to the values of spinal healtb care. We'll pay $50, $25, $10, and $5 to the first four correct entries drawn from those received by noon Monday. Ail you have to do is answer the following questions then clip and mail (or hand deliver to the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock St. N., by noon Mon- day May 5, 1980. The decis ion of the judges wil be final. Lest week's winners: let- Linda Rodgers, 105 Mary St. E. No. 1; 2nd - Sherry Wilde, 200 Gardon St., No. 106; 3rd- Donald Edge, 37 Harrison Crt.; 4th - A. Smith, Box 118, Brookiin. The answer ta question 1 was falso. 2 & 3 wero true. Ail prizes MilI be sont to thie winners. * Downtown Contesi Entry Form True False 0 1. The second Instalment of taxes for 1980 is due and (check one) e* payable today (April 30). El * 2. About 30% of the Town of Whitbv's revenue cornes * f rom commercial, industriai and business taxes on * Whitby's businesses - over 4 million dollars. About 0 60%o of the town's revenue cornes from the residen- 0 tial sector - a little over 8 million dollars. The other 0 10% (1.5 million) cornes f rom grants, licenses, rentais 10 etc. Shopping locally and buying locally manufac. 0 tured products would help tW ensure the success of elocal businesses and hence help to keep the residen- E tial taxes down. e 3. Apartment dwellers pay local taxes. r Nome *Addross *Phone - ,__ e s s S.. Se SSS*S.....S LEISURE LIVING Bowmanville 623-4700 Hwy. 2 Just East of the Zoo TerryTaurus travel trailers, park models, lighit weigahts. We also have truck caps, Hawk & Fibrobec aiid used trailers. STEVEN F. PELESHOI<, B.A., LL.B. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Appointments Avallable Evenlngs and Saturdays TEL. (416) 668-3616 Sponsored by the Downtown Improvement Area Board il YO UR TO WN? 105 0DU NDAS ST.W. WHITBY, ONTARIO 1W 2M