Whitby Free Press, 14 May 1980, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1'9 8O. w ESERES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B- 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic TilIng, Drywall, Roc. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio Doors FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-4686 lu CI ce 74 74 nq 7! le 30 35 Co 38, exl 30-' nom 38- fer REI avi Yeu 683 $17 89t USE day 5131 MAC shlp HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewolery, dishes, furniture, crocks, cil, paintings and soalers. FRI EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA OLYS PAINTING à DECORATINO - free estimatea, reasonabie rates; shingilng and carpenter work also. 6&3185. PARTS &, REPAIRS, out board motors, chain saws, iawn mowers, ail 2 and 4 cycle motors. Wilde Rentais ANYONE REQUIRING A SEAN. STRESS or alterations (reasonabty prlced> please cali 668-2900 between 8:30 - 4:00 p.m. AUTMOLE IO BUICK SKYLARK - neada tran- imission work $25. 655-4416. 171 FIREBIRD, PIS, PIB, radio, dlean uat bean repainted - was a second .ar, safsty. Muatosal purchased new ,ar $1800. Phono 668-3653. 972 FORD LTI> WAGON with or wilhout Ce radio. Baut offer. Phone 28-7790. 2 BUICic A-I mechanical condition, eads sonne body work. Sali as la 688- r573. I CHEVELLE, running condition, ast olfer. 668-4531. 978 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE, 2 door, c,00 miles, radio, auto, wire disca. 60 4 barrael. Ladies car, excellent ,ndition 35,000.855-3857. t AUT PATS 83 ENOINE with transmission and haus $200.6855-4416. ELANCELAEOUS ADMIRAL STOVE, automnatic, titre r; man's 2 place tayiored suit aize -0, good condition $40 or basi of- brasa bi rd cage. 723-5402. EFRIGERATOR, Beatty Norseman. icado green, $W5. Owned for 5 ira, excellent condition. Cati Ted 0-5358. ASHER SPIN-DRYER, large tub 75; girl's princesa bed $125; 668- 14. ED COLOU RTV 25" RCA -$129 -30 jwarranty. Abat Antenne Service, Perry St., Whitby. 6684901. DASSAH JEANS SALE - new pment of Jeans, brand naines, ail as. Ona day oniy, Tuesday. May 20 ^LLAENOUS SWIMMING POOLS- M; iulacturar has an lnverilory of 1979 above ground pools tu cleai. complete witti fluter. motor. stimmer, pump, waik. around patio, fenclng. Regularty $2,295. Now $1444. cali toi frsea1. 800-265-8343 for further datails. SIDEWALK BICYCLE, 12" tram-e remnovaable atabltlzîng wheels, 3$0. Phione 655-3266. U8ED COLOUR TV 26" Eactrohoma 29 - 60 day warraniy. Abat Antenna Service, 513 Perry St., Whitby. 668- 6901. ONE ô x 10' BOX TRAILER equipped wlth eiectrlc brakes, 6,000 lb axie and aquipped wlth equalizer htch, asking $1,000; one covered snowmoble traiter 7 x 10', uaed, $300. Phono 655- 3477. SIMPLICITY GAS DRYER, excellent condition $100 or boast offer; 1 Walt gas space heater $100 or beat offer. 683-5948. FIVE VEAR OLD SUtdIEAM electric lawn mower. Asking $50. 608-2252. BATHROOM TILES, white 3 x 6 seconds, 75 square test plus 20 feot of black trim $40; complete toilet set and bathroom sink $15; 2 Inside doors 1 -24 x80, 1 -22 e80, $10 each. Apply 711 Buma St. W. or phono 668-3495. SEARS AIR COMPRESSER, 2 cylin- der 1 h.p., 120 Ibo pressure. Litre new $200. Phono 576-2032 during the day and 7286700 evaninga. ELECTRIC STOVE, excellent con. dition, GE 24" $200; soft top traiter, large add-a-roomn, cupboard, boat rack, good condition. 86101. HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS - XL 76, XL 130 and string trImmers, now ln stock. Wiide Sales 655-8010. DRAPERY TRACKS Roller Blinda, Verticals, Draperies Instalîed Guarantoe Workmanshlp Your Tracks or Ours 668-1987 579-5121 BUBBINS SIDING Aiuminum & vînyl slding, sofflit, fascia & seamîlsas alumninuin oavestroughing Installation. Free ostimates, very reasonable. Cali 686.