Whitby Free Press, 30 Apr 1980, p. 20

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II6-I-~ FI LCSRIES CARPENTRY HOME REPAI RS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Ktchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywaîî, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 OLYS PAINTING à DECORATING free estimates, reaaonable rates; shingling and carpenter work also. 8688-3185. MASON RY RESTORATION EXPERT Tuck Pointlng, Brick Repacement Bulding Cleanlng Caîl Roger 668-4860 PARTS à REPAIRS, out board motors, chain saws, iawn mowers, ait 2 and 4 cycle motors. Wlde Rentais 855-8010. AUOBI LES FOR SALE 1972 FORD LTD WAGON wtth or without CB radio. Beat offer. Phone 728-7790. 72 BUICK A-i mechanicai condition, neada soma body work. Sait as la 888- 7573. 1974 OLOSMOBILE CUTLASS -'S", PS, Pie, air condItIoning; vary good condition $1800. Oel 6231058. USRUCKS 1973 CHEV %a TON 4 x 4 350 auto.. PS, P/B, free wheallng hùib neyer ptoughad $2950; 1973 Landhovar short wheai base pick up wth plough. Alumlnum body $1500. Cati 725-2146 or 725-089. ROBERTS - Rick and Linda (nea Thachuk> ara proud 10 announca the sala arrivai of iheir daughtar Krsta Dawn born April 12, 1980 et Oshawa Genarai Hospital waightng 7 Ibs. 5 oz&. Firat grandchild for Mr.& Mrs. Ron Robafla of Whtby and Mr.& Mrs. Ted Thachuk of Brooklin. Spaclai thanka to Dra. Epstein and Rayman, Mrs. Lloyd and 4th loor materntty staff of O.G.H. MELLANEOUS 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM SET - suttable for cottage or rec roomn. One beige and one green chair $75.868-8862. Faliowahlp Church P74' long - best ot- fer, 728-3135- 1le0 PANASONIC CASSETTE RECORDIER. brand ne*.ful itrrantyý $12w0, Cati 823-1058, OUT BUILDING 14 x 32. Insuialed. 725-6818. SWIMMING POOLS Manufacturer has an tnvaniory of 1979 aboya ground pools Io clear. Complteawith f liter, molor, akimmer, pump, watk- around patio, fenclng. Regularty $2,295.00, now $1444.00. CatI coltect 1-519-623-4351 for furher datais. FAST SERVICE - Atentiion busInessmen t Super magnetlc signa for sale. Spring spacial 7 x 24, 517.50 each; il x 24.,522.00 each; 20 x 24, 533.00 eacri; Phone 723-6894. EIGHT PIECE WALNUT VENEER DINING ROOM SUITE, some work neaded, 5400. Phone 688-9219. Apr. Zi, 80 ONE 5 x 10' BOX TRAILER equippad wth etectlc brakes, 6,000 lb axis and equtpped with equalizer hltch, asktng 51,000; one covered snowmobiie traiter 7 x 10', used. 53M0 Phone 855- 3477. SIMPLICITY OAS DRVER, excellent condition $100 or beal offer; 1 Watt gas space heater $100 or beat offer. 683-5946. BATHROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square leat plus 20 elt of black lrlm 540; compiete toilaI sel and bathroom sink $15; 2 inside dloors 1 - 24 x 80, 1 - 22 x 80, $10 each. AppIy 711 Burns St. W. or phone 888-3495. SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cytin- der 1 hp., 120 Ibo pressure. Like new $200. Phone 576-2032 during thie day and 72-8700 eveninga. SELLINO OR BUYINQ A USED BOAT? CatI Bob et Lakevtew Marina - for fres wiit appralse. London - Win- dsor - Detroit. 519) 473-2400. HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS - XL 76, XL 130 and string trmmers, now In stock, Wilde Sales 655-8010. DRAPERY TRACKS Rouler Blnds, Verticaîs, Draperies Installed Guarantee Workmanship Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 BUBBINS SIDING Alumtnum & viny l sing, sofflît, tascia & seamiass alum.num eaveslroughtng Installation. Free astîmnatas, very reasonabie. Cati 8668- 1979; 10 par cent discount for senior ctizens. AUCTION SALE 0F COINS, stamps, wooden nickels, rade dollars, medata etc. efthtre Holiday Inn ln Oshawa, Thursday, Aprit 24 ai 7 p.m. Auc- ioneer Norm Marpte 623-3060. SEASONAL CAMPING, PIGEON LAKE, Twin Bey Parka, RR 1,. En- nismore, Ontario, KOL 1T0. 