WIN FOR TWO LAST CHANCE!' ENTER BEFORE May 17,1980 * I r2oah J~u~~eHwy. 2, Whltby * tt~a1.wn ~~eak ou~e 668-2751 I *Address -_______________ PIft NOENoy M ha " Phon o______" * (ot AwmyFromit Al Contosti b, aNr y h IIIIm la u m m IIIImu mm q8 IIIImm mIII * eT108 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-4375I IAddross I PhonoeMîaadyga ahl.RU U (lt Away From It Al Contestl fteuw»md. or" %0 b. mmmmmommmmmmmm Wrmmmm M-mmmmmmmmummumm * 116 Brock Si. S., Whitby 668-1266 INam@ *Addross PLEffl MOI[ al .0 NM -c Phono____________________ 1-4 nnSEmio"rM b. I (ot Awsy From It Al Contostl *"yUath.. mmmmmmmmmmummmmmum - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I C C&C SOUND *Chris & Bob Cto 118 Brook St. S., Whitby 68-&3707 *Namo i *Addross * Phono____ ___________,Ott,____%le * (ot Away From ItAlil ContostlMdRNSI dNOT b m mu ummmmummm mmmu OTTEflIRITE Mons Wear 11Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3261 *AddrossI PLASIt E MSO N O Phonoe -1 N MN OI I b O * (ot AwayFo tAifflst ldo#NM d Nb mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- I ~ Mercantile Departmnent Store' I ~~321 Brook St. S., Whltby 668-3468 I AddrossI *Phono_____________e-R.Ihl j[(lot Away From t Al Gontesti wMNM. md I.N mumummummmmm mmmm mu mm mmm umu m m mmmumu jM.(SRGlE)SOOKNANAN * 1101 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-002 *an I Addross -______________ * Phone-- ___ ~M~ * (lt iway Prom i Alil Contoat M OyO M A TRIP ummmmu mmmmmmmmm IBOND RESTAURANT &TAVERN 1 * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 *Address PhEAU NONo .ir tot. INg Phono_____________ fT" h hhatrI MdNd PWW.yd agm 10b *Gel Away Prom I AAil Contostl WD ifl *m - m m mmm -m-mu -mmm 11 llAthoi St., Whitby 666-1440 INamo I IAddross Phon pflANENOTE: Ny antinq th cm- l I 1.choNMdMI r h W* Md RONIWIM M, thhoM 'N"b * (lot Away Prom It Alil Contosti mu mmm__mmm m -mmm mmmm - ewà m m-m mm mM*'m m m mm mM ONCE UPON AT-SHIRT' I 100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 Addross PLEANE NOTL Ny aNhahIthé cffl * Phono - - _______________t- % M4dp RwÇoISàM Mo b * (ot Away From It AlilCnet 0«btý ommmmm mmm mmm mmm mu mummmummmummmmmumm * DODD &ÇSOUTERI * CIL Paint & Fine Walpapers In Stock * 107 Byron St. S., Whtby - Ajax Plazas SPhno___________________ IABIE NOTE NelOIMNO th* NON _______________:_q_____ INNMMI:bTMONIN eh.-NoM a * (lt Pwv romîIt Ail Contoat! NyOONOOIS mu mmm mm mmm mmmm mmm mmo I The 900 HpiOns at BaMI * Fireluce Plus WHITB? 668-3192 Woodburning Stoves & Accessories *Addross PILEXI NOTE y MS g y NIONw ___________________ MNSNSN # S M IIha R Pe wa romîIt Ail Contosti oNOSEMa d hNSEN b ummummmumu ummumm * GOLF-O-TRON * ). Computerîzod Indoor Glf- Pro Shop & Lossons * Y 1450 Hopkins St., Whîtby 86&89671 Namo *Addross IPhono___________ mIOMNySN.--NRO * (lt Away Prom It Ail Contosti g.mbrONNOa d oS mmmummmunemmm mu mmmmmmm m mmmummumu m * WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE I * 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 668-2097 I *Addrose I (lt Away Prom It Ail Contosti dRNIENOM IENS mum mmm mumu - mmmm mu- k:>' sb Walt Dsney World % dyCyrn:sGardonls Stars' Hall of Famne Kennedy Space Contre %t Gatorlncs Zoo A GRAND PRIZE Sunfliight Seven Night TRIP FOR TWO TO ORLAN DO -r LO0RI1DA inciuding air transportation, Infiight meals and bar service, air-conditioned accommodation with prIvate bathroom at Ramada Inn Central or Days Inn, transportation and Iuggage transfer between airport and hotel. * Calico CatI Vour Wool Storo * 118 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-7611 IAddross I Phono__e _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ tNa Nkb" Naalb. I1 haOI _____ - MIIAIWU "We II tlNha N%4 * (lt Away Prom It Al Contestî ai oh mmummmmmmmm mmu mu mummmu u.mmmmmmm I M.B.M. PHOTO 131 Brook St. N, Whltby 668-6111 Phono_____________ rb1la. Mhah hé I«hl hawl,d tlyMil a elb. oda I (ot AwayPromîItAlIlContosti MdRhaAItOb MdMISElob »mmmmummummu mu mmm mê lueDîsco & Dlnlng Loungo p ragrg173 Brook St. N., Whltby* 86688822 *Addross IPhono______________- -AIONd alN * (ot Away Promîit Al ConteetOO 4mto M aa ab. ummummummummu mmu mu muuummmmmmmmmmmmm * HERY A223 Brock St. N. HEN Y AL Whltby 668-6821 IAddross PIEASE NOIE 1> -.ny INI.hcm, test 1 mbNNNNO hIrmhaN.