PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14, 19 80, WFIITBY FREE PRESS 50 year memlber honored by Knights of Colubus On April 25, 1980 The Knights of Columbus Coun- ci] 4895, Whitby, Ontario held a testimonial dinner to honour Brother James (Jimmy) Smythe on his 50th Anniversary as a member of their order. The event was attended flot only by Knights of Whit- by Council but knights and' friends from the entire region. Letters were read to congratulate Brother Smythe from as far away as Texas. After the dinner, Brother Smythe was presented by past state deputy Brother Frank Shine with a plaque and a 50 year pin. Brother Shine spoke and told those attending that he could not think of any position in the council that Brother Smythe had not heldi. He went on to say that Brother Smythe founded the Whitby council of the Knights of Columbus and was the first 50 year mem- ber in the area. We invite youÀ to visit aur new (KA RDE4N CE4NT RIE at K-Mari & Whltby Dominion on May 5th to May 3lst, 1980. BOX PLANTS..............................@79. OR 4BOXES/1$3 HICKS YEW ............................. MOONGLOW JUNIPER................... COLORADO SPRUCE............. 12.99 12.99 .299 AUSTRIAN PINE.......................... MOUNTBATTEN JUNIPER ......... CLUMP BIRCM .......... PYRAMIDAL CEDAR. 12.99 .299 .12@99 ... .99 s H, 69B7 KIL. PER GL.KIL. PER GAL. HIGHWAY 42.9 CITIY SHOP & COMPARE - HORIZON IS MORE CAR FOR LESS MONEY Ai- GOlt STANDARDRATURE *65 amp ateramr * Di% brakes s umpur pritucive rub strips 4 "£ .shit rs"rwr.iId lwgud& h..d rulas v*efi dabà*w %Vil sie muii * Buchat sut 0 Rack & Pinon stecrlag *W.S.W. radial tires *A.M. radio *rarputi Ntï i . STANDARD FUATURES 65 amp. altutor Disc ba kas *Electric isirosta in Inss ou raiko. *f Uporloa vmtikms. raioa Roiwbuls Trim riai *4 spMosimmual *sport Paudd i uiqwhI Buets wNifudom un *Rock & Pluies sturi., Oh what a lucky guy! Firs t Canadian playmate honored by WhfWtby-ite Whitby-îte Dave Smith didn't seem to mind having his hands full at a recent bash to honour the first Canadian Playmate of the Year Dorothy Stratten. Dave's company, Trent News, rented the C.N. Tower disco Sparkles for the occasion. Dorothy, who first appeared in Playbov last August, graces the cover (and inside) of the June edition just now on the newstancl. As Playmate of the Year Dorothy received numerous gifts including a $26,000 Jaguar XJ-S, a $65,000 natural Russian crown sable coat, a brass-lined rose wood bathtub ($13,250), and a $25,000 cheque from Playboy. Photographer Mike Burgess says Dorothy is one of. the best models he has had pose for him despite the fact that she had no previous for- mai modelling training. A couple of Mike's unpublished photos of Dorothy on display in the M. B.M. Photo 'Celebrity Picture Gallery'. -Photo by Mike Burgess (M.B.M. Photo) B "ps SUPER CLEARANCE JMF 65 IN STOCK READY TO GO!! à âlqe