Whitby Free Press, 14 May 1980, p. 8

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PAGE K. WEDNESL)AY.,IAY 14, 19 ffl, WFIITBY FREE PRESS Dais on Quebec, Fiestone & energy CONT D FROM PG. 5 for the breakup of Con- federation - lias no associates in Canada. Negotiations to even pursue sucli a proposai has no negotiators. "It is my sincere hope that the federalist forces can convey this message to the people of Quebec in this im- portant referendum cam- paign."p In that same speech, Davis did say that Ontario is prepared to -sit down and discuss constitutionai reform, providing that it would strengthen Con- federation. "This government will go anywhere and negotiate with anyone to accom- modate constitutional reform and change whidh will strengthen the capacity of Canada to better serve the regions, language groups and provinces of our nation," lie told the mem- bers of the forementioned, DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD PLACE MALL 683u6074 Trop~ical Paradise Join SHAZAM to the best tr opial paradise under the sun! Spend two action-packed weeks exploring the tropical beauty and excitement of this South Pacific Shangri La. Theres spectacular sunshîne. the blue Pacific and a natural setting- unrivaled anywhere in the world!. Corne qn your own or bring a f riend - youlI1 have the time of your lite' Twin * Cost Per Person 2 Weeks Prices in Cdn $ Departures tontreal Toronto Mday 31 929 849 July 5 999 95 Septemnhuî 13 989 949 Oc tober 25-- 9§8 9 -9 4 9 N'ovember 8 989 949 Derembe, 3 79 93 Reservations are limited on these special departures . . Cali or visit your Travel Agent today! exclusive club. "Our mi and hearts are open. Our spirit is positive anc crea tive. " In the interview, Daviç reaffirmed this statement. "We are ready to movE from the status quo. " Davis said that lie woulc like to see'a more equitablE change in the distribution oi powers between Ottawa anc the provinces. Areas where thesE changes could lie made, hE suggested, were in the area of social programs, culturE and immigration. "«I'm not adverse tc making some changes in thE Senate,'" lie said adding tli lie would like to see it madE more representative of thE provinces. Asked whether or not hi: government had any option:. or plans of action shoulc Quebec become indepen dent, Davis said no. One thing is for sure SHAZAM Holidays to Hawaii include: " Round trip air transportation from Toronto and Montreal to Honolulu via Wardair wide bodied jet " Complimentais' infliqht meals>and dri nks " A tohd leii ret fltc01 l ri val " liansteis and baqrja(le handlinq helween tihe air por t and yout hotel " Ar romrînodat ion for tourteen niqhts dit the Mîramar Hotel hdsed onr).înorrupdncy " Welr or-ne breakfaist hîîietinrj and e niter t a rnen t " Wîndjammel pl(nlr sait f rom Waikiki Bedch en route to i Darond Hedd \v.illh unc h, t se dancing music adiCoipIletiîHawaiian dri nks " Nadttie1i hidi i s nîjhtlub shov. it auheni ed-iiir ers and ( olfliiifltltdi ( Cktaiîls * tdviiii Ud dnet i h native ri'i i ' rflptliilt'iitaiy corkt ils. diid pl\ria iiltîi thedd hand ot * ti fl( iaildtildBdy htid(h paît', *ii (jdi cîumell SHA! AM "diiiîer. paît' s>. th i r îipIiriier)idr ', vine *Speo cilS>HA'/AM Tour Direcrtoi 10 * idii,ioriiri included for ail lteaitires îlot within wlking distance *Grituilies ic tuded toi dit SHA,/AM *SHAZA>.i I hiit, ear h bacj and ti ckt >ale *4 "' Hav>iiiaee %tditj Id> anid (J S depaiti ire aid>.i r uded ri<>i *n luded v i >Ask your Travel Agent for your complimentary co p of Skyt.ark*s Summer 1980 SHAZAM brochure or general InformàtJon and booking detala. 5 gent i~~~es1ey ~Sec your SkyLark SI1AZAM1Travel Ac '~or1d of Trave1 inc. 185 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Corner of Brock & Mary 668-7955 .Have Fun -.... Travel! Davis wili attempt to lead the figlit to keep Quebec within Canada and then to fight for a reformed con- stitution. llWe are very anxious to have Quebec in Con- federation." Davis, a lawyer, also poin- ted out "that there is nothing in our constitution to provide for Quebec to leave Con- federation.'