* IPhono_____________ lSIdN %Wb.RN * (ot Away Prom It Alil Contoat! 9- N h a"Cb *mmmum mmmm mu mmm -- m m mmmmu mmmmmmummum * .-. HOPESDRUG MA%%RT * Z PETER DILWORTH DRUGS LIMITEDI 601 IJUNDAS STREET WEST 668-5891 AddrossI IPhono_____________eNIMIMN NIh. &'d nrAormNS*rd MISE»N b * (ot Away Prom It Al Contost 19 iý m m moàmumm.mumum m mummm u mmm mmmu mumu .t . a ~ PHOTO-KING LTD. 601 Dundas St. W., Whltby 668-1555 IAddrose *Phono_____________ * (lt Away Prom it Al Contosti dMSlEb -mummmmmmummummu mfl m mmummmmmu uuuum m Specializing in Children's Wear Pt pl'ace Agency for Girl Guides of Canada 103A Dundee St. W., Whltby 668-667 (At the four corners> --01 Ol l:, IhaNO I Phonoe----- N I e (ltAway Prom lh Al Contosi! 1 mmm mu u m m mmum - Get-Away-f rom-lt-ail Contosi Off iciai Rules-No Purchase Necessary 1. Everytime a completed entry farm, or reasonable facalmile, la depoaltad wlth a par- tlclpatlng marchant whose nams appears there on between Feb. 20, 1960 and May 1 1980, yau recelve a chance ta wln ona of the prlzea ln the G.t.AwayFromTIlt-All conteat. Enter aa often as you Ilke, but entresa muet b. recelved no later than May 17, 1960. 2. Each month, durIng March and AprIl, ana prlze-a trip for twa-wIIl b. awarded. The wln- nera may chooae ana of the advartlaed bua taure whlch appear In greater datail In the charterwaye Toura 1980 catalogue on pagea 17, 35, 38 and 39. Suggeated valua af each trip rangea from $390 ta $M3. In May, there wlll b. ana final Grand Prîza drawlng for a seven*nlght trip for twa package ta Orlando, Florlda wlth accommodation et Daya Inn or Ramada Inn as advartlaad ln the Val. 14, Na. 1 Sunflght Holldaya Magazine on page 9. Suggeated rotait prîce of thia trip la approxlmately $50 3. Monthly wlnnera wlll b. aeîactad ln randomn drawlnga f rom among entrlas submlttad f or that manth prlor ta the drawlng date by or arrangad by M.B.M. PubIllhIng whaae daclaslona ara final, The Grand Prîze drawing et the end of the canteat wlilIb. from among ait antrlaa racalved durlng the entîre conteat. Only ana prîze ta an Individuel or famîly. Wlnnara may b. requlred ta exacuta an affîdavît of elIglbIlity and roies&, and ln ail caaes wlll b. requlrad ta anawer a lime llmlted ekîlI taatlng queation. Except for the Grand Prîze, prîzea ara not transferable or exchangeable for cash. Ait entrlaa become the praperty of M.B.M. PubllshIng, and M.B.M. reserves the rlght ta publlah wlnnera' phatoa, namea and addrsssea. 4. The conteat la open f0 aIl Ontario realdanta 18 yeara of age or ovar, axcept amployaea and thoîr familles of M.B.M. Publlahlng, and the partlclpatlng marchants. Taxas, service charges, surcharges. and othar expenses not lncluded ln the basic packages, are the rasponslbllty of the Individuel wlnnars. ln the eventuallty that theaedvertlsed tripe ara unable to b. purchased by M.BM. PubllshIng on behaîf of the wlnnars, M.B.M. Publlshlng reserves the rlght taoffier ta purchase trips of approxImately equal valua that are avallable. Ail trpa muet b. takan betwaen Aprîl 1 and December 1, 1980, or In aame cases on the Specif lad datas. FI LLOUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI GetAwayFrom id AIl!e