7)5-292- 9319 weekends, 418-632-714L~ 41F 632-1015. FOND BELGUIM SMEEP 000 <simlar 10 German stieppardi mohogany and fawn coioured, long haîr. Reward. Cheik Lake area.COeil 655-80;;. IHELP WANTED TOWN 0F WHITBY Requires TRAFFIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FOREPERSON. Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Traf tic and Envronmental Foreperson until, Friday, May9gth, 1980. QUALI FICATIONS Applicants shouid have a minimum of 3 years experience in the Public Works Sector, with progressive degrees of responsibiîity particuiarly In the areas of traffic control, storm sewer maintenance, street cieaning practices and soîid waste collection. Applicants shouîd be eligIbie for registration as (O.A.C.E.T.T.) Civil Technicians. Ablity to communficate effectiveiy is required. DUTIES Direct the day to day operat Ion of t he Traf tic & Environmnen- tai section of the Public Works Departmnent in the main-. tenance of traffic control devices, soiid waste collection, street cîeaning and storm sewer- systemn. Set out work scheduies and planning work. Assist In the preparation of yearîy budgetesmte and reports on Department fun- ctions. Wmn. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk - Administrator Town of Whitby, 575 Rossîand Rd. E., Whitby, Ontarlo Li N 2M8 Telephone (416) 668-5803 EARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOME.Good psy, easy work, no ex- partance necessary. Send your name and address 10: Donna Wallon, 927 Burns Si., Unît 24, Whitby, Ontario. WANTED 2 PERSONS with wood- worklng experlence for Piexi-glas Fâb Shop. 281-9312. MAN FOR MECHANICS who has knowtedge of amati angine repairs. To slart immediatety. 655-3842. FULL TIME POSITION on fruit and vegalable farm In nortri Pickering. Duties Include tractor and truck drivlng, supervision work and manuel labour. Applicants shoutd possesa clas C license, be wilting to do physical work and b. eager 10 tearn. For Inlérvtew cail 655-3217 atter 6 p.m. BODY MAN 10 do some work on car In spare ima. 668-7573. 1 )AY R E DAYCARE DONE IN MY HOME, in Dovedale ares. Any age, weekdays. 66& 1584. WANTED, RELIABLE, MATURE PER- SON, la babysil 3 pre-schoot boys ln my home in Brookitn, Monday - Friday f rom 9 - 5. Lighl housekeaping. Cati after 5 p.m. 655-3862. ACCMODATON LOOICING FOR WORKING SINGLE FEMALE 10 ahare accommodation wîlh threothers. Cali 66-2185, HOMSFOR SALE- Century 21 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. ASSUME 11% MORTGAGE of $52.500 on this splI lavai with main f toor famitly roomn, brick frapiaca and patio waikout. Save over $175 per month. Asktng $88900. Century 21, Gotd Jacket Realty Ltd. Reaitor 688- 6221.