PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY. MAY 14. 19w8. WHITBY FREE PRESS I Reportfromi Queen'9s Park By GEORGE ASHE. MPP (PC-DURHAM WEST) LCBO warehouse cornes, to Whitby In conjuncion with the Provincial Government's strategy to encourage development to the east of Metropolitan Toronto, I was pleased to announce on May 5th that the Liquor Contol Board will proceed imniediately with the construction of a distribution warehouse at the corner of Wentworth Street and Boundary Road in Whitby. Originally, this project was an- nounceci in 1977, but in light of the government's restraint program, the construction schedule was delayeci somewhat. The decision to go ahead now is particularly timely because this project will help create employment in our area following the recent announcement that Firestone will close down its Whitby operation in July. Although Ontario's Ministry of Labour lias been working with Firestone to offer alternative jobs to some of the employees affecteci by the lay-off at either Firestone's Hamilton or Joliette Quebec plants, I personally do not feel this is an ideal solution to the problemn as it would mean uprooting many families in the community. Once the warehouse is fully operational, in early 1984, it will employ between 150 and 200 people, which should add some relief to the lay-off situation. In the meantime, I will continue to im- press upon the LCBO the importance of using local manpower during the construction period wherever'possible. Site preparation and construction of the building is scheduled to start in January of 1981; the LCBO will begin finalizing design plans immediately. The initial size of the building will be 305,000 square feet, and the plans will allow for expansion when necessary. Construction costs are flow estimated to be $60 million. The Region of Durham received a $1,7000,000 interest-free loan from the Province to service the industrial land where this project is to be located, as well as to service substantial additional industrial acreage. It is expected that this serviced land, plus the improved traffic linkage between WhitbY, Oshawa and beyond, undertaken by the Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications, will have an accumulative effect in promoting industrial activity on about 1,000 acres of land. I have had almost daily discussions with the Premier and various Cabinet Ministers stressing the importance of reaf- firming the Government's commitmnent to the Go East policy. I must say that the Honourable Frank Drea, Minister of Con- sumer and Commercial Relations, has provided ful cooperation and support in bringing these discussions on the LCBO distribution warehouse to a successful conclusion quickly. The approval to proceed with the LCBO distribution warehouse leaves me very optimistic about other projects planned for the area, and for the long-term vitality of our communities. înfi at-ionFighting Spe IOais, ' fresh cut. backs attacbed chicken l 8 chicken breasts .àa99 Swift Premîum brown-n-serve sausa sIl Swift Premium skinless wieners Swift Pielinlin rindiess bacon soked bolneiess i ryîvi dinner bamns Swift Peniun store slîceil chicken lbat Swift Prernium cooked ham natural for thie barbecue park spareribs lasty tender park hocks Maple Leaf golden garlicc polish sausage Ranch Style bthe peçeiii~ bologna lancy sirmniet PIM4100 p.'i since green oliir i lilli n r l1 fiets flmn. i2 Green Giant vegetables miss Mcci.assolied 4 cattood 4 Kraft assorled wiener rails Monarch flour Starkist tuna appietime Leaver mushroffms Kooi-Aid 16 11 pkg 118 pkx; 1.38 i1)2.18 11) 1.38 11) 1.28 l). .39 co 1.38 it> .95 .85 .99 .79 .55 16 oz btIs 1.49 1.39 .69 .89 .39 r j: r, Coca Cola 24 x 10 fi. oz. tins assorted Lîbby's relish 12 fi. oz. jar .49 Hostessuasort.d potato chips ________________I iI~Club House 12 39 redeem your inflation figllting coupons on these items for Maextra knock-out savings!1 Gold assorted tiavours trozen deluxe or pepperoni ice f McCain's 14 or 7 1 litre 15OZ7 1 cream cont M*6 9 pizza pkg mM McCone bomne pack Mother Parkers ce crearn cups or instant ice cream pkg cfe cones ot210 aof9ee Stafford assored sundae 25mi prepared French's 1607z mustard a or tread & bttl Rose 24I oz pickles ""7 I Fiowerdale orange pekoe 71 tea p 1149 m7 Q% bags of oo 2m pkg f ot 2535 Glad medium or large sîze freezer large 1los f bags nediuin 20s instant cbocolate drînk syrup Hershey's --l co 4 39 brown cow IIII 4 ta il 109 Coigate tooth paste 100 mL Q tube 39 121/26 tI. oz. contU contest of champions Enter Round 1 Now! tf you baveri t receîved your cbampîonsbîp book ot values in tbe mail, be sure 10 pick one up at your local Red & White Store Il's packed wîlb over $10 00 wortb ot cents-ott coupons, plus detaîls and entiy torm-s toi tbe excîtîng conlest ot cbampions' Deadlîne tor Round 1 entries is 5 00 p ni Satuîday. May 17 Enter tiow' -0l) 1,1 t: - i~i--rot CDT IV Springtime is Garden time featurinq Box plants (flowsrs & vegetubles) Geranlume (C" & 6" pots) Hanglng baskets & gardon s.eds Csrtilfld Sesd Potatoos Multiplier Dutch & Spenlsh sots Ail attractively prlcsd Look for Instore toitures on frosh produce meat marinade Faim House assorted trozen 12 oz cream pies k trieni conicentraied 100'.Fioida Old South 16 2/3 Il orange juice o cni Meitta filters îikg 83 .99 1.19 of 40.9 Milkbone smnall or mediumr 40n dog biscuits 40g 7 Lite cereal Royal Chinet 8 3" luncheon plates Royal facial tissue pkg 1.19 of 20 pk 9 0110 @6 Phîlîps 60 wat anti-insecl k light buibs pol ,2 1.39 bouse and garden 350 g Raid bug killer contî 2.991~ Off tabrîc sotener sheets Cling Free of 24,, 1.69 check for a Red & White store near you BROW1N'S FOODMASTEIR BROOkLIN 655-4521 WE ARE AGENTS FOR HOURS 8:30Oam to 6 pm Except Thurs. and F Niîghts tli 9 pm. CLOSED VICTORIA DAY MONDAY T f IPIP POPiJ bar-b-que spice . _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 P (~J. frozen concentrated 10oz549 1 lemonade Giad small sîze 49 f reezer 49 bags - ývý »Iý 118 a