- 1979; 10 par cent discount for senior citizena. AIJCTION SALE 0F COINS, stampa, wooden nickels, trade dollars, medais etc. et the Holiday Inn ln Oshawni, Thursday, April 24 ai 7 p.mn. Auc- tioniear Norm Marpie 623-3060. SEASONAL CAMPING, PIGE' 4 LAKE, Twin Bey Parka, RR 1i - nismore. Ontario, KOL iTO. ,$1292- 9319 weekends, 416-632-71-1 4' 632-1015. COTTAGE SPECIALS - used aiuminum door $25, also atumninumn windows varlous aizes beiow coat. Ouaiity Atumninumn Mart, 1333 Har. wood Avo., Aax. 683-2363. IMPORTED SOLID OAK CREDENZA- 72" long. Suiteblo for large entranca wey. $950- Asking $700 or beat of fer. 855-3U57. FOR SALE SPRUCE, CEDAR MAPLE, $2.00 & Up Also pine, oak, larch, lilac, rubarb, niorseraddish, peony roots, red-coat strawberry plants, ail very reasonably priced. For more infor- mation 655-4525. EERIËCED UKKEEPER BOOICKEEPER - offerhng expamman- ced bookkeeping services. Pick-up and delirvry 668-1012. WANTED Quality Control Sheet Metai Fabrication Inspector Must bo famillar wlth Iayout & deveîopmont Tool Maker - Machinisi For Jlgs - Fîxtures & Tool Maintenanco - Load Hand Position LoasIdo area Dahlstrom of Canada Limnited 421-*5900 Wo are a manufacturer of procision olectrical componen- ts sorvlclng customors world wide. We Invite skiiled tradespooplo to use their skllls to good advantage ai our Whitby location. MOLDMAKER Must bo capable of worklng on molds t0 produce small oloctrical compononts ln rubber and plastic. Experience ln dies an asset. Skllied applicants may arrange an interview by calling: Personnel Department ITT Cannon lectric Canada 4 Cannon Court Whltby, Ontario (416) 668-8881 L E!Cannon Electric LA Division of Cnd ITT Industries of Canada Lirmîted SMS.OO1HOUSAND for envelopes you mail. Postage paid. Work at homo. Age or experience no barrier. Sand name and eddress to Ms. L. J. Theobatd, 451 Miitary Trait, Unit 106, West HIi, Ontarlo, MiE 4E8. LARGE PAPER CON VERTER requiros ln-plant bench mochanic 10 service, tag and label Imprinting machines. Appilcants must have mechanicai background. Appiy 10 DennIson Manufacturing, 200 Baselina Road, BowmanvIite. I 0ACOMDTIONA ANNES à DUNLOP STREET un Whii. by - female has 2 bedroom apariment to ahare with reilabie famale $125/month plus hydro. 668-9471. WHITBY APARTNENT TO SHARE, non-amoker please, furnished. In- cludea squash, tennis, whiri pool, sauna and air condltioning. Phone 688-83. LORDA VACATION RENTAS CLEARWATER FLORîDA - six, 3 bedroom, furnished mobile per- manent) homes. Pools, tennis, shuf- f teboard, air, guif. beaches, Disney Worid. Chiidren welcome. 683-55G3. OEIESPACE DOCTORS - LAMYERS - Locate now n Ajax next boom vaes, modern air conditioned building, Raiph Ander- son Real Estate. 683-161 EFOEFRENT WHITBY - ioveiy 3 bedroomn townhouae with famiiy room plus 1-4 place and 1-2 place bath. Rani$3395m onth. Cati 688-0880 afler 6 p.m. Fitness fits ini.I CRAIO AND MATTHEW are proud to announce the birth of their baby aister, Jennifer Eyiene et Oshawa Genoral Hospital. Mother Mary Nor- ton and daughter doing weii. AUOIN SATURDAY, MAY 17, 11:00 a..par- tial property of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Back, Pickering. 'h Mile west on Durham Road, No. 4, off Brock Road. Antiques, furniture, coilectibies, tools etc. Douiton, Nippon, Limoge and hand painted china, Cranberry, depreasion mitk and other giasaware, crystai, brasa, copper, ailver and iliverpiate pleces and sets. Piano rouas, wicker planter, awagger stick, wail dlock, whatnot, gaie ieg table, buffet, dresser, o11 lampa, captain chairs, cutiery, G.E. Fridge, Viking 30" range, Mail chain saw and other tools, hand guns, hay trnives, firewood, bikes and parla, tadders, Pet cages, 78s records, accordian, end tables, picture frames, crlb, costume jewelory beda, chesterfieid and numorous other Items. Tarins cash. John Pearce Auction Services 985-7492. MORTGAGE SALE TOWNHOUSE 943 BURNS STREET