- NEW LISTING 56,900 Good f nan- ctng of $549 (P.tI.T.) on thia 3 bedroom home. Upgraded quality with many extras. Cati Helen Couture et Century 21, Gold Jacket Realty Ltd.68"8-221. HANDYMAN SPECIAL 547,900 Large lot of 86 x 120 ta one of the fealures on this home. Central to downlo.. and Kinsmen Park. Cati Helen Couture et Century 21, Goid jacket Reaaty Ltd. 688-6221. ~ESR ALES SATURDAY, MAY 3, if weather par- mitling et 114 Green Street, Whttby, OFFIE PACE DOCTORS-- LAWYERS - Locale now în Ajax naxt boom area, modemn aïr conditioned building, Ratph Ander- son Real Estate 6n83.188 WAE MINISTRY 0F HOUSING DURHAM AREA HOUSING AUTHORITY POSITION TITLE: Clerk Typist il (C.U.P.E.) Bargalning Unit Houriy Rate $5.10 to $5.75 CROWN EMPLOYEE POSITION A Clerk Typlst is requlred by the Durham Area Housing Authorlty to provide typing and clerical services. Duties wiII include typlng forms, reports and corresponden- ce as weii as varlous clericai activities such as main- taining records and files, answering telephone Inquiries and .processing maintenance and tenant requests. LOCATION: Durham Area Housing Authority 218 Dundas Street East Whîtby, Ontario LUN 2H8 MINIMUM Qualifications Minimum of two years related office experience. Tact, dipiomnacy and good telephone manner are aiso required. Typing to ç.S.C. Standards. This competition Is open to both Men and Women. Wrltten applications shouid be submitted by Monday, May 5180 to: Mrs. M. Brandon Housing Manager Durham Area Housing Authority 218 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2H8 FOR RENT WHITBY ADULT BUILDING, 'newiy furnished bachelor apartment. Prîvate entrance, ktchen, bath, colour TV, no pets. 1-284-1618, 1-284- 4324. SUBLET 2 BEDROOM, corner apar. tment, Wltby, avilable J l .Cli SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne Complete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and fliter. Regular prîce $2400, now $1498. Cali IMPERIAL POOLS toîl f ree 1-800-268- 5970. RECTlOINAL VLE 1974 18' HOLIDAY TRAILER - aleapa six. Stove. fridge, tottet end tumace. Asktng $2800. 688223. WANTED- used boats and motors, cabin traitera and tent traitera to be soid on constgnment. Wilde Sales. 655-8010. CLEARANCE - new and used boats, cenoesaend out board motors. Wilde Sales 655-8010. FOR SALE - used hard top lent traitera $395 and up. Wilde Sales 655- 8010., RENTALS - hard top lent traitera. 13' cabin traitiers, boat traitera, box traitera. Wilde Rentai 655-8010. 1978 TTr6WYAMAHA, 1,000 km, good condition, esktng $1200. Cati Dave 688-2783. 1967 RAMULER HOUSE TRAILER eleepa six, propane stove and fridge. 2 wey hook.up for tights. canopy and outaide table. Good condition. $2250. Phone 688-9727. 35 H.P. 1960 JOHNSON MOTOR - 14' tIbregiasa boat and traiter, Cati efler 4:00 p.m. 723-1447. 79 CHEVY VAN, V-8, PIS, PiB, auto transmissioni, 5,000 km. Asking $8.950 or beat ofler. 576-5988. L:XPENCED U2OKEEPER BOOKKEEPER - offertng experten- ced bookkeeping services, pick-up and detivery 868-1012. TYPINO AND BOOKKEEPING ser- vices avaitebte. 66.0874. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES; 1 femate for $175; 1 maie for $250; registered, shots, tatooed. Both parents show champions. Sire la top Irish Setter In Canada for 1979. Coppertene Ken- nets, Nawcastie. 416-987-4471. L UTIN MAY 7, 6:30 P.M. Biackstock com- Jmunlty Arena, Church St. W., Biackstock, Property of MRS. ANNIE NUGENT, Uxbridge, who has moved to the nursIng home, and other con- signments. Numerous Antiques and other excellent Items. Antiques In- clude mapie dinfing room suite, 4 pc. Victorien chesterf laid suite, Uxbrldge upright piano & bench, ktchen cup- board, pressback rocker & chairs, htgh chair, tadder beck chair, wash stand, Maenetic radio <works), dry stnk, wet slnk, belle, writlng desk, iron ketties, gtngerbreed cdock, pine tablechstf daerdresserae Phone 728-21 03 Mr>m LWORKI MATURE WOMAN willt do hous- claaning, any type. Mornings. 868- 1602.

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