'i Odmm6 EriE mmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmm i QIûorJ> ~~j1~tHwy. 2, WhltbyI I ~~~ Ia -Ieru& trak hotir 66-75 *Addrouss nIu"O OTU HI UT, *Phono_______________ oh the 9.6- *tiAway From ilAlConiosti O&."TDtmm mon m m m m Mu m m m-mmM m mm Milmmmilmm mmm mmm mmmmm * J W// 29 p~ * ~"~Y f ~ 0e' * 108 Brock St. S., WhItby 668-4375I *Noms* iAddrss_______________I *Phono________ I Gsi Away From If Ail Contesti Oen"STH ,d ,.aH mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm mumu mmmm 110 SBrock Si. S., Whitby6681l266 *Noms* IAddrose___________________ Phono____________________ tUhm IGsi Away From il Ail Contosti 0, beo mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * C & CSOUND * OMis à Bcb Cotton * 118 Brock St. S., WhItby 66&3707I *Noms Phon--~ Gsi Away From If Ail Contosti . ommm mmmm mmm mmm mmmumm m mummumumu êmmmmmmnm 11Brock St. S., WhItby 66&3261 INomse IAddrs______________ G AwayFrom IfAil Co wll. ,va HO H HM T Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - Mercantile Departmient Store§ 321 Brock St. S., Whltby 668-3468 *Nomse *Addrss______________ Ot wyFront If Ail Contosti .W..MU *mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm * SARG SWK N~ * ll1101Brock St. S,Whhby666-021 iAddrss_______________ Phone - _ _ _HOI - H .1Gsi Awsy Front if Ail Coniessiaeu om m m u mm u m mmu imum mu % Walt Dsney World * yproe sGardons Se& World Stars' Hall of Fame Kennedy Space Centre Gatorland Zo ~IA"jRAND PRIZE Sunfl1ight Seven N ight TRIP FOR TWO TO ORLAN DO FLORIDA inciuding air transportation, infiight meais and bar service, airconditioned accommodation with privais bathroom ait Ramada Inn Centrai or Days Inn, transportation and iuggago transfer beiween aIrporiand hotel. * 200 Bond Street WestI * Oshawa 579-9179 *Nomse *Addrosss PL IU HTOHOHlh*& ntr4du TH *Phon o________l w t.lff IGsi Away From it AAl Contesti 00bto *116OAthol St., Whitby 666-11440 INomse *Addrsm Phono ,UU tHT1w M 1»%W IGsi Awny From il Ail Contostil0u Iefl wMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm mm mm mm mum m m * 100 Byron St. S., Whltby 668-9161 *Nomse *Addrosss Phono____________ - t010 4 P49ÀMMM Wd HU tT Rbu *Gel Away From il Aul Contosti B *mmmmmmmu "%%m mmm mmmm Decor Centres * CIL Paint & Fine Waipapers ln Stock * 107 Byron St. S., WhItby - Aax Plaza Nome IAddross Phono fli y r&HTt h w 1 ?*""0 *Gsi Awev From it Ail Contostil@d%ýbMan o 0 amm urmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm Woodburning Stoves & Accessaries Addresss Phono_____________ W-mmHOatu" MUS the RMe SGsi Awoy Front Il Ail Contesti UHHTH SComputorlzod Indoor Golf' Pro Shop &Lossons 1450 Hopkins St., Whiby 66&.9671 INomse *Addresss iPhono____________eH OOUg Ott. RGot Awoy FroflIt Ail Conteiî HUB I WHITBY BOOK EXCHANGE* 120 DUNDAS ST. W. 688-2097 INomse *Addroiss Phone ______ _ HOa t HM ontdm Ge wa5nMwuro t nsAui Contt gow owal THTM *Noms IAddress __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _HPhonoe -I HT T IS Io GiAway Front Il MAh ",oniestii OSU Get-Away-f rom-it-aii Contosi Officeiai Ruies-No Purchase Necessairy 1. Everytimo a completed entry fonn, or reasonable facalmlle, le d.poslted wlth a par- tlclpatlng marchant whos name appeare there on betwéen Feb. 20, 190 and MaY "91 1900, you meclve a chance ta wln one of the primea ln thé G.t.Away.FrOn>ilt-All Content. Enter as often as you Ilk, but entrtes muet be recelved no Inter than May 17, 198. 2. Each month, durlng March and Ae>rl, one priz... trip for two-wlll be »aatdd. The wlfl* ners may choose ans of the adv.tlle.d bus tours whlch appar ln grater detali In them Charterwaya Tours 190 catalogue on pagea 17, 35, 38 and 39. suggsated value 0f ach trip rangea from S3M0ta $4M. ln May, there wlll bu ant final Grand Prlze drakwlng far a smvnnlght trip for two package ta Orlando, Florida wlth accomrmodation nt Daya Inn or Ramada Inn as advertlsed ln the Vol. 14, Na. 1 Sunfilght Haliday@ Magazine an page 9. Suggestmd rotaIt pre of thls trip le approxlmatmiy SM0 3. Monthly winners wlil be smiected In randam drawlngs f ront amang entrîi eubrnittmd far that manth priar ta the drawing date by or srranged by M.B.M. Publishlng whasé decIilne are final. The Grand Prize drawIng at the end of the conteet wlii be frOm amang &il entriésa rclve *d durlng the entirs content. Only one prize to an Individuel or famlly. Wilnners may be required ta execute an affîdavît af sllglbility and roieeaand ln ail camas wiii ha rmquIrmd to answer à time Iimitsd akiff testing questian. Except for the Grand Prizm, primes are not transferabie or sxchangsable for cash. Ail entris bicorne the prap.rty af M.B.M. Publshing, and M.B.M. reserves the rlght ta pubiish wlnners' photos, names and sddrssaa. 4. The Cantent le open ta aIl Ontario residsnts 18 ysrs ol ego or over, excspt employee and their familles of M.B.M. Publilhing. and the particIpatlng marchante. Taxes, service charges, surcharges, end other expenaus natl nciudmd In the basic packages, are the rmponslbiIity of the Individuel wlnners. In the eventuallty t hat thé advertlau tripe are unabie ta ha purchssed by M.B.M. PublishIng an hahalf of the winnsrs, M.B.M. PubIishIng reserves the rlght ta offer to purchase tripe of approximately *qual valus that are avaliabie. Ail tripe muet ha taken bmtwmmn April 1 and December 1, 1900, or ln smrn cases on the Specifiled dates. FI LL OUT THE COUPONS AND ENTER NOW! NO PURCHASE NECESSARYI ummmmmrm m ummmm * '~~" our WooI Store 11 llBrock St.N., Whtby 667611 I Addross IPhone..__________ IL Gsi Awny From lit AUl Contoti OHOaUtt umu mum9 m mmmmmu 131 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-611il Nomse Addres Phono_________eatHaa~U.~ I e GiAwoy FromilAiÂl Contosti .....w... -. MD Disco à Dinfing Lounge * E 173 Brock St. N., Whitby Addrosso IPhono___________________ *e Gsi Awoy Fro it ifilConi a oSi adMMMl I ' R 223 Brock St. N. B*D Whltby 668-6821 Nam* Addrosss Phono___________ wOuSH'w OBSgoluO *Gsi Away From il Ail Contesti amm Mm mm m u m I m ~mum m m mu PETErfR DILWOFR1iH DRUGS LimiTEFD 601 DUNDAS STrREETr WEsTr 668-5891 Nam@ May 17'11980