Conung Events' WFITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 19 80, PAGE 19 FIREWORKS DISPLAY The Whitby Fine Depar- tment wii hold their annual fireworks display on Mon- day, May 19 (Victoria Day) at the Bnooklin Park begin- ning at dusk. The firefîghters will be passing the boot to help defray the rapidly rising 4 cost of the display - al donations are gratefully ac- cepted. AL-ANON Alcoholism is a family disease. Whitby Al-Anon in- vites ail interested persons to an open meeting at 8: 30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27 at Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Dundas Street West, Whitby. The programn wiil feature speakers from AA, AI-Ânon and Alateen. SPRING LUNCHEON The St. Mank's United Church Women will hold a spring luricheon in the chur- ch's assembly hall on Centre Street South on Thesday, May 2atl1p.m. The guest speaker will be renowned Canadian poetess Mary Francis Haws. Tickets are $3.75 each and are available by calling Carol Murkar at 668-3057, or Earline McCraken at 668- 3691. FILM NIGHTS The Whitby Public Library holds its weekly film night every Tuesday at 7 p.m. throughout the month of May. On May 13 "Mandy's Grandmother" will be presented. May 20's showing is "My Mom's Having a Baby," and on May 27 the feature will be "Francesca Baby." For more information, caîl the library's infor- mation desk at 668-6541. SPRING FAIR DANCE Advance tickets are now on sale for the Brooklin Spring Fair Dance to be held at the Brooklin Memoial Arena on May 31 from 8:30 p.m. toi1 ar. Live music will be pnovided by "The Lidos" (courtesy of the Manchester Credit Union>)- There will be bar facilities, lunch and a door prize. Tickets are $5 per person and are available at Shot's Pharnmacy or by calling Maureen Martens at &55-3733 or Cathy Neely at 655-3245. DRAMA WORKSHOP The Whitby Public Lîbrary will sponsor a drama workshop for young people between the ages of il and 15 on May 31 between 1-4 p.m. The workshop will be con- ducted by Joel Kaiser, a drama instructor at the University of Waterloo and will introduce the par- ticipants to acting in the practical sense and the dif- ferent areas and stages of an actor's work. The program wil include both vocal and physical exercises to stimulate imagination and concen- tration as welI as a study of make-up and costumes. Registration wiII be taken for 25 people only. Cost is $2 per person. For more infor- mation caîl the library at 668-6541. RABIES CLINIC A low cost rabies vacination clinic will be held on May 22 between 4 and 7 p.m. at the arena of the William E. Legros Com- munity Centre in Ajax. Vacinations will be given to all dogs and cats four months of age and older. Proper restraint and leash control is required. The cost will be $3 per animal with net proceeds going to charity. In 1979, $460 was donated to the United Way from the clinic's proceeds. BIRTHDAY PARTY The Whitby Senior's Ac- tivity Centre will hold their monthly birthday party on May 15. The Jubilee Choir will entertain. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. MUSEUM OPENING At il a.m. on Saturday, May 17, John McAvity of the Ontario Museum Association wilI officially open the Whitby Museum for the summer season. The museum is situated in Lynde House, at Dundas Street West at D'Hillier Street. "A Collection of Clocks" will be the museum's first exhibition. HeIp your Heart Fund HeIp your Heart SAC EVENTS The Whitby Senior' Ac- tivity Centre is planning on organizing three trips in the month of May. On May 20 and 21, a trip to the Rochester Lilac Festival and the Eastman Kosak Company is scheduled. A trip to the races is plan- ned for May 27 at Mohawk Races, Campbellville. Departure time is 5 p.m. and the $3.25 per person. An excursion is also plan- ned to Niagara Falls and Marineland on May 29. Cost is $10.50 per person. For more information cal the centre at 668-1424. DANCE PARTY The Senior's Activity Cen- tre will hold their monthly dance party on May 24. The theme this month is "Mayday." There will be a dj, bar, refreshments, door prizes and a lucky draw. There is no admission charge. For more infor- mation call 668-1424. TOM SAWYER The musical production of Tom Sawyer wiII be presen- ted by the students of Meadowcrest School, Brooklin on May 22 and 23. Tickets f'or the perfor- mances, to be held in the gymnasium, are available at the sehool office. COMPOST- Orgari i tilizer and soil condItioner for vegetable and flower ens, also very good for lawn top dresslng. TOPSOIL- Good Quality. G RAVEL AND MATERIALS- For Iandways, drlveways and parking lots. GRADING- Laneways and parking lots. (Ail materlals dellvered ln any quantty.> BARCLAY TRANSPORT LIMITED R.R. No. 1 (Kinsale & Gravel) Phones 683-4461 Brooklln, Ontario &683-4468 - - e Effective Reserve UntilU the Rghi "WeII Worth Looking For" MA0 ut;e ARE 3 BAKING?SAIG We are tiere for pour complete baking needs. Corne in ana see our assortmeflt of Baking supplies Raisins, datesglazed fruit, baking nuts, dried fruit, spices. teas, candies. R iverside cheese. VA TURA L FOODS NO 1V .4 AILABLE REG. STORE PRICE Walnuts 6 Dz. Pecans 8Boz. Alronds 8 oz. Coconut 16 oz. Glazed Cherries 16 oz. Chocolate Chips 12 Dz. Raisins 12 oz. Dates 11lh. Peanuts 11lb. OUR PRICE 1.9........... 8 Dz- 1.50 1*49............8 Oz. .99 3129-------.......8ozI1.96 2.39 ...........16 Oz. 199 3.79-------......I6 oz. 2.79 1.89-------...... 6 az. 1. 39 1.49-------..... 1I Lb.1.39 1.39-------......11lb. .89 1.59 ........... 11IL L09 CARMEN DISCOUNT BAKING PRODUCTS 320 Marwood Ave, Unit 3, Oshawa 579-2948 L HOURS: MON. - SAT. 10Oa.m. - 5 p.m. Take Wilson Rd. South of Wentworth to Ma rwood We're in the IndUstrial MaiI i ý "lu