WEST, NO. 14, WHITBY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained ln a certain mortgaga which wiii be produced et the turne of sale, there wiii ba offered for sale by: AUCTION ON TUES. MAY 27 AT 9:30 A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DOWNSVIEW The said property witi be offared for sale subjeci to e reserve bid and con- ditions of sale. TERMS: A deposit of 34,000.00 by cash or certifiad chaque 10 be paid ai the lime 0f sale and the balance within thirty days thereafier. For furiher parlicuiers regarding the Auciion and appoinimant for Inspec- tion appty to: DAN BURY SALES (1971) LTD. 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST, DOWNSVIEW (416) 630-5241 PUREBRED PUPPIES, '10 weeks oid, Lhofa Apfo, registered. 1 mate and 1 fomato - have had f irst shots. $200 oach. Phone 655-4459. EDYRCAE DAYCARE IN MY HOME - 'babies wetcomo". Ail fadilties for chitdran - good home environmant. Blair Park Plaza area. Please calil 668-5765. BABYSIfl'ING IN NY HOME. Any ago chlid weicome. 68"967. FORRET RENT A POOL Swlmming pool manutac- turer wlll lease and Instaîl now 1980 famlly-slzed pool complote wlth walkway, sun dock and fenclng, on a ren- taI basîs wlth option to buy. Your cholce of style. Try beforo you buyl Cal iM PERIAL POOLS toll freo 1- 800-268-5970. ROOM FOR RENT AN WHITBY, beautifuiiy decorated. 68-6529. ER:D OHOLSI TRACTO R TRAI LOR. TRAINING FOR Class A & D license cali "PARTICIPATION" 416-363-8031 day, ove. & Sat. courses yA mese from your Lng AssociatIon 723-31,51 Workîng with people Who are haiping themsivs Send Your Tax-OaductibIe Con,,bution To OXFAM-CANAOA Box1.0So Box 12.0w TORONTO WINNIPEG OTTAWA REGIN4A HALIFAX CALGARY ST JOHN*S VANCOUVER SWIMMING POOLS Factory ovorstock sale of new 1979 pools. These corne complote wlth walkaround dock, patio, fonclng, pump, motor and filtor. Rogular prîco $2400, now $1498. Cali IMPERIAL POOLS tolf ree 1-800-268- 5970. ERTRE:OIN VLE CLEARANdCE- truck'caps, now and used - ail styles. Wilde Salesý 65,5- 8010. WANTED - used boats and motors, cabin traitera and tant trallers to ba sold on consigninent. Wilde Sales. 655-8010. CLEARANCE - new and uaed boats, canoes and out board motors. Wilde Sales 655-8010. FOR SALE- used hard top tant traitera $395 and up. Wilde Sales 655- 8010. RENTALS - hard top lent traItera, 13' cabîn traiters, boat trallors, box trallers. Wilde Rentai 655-8010. 75 KAWASAKI 400 triple, two stroke $1200 or beat 0f fer. 655-4416 aak for Rues. HOFOR SAL Century 21 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. NEAR THE MEADOW 2,000 sqi.ftL sideaplîl - 20' living room, 16' main f loor famlly room. Fîreplace and walkout. 16' master bedroom wlth ensuite entrance. $78,900. wlth a 101/4% mortgage. Century 21, Gold Jacket Rlty. Ltd. Realtor 686221. INGROUND 32 x 16 HEATEO POOL, gas lampa and barbeque I ully prlvacy tencedi yard - older 1¾ storey fully detached 3 bedroom. Mature ares of Whltby. C'niy 351,900. Century 21, Gold Jacket Rity. Ltd. Realtor 688- 6221. We can't help without your help. ABILITY FUNO WORKING WITH PHYSICAL[Y DISABLED ADULTS 225 Brock St. N., Whltby 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOUI We need a few good sales people. If you are tnterasted ln satting your own achievement goals regarding Income, we now offer you an exclusive audiovisueli training programme, also, we*li encourage you toward reachîng your goals. You can be InfIated with the recuite ws cen heip you attain. You can be happy working In a professionai atinosphere whIch tends Itseif 10 efficienuy and pleesaint working conditions. Whether y.iu ara qualified ai preseit or currentiy tatr'ng or considering the government pi s-icencing couree-we want to talk 10 yout For a confidentiel parsonatinterview cati TONY KLOMPMAKER 868-6171

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