. s eFIRESTONE aCLOSING PROMPTS ePROVINCIAL AID 0 Last week, the Free Press e reported that the Davis t governnient will build the e warelouse next year at a B cost of $60 million. s The government moved relatively quickly to get this 'S project moving because of d the sclieduled closing of 1- Firestone Canada's Whitby > plant on July 18. During that interview, Davis indicated that that was not ail the aid this area could expect. "We are looking at ways to expedite projects in order to create some economic ac- tivity in that area to offset Firestone's closing,"' Davis said. Recently Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore introduced a unanimously accepted motion to Durham Regional Council urging Davis to bring forward the start up dates of many, already committed, provincial projeets'including not only the warehouse but the con- struction of the new provin- cial courthouse, tIe expan- sion of the Whitby "941 C0. eFREE PHOTO 0F Psychiatric Hospital and the building of the Ministry of Revenue building in Oshawa. Davis also gave what he believed to lie the reasons for Firestone's closing. He attributed it to the fact that the North American automobile' industry was undergoing rapid changes. "What has happened is that the automotive industry is in a period of significant change," lie said. The car Ibuyer, and therefore the tire buyer lias clianged lis .purcliasing habits faster than the in- dustry lias. 111 am quite optimistic that the industry wili, in fact, corne back, that they will make the necessary adjust- ments." Davis believes that the in- dustry will soom be in a position to offer the con- sumer what he is looking for. But the auto manufactors still have to overcome their competition fromn Japan, which lie refered to as the home market's chef rivai for the car buying dollar, and the Europeans. HIS ENERGY POLICY HASN'T CHANGED. In dealing witli the automotive industry, Davis was careful to point out that the major factor,. from the consumer's viewpoint, is the price of gas. And in this respect lie again stated that there must be a domestic price for oil, lower than the world level. "There must be a price for Canada at- somnething iess /l/el4#ne" YOUR CHILD " NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR GROUPS " PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN'S PHOTOG RAPH ER " NO AGE LIMIT " WOODEN PLAQUES AVAILABLE " CHOOSE FROM FINISHED PRINTS " ADDITIONAL PRINTS AVAILABLE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES BALEYID PHARMACY &&UV YPit >MACY LMO LOCATED IN SAFEWAY PLAZA WED. MAY 2 lOam -7pm THURS MAY 22 lOam - 7pm than the worid price,"1 Davis said, however, this does flot n'ean that the price shouid flot increase. But he maintained that those price increases sliouid be phased in over a period of time. "Price increases sliould be graduai," lie said. Davis also wants a better system of distributing the money raised through the sale of oil. Despite the recent debate between Davis, the federal government and Aberta Premier Peter Lougliheed, lie blileves that what is good for one part of the country, is good for the entire country as far as a energy pricing and controi system 15 con- cerned. In that same speech, refereci to earlier as the Empire Club Davis said, "I happen to believe that if we have a fair pricing system for energy, and if we had an appropriate fiscal system in this country that ailows for the fair distribution of energy revenues throughout the economy, that Western Canada's good fortune can and should be Canada's good fortune as weil. ", The Premier indicated that Western Canada has a sizable investment in this country, Ontario was carrying the financial bur- den for a long time before the oiù issue in the form of equalization and transfer payments. Those payments helped the then and the present struggling provinces provide an acceptable level of service to their taxpayers. "The billions of dollars of equalizatiofi payments which flowed out of this province both east and west in support of Canadian provinces, where economic performance did flot provide for comparable levels of service, was an investment that Ontarions made, from their paycheques, in, the future of this country. CONT D'ON PG. 9 Action packed holidays under the Sun . The best way for under 309s to travel? Two eek fron Trono orMonrea fro$ 84 9double nrruoanro *No single supplemnent.. shared accommodation guaranteed for those travelling on their own! 3 DAYS ONLY! r 'Id «ýao'1 #iuU 1/a >J Sryai'II4d&ys are aubject to the terma and conditlons of the Gentaliniorynaton Section of the siiyLrk Hoiday' Summer/Fail 1980 brochure. USkyUrk---Q,, Laý 1 26M 1

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